Chapter 49: Full score composition

Jiang Su felt that he should learn from Li Hanshan.

He was also taught by Hua Shiqing, and after studying for so long, why couldn't he write a single letter, while Li Hanshan could write love letters so well?

Jiang Su was very distressed, rubbed his head, and even wanted to take back the letter in Li Hanshan's hand and tear it up before writing, but Li Hanshan was still seriously studying the analysis of sword moves he just wrote, Jiang Su felt that in this kind of It is really inappropriate to interrupt him at any time.

He had no choice but to keep his mouth shut first, then took out a few pieces of paper, and studied carefully according to the template of the letter written by Li Hanshan.

He first read the beginning of Li Hanshan's writing, and listed the names of people who might like him one by one, creating some suspense, making Jiang Su confused about what the letter was about. The suspense remains in my heart, getting deeper and deeper, and I can't wait to know the content behind it.

At this time, the last sentence was written in the letter. All the answers will be revealed, but they are covered up by himself. Seeing this time, the doubts in the hearts of believers have reached their peak, and they want to solve the problems in their hearts no matter what. mystery.

Fortunately, the final puzzle is not difficult to solve. From the two characters that can be barely recognized at the beginning, the meaning of the whole sentence can be detected. One sentence also left an emphatic and deepened impression in the minds of the believers.

Even looking back at the previous article, those previously meaningless lists have become affectionate expressions, and the feeling of a little jealousy is really moving.

Too strong, what love letter, this is simply a model of excellent composition! It is worth studying hard!

Jiang Su, who has never been very good at Chinese, felt as if he saw the perfect score of the first grade in his grade. He was naturally excited and just wanted to learn from him.

With such a good template in front of him, Jiang Su only felt that he saw the hope of success. He thought about it for a long time and had his own ideas. Then he finally picked up the pen again and began to write his second letter.

He thought that he should suppress before he wants to praise, and reflect Li Hanshan's excellence in his praise, so as to clarify the appreciation between lovers. After he had thought about it, he immediately immersed himself in writing, suppressing at the beginning, and wrote earnestly: "You are dull, honest and honest, not good at words, and you are very boring. You don't understand romance, it's hard to talk about poetry and songs, and you don't know how to understand the world. If you talk about it, you can only talk about swordsmanship and swordsmanship, nothing else."

After writing here, Jiang Su stopped writing and raised his head, looking at Li Hanshan who was still seriously pondering his first letter.

Li Hanshan was engrossed in watching it, his eyebrows were slightly frowned, as if he was seriously thinking about the meaning, he was so focused, he looked like a good boy with a bright future, Jiang Su was very satisfied, and he liked Li Hanshan even more in his heart, almost no need to think about it , he has already written the following words smoothly.

"But it's okay, I'm not much different from you."

In terms of human sophistication, he should be slightly better than Li Hanshan, and he is definitely not bad at speech, but he feels that he is far more boring than Li Hanshan. On this point, he can't say that Li Hanshan is not bad at all.

"In the eyes of others, this lack of interest is a huge shortcoming, but it is not the case in my heart. Reticence is prudence in words and deeds, honesty and honesty are kindness in heart, you come from a demon sect, but it is rare in the world— "

Jiang Su paused his pen slightly, feeling that he had too much nonsense, he might as well end it quickly and finish this matter earlier, so that he could open the next kit and see what was written in it.

He finally put pen to paper and wrote the last sentence.

"You are very good. I like it. We can last forever."

Jiang Su was extremely satisfied with his second letter.

Although this is not comparable to Li Hanshan's exemplary composition, it should be able to compete with him. At least Jiang Su is very satisfied. He can't wait for Li Hanshan to put down the letter in his hand immediately and take a good look at his second letter. .

He himself didn't like being interrupted by others when he was studying swordsmanship. As the saying goes, don't do to others what you don't want to be done to others, so he naturally wouldn't interrupt others, so he waited with his head propped aside.

But after a while, before Li Hanshan finished reading, Jiang Su thought about it. Anyway, both of them had finished writing the letter, and Hua Shiqing didn't say to show it to the other party, so he opened the sixth letter at this time. Take a look at the kit, there should be no problem.

