Jiang Su felt that, for some reason, Li Hanshan seemed to be more angry than him.

Li Hanshan seemed to want to cut those people into pieces. If Jiang Su hadn't told him to keep alive, he might really have killed them all.

There are only a few assassins below, but they gained the upper hand because of the large number of people. Now that Li Hanshan and Jiang Su suddenly appeared, it would be difficult for them to get any advantage from them.

But Fang Yuanluo was still slightly injured. Jiang Su saw it for him. The wound was not too serious and should not affect Fang Yuanluo's martial arts ranking. Fu Wenxiao was extremely worried. Take out a white scarf to bandage Fang Yuanluo to stop the bleeding.

Fang Yuanluo was flattered.

As for those assassins, last time they came to assassinate Lu Jiu, they tried to commit suicide when they were about to be caught, so they didn't even catch a single one alive. These few people asked about the situation of the people behind the scenes, but no matter what he said, no one was willing to speak.

Jiang Su felt that Bai Yusheng was simply wasting his efforts.

These are all people organized by killers, and they have long put their own lives aside. Naturally, it is impossible to leak information about their employers. In other words, based on Jiang Su's understanding of their organization, it is impossible for these little guys to know who the employer behind the scenes is. who.

If a well-known expert came, they might be able to ask for information, but their leader didn't even bother to send out an expert. Lu Jiu's list was obviously not taken seriously among them. Jiang Su felt that if he wanted to get clues from these people, Almost impossible.

He was thinking about another thing.

Why did these assassins come to assassinate Lu Jiu?

Jiang Su felt very strange.

When the assassins came to assassinate Lu Jiu last time, Lu Jiu hadn't told them everything he knew. That assassination could be interpreted as murder to silence them, preventing Lu Jiu from telling them everything he knew.

But now Lu Jiu has already said everything. Jiang Su and Li Hanshan still made such a big commotion in the ghost market. , Jiang Su doesn't believe this person doesn't know.

That being the case, is there really any point in assassinating Lu Jiu?

After thinking about it, Jiang Su only felt that there were several possibilities.

If it wasn't for that person's strong desire for revenge, knowing that Lu Jiu revealed his news, and wanting to take revenge on Lu Jiu in anger, it should be that Lu Jiu should know some information related to this person's identity, and Lu Jiu himself forgot to tell him they said.

He felt that the probability of the former was too low. If it was because this person had a strong desire for revenge, then Jiang Su should be the first to take revenge.

After all, the key is in Jiang Su's hands now, that person is not in a hurry to grab the key, but went to seek revenge on Lu Jiu first, which is unreasonable no matter how you think about it, so Jiang Su asked Bai Yusheng to kill those assassins first. After pushing down, he pulled a few people and wanted to have a detailed talk with them about this matter.

It's a pity that Fu Wenxiao only had Fang Yuanluo's wound in his heart, he didn't want to stay here any longer, so he pulled Fang Yuanluo up to leave, and only said that he would come back after bandaging Fang Yuanluo's wound.

Fang Yuanluo's whole body seemed to be in the clouds, fluttering and flickering, so naturally he didn't refute, and followed Fu Wenxiao away foolishly.

Jiang Su was very satisfied.

As far as Fu Wenxiao and Fang Yuanluo's progress is concerned, he firmly believes that it won't be long before the two will finally get married.

Besides, to discuss this kind of thing, as long as Lu Jiu is there, it doesn't matter where the others go. He wished that Fang Yuanluo would hurry up and cultivate a relationship with Fu Wenxiao. When he watched the two leave, he couldn't help but give Fang Yuan Luo gave a cheering look.

Success or failure depends on today, Fang Yuanluo, you can!

Jiang Su changed places with Bai Yusheng and others, and waited until there were no more unrelated people around, then he explained his thoughts just now and raised his doubts to Lu Jiu.

"Things are over, and he still wants to kill you." Jiang Su frowned and said, "Think about it carefully, do you still have any clues that can directly identify the identity of that person."

Lu Jiu was completely at a loss, and didn't know how to respond.

He thought about the whole thing carefully, but because of Hua Shiqing's Gu poison, he couldn't remember many things that happened at that time. Whenever he wanted to think about it carefully, he felt a splitting headache. For a moment, he couldn't think of anything.

