Chapter 50: Come on, young master!

Unfortunately, now is not a good time for storytelling.

With a strong enemy in front, he should concentrate, not to think wildly, and face it well.

If it was said that Jiang Su was still worried that there were no lights here, and the other party had a large number of people, then Fang Yuanluo and others suddenly appeared here, so he didn't have to worry.

Fang Yuanluo's martial arts is not too weak, and they were still carrying torches. Jiang Su felt that he had a chance to win, so he even calmed down. Looking at the people in front of him, he couldn't help but start thinking wildly.

If he remembers correctly, this Sun Lin is single.

Ranked in the top 100 in Jianghu, rich, good job, good-looking, and single.

Oh my god, this must be a top-notch item in the blind date market!

Jiang Su couldn't restrain the excitement in his heart, but suddenly remembered another thing.

This Sun Lin is good in all conditions, but he is not very good at standing in line. He even ran to join the villain, and he had to fight against the protagonist. Even if this is a certain Tang literature, the protagonist should still have the aura, right? Even if he really didn't, didn't he know that walking in this river and lake, only those with high martial arts skills can really do whatever they want?

Young people are too blind.

Jiang Su felt very sorry.

Think about it, among the top 100 people in Jianghu, seventy to eighty percent are married people, and among the remaining single people, there are still a few who are already old. With the useless waste, there are very few people left who can be matched.

Jiang Su felt that his popularity value was in jeopardy, and if he accidentally made up 100, he should not easily let go of every top 100 single master he saw in front of him.

It doesn't matter if Sun Lin doesn't know how to stand in line, as long as he can speak, he can force Sun Lin back to the right path!

Besides, as a member of the Wulin League, Sun Lin had to betray the righteous way of the Wulin and join this kind of unreliable career. If he said that he didn't know the clues related to the identity of the person behind the scenes, Jiang Su would definitely not believe it. of.

As long as he persuades Sun Lin to go back to the right path, it is a good thing to kill two birds with one stone. It is impossible for Jiang Su not to try such a good reward.

Jiang Su finally smiled again and looked at Sun Lin.

"Your chance of winning is not high anymore." Jiang Su said, "Do you want to run away, or talk to me?"

Sun Lin was obviously taken aback, as if he didn't expect Jiang Su to say such a sentence, he couldn't help raising his eyebrows, and said with sarcasm, "We have nothing to talk about."

"If you do it, you will see blood, and if you don't keep it, a few people will die." Jiang Su said, "Listen to me and say a few words without wasting time."

Sun Lin: "...Speak quickly if you have something to say, and let go if you have to fart."

"How much money did you charge before you were willing to give up your bright future to do this kind of thing?" Jiang Su asked in surprise, "This person has such strong financial resources? Can he buy so many martial arts masters in one go?"

Sun Lin sneered, feeling that he had seen through Jiang Su's tricks.

"It has nothing to do with you." Sun Lin snorted, "Anyway, it's a sum you can't afford."

If he said so, then nine out of ten it has something to do with money.

And since it was related to money, Jiang Su felt that this would not be a difficult task.

The Zhishui Sword Sect is at least one of the great sects that have stood in the rivers and lakes for thousands of years. The sect has a lot of savings, and he himself has a lot of savings. At the worst, there is the Wulin League. If this kind of thing can be negotiated with money, he believes that Sheng Hechen will also very happy.

"Of course it has something to do with me, I just want to provide a peaceful solution to everything, maybe I can find a way out for myself." Jiang Su said nonsense, "Aside from giving you money, does he have any other benefits? "

Sun Lin asked, "If I give you the money, are you willing to go with us?"

"Then we have to see if there are any other benefits." Jiang Su replied, "Apart from money, is there any martial arts cheats, peerless beauty—"

Sun Lin frowned and replied: "If you want...I might be able to discuss it..."

Jiang Su understood.

According to him, it means no, he was simply bought by money, and the other party offered too much money, and he couldn't refuse.

"How much does he give you?" Jiang Su said, "I can double it for you."

Sun Lin: "...Huh?"

"As long as you take the initiative and admit your mistakes, I can introduce you to a daughter-in-law." Jiang Su said seriously, "From now on, you will have a house, money, and a wife and children. Isn't that good?"

Sun Lin: "..."