Jiang Su couldn't wait to take out the kit, opened it and took out the note to read. For a moment, he was a little disappointed.

What was written on the note was to let the two of them go to watch the fireworks together.

Jiang Su had already done this with Li Hanshan when he was in the Wulin League. Not only did they watch the fireworks together, but Jiang Su asked Sheng Hechen to let off the fireworks. They had already done the sixth thing, so naturally they didn’t do it again. necessary.

In this way, six of the ten things have passed, and Jiang Su is really happy that things are progressing so fast.

Seeing that Li Hanshan was still reading the letter, he talked to Li Hanshan, but he didn't know if Li Hanshan had heard it, so he pressed the second letter under Li Hanshan's hands to let him read it later, got up and left the room, and went out. So I went to look for Hua Shiqing, and asked for the next kit.

Hua Shiqing didn't expect Jiang Su to come so early.

He originally thought about things like fireworks, which can only be set off at night, so these two things should be enough to make them toss for a whole day.

But this afternoon, Jiang Su had hurried over, and Li Hanshan was still not by his side. Hua Shiqing had a premonition in his heart, and always felt that something terrible would happen next, but he had no choice but to be cautious and careful with him. Jiang Su communicated and asked, "Jiang Shaoxia, are the fireworks over?"

Jiang Su shook his head: "I didn't show it today, but I watched it with him before."

Hua Shiqing was obviously taken aback, this matter obviously exceeded his expectations, he didn't expect the young master to move so fast, the two people in front of him had developed to such a point!

Seeing that he was in a daze, Jiang Su said again: "That's about the Wulin League. I don't think he's seen any fireworks. Seeing that there are still some in the warehouse of the Wulin League, he asked Master Sheng to set off all the fireworks."

Hua Shiqing: "..."

Good guy, not only did the two of them watch it together, but it was also a situation full of pampering. These two people are clearly in love with each other. What experience do couples want to do? Aren't you two really a couple? !

But the two were unwilling to be honest, Hua Shiqing could only take a deep breath, nodded and said: "How about this, this kit, I will make some changes for you, and do other things, what do you think?"

Of course Jiang Su has no objection, this is equivalent to experiencing one more thing, this is a good thing for nothing, why did he refuse?

He waited for Hua Shiqing to help him revise the contents of the kit. After a while, when Hua Shiqing finally came out, Jiang Su opened the new kit and looked up, but couldn't help frowning.

"Wear the other party's clothes?" Jiang Su raised his eyebrows, "I have worn them."

Hua Shiqing: "..."

"Just a few days ago, before going to the ghost market." Jiang Su frowned and said, "Most people in the Devil's Cult and people in Linlang Pavilion should know about this."

He was just worried that Hua Shiqing would not believe it, so he tried every means to provide evidence, but he didn't know that the more Hua Shiqing listened to it, the more complicated his mood became, and the way he looked at him became more and more strange. In the end, he couldn't help but sighed deeply, thinking about Jiang Su and Jiang Su. Li Hanshan didn't want to admit it, so he could only follow the wishes of the two of them, pretending that he didn't know anything, and continue to prepare the next tip for them.

Before Jiang Su came, Hua Shiqing had already written the seventh kit. He wanted to keep it until tomorrow, but he never thought that he would hand it over today.

The note in the seventh kit is more complicated than before.

"Camping together and telling stories to lull each other to sleep."

"You are not allowed to talk about ghosts and strange tales, and you are not allowed to talk about heroic stories in the Jianghu. It can only be an idiot complaining about a man and a woman, with a deep love."

After Jiang Su finished reading, he was still puzzled.

He had done camping with Li Hanshan many times before, and he didn't feel any difference from it, but... wait, tell a story to lull each other to sleep? This operation is not right?

"If he and I are telling stories to lull each other to sleep." Jiang Su was puzzled, "How could the other person fall asleep?"

Hua Shiqing: "..."

This question was beyond Hua Shiqing's expectation.

He was silent for a moment, took a pen, ink, paper and inkstone, scribbled on the note and changed it into another sentence.

