Jiang Su was slightly startled when he heard what Li Hanshan said, and then couldn't hold back the smile on his lips.

He looked at Li Hanshan's most sincere expression, and understood that this was already the most solemn promise that a person like Li Hanshan could make. Li Hanshan would not do anything else, and Xie Zeli made him a sharp blade of the Demon Cult. , then he will use his sword edge for Jiang Su.

And this kind of promise...Jiang Su couldn't help thinking about it for himself, if it was him, it would be difficult to make such a promise to his friends around him. When he thought of this, the smile on his lips grew stronger. For some reason, he was almost a little smug.

"You don't have to be my sword." Jiang Su couldn't help smiling, "If I really wanted to kill someone, I wouldn't be afraid to get my hands dirty."

But when he said that, Li Hanshan felt a little lost.

"That's not what I mean." Li Hanshan muttered in a low voice, slightly dissatisfied, "I just want to do something for you, whatever I can do for you."

"You and I have almost the same martial arts." Jiang Su replied seriously, "Maybe we can be each other's sharp blade."

Li Hanshan: "..."

For the first time, Li Hanshan felt that there were people in this world who could be more puzzled than him.

The displeasure in his heart was even worse, he couldn't help being angry, and said: "I don't want you to be my sword, I want to be your sword."

Jiang Su was puzzled: "Is there any difference? Isn't it good that you and I are each other's swords?"

Li Hanshan: "..."

"If you contribute alone, it is better for you and me to benefit from each other." Jiang Su felt more and more that what he said made sense, "Look, if you and I have two swords together, who else in the world can match you and me?"

Li Hanshan: "..."

Jiang Su said seriously again: "In this case, you don't have to be my sword—"

"No." Li Hanshan immediately interrupted Jiang Su's words, raised his eyebrows and said, "I said what I said first, so it counts as I say."

Jiang Su: "But my suggestion is better..."

Li Hanshan: "If you can't do it, you can't do it!"

He was really angry, and ran to the front angrily. He couldn't help but wonder how there is such a clear-minded person as Jiang Su in this world. He regards Jiang Su as his best confidant and friend. That's why I want to do what I can for Jiang Su.

But what about Jiang Su?

Jiang Su just wanted to reject him.

The more Li Hanshan thought about it, the angrier he became, but Jiang Su didn't understand why he was angry. Seeing him suddenly galloping forward, he also speeded up, causing the horse to run to him, and asked, "Are you angry?"

Li Hanshan: "No."

Jiang Su: "Why are you angry?"

Li Hanshan: "I haven't."

Jiang Su: "Nonsense, you are obviously angry."

Li Hanshan: "I said it, but I didn't."

Jiang Su frowned.

Judging from his many years of experience, he felt that Li Hanshan was definitely angry, but he really couldn't figure out why Li Hanshan was angry, so he could only cautiously probe with Li Hanshan, saying: "Okay, I don't plan to combine swords with you. "

Li Hanshan: "Oh."

Jiang Su: "You should be my sword."

Li Hanshan: "..."

The anger in Li Hanshan's heart eased slightly, and he even looked back at Jiang Su,

"But I also want to be someone else's sword." Jiang Su hesitated, "How about this, you and I are alone for a day, today I will help you kill, and tomorrow you will help me stand out, mutual benefit and reciprocity, everyone is very happy."

Li Hanshan: "..."

Li Hanshan became angry with Jiang Su for the first time since he had known Jiang Su for so long.

"I'm not angry." Li Hanshan gritted his teeth, "You can do whatever you like, don't ask me!"

Jiang Su: "..."

Isn't this just angry!

He followed behind Li Hanshan, thinking hard about the countermeasures to make Li Hanshan happy. Before he knew it, they had already entered Changning City and walked to Linlang Pavilion.

Li Hanshan got off his horse, he had already returned to his previous expression, and he couldn't tell whether he was happy or unhappy. He thought about it, but couldn't help sighing, and said to Li Hanshan, "I'm not very good at talking—"

It just so happened that Lu Jiuzhu came back from Linlang Pavilion and bumped into the two of them. Hearing what Jiang Su said, he almost answered, "It's a lie when you hear it."

Jiang Su: "..."

Li Hanshan: "..."

"If you can't speak, then who can speak." Lu Jiu couldn't stop muttering, "That small talker, if it wasn't for your high martial arts skills, you wouldn't even live to be twenty years old."

