Jiang Su's heart was clear, and he didn't even want to continue to ask about the love story between Fang Yuanluo and Fu Wenxiao.

The red edge value has already been credited, how did the two of them get together, and what does it have to do with him?

Thinking of this, Jiang Su wished he could get up immediately and bid farewell to the two of them.

But his appearance here seems to be a mistake.

Fu Wenxiao had already seen him, so naturally he wouldn't let him leave easily, so he resisted with a smile on his face, and said politely: "Jiang Shaoxia, you should pay more attention."

Jiang Su replied immediately: "I don't drink."

"You are still young, you must take good care of your health." Fu Wenxiao pretended not to hear Jiang Su's words, and insisted on finishing his words, "Otherwise, it may be too late when I meet my sweetheart."

Hearing Fang Yuanluo's words, the head couldn't help but hang down even lower. It seemed that all hope of life had been lost, but Jiang Su was still able to respond to Fu Wenxiao, saying: "I don't have a sweetheart, only a sword in my heart."

"Fate is something that no one can easily say." Fu Wenxiao looked at Jiang Su and said, "If it wasn't for Jiang Shaoxia's deliberate matchmaking, Yuan Luo and I wouldn't be where we are today."

Jiang Su: "..."

Jiang Su never thought that Fu Wenxiao already knew about it.

Being exposed to such a trick, he couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed, thinking that he is one of the best heroes in the Jianghu, but in the end he cares so much about other people's love affairs, it seems too much like a gossip Gossip.

He had no choice but to smile with Fu Wenxiao, and brought up the excuse he had used to deceive Sheng Hechen, saying: "Master Fu, you know my school's Zhishui swordsmanship, if you want to cultivate to the deepest level, you need to break the relationship, but if you don't see it How can love in the world be broken?"

But Fu Wenxiao hit the nail on the head, and directly punctured Jiang Su's excuse, saying: "If you want to experience love in the world, Jiang Shaoxia, you should do it yourself."

Jiang Su: "..."

"When you watch other people fall in love, it's just like looking at flowers on a horse, floating on the surface, and you can't see anything clearly." Fu Wenxiao said, "But if you experience it personally, the feeling will naturally be different."

"I have personal experience, I have a lot of personal experience." Jiang Su is still trying to argue, "Look at my countless hidden swords—"

Fu Wenxiao: "Can they talk to you?"

Jiang Su: "..."

Fu Wenxiao: "They can only listen to you."

Jiang Su: "It doesn't matter..."

"If you can only say it, he can't say it. What kind of experience is love in the world?" Fu Wenxiao raised his eyebrows slightly, "Jiang Shaoxia, I think you are talking on paper, and you are clear and clear. If you experience it personally, you will know nothing."

Jiang Su: "..."

What Fu Wenxiao said, Jiang Su unexpectedly...couldn't refute.

During this period of time, he had been biting the bullet and rushing upwards. He himself had no experience in love, so it was very difficult to deal with it.

It's just that there is nothing he can do about things like talking on paper!

His sword can't come back to life, this is not a fairy tale or supernatural novel, he wants to hear his sword talk to him, but he should stop thinking about such impossible things.

"If Jiang Shaoxia really wants to improve his martial arts, he still needs to experience it himself." Fu Wenxiao said seriously, "Jiang Shaoxia has so many friends, if you ask someone to help you, I don't think anyone will refuse."

Jiang Su: "..."

Inexplicably, Jiang Su sensed a hint of revenge from Fu Wenxiao's words.

This is not too much malice, but it is like trying to play a prank on him. I tried my best to argue with him, just to design him, to play a harmless little prank on him, so that he would give him to Fang indiscriminately before. Yuan Luo came up with an idea for revenge.

Tsk, this is too short-sighted, people in love are really different.

"No need." Jiang Su flatly refused, "This kind of thing is too easy to do a fake show."

He knew very well in his heart that there were a lot of unruly people around him, if he found someone at random, no one would reject him, but if something happened later, it would be hard to say.

"Then Jiang Shaoxia will look for someone who is the least likely to enter the show." Fu Wenxiao looked around, raised his hand and pointed behind Jiang Su, and said with a smile, "Jiang Shaoxia, what do you think of Mu Shaoxia?"