"Camping together in the wild, one person tells a story to lull the other to sleep."

This condition seems to be more reasonable, Jiang Su nodded, and asked again: "Anyone can say it?"

Hua Shiqing was eager to send him away earlier, and wished to answer immediately, saying: "Of course, anyone can."

Only then did Jiang Su pick up the note, turned around to leave, and when he was out the door, he thought of other things, couldn't wait to turn back, and asked Hua Shiqing, "What if you can't sleep?"

Hua Shiqing: "..."

Jiang Su: "The voice of the storytelling is too loud, I will definitely not be able to fall asleep."

Hua Shiqing: "..."

Jiang Su thought for a while and said, "If you can't fall asleep after one story, you can tell the second one, but what if you can't fall asleep after the second one?"

Hua Shiqing: "..."

Jiang Su: "You can't keep your eyes open until dawn."

Hua Shiqing: "..."

"And I don't know much about this kind of story." Jiang Su sighed, "I can only think of a few at most, and none of them are too long—"

Hua Shiqing took a deep breath, tried his best to maintain his composure, and asked, "How long is not too long?"

Jiang Su: "Uh, let me tell you something?"

Hua Shiqing: " say it."

"A long time ago, there was a little girl named Zhu Yingtai." Jiang Su said, "She disguised herself as a man and went to the academy to study."

"Isn't this great?" Hua Shiqing breathed a sigh of relief and said, "And then?"

Jiang Su: "Later she died."

Hua Shiqing: "..."

Hua Shiqing: "Ah?!"

Why are they all dead all of a sudden? What happens is dead!

Hua Shiqing took a deep breath, and still said to Jiang Su in a good voice: "Jiang Shaoxia, what I want is a love story between idiots and women."

Jiang Su let out an "oh" and thought about it for a moment, as if he was recalling the specific plot of the story. After a while, he opened his mouth again, and continued with his own words: "She fell in love with her classmate."

Hua Shiqing breathed a sigh of relief and was very satisfied.

At any rate, Jiang Su wasn't so ignorant, he mentioned something to Jiang Su, and Jiang Su understood what he wanted to say.

Hua Shiqing then asked: "And then?"

Jiang Su: "Then they died together."

Hua Shiqing: "..."

Hua Shiqing yanked the kit in Jiang Su's hand, pulled out the note he had just written in the kit, tore it into shreds, and then stuffed it into his sleeve pocket .

Hua Shiqing felt like she was going crazy.

The young master is fine, but what is going on with Jiang Shaoxia?

Is this really the kind of brain a person should have?

He took a deep breath, told himself that the person in front of him was his savior, he couldn't be angry with Jiang Su, then pulled out another piece of paper, quickly wrote a new note, and handed it to Jiang Su.

Jiang Su looked down.

"Let's go camping together."

"One person tells a story to lull the other person to sleep. If the other person has not fallen asleep after telling more than three stories, then another person continues."

"It must be a story that praises and depicts love. It must have a normal beginning, end and development process. The whole story must not be less than 300 words."

That piece of paper could hardly write down Hua Shiqing's instructions, Jiang Su read it over and over several times, his brows became more and more wrinkled, and it took him a while before he opened his mouth and said, "It's a bit difficult."

Hua Shiqing was exhausted, and in the end he could only try his best to maintain a smile, and said, "It's not difficult, Jiang Shaoxia, you can do it."

Jiang Su took the kit and left in silence, thinking all the way, and when he returned to his room, he saw that Li Hanshan was still studying his first letter. When he heard the door open, Li Hanshan raised his head, and there seemed to be something in his eyes. Unspeakably excited, he said: "Brother Jiang, you write really well!"

Jiang Su: "..."

Jiang Su looked at the full-score composition in his mind, and the second letter was still under Li Hanshan's hands, and Li Hanshan didn't seem to have opened it to read it at all.

Such a masterpiece, he hasn't even watched it yet!

Jiang Su closed the door, feeling a little displeased, so he took out the letter, put it in front of Li Hanshan, and said, "You read this first."

Li Hanshan was surprised, and said, "Is there a sequel?"