Jiang Su: "..."

Jiang Su looked at Lu Jiu.

"If you say a few more words, I can stop you in your twenties now." Jiang Su raised his eyebrows, "How about it? Want to try it?"

Lu Jiu shut up.

Life matters, only fools would quarrel with people like Jiang Su.

He slipped into Linlang Pavilion, and Li Hanshan looked at his back and couldn't help but ask, "Master Bai let him go free?"

Jiang Su also felt a little strange.

Lu Jiu stayed in the Bai family, and Bai Yusheng promised to protect him, but even so, Lu Jiu could only be regarded as a prisoner of the Bai family, how could he come in and out so freely?

Besides, didn't Bai Yusheng say he wanted to protect Lu Jiu? Lu Jiudu ran out alone on crutches? What kind of protection is this?

At the beginning, Jiang Su personally persuaded Lu Jiu to tell the clues of the owner of the ghost city, which means that he also promised Lu Jiu that the Bai family would protect him. In this case, if something happened to Lu Jiu, Jiang Su I can't even forgive myself.

Without any hesitation, he immediately followed Lu Jiu's footsteps, couldn't wait to stop Lu Jiu, and said seriously, "You came out alone? Where's Young Master Bai?"

Lu Jiu looked confused: "Huh?"

"Let him follow you." Jiang Su said, "It's dangerous for you to go out alone. Let Young Master Bai follow you. If anything happens, he can protect you."

Lu Jiu: "In broad daylight, I'm a man—"

"These days, it's dangerous for men to walk on the road in broad daylight." Jiang Su interrupted Lu Jiu's words and said seriously, "Lu Jiu, since I promised you, I won't let you be in danger, go, I'll take you Go see Young Master Bai."

Lu Jiu was unwilling, but he didn't dare to reject Jiang Su. He was almost dragged to Bai Yusheng's side. Seeing Bai Yusheng and others drinking tea and chatting together. There were so many people here, he thought he could escape. After a catastrophe, Jiang Su should be able to restrain himself a little.

But he didn't expect Jiang Su to look left and right. Instead, he became more interested. He felt that now is a good time to let Bai Yusheng realize his mistake, so he stepped forward, spoke in front of Fu Wenxiao and others, and taught Bai Yusheng a serious lesson: "Master Bai, how can you let Lu Jiu go out alone?"

Bai Yusheng was taken aback by his inexplicable question: "What?"

"Lu Jiu is injured, and someone wants to kill him. He is walking on the street alone, what if he meets a gangster?" Jiang Su sighed, "Master Bai, did you say that you will be responsible for Lu Jiu?" of."

"He doesn't let me keep anyone by his side, and he doesn't tell me when he wants to go out." Bai Yusheng was a little confused for a while, and said speechlessly, "I'm not his follower, how do I know when he wants to go out."

Jiang Su frowned and said, "If he doesn't say anything, won't you take the initiative?"

Bai Yusheng: "I..."

"You promised him everything." Jiang Su said seriously, "You will be responsible to him for the rest of your life!"

Bai Yusheng: "..."

Fang Yuanluo choked on a sip of tea, he always felt that there seemed to be something wrong with Jiang Su's words, and Lu Jiu was even more stunned, and after a while, he almost jumped up from his spot and shouted, saying: "Don't talk nonsense!"

Jiang Su: "I didn't talk nonsense."

Bai Yusheng covered his face.

Lu Jiu: "You're dead... No matter how you look at it, everyone is wrong!"

Jiang Su didn't understand what Lu Jiu meant.

He could only frown, trying to explain his thoughts, and said, "I'm not a broken sleeve."

Lu Jiu snorted coldly: "You are not Duanxiu, who else is Duanxiu?"

"You, the whole ghost city knows that you are a Duanxiu." Jiang Su raised his eyebrows, "It's still a Duanxiu that you can't ask for."

Lu Jiu: "..."

Hua Shiqing: "..."

Jiang Su waved his hand, anyway, he had already explained his purpose of coming, and he had other things to do, so he stopped talking to a few people, waved his hand, and finally gave Bai Yusheng a request: "Young Master Bai, do your best. The promises made must be counted.”

Bai Yusheng: "I will..."

He was afraid that if he said one more word, Jiang Su would beat his sleeves to pieces, so he could only nod his head seriously, and then watched Jiang Su go out. He just breathed a sigh of relief, but Fang Yuanluo suddenly stood up, casually Leaving aside an excuse of urinating, he ran out in a hurry.