Seeing that he was unwilling to agree, Jiang Su was a little embarrassed.

"Do you want two wives?" Jiang Su frowned, "No, I still support monogamy... Ah, it means a couple for a lifetime, too many are not good, I can only introduce one to you .”

Sun Lin: "..."

He still didn't speak, which gave Jiang Su a headache.

Except for the two of them, the rest of the people around were obviously stunned.

Li Hanshan looked at Jiang Su in disbelief, and didn't understand why Jiang Su said such things at this time, but Jiang Su said that he likes a couple for life... Li Hanshan couldn't help but start thinking wildly again, um, another twenty years, anyway Twenty years is not too late, by then he will be a couple with Jiang Su for the rest of his life!

Just thinking about it makes me happy!

And Fang Yuanluo and the others also walked to the place. He sensed that something was wrong here, and let Fu Wenxiao and Hua Shiqing, who were not good at martial arts, hide behind for a while, and rushed forward by himself. Before he could ask what happened, he I have heard Jiang Su's persuasion to Sun Lin.

Fang Yuanluo was also stunned.

No, it turns out that introducing a daughter-in-law... is a fixed process?

How much Jiang Shaoxia likes to introduce his daughter-in-law to others!

Seeing that Sun Lin was still refusing to answer, Jiang Su frowned and thought for a long time, thinking that perhaps the terms he offered were not generous enough to make Sun Lin tempted, but it didn't matter, he could offer better terms.

"You don't have to worry about my child. When he grows up, I can introduce him to a famous school to practice martial arts. No one will look down on him." Jiang Su said, "As long as you promise, I can treat him as a good boy for what happened today." secret-"

Sun Lin gritted his teeth and interrupted Jiang Su: "You are insulting me."

Jiang Su: "Huh?"

Sun Lin: "Don't think that you can buy me off by showing such a small advantage!"

Jiang Su: "Aren't you?"

Sun Lin: "..."

Li Hanshan: "..."

Sun Lin raised his hand expressionlessly, and made an upward gesture to the rest of the people around him.

The peace talks failed, and Jiang Su was very sad.

Even if he had hope for the time being, he still thought that after defeating Sun Lin, he could still capture Sun Lin alive, and then try to persuade Sun Lin, but unexpectedly, Sun Lin's gesture did not mean rushing forward to fight, he wanted to escape.

Numerous bombs exploded in front of his eyes, and there was a cloud of smoke everywhere. Jiang Su leaned in and coughed several times. When the smoke cleared, the voices of those people were gone.

Perhaps it was because of the experience of the previous failed assassinations that they finally planned to preserve their strength. Seeing that they could not win, they did not plan to force themselves forward. They just wanted to escape for the time being and wait for the next suitable opportunity.

Jiang Su didn't know where they escaped from, and naturally it was difficult to find their whereabouts. He had no choice but to give up this time. He felt a little regretful, and was about to close his hands and turn his head, but suddenly heard a voice coming from the forest. sound.

It sounded like an angry Sun Lin.

"Fang Yuanluo! Do you know who has gotten into your side?" Sun Lin said through voice transmission, "The young master of the Demon Cult actually walks with someone in the righteous way, and you still call him brother and brother, it's really funny!"

He had taken a great risk by saying this, and Jiang Su would find out where he escaped from, but he just wanted to say that he believed that if he said a word, Jiang Su would definitely The general will be in a mess, and there is absolutely no time to take care of him, but he no longer dares to say a second sentence. He fled in a hurry, but he was very satisfied with the last sentence he uttered.

Hmph, let that Jiang Su humiliate him, he is now going to let Jiang Su experience the feeling of betraying all relatives and being despised by others!

Everyone in the forest must have heard what Sun Lin roared out with his internal strength.

He guessed right, Jiang Su didn't bother to chase him.

After the word "Young Master of the Demon Sect" came out, Jiang Su's heart skipped a beat, feeling bad.

Among the few people here, Hua Shiqing knew the inside story, but Fu Wenxiao and Fang Yuanluo still didn't know Li Hanshan's identity.

And based on Jiang Su's understanding of Fu Wenxiao and Fang Yuanluo, Fu Wenxiao is jealous, otherwise he would not have lied to Xie Zeli and refused to treat him that day. Han Shan is considered his brother, even if Li Hanshan is a member of the Demon Cult, he will not be too embarrassing for Li Hanshan because of his status.