Jiang Su: "..."

sequel? What sequel?

Li Hanshan put down the letter in his hand, opened the other letter, and said to Jiang Su: "I was a little confused about sword moves, but after reading your letter today, I seem to have a sudden epiphany."

Jiang Su: "..."


According to Li Hanshan, the second letter is definitely not a sequel!

But Li Hanshan had already opened the second letter.

He glanced at it, then couldn't help frowning, with some doubts in his eyes, he read the contents of the letter out loud.

Jiang Su felt blushed for the first time.

This feeling doesn't have the pride of being selected by the teacher to read the model essay in Chinese class. He just feels ashamed. What did he write in that letter? Why do you have an everlasting appetite for me, why is it so scary when you read it? He just wanted to find a place to hide.

And Li Hanshan didn't expect that the second letter contained such content.

When he first read the first paragraph, he felt a little lost in his heart, but when he reached the second paragraph, he rejoiced. When the whole letter of belief was finished, he couldn't restrain his excitement, even though he knew that what Jiang Su expressed in his heart was not what he meant. Looking forward to the feelings, he still felt very happy.

But Jiang Su was so ashamed that he wanted to skip this matter immediately. He quickly took out a new kit and put it on the table, hoping that Li Hanshan would turn his attention to this kit, and said to Li Hanshan: "This is the next thing." thing."

Fortunately, Li Hanshan always put what he said first, so he opened the brochure bag and carefully read the contents of the brochure bag. After reading the note, Li Hanshan frowned slightly, and whispered: "But I won't tell a story."

Jiang Su: "...I will."

Li Hanshan looked at him: "That's up to you?"

Jiang Su reluctantly nodded.

He was afraid that Li Hanshan would read his second letter again, so he quickly responded to the matter, and then rushed Li Hanshan to clean up. It was best to go out as soon as possible and find a place to camp and rest immediately.

It's just that it's only afternoon now, and it's still early. When the two left the city, it was still dark, so they walked along the mountain road for a while, found a random place, gathered firewood to make a fire, and ate two bites of cakes bought from the city. , the cake is still slightly hot, and there is no feeling of eating wind and drinking dew at all.

Jiang Su didn't understand.

People in the rivers and lakes always camp overnight in the wild. What does this have to do with lovers? The sky is sitting on the ground, the ground is damp, the sky is cold, the security is uneven, and the wild beasts are howling. It feels uncomfortable to think about it. This is actually something that couples like to do.

Love is really confusing.

They just sat dryly in front of the fire, silently waiting for the sky to turn dark. After staying like this for a long time, Li Hanshan finally got a little sleepy, so he looked at Jiang Su and said, "Let's tell a story."

Jiang Su nodded slowly, and told the story he had been brewing for a long time.

"There is a murloc who fell in love with the local prince." Jiang Su said nonsense, "She wants a pair of legs—"

He didn't even have time to say the next sentence, when he suddenly heard a sound in the jungle, he suddenly turned his head and looked deep into the bush.

It seems someone is there.

Li Hanshan also heard the voice, he didn't turn his head, just clenched the sword in his hand, cautiously, and said to Jiang Su: "It seems that we shouldn't go out of the city today."

There were a lot of people coming, some of them had heavy footsteps, and there were still a few people with faint auras. They were ranked in the Jianghu, and they could definitely be ranked in the top 100 in the Jianghu.

They didn't know why these people came, but there were faint figures in the bushes. Jiang Su saw that the clothes of those people still looked like people from the original killer organization, and he realized what was going on.

It seems that the person behind the scenes has finally received the news, knowing that the key to the sky is already in his hands, and he is here to seek revenge and **** the key.

Jiang Su wasn't worried at all. Now that Li Hanshan's injury has recovered, he didn't think that such a few people could get a bargain from him, but he didn't realize it until the people hidden in the dark appeared in front of them... maybe It's not as simple as he thought.

It seems that the person behind the scenes has spent all their money.

What he saw in front of him, at least three of them were in the top 50 martial arts, and one of them even ranked in the top 10. There were several people in the top 100, most of them were evil people, and there were also a few masked righteous fighters. They didn't want to reveal their identities, and they covered their faces, but Jiang Su knew who they were with the weapons they were carrying.