Everyone knew that he was going to find Jiang Su.

Fang Yuanluo ran out the door, following in Jiang Su's footsteps, and wanted to find another suggestion with Jiang Su to pursue Fu Wenxiao, but just after catching up, he heard Jiang Su talking to Li Hanshan.

"I was wrong." Jiang Su said, "If you want to be my sword, then be it. Don't be one person for a day. I won't fight with you. I will give it to you every day, okay?"

Li Hanshan: "..."

Li Hanshan obviously felt that Jiang Su didn't understand what he meant, so he just frowned and said, "I regard you as my best friend..."

Jiang Su nodded and said, "I know."

"If it were someone else, I wouldn't want to be his sword." The more Li Hanshan thought about it, the more he felt aggrieved, "But you still want to fight with me, what two swords match, I don't want to match your two swords."

Jiang Su: "My fault, my fault..."

Before he finished speaking, he heard Fang Yuanluo's footsteps, and turned his head to look at Fang Yuanluo who was rushing over.

Fang Yuanluo paused, keeping his movements rigid and motionless, but opened his eyes wide, looking at Jiang Su and Li Hanshan in disbelief.

Jiang Su frowned and asked, "What's wrong with you? Have you done acupuncture?"

"You... so you have... already made it to this point?" Fang Yuanluo was silent for a long time, and suddenly felt very frustrated, "In the end, I was the only one walking in place... I have learned to read and write for so long, but Master Fu still doesn't like it I."

Jiang Su automatically ignored the first half of Fang Yuanluo's words, only thinking that he was here to seek the secret of love. He thought about the loss of popularity on Hua Shiqing's body, Fang Yuanluo's eyes were shining at this moment, Jiang Su Nodding hurriedly, he said, "Vice Chief Fang, don't worry! I'll help you find a way!"

He was full of enthusiasm, thinking that the matter would be eased, and Fang Yuanluo's marriage was what he was most anxious about at the moment. He hurried forward, eager to ask Fang Yuanluo's current situation, and then wished to give advice to Fang Yuanluo immediately.

Li Hanshan was just a few steps away, and he felt a little uncomfortable.

He had just returned to Linlang Pavilion, and his conversation with Jiang Su had been interrupted several times. He didn't understand why Jiang Su always cared so much about other people's marriages. He was unhappy. Looking at Jiang Su and Fang Yuanluo again The conversation was lively, but in this Linlang Pavilion, he had nowhere to go, and he was worried that if Jiang Su couldn't find him later, he could only find a place to sit aside, just like in the Demon Cult camp just now , picked up a branch, and continued to draw his circle.

The more he painted, the more depressed he felt in his heart. He had never felt this emotion in the past twenty years. He couldn't figure out what it was like. When he heard footsteps behind him, he looked back, It was Hua Shiqing who was still staying in Linlang Pavilion temporarily.

Hua Shiqing was still a little afraid of him, so he greeted him cautiously, and then looked at Jiang Su and Fang Yuanluo who were chatting enthusiastically not far away, and seemed to understand it in his heart, couldn't help smiling, and said to Li Hanshan : "Young master, why don't you go there?"

Li Hanshan frowned and said, "It has nothing to do with me."

"Of course it has something to do with it." Hua Shiqing said, "How can Jiang Shaoxia's matter have nothing to do with the young master?"

Hearing what Hua Shiqing said, Li Hanshan thought that Hua Shiqing was just like other people, and misunderstood his relationship with Jiang Su. He knew that Jiang Su didn't like others like this, so he took the initiative to explain, saying: "He and I are not— "

"Whether it's not important now." Hua Shiqing boldly interrupted Li Hanshan's words, and said, "The important thing is, if not, will the young master feel a little sad?"

Li Hanshan: "...What do you mean?"

What is right or wrong is giving him a headache.

"Are the young master and Jiang Shaoxia friends, or are they just friends?" Hua Shiqing thought for a while, and then said, "A friend can have a second or a third. With Jiang Shaoxia's temperament and character, his friends will never be too few. .”

This is another matter that makes Li Hanshan extremely upset.

Jiang Su has too many friends, and he always feels that he is just a dispensable one among them. Even without him, Jiang Su can have other friends who are close friends, but he only has Jiang Su.