Jiang Su: "..."

When Jiang Su heard the words and looked back, Li Hanshan came here at some time, obviously looking for him. Seeing Fu Wenxiao suddenly raised his hand to point at him, he couldn't help but startled, not knowing what he had done, a little embarrassed, and hesitated for a moment After that, he stepped up and walked over here.

Jiang Su felt that what Fu Wenxiao said... made sense.

How could he have forgotten Li Hanshan!

If it is said that all the people around him may harbor ill intentions towards him, then Li Hanshan must be the most innocent one, and it is absolutely impossible for him to have any other thoughts. After all, in this world, Jiang Su felt that only Li Hanshan was like him, He's a straight man of steel.

Walking with such a straight man, Jiang Su felt relieved.

It's just that Jiang Su is still a little puzzled, Li Hanshan won't have bad intentions towards him, and he won't get too deep into the drama and make fake dramas for real, but if so, the meaning of him finding someone to act in this scene will be gone ?

Jiang Su looked at Fu Wenxiao in doubt, and raised his own doubts, but Fu Wenxiao smiled with him and said, "Jiang Shaoxia, of course that's not the case."

Jiang Su looked serious: "I would like to hear the details."

"Although you and I are not proficient in such matters of love, Hua Shiqing is different." Fu Wenxiao said, "You can ask him for advice and ask him to write a list of things that couples will inevitably do, and then compare them Experience one by one, and in the end, there will definitely be an unusual experience.”

Jiang Su: "...something makes sense."

Li Hanshan had also walked to the side of several people, and heard the conversation between Jiang Su and Fu Wenxiao, but it was endless. He didn't understand what the conversation between the two meant, and asked curiously, "What are you going to do?"

Unexpectedly, both Jiang Su and Fu Wenxiao immediately looked at him in the next moment, Fu Wenxiao looked him up and down first, and then asked Jiang Su: "Jiang Shaoxia, what do you think of this idea—"

Jiang Su: "It's pretty good."

Li Hanshan: "?"

Jiang Su has always been direct and quick in his work. If he has determined the goal, he will not procrastinate any more. In his opinion, Fu Wenxiao's suggestion is indeed good, not to mention whether experiencing human love can make him break through in martial arts. The method of taking time to learn scriptures is enough for him to study for many years.

Think about it, if Hua Shihalal gave him the list, wouldn't it be much easier for him to match others in the future?

Just look at the form, pick out the things one by one, and let them do it according to the comparison, and it will be done in the end!

That's great, how could he miss such a good thing!

And Jiang Su is also a person with an experimental spirit.

Before knowing whether these strategies are effective, if he has the opportunity to experiment, he is of course willing to try them himself.

Li Hanshan is so upright, just try it, anyway, it is impossible for something to happen.

Thinking of this, Jiang Su simply grabbed Li Hanshan's arm and wanted to take him to see Hua Shiqing, while not forgetting to thank Fu Wenxiao, saying: "Master Fu, if I really improve, I must thank you very much." .”

Fu Wenxiao just smiled and said nothing.

From the beginning to the end, only Li Hanshan was confused. He didn't know what happened, so he could only ask Jiang Su, "Why are we going to see Hua Shiqing?"

Jiang Su explained the whole matter to him from beginning to end. He was worried that Li Hanshan would be unwilling, but he didn't want Li Hanshan to simply nod his head and agree directly.

Li Hanshan couldn't even restrain his joy in his heart.

He has already made preparations to express his feelings to Jiang Su twenty years later, and now he has an opportunity out of thin air, allowing him to experience the feeling of twenty years in advance, why would he not do such a good thing? !

The two hit it off almost immediately, and went to look for Hua Shiqing together. Jiang Su directly said what he wanted Hua Shiqing to do for help. Hua Shiqing was startled, obviously thinking that this method was extremely unreliable. But he saw that Jiang Su wanted to do this with Li Hanshan...

After all, he can be regarded as half a person in the evil way. This matter is related to the young master, so he should try his best to match him up!

Hua Shiqing immediately went to find a pen, ink, paper and inkstone, and was about to write on the paper when Jiang Su stopped him, frowned slightly, looked at Li Hanshan, and said, "This matter... definitely won't last long. "

Li Hanshan could only nod his head.