Jiang Su had no choice but to ask Hua Shiqing to come and help.

When Hua Shiqing arrived here, Lu Jiu had been thinking hard for a long time, but he was still confused and couldn't think of anything.

Jiang Su asked Hua Shiqing worriedly: "Is he like this... normal?"

Hua Shiqing was also a little at a loss, and could only shake his head, expressing that he didn't know either.

After all, he is a self-taught voodoo. Before that, he had never successfully placed love voodoo on other people. He didn't know what would happen to the person who was caught in love voodoo. Now that Lu Jiu is like this...he doesn't know what to do.

Bai Yusheng sighed, and said, "Why don't you invite Master Fu over to have a look."

"Fu Miracle Doctor is not good at Gu poison." Lu Jiu sighed, "I have already asked him these few days."

It was so easy to have such a clue in front of them, but because of this kind of thing, they couldn't continue to pursue it. Everyone was a little disheartened, but Jiang Su, on the contrary, suddenly thought of an excellent solution.

Lu Jiu couldn't remember what happened at that time because he solved the love gu, so if the love gu was not solved, wouldn't Lu Jiu be able to remember it?

Jiang Su turned his head to look at Hua Shiqing, and proposed his own method.

"Where's your big bug, is it still there?" Jiang Su said, "Feed him."

Lu Jiu: "..."

Hua Shiqing: "..."

Lu Jiu shouted: "What do you want! Don't come here!"

Jiang Su thought very simply.

Now that he can't remember after unlocking the love gu, wouldn't it be good to plant it on him again!

What a simple matter! Why bother!

Hua Shiqing stood there hesitating, a little at a loss, this voodoo is not a good thing after all, he didn't know whether he should do what Jiang Su said, let alone Lu Jiu's violent reaction to the big bug, life and death He didn't want to let Hua Shiqing get close.

But among the few people present, Li Hanshan was not interested in this matter, and Bai Yusheng simply felt that this was an excellent solution. Anyway, the poison did not seem to be harmful to the body. After the devotion, Lu Jiu was alive and well. Apart from some small details that happened in the past, there is nothing wrong with it. Even if you can't remember what happened back then, it won't cause too much harm to Lu Jiu's body.

Jiang Su even spoke directly to persuade.

"Lu Jiu, have you thought about it?" Jiang Su said, "That man tried every means to assassinate you because he was worried that you would tell the matter, but if you had already said it, he would naturally have no need to kill you again .”

"All of this is just your speculation." Lu Jiu retorted vigorously, "Maybe it's just that the killer organization is more dedicated, and they have to chase me down before I die?"

"You don't understand the market at first glance. The first assassination failed, and Jiang Shaoxia is protecting you. In this case, he must increase the money." Bai Yusheng muttered, "That person will increase the money and continue to kill you. What else can happen?"

Lu Jiu raised his eyebrows: "Why are you so clear about the market?"

Jiang Su couldn't help asking, "How do you know the market so well?"

Bai Yusheng: "..."

But what Bai Yusheng and Jiang Su said was not wrong. If he could really remember that incident, he might be able to escape.

He closed his eyes, stretched out his hand to Hua Shiqing, summoned up his courage and said resolutely, "Come on."

Hua Shiqing: "..."

Hua Shiqing had no choice but to stretch out his hand and hold Lu Jiu's hand. After a while, he let go of his hand, stepped back a few steps, and said to Jiang Su, "It's done."

Jiang Su looked at Lu Jiu and felt that Lu Jiu hadn't changed.

The last time he unraveled the Gu, he still saw a big bug crawling out of Lu Jiu's sleeve, but this time he didn't see anything, he couldn't help frowning, and asked Chi Chi: "Is it really good?"

Before the words finished, Lu Jiu slowly opened his eyes.

Lu Jiu looked confused, looking left and right, as if he didn't know why he was here, but in the end he still set his eyes on Hua Shiqing, his eyes suddenly became hot, he wished he could walk forward immediately, and hurriedly called out: "Clear!"

Hua Shiqing: "..."

Jiang Su: "..."

The effect of this Gu... is a bit too vigorous.