Every time he thinks about this, he can't help but feel tightness in his chest, and a strange emotion grows in his heart, but he doesn't know what it feels like, and he doesn't even dare to tell Jiang Su about it, after all, he sees When you are with other people, you have never seen anyone who feels unhappy because of having many friends.

"I dare not speak nonsense." Hua Shiqing whispered, "But the young master has never thought that friends will never be the only ones."

Li Hanshan: "..."

Li Hanshan turned his head slightly and looked at Jiang Su.

Jiang Su was seriously talking to Fang Yuanluo about his only one love advice, and he had almost uttered the two words of contrast, but he still insisted on digging out something new from it, and the two got together , they were too close, and Li Hanshan felt suffocated and bored.

Hua Shiqing saw that his expression changed slightly, and followed his gaze to look at Jiang Su. With just one glance, he felt that he understood. After thinking for a while, he decided to speak up.

"The young master and Jiang Shaoxia saved me, I should have repaid the kindness of the two of you." Hua Shiqing said, "If the young master is willing to listen, I can explain the confusion for the young master."

Li Hanshan turned back to look at him, and asked in doubt: "To solve the confusion? To solve the confusion?"

Hua Shiqing just stretched out his hand and pointed to Li Hanshan's heart.

"To solve the confusion in your heart." Hua Shiqing said, "Young master, you are jealous."

Li Hanshan: "..."

Hua Shiqing stopped talking, he saluted Li Hanshan, then turned to Jiang Su and Fang Yuanluo, and said politely: "Jiang Shaoxia, I heard what you said to Vice-Clan Leader Fang."

Jiang Su had already noticed that Hua Shiqing was standing next to Li Hanshan, but he felt that Hua Shiqing seemed to be a master in terms of emotions. He had once pointed out Fang Yuanluo's doubts in his heart, so he never shy away from Hua Shiqing. He even hoped that Hua Shiqing could think of some way for them to break Fang Yuanluo's current impasse.

According to Fang Yuanluo, Fu Wenxiao seemed to be a little impatient with teaching him to read and write.

Fang Yuanluo's progress is too slow, and he always makes mistakes in strange places. He can never write these three words correctly. Su, please Jiang Su think of another way for him.

Jiang Su thought hard, and even wanted to mask his face and pretend to be a gangster, so that the hero Fang Yuanluo could save the beauty, but Hua Shiqing couldn't laugh or cry, and was extremely helpless and said something to Fang Yuanluo.

"Vice Chief Fang, I told you." Hua Shiqing said, "Master Fu wants you to write his name correctly because he hopes that in your heart, the three words 'Fu Wenxiao' can be different from others."

Fang Yuanluo wanted to speak up immediately, and said, "Of course he is different! He is in my heart, can he be the same as everyone else!"

"But Miracle Doctor Fu doesn't know." Hua Shiqing said, "Did Deputy Chief Fang say this to Miracle Doctor Fu?"

Fang Yuanluo: "This..."

"If you don't tell me, how can Master Fu know what you are thinking?" Hua Shiqing said, "Even if he senses that you are different from him, but if you don't speak, according to Master Fu's temperament, he may wait forever looking at you."

Only then did Jiang Su suddenly realize that with Fang Yuanluo, he had used the wrong method.

At the beginning, he talked about using Lou Yan's straight ball, and the effect of the straight ball was really good. Even if Xie Zeli is still angry when he sees Lou Yan now, at least the two of them already have a substantial relationship, which is also a great improvement!

Jiang Su nodded seriously, agreeing with Hua Shiqing's words.

"Young Master Hua is right." Jiang Su patted Fang Yuanluo's shoulder vigorously, "Everything is ready! You just need to speak directly to Master Fu!"

Fang Yuanluo felt a little guilty: "I... But... Is it really okay to say it now?"

"If you wait until everything is ready, I'm afraid it will be too late." Hua Shiqing said, "According to my observation, Master Fu has only been in Linlang Pavilion for a few days, and there are at least three servant girls and a servant in the pavilion secretly envious of him—"

Fang Yuanluo: "..."

Fang Yuanluo stood up without saying a word, even though his voice was still trembling with nervousness, he patted his chest hard and said loudly: "I'm going! Wait for my good news!"

Jiang Su nodded, encouraging him.

Of course, we have to wait for the good news from Fang Yuanluo, he is still waiting for the moment when his popularity value will increase.