But Jiang Su felt a little strange that this matter could be kept a secret for so long.

Li Hanshan didn't deliberately hide it at all, and Lu Jiu had to say it a few times, but even so, the two of them didn't seem to notice it at all.

Jiang Su knew that lies are the most troublesome thing, and one lie can only bring about countless other lies. Since Sun Lin has already spoken, why not tell Fu Wenxiao and Fang Yuanluo directly about Li Hanshan's identity today? .

Anyway, he didn't do anything wrong, he just made a friend, had a confidant, and the two of them knew each other, so there was nothing wrong with them.

Thinking of this, Jiang Su suppressed his anxiety, looked at Fang Yuanluo and Fu Wenxiao who were far away, and waited for their reaction.

Fang Yuanluo didn't immediately understand the meaning of Sun Lin's words, and he was still a little puzzled, muttering: "What is the young master of the Demon Sect, I'm afraid this person is stupid..."

After saying that, he turned his head and saw Li Hanshan, then suddenly closed his mouth, opened his eyes wide, and stood there in a daze.

Wait, he remembered that Lu Jiu seemed to have said that Mu Yichuan was a member of the Demon Cult.

At that time, Lu Jiu said lightly, Fang Yuanluo didn't care at all, thinking that this world is either righteous or evil, Mu Yichuan doesn't look like a bad guy, anyway, Jiang Su is just making friends with him, and he also has a lot of friends Good and evil friends, this does not hinder anything.

But... the young master of the Demon Cult? Is this person Li Hanshan, the young master of the Demon Cult? !

This is no ordinary Demon Cult friend at all!

Fang Yuanluo took a step back suddenly, with a face full of horror, raised his finger to Li Hanshan, and said in a trembling voice: "You you..."

Li Hanshan: "..."

Li Hanshan bowed his head slightly, feeling a little lost.

He should have known that the friendship Fang Yuanluo and the others had towards him would naturally disappear the moment his identity was revealed.

He was already ready to lose everything, no matter what, at least Jiang Su would not hate him.

Fang Yuanluo: "What a big deal, you're pretty good at hiding!"

Li Hanshan: "...Huh?"

"It's going to be me, I said it a long time ago!" Fang Yuanluo sighed, "You are Li Hanshan? My god, the number one master of the Demon Cult, I have admired him for a long time."

After saying this, Fang Yuanluo put away his weapon, came up and patted Li Hanshan on the shoulder, then held Li Hanshan's arm, and kept looking carefully.

"Let me just say, how could such a high martial art not be named in the Demon Cult." Fang Yuanluo sighed, "Brother Jiang must only be friends with people with high martial arts, but I really didn't expect that you would It's the young master of the Demon Cult."

Li Hanshan was at a loss, Fang Yuanluo's reaction was far beyond his expectations, he could only nod in a daze, and murmured: "Mmm..."

"Don't worry, I have a lot of evil friends." Fang Yuanluo also explained, "I'm a person who puts righteousness first and doesn't have so many rules and regulations. I've seen it these days, and you don't look like a bad person. "

Li Hanshan: "..."

Only then did Fang Yuanluo turn his head to look at Jiang Su, and said, "Brother Jiang, if there is such a thing next time, don't hide it from me, brother, I will be angry too."

Jiang Su: "..."

Jiang Su nodded.

He knew that Fang Yuanluo didn't care much about good and evil, but he didn't expect Fang Yuanluo to be so indifferent.

Since Fang Yuanluo didn't mind, Fu Wenxiao was the only one he should worry about.

Jiang Su turned his head again and looked at Fu Wenxiao.

Fu Wenxiao still looked calm, as if he had heard something insignificant. Seeing that everyone turned to look at him, he just wrote lightly: "I knew it a long time ago."

Jiang Su: "..."

What? already know?

"I didn't know he was the young master of the Devil's Sect." Fu Wenxiao said, "But I know that he must be a high authority within the Devil's Sect."

Jiang Su hesitated, and asked, "Do you not mind?"

"I haven't seen him do anything bad." Fu Wenxiao said, "He doesn't look like a bad person."

Jiang Su frowned, and said: "I thought you didn't like all evil people..."