Jiang Su stopped Lu Jiu, frowned and asked him, "Do you still remember what I want you to do?"

"Of course I remember, you want me to think about the employer." Lu Jiu said seriously, "But this matter is not important, Qingqing, we haven't talked properly for a long time!"

He just wanted to rush to Hua Shiqing's side, so that he could have a romantic relationship with Hua Shiqing, but Jiang Su pinched his arm, pulled him away for a few steps, and pressed him on the grand teacher's chair beside him, looking at him coldly , Said: "You think for me."

Lu Jiu: "I can't think of it, I have to kiss Qingqing before I can think about it."

Hua Shiqing: "..."

Jiang Su: "..."

Bai Yusheng murmured in a low voice, "Tsk...if this medicinal effect is sold, it will be worth a lot."

Jiang Su silently drew his sword.

Lu Jiu: "It's useless for you to draw your sword, Qingqing, mua~...ah!"

Jiang Su had already knocked on the splint of Lu Jiu's injured leg with the hilt of his sword. The pain caused Lu Jiu to cry out, and his face turned pale. Jiang Su continued to draw his sword, pointed at Lu Jiu's leg, and asked seriously : "Do you want to become a **** in front of your Qingqing?"

Lu Jiu: "..."

Hua Shiqing: "..."

Bai Yusheng: "..."

Is this man really a knight of righteousness?

Lu Jiu closed his eyes and seriously thought about what happened back then.

It's strange to say that after he fell into this love gu again, although it was difficult for him to suppress the fire-like love for Hua Shiqing in his heart, he did remember many things that he no longer remembered.

He didn't know who the employer behind this incident was. He had never met that person, and all contacts were made by the fake ghost city owner. And he felt that there was only one clue that might be related to the identity of that person.

That person is really familiar with the situation of the Bai family.

Before he entered Bai's house, the man had asked the owner of the Ghost City to hand over a map to him, which clearly stated the situation in Bai's mansion one by one, told him that the key was in the dark compartment of Master Bai's study, and even thought about it for him. Now that it was time for the theft, he took the initiative to tell Lu Jiu that no one would come to Master Bai's study at such a time.

But based on these clues alone, Jiang Su couldn't draw clues about the identity of the people behind the scenes. The White Mansion is a big mansion anyway, and there are probably hundreds of people who are familiar with the internal situation of the White Mansion. As for How did the man know where the key was...

If someone has a heart, lurks into the Bai Mansion and stays for a while, or buys the trusted confidant of the Bai Family, put in some thought, and it won't be long before you should be able to figure out the approximate location of the key.

All in all, this clue is not very useful, and there are too many suspects in the end, it is difficult for him to determine who is really suspicious.

Bai Yusheng was still recalling the situation at that time, and said with a frown: "At that time, the Wulin League was visiting my house, and my father should be drinking tea with Master Sheng."

Well, the suspect should be very aware of the situation of the Wulin League.

"But just based on these clues..." Bai Yusheng was very puzzled, "Jiang Shaoxia, have you ever thought of someone?"

Jiang Su shook his head.

He still felt that they had missed some clues. If this person insisted on killing Lu Jiu, it was equivalent to saying that this clue was definitely enough to reveal his identity.

But other than that, Lu Jiu couldn't think of anything else, and Bai Yusheng could only guess, maybe it was because this person acted too cautiously, so he didn't even want to reveal such a small clue to the outside world.

This explanation is too forced, Jiang Su is not convinced, but now it can only be so. He asked Bai Yusheng to write back to the White Mansion, and then asked about the situation that day in detail, which also made people prepare pens, inks, papers and inkstones , he also wanted to write a letter to Sheng Hechen, asking Sheng Hechen to recall what happened in the White Mansion that day.

He thought that if many people recalled, they could always find some different clues, which might give him some inspiration and let him think clearly about what was going on.

Hua Shiqing stood aside awkwardly, and after tossing all this, Jiang Su finally looked at Lu Jiu who was full of affection in his eyes.

He still pointed the sword between Lu Jiu's legs, which made Lu Jiu so frightened that he didn't dare to move at all, and then he asked Hua Shiqing to come forward and relieve Lu Jiu of the Gu.