Jiang Su asked him: "When will the Demon Cult leave?"

Li Hanshan thought for a while, and replied: "It should be three or four days later."

Jiang Su nodded and said, "Then let's stop this matter for now after the Demon Cult leaves."

Li Hanshan had no objection.

Jiang Su then looked at Hua Shiqing and said, "Three days are too short, if you write too many things, we won't be able to finish them in a while."

"How about this, I will give you ten tips." Hua Shiqing thought for a while and said, "After finishing one thing, come and get another tip with me. There are only ten things in total, so it shouldn't be too late. Too difficult."

Jiang Su agreed.

Hua Shiqing smiled at him again, and said: "Then can you please go out first? If Jiang Shaoxia and the young master knew about these things in advance, it would be meaningless."

Jiang Su nodded, was about to go out, took a few steps, but turned back, looked at Hua Shiqing seriously, and said, "There can't be too intimate things."

Hua Shiqing was startled, laughed out loud, and hurriedly waved his hands and shook his head, saying, "Don't worry, Jiang Shaoxia, nothing too outrageous will happen."

Only then did Jiang Su feel relieved.

He was waiting outside with Li Hanshan, and before long, Hua Shiqing had brought out a kit, with a smile on his face, handed the kit to Jiang Su, and said, "Jiang Shaoxia, take it apart and have a look." Bar."

Jiang Su unwrapped the kit, unfolded the note inside, and saw that there were only two words written on it.

"hand in hand"

Jiang Su frowned slightly, and said, "I've already done this..."

Not only have I done it, but I have done it several times, and there is no unique feeling.

Hua Shiqing shook his head and said, "It's different this time."

Jiang Su was puzzled: "What's the difference?"

"In Changning City, there is a very long street." Hua Shiqing said seriously, "This street runs across the north and south of Changning City, from the suburbs to the downtown area."

Jiang Su nodded. When he entered the city, he walked exactly that way.

"By holding hands, I want you to go out of Linlang Pavilion holding hands, walk along this street to the outskirts of the city, and then come back from the outskirts of the city." Hua Shiqing looked at the two with a slight smile, with a gentle voice, "This road It's very long, I hope you can savor it slowly."

Jiang Su: "?"

Li Hanshan: "?"

No, it's just a street. What's the good taste?

Jiang Su was full of doubts, thinking seriously, thinking that there are many street stalls selling food from this street to the downtown area, does Hua Shiqing want the two of them to go to those stalls to taste together?

"You... want us to eat?" Jiang Su hesitated, "Anywhere is fine?"

Hua Shiqing didn't explain, but just smiled and said: "Since I want you two to taste it together, I won't say more, and you can do whatever you want."

Jiang Su nodded blankly, and was about to leave, but saw Fu Wenxiao had come to them, and seemed to have heard what Hua Shiqing said to them, and said, "Since you want to hold hands, you should not let go from the beginning to the end." is the most important."

Jiang Su was startled: "I can't guarantee that."

"Don't worry, I have a solution." Fu Wenxiao took out a white handkerchief from his bosom, tied the hands of the two together, then raised his head and smiled innocently at the two, saying, "That's all right."

Jiang Su didn't think there was any difference, but he also nodded and said, "Okay."

He looked at Li Hanshan, and the two of them turned their heads and left together without saying anything more.

Hua Shiqing and Fu Wenxiao looked at the backs of the two of them, and when the two walked away, Hua Shiqing sighed softly, and said, "Master Fu, your move... is a little too much."

Fu Wenxiao also smiled, looked up at the sky, and saw that the sky in the distance was covered with overcast clouds, so he couldn't help asking, "Aren't you too much?"

If there is no accident, it will rain this afternoon, and the street is so long, walking back and forth, and having a meal, it is absolutely impossible to get back before it rains.

Fu Wenxiao could see it.

Hua Shiqing wanted the two of them to shelter from the rain under the eaves together, or to walk under the same umbrella, even if they were holding their clothes together to keep out the rain. At this time, when two people walk so close, there will always be some ambiguous emotions.

Maybe after holding hands and coming back this time, everything will be a little different.