Seeing Fang Yuanluo turning around, Jiang Su stood there thinking for a moment, still a little uneasy, so he wanted to follow Fang Yuanluo to see the situation, even if he hid from a distance and glanced at it, he turned and looked at Li Han Shan wanted Li Hanshan to go with him, so he hastily followed Fang Yuanluo's pace, and shouted, "Vice Chief Fang, I'm here to cheer you up!"

Li Hanshan: "..."

Hua Shiqing laughed. Seeing Li Hanshan approaching, he couldn't help saying: "Jiang Shaoxia regards other people's emotions so important, but he doesn't seem to be aware of his own."

Li Hanshan: "..."

Li Hanshan grabbed Hua Shiqing's arm.

Hua Shiqing was taken aback, and nervously wanted to push Li Hanshan's hand away, but Li Hanshan lowered his voice, as if he was a little embarrassed, but still insisted on speaking, and asked, "Hua Shiqing, according to your observation, the Linlang Pavilion ...How many people like Jiang Su?"

Hua Shiqing was obviously taken aback, as if he hesitated for a long time before finally regaining consciousness.

"This...young master, this is too much." Hua Shiqing said in a low voice, "Jiang Shaoxia's face... I think in this Jianghu, there are countless people who like him, right?"

Li Hanshan: "..."

"If Jiang Shaoxia is not the number one swordsman in Jianghu, I'm afraid there will be more people watching him." Hua Shiqing said, "There are only a lot of people in this world who admire beautiful women."

Li Hanshan: "..."

"Jiang Shaoxia seems to have never noticed it, or he may be pretending to be confused." Hua Shiqing thought for a while, and then said, "But among those who admire him, there are no fewer people with malicious intentions. There will inevitably be times when you miss—"

Li Hanshan also got up.

When Hua Shiqing said these words just now, many people had already flashed in front of his eyes.

Zhang Wenxue, Qi Du, Sheng Hechen... and even Xie Zeli before being fed with tears.

On that day, if Jiang Su's reaction was a little slower and he didn't succeed in snatching Ren Leiyin away, then today...Jiang Su probably wouldn't quarrel with him in such a single-minded manner today.

He even forgot to thank Hua Shiqing, and he couldn't wait to follow Jiang Su's footsteps immediately.

It doesn't matter if Jiang Su doesn't accept it or admit it, he must stay by Jiang Su's side.

Jiang Su couldn't detect it himself, so he had to take his own responsibility and keep out all those who were spying on Jiang Su with evil intentions. At least, he wanted to protect Jiang Su's safety.

He caught up with Jiang Su with light work, but saw Jiang Su squatting on the top of a tree in Linlang Pavilion Garden, staring closely at the rockery not far away.

Li Hanshan also jumped up the treetops and stopped beside Jiang Su. Before he could speak, Jiang Su motioned him to keep silent, then raised his hand to point to Fang Yuanluo and Fu Wenxiao beside the rockery, signaling him to take a good look.

The two people under the rockery seemed to be very close.

Li Hanshan's heart beat slightly, and only now did he realize that he and Jiang Su were also very close.

Only within easy reach.

As long as he stretches out his hand, he can wrap his arms around Jiang Su's shoulder—

But the next moment, he heard Lu Jiu swearing and walking all the way, followed by the helpless Bai Yusheng, a few words of quarrel scared Fang Yuanluo to jump up on the spot, before he had time to react to the sudden appearance of Lu Jiu and Bai Yusheng Responding, he suddenly saw several masked assassins descending from the sky, as if he had finally spotted the absence of Jiang Su and Li Hanshan, and went straight to Lu Jiu.

Lu Jiu trembled in fright, leaning on crutches to escape, but he can't use lightness kung fu now, how can he escape?

However, Bai Yusheng's martial arts were not very good, he couldn't protect Lu Jiu, so he could only yell, wanting the guards to step forward, Fang Yuanluo saw this, and rushed forward without saying a word, but the opponent was so crowded, All of a sudden, danger arose.

Jiang Su stood up from the treetop.

What are you doing, what are these people going to do to his popularity! !

no! Fang Yuanluo cannot be injured!

Seeing that Fang Yuanluo and Fu Wenxiao were about to get married, if Fang Yuanluo was injured at this time, wouldn't he have done it for nothing in March!

Jiang Su raised his sword, showing his murderous aura and menacing aura.

These bastards! he wants-

Li Hanshan rushed down.

If you break his good deeds, you will break his good deeds!