Lu Jiu looked dazed for a moment, then suddenly came back to his senses, retreated hastily, and shouted at Jiang Su: "What are you doing!"

Seeing that he had returned to normal, Jiang Su put his sword back into its sheath, and said calmly, "Let you calm down."

"What calmness!" Lu Jiu was annoyed, "I'm about to break out in a cold sweat!"

Jiang Su was busy writing letters to Sheng Hechen, and didn't bother to pay attention to Lu Jiu for a moment, and said, "Don't worry, my hand is very steady."

"What if it's unstable?" Lu Jiu gritted his teeth, "As long as you slip with one hand, wouldn't I become a useless person!"

"Young Master Bai said that he will be responsible for the rest of your life." Jiang Su hurriedly turned around, "If you have something to do, go ahead and talk about it later."

Bai Yusheng: "..."

Lu Jiu: "..."

Several people watched Jiang Su turn his head and leave, and Li Hanshan hurriedly followed. After a while, Bai Yusheng murmured, "When did I say that..."

Jiang Su hurried back to his room, wrote a letter to Sheng Hechen in a hurry, and ordered the letter to be mailed. Looking at the time again, it was getting late, but he hadn't had time to eat yet.

Fortunately, they are distinguished guests in Linlang Pavilion, and the Bai family's hospitality has always been expensive. As long as they are hungry, they can order from the servants, and the food and drinks will be served in a short time.

Jiang Su took Li Hanshan to have dinner together, and when he was finally free, he remembered that Li Hanshan was angry today, and at this time, holding the bowl and chopsticks, he asked cautiously: "You...why are you angry today? "

Li Hanshan: "..."

Li Hanshan didn't expect that with so many troubles going around today, he would finally come back to this question.

He sighed, and didn't know how to explain it to Jiang Su. Today, Hua Shiqing woke up the dreamer with a word. He seemed to have finally clarified his feelings for Jiang Su. This kind of idea of ​​wanting to possess everything from the other party should never be It is available among friends.

He has always been slow in his feelings, but he didn't realize it until today, and he...he didn't know how to let Jiang Su understand this matter at all.

Li Hanshan knew that Jiang Su had no other thoughts about him, he just regarded him as a close friend. He thought about what Jiang Su said to He Lingcheng that day. Being able to hide these thoughts for the time being, and even being unable to speak out.

Could it be... he really has to wait for twenty years?

Seeing that Li Hanshan didn't speak, Jiang Su thought that Li Hanshan was still angry, and he couldn't figure out where Li Hanshan's anger was at all, so he could only sigh and said: "It's easy to offend people when I talk, if I make you angry —”

"Not angry." Li Hanshan interrupted Jiang Su, "How could I be angry with you."

Jiang Su: "...Are you serious?"

Li Hanshan nodded seriously.

Jiang Su breathed a sigh of relief, nodded, looked at the dishes on the table, he even took the initiative to serve Li Hanshan with food, and couldn't hold back the smile on his face, wishing to pour all the dishes on the table into Li Hanshan's bowl .

Although Li Hanshan has been poisoned by He Lingcheng's tonic soup for a long time, and he can drink all of them without expression, there is still something he doesn't like.

Several of the things Jiang Su put into his bowl were things he didn't like to eat.

But so what?

This was done by Jiang Su, and Jiang Su still had such a nice smile.

It's just green onion and coriander, even if it's poison, wine and poison, he can swallow it with his eyes closed!

Li Hanshan picked up the chopsticks and was about to pick rice into his mouth, but he saw Jiang Su stood up, smiling even more, as if he remembered something extremely happy.

Li Hanshan was taken aback by his actions, and was a little puzzled, asking, "What's wrong with you?"

Jiang Su waved his hand, he didn't want to answer at first, but he sat down laughingly, but he couldn't bear it anymore, so he leaned into Li Hanshan's ear, and said, "I think Deputy Chief Fang and Doctor Fu should be done."

Li Hanshan was puzzled: "How do you know?"

Jiang Su replied: "It's just a guess."

Of course he does.

At this moment, there are a few lines of large characters floating in front of his eyes, indicating the success of Fang Yuanluo and Fu Wenxiao's love affair, and Fang Yuanluo still maintains his martial arts ranking in the top 100 in the world, successfully adding a full ten points of popularity to Jiang Su.