"If I really don't like it, do you think I will save Lu Jiu?" Fu Wenxiao asked Jiang Su back, pursing his lips slightly, and said, "Besides, he is your friend."

He believed in Jiang Su's character, and he also believed in Jiang Su's friends.

Li Hanshan: "..."

Suddenly, two righteous people said that he was not a bad person, and after knowing his identity, they continued to treat him as a friend.

Li Hanshan was very moved.

God! His father was indeed lying to him. People in the righteous way are not sinister, cunning and pious, and the righteous way is obviously a good person!

Looking back on what he had seen these days, he was so excited that he couldn't help but think about the root cause of the people in the devil's religion who hate the righteous way.

Was Xie Wu really deceived by Wen Qingting back then?

Li Hanshan didn't think so.

Wen Qingting is Jiang Su's master, Jiang Su's master, so can he be a bad person!

Xie Wu must be willing to follow Wen Qingting to the sky!

Overcoming the sky is not a dead end, Baobuqi...Baobuqi and the two of them retired by this!

Well, it must be so!

There are so many good people in Zhengdao, how can good people have bad intentions!

Jiang Su couldn't help but smile after hearing Fu Wenxiao and Fang Yuanluo finish talking, and said, "Thank you."

Fu Wenxiao waved his hand, as a way of thanking Jiang Su, telling him not to care, but Fang Yuanluo grinned, and said to Jiang Su: "Since we all know, Brother Jiang, you don't have to act anymore. Bar?"

Jiang Su nodded, and said: "But to the outside world, you should not mention his identity, so as not to cause unnecessary disputes."

"I'm not talking about this." Fang Yuanluo said, "I'm talking about you and Brother Mu."

He was still not used to Li Hanshan's identity, so he didn't change his words, but Jiang Su was taken aback by what he said, and didn't understand the meaning of Fang Yuanluo's words.

"What's the matter?" Jiang Su frowned, "Except for this matter, I should have nothing else to hide from you."

"Brother Jiang, you still treat us as outsiders." Fang Yuanluo frowned, a little unhappy, "We don't even mind that Brother Mu is the young master of the Demon Sect, so can we still care about the two of you having a romantic relationship? "

Jiang Su: "Huh?"

Li Hanshan: "What?"

"Still pretending, are you pretending I'm blind and can't see it?" Fang Yuanluo sighed, "I already know, you two are old couples, and you have to pretend to be good friends, isn't it uncomfortable?"

Jiang Su: "...What do you mean?"

Fang Yuanluo: "Everyone knows?"

Jiang Su: "..."

Fang Yuanluo: "Are you not?"

Jiang Su: "No..."

"Then how is that possible!" Fang Yuanluo still insisted, "Then Master Fu told me that you two have already climbed some mountains and rained... It's been several times!"

He is not a man of culture, so he really couldn't think of how to say that sentence. He scratched his head and thought for a while but couldn't figure it out, but Jiang Su understood it unexpectedly.

What Fang Yuanluo said should be about going to Wushan Yunyu together, that is to say, Fang Yuanluo felt that he and Li Hanshan were ambiguous and had slept several times.

Who the **** spread this shit!

Jiang Su couldn't hold back the anger in his heart, gritted his teeth and said, "He and I are just friends."

Fang Yuanluo wanted to say more at first, but seeing Jiang Su's expression didn't look like he was lying, he couldn't help but pause for a moment, then closed his mouth, looked at Fu Wenxiao full of doubts, and wanted to wait for Fu Wenxiao's explanation.

Fu Wenxiao didn't expect Jiang Su to say that.

Looking at Jiang Su's expression, it really didn't look like he was lying at all, what he said seemed to be telling the truth, but also, Fu Wenxiao still remembered what Hua Shiqing said to him, this... Could it be that Hua Shiqing was lying to him?

Fu Wenxiao had no choice but to look at Hua Shiqing, waiting for Hua Shiqing's answer.

Hua Shi was stunned.

what happened? The two of them are friends? But isn't that what the young master said? The two of them had slept together several times.

Everyone's eyes were on Hua Shiqing. Hua Shiqing was very nervous, but there was no one here that he could afford to offend. He could only bite the bullet and ask Li Hanshan, saying: "Young Master, what happened that day? It was you who said that you and Jiang Shaoxia have slept many times, so after you get drunk, you have to sleep in a separate room with him."