Jiang Su and Li Hanshan left Linlang Pavilion together, and the two of them walked towards the outskirts of the city without saying a word.

There were quite a lot of pedestrians on the road, and as soon as Jiang Su appeared, many people turned their eyes to him, wishing to stare at his face, but Li Hanshan's expression was cold behind him, his eyes were scary even at a glance, and everyone turned their eyes in a hurry , no one dared to look at them more, for a while, no one noticed that the hands of the two were tightly tied together by a silk handkerchief.

They walked for a while before Jiang Su spoke the first sentence.

Jiang Su: "What to eat?"

Li Hanshan: "Anything is fine."

Jiang Su: "Then this one."

So the two walked into the restaurant in silence again, their hands were tied too tightly, they could only sit side by side at the table, and after ordering, Jiang Su was puzzled and said, "What the **** is he?" What do you want us to taste?"

This is just an ordinary restaurant, and the taste of the food and drinks in the restaurant will not be too different from the outside.

Jiang Su was puzzled.

Could it be that when two people's hands are tied together, the taste of wine and food will be different?

Jiang Su didn't believe it.

The two sat in silence for a while, the food and drink were served, and when they were going to get the chopsticks, Jiang Su realized something was wrong.

Wait, it's his right hand that's bound.

How does this make him eat with chopsticks!

When Fu Wenxiao tied their hands, Jiang Su didn't think much about it. Although his right hand was restrained, he could use the sword in his left hand very well. It didn't matter that his right hand couldn't move, but when it was time to eat...

Li Hanshan realized something was wrong, frowned and asked him: "Shall we untie it?"

Jiang Su solemnly shook his head and refused, saying: "It's okay, I know how to use a left-handed sword."

When he usually wields a sword with his left hand, his left hand is extremely dexterous, not much different from his right hand, just two small chopsticks, is it more difficult than using a sword?

Jiang Su picked up the chopsticks with his left hand, barely stood up and held them steady, and picked up the peanuts in the small dish.

Peanuts fly.

Jiang Su looked serious, and then turned his head to pick up the fish in another bowl.

He successfully picked up a piece, and then the fish drop rolled on the table, slipped a long way, and fell off the edge of the table.

Jiang Su: "..."

Sorry, the left-handed chopsticks, he is really harder than the left-handed sword.

Jiang Su had a headache.

Hua Shiqing asked him to taste it, but now he can't even hold the food, how can he taste it?

Li Hanshan hesitated for a moment, and asked, "Shall I help you?"

Jiang Su raised his eyebrows and shook his head: "No."

He can use the sword in his left hand, but why can't he use the chopsticks in his left hand? !

Jiang Su concentrated his attention, and almost focused all his attention on the two small chopsticks. He knew that the hand holding the chopsticks must be steady.

Jiang Su tremblingly raised his hand, and carefully dropped his chopsticks. As soon as he got to the peanut plate, he successfully picked up one. He was very excited, but when he was about to succeed, he suddenly heard Lu Jiu's voice from behind.

"Hey? Are you here too?" Lu Jiu asked curiously, "What are you doing?"

Jiang Su shook his hand, and the peanuts flew away again.

Holding back the anger in his heart, he turned his head and saw that Lu Jiu seemed to have eaten in this restaurant. This time, he was not alone. Behind him was the exhausted Bai Yusheng, who had fought with Jiang Su and Li Hanshan before. Greeting, Lu Jiu's eyes were sharp, and he saw the silk scarves on the hands of the two at a glance.

Lu Jiu was very puzzled.

"What are you guys doing?" Lu Jiu asked, "Why are you tied together?"

Jiang Su felt that he acted openly and frankly, and was not afraid to speak to outsiders about everything, but this matter... was different.

Lu Jiu always said that he was a broken sleeve, he must never admit such a thing in front of Lu Jiu!

Jiang Su put down his chopsticks, smiled slightly at Lu Jiu, and said seriously: "Practice the left-handed sword."

Li Hanshan: "..."

Lu Jiu: "Huh?"

He looked at the chopsticks in Jiang Su's hand and fell into confusion.