Jiang Su was very happy.

During this period of time, everything he experienced can almost be described as ups and downs. It was so miserable that he didn't want to recall it. However, after such a long time, he finally experienced another good thing.

He breathed a sigh of relief, and in a blink of an eye, the system finally updated the rewards for the golden words of love.

That's great, if he doesn't come up with new ones, he won't be able to make it up anymore. Everything is contrasting and cute, and he finds it boring to talk about it.

"2. In front of TA, you always have to express your weak side, so that TA can understand that TA can also become your big tree that shelters you from wind and rain.

When expressing weakness, proper physical contact can strengthen this effect! "

Jiang Su was taken aback, thinking that this one...he didn't seem to need it at all.

Express weakness? What is weak? Among the few couples he can match now, except for Hua Shiqing, there is no one who is weak, right?

It seems that it still depends on the contrast.

Those who win the contrast win the world!

On the second day, Jiang Su deliberately finished his sword practice early, and then rushed to find Fang Yuanluo, wanting to ask about his and Fu Wenxiao's situation.

He didn't see anyone in Fang Yuanluo's house, and when the servants said that Fang Yuanluo hadn't returned overnight, he immediately understood. He didn't expect that Deputy Gang Leader Fang would attack so quickly, and he had already progressed to this point in just one night!

Jiang Su hurried to Fu Wenxiao's room again, but there was still no one there, only a servant told him that Doctor Fu went to the pharmacy early in the morning.

Okay, not only is it progressing rapidly, but you have already started to take supplements?

Jiang Su changed his target for the third time and went to the pharmacy in Linlang Pavilion.

He finally saw Fang Yuanluo, squatting outside the pharmacy, covering his face, looking tired and in pain, not at all the joy of years of love coming true.

Jiang Su didn't know why, so he went up to Fang Yuanluo, and said beamingly, "Vice Chief Fang, shouldn't it be time for me to congratulate you?"

Fang Yuanluo raised his head with two huge dark circles under his eyes, his face was full of vicissitudes, and said, "Congratulations? What kind of congratulations?"

"Of course it's a happy event between you and Master Fu." Jiang Su said, "Such great news, why don't we go out for a drink together?"

He just wanted to know the details of this matter so that he could learn from it and use it in his future plans.

I don't want Fang Yuanluo to hear the word wine, his face is more painful, he can't stop shaking his head, and said: "I quit drinking."

Jiang Su didn't believe it: "That's not a stopgap measure—"

"It's not a stopgap measure." Fang Yuanluo said aggrievedly, "I really quit drinking."

Jiang Su showed doubts: "Why?"

"Last night...just last night...I was very happy, as if I was too excited..." Fang Yuanluo couldn't say such a shameful thing. One thing happened..."

Jiang Su: "..."

Wait, could it be that Fu Wenxiao once said that drinking hurts the body?

Fang Yuanluo is so young, and he didn't drink much bad wine, so he... huh?

The red value clearly shows that Jiang Su and Fu Wenxiao are married, but according to Fang Yuanluo's meaning... Is this because Fu Wenxiao doesn't dislike him, or did they break up immediately after they got together?

Jiang Su had no choice but to respond euphemistically, saying: "You can't... you can't..."

Fang Yuanluo: "It's not impossible."

Jiang Su: "Then you..."

Fang Yuanluo: "I'm so excited, it's gone in no time, woo woo woo."

Jiang Su: "..."

It just so happened that Fu Wenxiao came out of the pharmacy. He seemed to be in a good mood. He took the medicine he had prescribed in his hand. Seeing Fang Yuanluo's depression, he frowned slightly, and said, "Don't hide your illness from medicine."

Fang Yuanluo covered his face again.

It's too shameful, how can he be so shameful?

"It's not a big problem." Fu Wenxiao said calmly, "Do you not trust my reputation as a genius doctor?"

Fang Yuanluo: "Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu."

Jiang Su: "..."

It is too tragic that fake wine hurts the body.

That's all.

Anyway, he has already achieved both, so what will happen in the future, what does it have to do with him?

Just get the value of the red edge!