Li Hanshan looked blank: "I have slept with him many times?"

Before he finished speaking, Jiang Su raised his hand and patted his head, saying, "Does the same room and the same room mean the same thing?"

Li Hanshan: "Huh?"

Hua Shiqing: "..."

Fu Wenxiao: "..."

Fang Yuanluo: "..."

ah? So there was nothing between the two of them? !

Everyone returned to Changning City together. After so many things happened, no one was in the mood to continue Hua Shiqing's mission.

Jiang Su thought about going back earlier to take a look at the whole situation. After returning to Linlang Pavilion, he didn't say anything more to the few people. He just held Fu Wenxiao and told him not to write a letter back to the Wulin League to inform him. With regard to Sheng Hechen Sun Lin, even Sun Lin had already been bribed, after all, there would be other traitors in this martial arts alliance if they were not guaranteed.

He needs to go through the whole thing and decide what to do next.

After Fu Wenxiao agreed to Jiang Su, Jiang Su went back to his room alone, and Li Hanshan looked at his back and always felt...Jiang Su might be angry.

What he said to Hua Shiqing caused Hua Shiqing to have such a big misunderstanding, and the news spread. At least from what Fang Yuanluo said, it seemed that even Lu Jiu knew about it, and that Lu Jiu wanted to do it all day long. How to get revenge on Jiang Su, he will never hide this secret in his heart.

Now, I'm afraid that the whole world knows that Jiang Su has such an affair with him.

No, this is not a random accident.

It was simply his fault.

Although Li Hanshan was a little happy that his name was associated with Jiang Su, he was very happy, but this joy could not be expressed, all he knew was that Jiang Su was not happy.

Li Hanshan went back to his room anxiously, waited for a while, and heard a knock on the door. He thought it was Jiang Su, and got up happily, but then he realized that the breathing and footsteps of the person outside sounded like someone who was not good at martial arts. Then he began to feel lost again, he lowered his head and went out to open the door, only to see Hua Shiqing standing outside the door with guilt on his face, and said: "Young master, this is my fault."

Li Hanshan shook his head: "I can't blame you for that."

He didn't want to talk to Hua Shiqing anymore, but Hua Shiqing wanted to admit his mistake, so he pressed against the door, handed a stuffed kit to Li Hanshan, and said seriously: "What I have learned all my life will definitely help young people." The Lord embraces the beautiful woman back."

After finishing speaking, he took a step back, saluted Li Hanshan respectfully, turned and left.

Li Hanshan was stunned.

He looked at the kit in his hand, hesitated for a moment, then closed the door and returned to the table, carefully opened the kit.

But before he could take another look, the door rang again.

Jiang Su asked him outside the door: "Haven't you slept yet?"

Li Hanshan was so frightened that he quickly stuffed the bag into his arms, and hurried to open the door.

Jiang Su stood outside the door, seeing him panicked, couldn't help frowning, and asked, "What is Hua Shiqing doing here?"

Li Hanshan replied truthfully: "Apology."

Jiang Su nodded, without thinking too much, walked into the room, Li Hanshan closed the door, turned to him and asked, "Are you...not angry?"

Jiang Su was puzzled: "It's fine, why should I be angry?"

When he said a word, Li Hanshan felt as if the dark clouds had cleared and the moon was shining. He was overjoyed, shook his head vigorously, and said, "It's nothing! Sit down!"

Jiang Su said: "I just remembered one thing."

Li Hanshan: "Yeah, yeah."

Jiang Su poured himself a cup of tea to prepare for what he was going to do later, and asked Li Hanshan to sit down in front of him, and said: "It's midnight, the mountain road is so dangerous, but Hua Shiqing still has to go up the mountain Come find us, it's moving."

No matter what he said at this moment, Li Hanshan would just keep nodding his head.

Li Hanshan: "Yes, it's amazing."

Jiang Su: "We can't be sorry for Hua Shiqing."

Li Hanshan: "No mistake."

Jiang Su: "Then you lie down."

Li Hanshan: "Okay...huh?"

Jiang Su took out a few pieces of paper from his pocket, which seemed to be something he was thinking about writing after he returned.

"We must repay Hua Shiqing well." Jiang Su said seriously, "Come on, I'll finish the story now."

Li Hanshan: "..."