But Jiang Shaoxia has always acted differently from normal people. Looking at the look on Jiang Su's face, Lu Jiu always felt that Jiang Su was angry, and he would be bullied by the devil in the next second. When Lu Jiu saw his smile, he couldn't wait. Leave here immediately, no matter what kind of left-handed sword he is, it has nothing to do with him anyway.

He wished he could leave and flee immediately. Bai Yusheng wanted to protect his safety, so he brought a group of Linlang Pavilion guards with him. The crowd waited for Hulala to leave here. Jiang Su closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and looked at the bowl again. peanuts.

Without the interference from Lu Jiu and others, he believed that this time, he would definitely succeed!

...Jiang Su managed to eat peanuts, but he never understood what Hua Shiqing meant by "taste".

Although the process was difficult, the dish was still his original taste, and it didn't taste better just because he couldn't hold the chopsticks well. On the contrary, it made his meal extremely uneasy, and he didn't eat it from the beginning to the end. No matter how many things he put down, when Jiang Su and Li Hanshan left the restaurant, Jiang Su was still a little hungry.

He could only buy a piece of flatbread at a roadside stall.

Flatbread is a good thing, you can eat it with your mouth, and you can eat it without using your hands!

They walked for a while, and they could see the outskirts of the city before them, and the sky was getting darker. The people around hurried home to avoid being exposed to the rain outside, and even the vendors were anxious to close their stalls.

Only then did Jiang Su look up at the weather, and felt that it should be raining within a quarter of an hour, and the rain must be very heavy. If they don't find a place to shelter from the rain, they will be very embarrassed.

Jiang Su looked left and right, wanted to buy an umbrella, and wanted to hide under the city tower. They finally reached the end of the road. Jiang Su stopped, looked at Li Hanshan, and asked: "It's going to rain, why? manage?"

Li Hanshan also looked up at the sky, and said, "I don't want to get caught in the rain."

Jiang Su also sighed, and said, "I don't want to get caught in the rain either."

The two looked at each other, as if they suddenly had an idea.

The heavy rain poured down, but Fu Wenxiao still stayed at Hua Shiqing's place, learning Gu skills with him, and the two drank tea and chatted together.

"They should have just walked to the city gate." Fu Wenxiao smiled and said, "No one sells umbrellas there, so they can only find a place to shelter from the rain."

Hua Shiqing also smiled lightly.

"I think the two of them sheltered from the rain together under the eaves. When the rain is pouring, and when the rain is over and the sun clears, even if the two of them are silent, the relationship between them will be different from before." After saying this, Hua Shi Qing raised his head, looked at the heavy rain outside, and said, "This rain shouldn't last long, and when it's getting late, we'll see—"

He paused, a smile froze on his face.

In the courtyard outside the window, Jiang Su and Li Hanshan jumped into the promenade together, and the two of them shook off the rainwater on their bodies together. Except for the slightly wet hair tips, they looked... not at all as embarrassed as Hua Shiqing thought.

Wait, they're back? How did you come back? !

Jiang Su seemed to be in a good mood, turned around and said to Li Hanshan: "I told you, when it comes to lightness kung fu, you definitely can't beat me."

Li Hanshan was not convinced: "This thing binds you and me together, it's too influential!"

Jiang Su's mood was even more joyful: "You are not as good as me in the matter of lightness kung fu."

Li Hanshan: "Untie it, let's compare."

The two quarreled softly, walked outside Hua Shiqing's door, looked at Hua Shiqing, Jiang Su stretched out his hand, and said, "We're done, young man, where's the second kit?"

Hua Shiqing: "..."

Hua Shiqing was silent for a long time, and finally opened his mouth.

"You...how did you come back?" Hua Shiqing took a deep breath, "This street is so long..."

Jiang Su: "Qinggong."

Li Hanshan nodded: "It's going to rain."

Jiang Su: "If you don't run, you will get caught in the rain."

Li Hanshan: "I'm not a fool."

Jiang Su: "I'm not a fool either."

Hua Shiqing: "..."

Jiang Su patted his chest, saw a teapot on the table, and poured a cup of tea for himself and Li Hanshan, so that he could breathe a sigh of relief.

"The road is really long." Jiang Su sighed deeply, "I'm still a little tired."

Hua Shiqing: "..."

Fu Wenxiao: "..."