Although his martial art is high, and Li Hanshan is by his side, there is no need to be afraid, but there are so many masters here, and there are so many people, between the two of them, if they don't protect each other, someone will be injured.

But Jiang Su, no matter how unfavorable the situation is for him, at least in terms of words, he will never suffer.

"I just want to tell a story." Jiang Su said, "You all want to hear it?"

"Jiang Shaoxia." Someone stood up and said, "You know why we are here."

Jiang Su frowned: "If you want to listen to a story, just sit down—"

Before the words were finished, some people could not wait to move their hands. They were just a few hidden weapons and directly extinguished their bonfire, as if to warn Jiang Su to shut up. Jiang Su had to take a few steps back and stand back to back with Li Hanshan. Say more, be careful.

The light in the mountains was already dim, but the fire had been extinguished, so he could only see a blur in front of his eyes, and if the other party took the initiative to extinguish the fire, he must have a way to win them in the dark. Seeing things in the dark, if you encounter one at this time, it will be a little troublesome.

It was the same person, and said to Jiang Su: "Jiang Shaoxia only needs to hand over the key, and we will not take your life."

Jiang Su raised his eyebrows and said, "Do you think I will carry this kind of thing with me?"

"This kind of precious good thing." The man said, "If you don't carry it with you, can Jiang Shaoxia rest assured to put it in Linlang Pavilion?"

"You are Sun Lin?" Jiang Su finally recognized this rather familiar voice, "You are also a master of righteousness, so you can be bought?"

If Jiang Su remembers correctly, Sun Lin joined the Wulin League a few years ago, and has been working for the Wulin League in the Wulin League. It's a young man who is successful, how could he be bought by someone with money, and came all the way to hunt down and kill Jiang Su for a key.

But if Sun Lin is among the other party's subordinates, Jiang Su feels that many of the previous mysteries should be solved.

Sun Lin is very clear about the movements of the Wulin League. Sheng Hechen went to the Baifu in the capital, and he also accompanied him. He was even in charge of the whole matter of contacting the Bai family in the first place.

In this way, the person behind the scene knows where the key is hidden and when the Bai family is empty, so it can be explained clearly.

Seeing that Jiang Su recognized his identity, Sun Lin was not surprised. Anyway, today they are going to capture Jiang Su alive, and then kill the boy surnamed Mu next to Jiang Su. Dead people can't speak, so he is not worried about this being exposed. .

But before he was happy for a while, there was already a flame in the place, and it seemed that someone was walking towards this place with a torch. Sun Lin and the others already had the advantage that Jiang Su and Li Hanshan could not see clearly. The light came out... He felt that they were counting people, and they were afraid that they would be deadlocked.

Jiang Su couldn't help turning his head slightly, and glanced at the fire in the forest.

Then he saw Hua Shiqing who was walking hard holding a torch, with one foot deep and one foot shallow, and behind him Fu Wenxiao and Fang Yuanluo who were watching a play.

"I'm still worried, who knows what stories he will tell." Hua Shiqing said, "Why did I take on such a job, climbing a mountain here in the middle of the night!"

Fu Wenxiao comforted him: "Marriage is a great thing."

"What kind of marriage is it?" Hua Shiqing sighed heavily, "The two of them are a couple, they have to act with me here, I will go back and think about it, no, the note I wrote still has loopholes, if they hadn't saved it I, I don't want to get involved in this kind of thing."

Fang Yuanluo's sharp eyes saw a lot of people gathered here, and he couldn't help being curious, "Why are there so many people over there?"

"Let me tell you, there are still loopholes in this kit, and they are probably gathering people to talk at night." Hua Shiqing sighed heavily, with a broken face, "Just these two idiots...just the two of them, you never know what they will do. What's up."

Jiang Su paused for a moment, then took a closer look, Hua Shiqing seemed to be holding a new kit tightly in his hand.

Jiang Su: "..."

This is too professional!

If I didn't work hard to tell Li Hanshan a story, wouldn't I be very sorry for Hua Shiqing!