The two were relatively silent for a long time before Jiang Su opened his mouth with difficulty.

Jiang Su: "...Why are you here?"

Li Hanshan was also a little embarrassed. He felt that he shouldn't be here, so he could only whisper: "I...I'm worried about you."

Jiang Su was silent for a moment, then asked again: "Did you... hear everything just now?"

Li Hanshan: "I..."

He didn't even have time to say the next sentence, when he heard screams from inside Xie Zeli's tent, he seemed to be calling Lou Yan's name in a suppressed whisper, sometimes mixed with more weird and ambiguous voices.

The two of them stopped talking abruptly, and their expressions became more and more awkward. After a while, Jiang Su hurriedly waved his hands and said hastily, "Let's talk in another place first?"

Li Hanshan couldn't help nodding his head, wishing he could flee here with Jiang Su immediately, even though the matter here had nothing to do with him, he still couldn't stop his face from flushing and his heart beating like a drum, as if he was extremely ashamed to see such a thing disturbed.

Jiang Su was obviously no better than him. He was closer to the tent just now than Li Hanshan, so he naturally heard more strange sounds than Li Hanshan. He was still young and hadn't seen much in the market. An honest gentleman from a decent family, he really can't stand this kind of stimulation.

The two ran a long way, and when they arrived at a secluded place where there was almost no one there, they both heaved a sigh of relief, but Li Hanshan opened his mouth in embarrassment and murmured, "Just now... there are other people in there?"

After all, he was far away, although he heard the absurd sounds inside, but some sounds were not really heard, on the other hand Jiang Su stood so close just now, Jiang Su should be more clear.

Now Li Hanshan has already accepted that his father has a lack of personal morality, but also indulged in excesses, and committed countless immoral acts. Therefore, Li Hanshan is not surprised that Xie Zeli and Lou Yan did the same thing, but Lou Yan just now Outside the tent, there is still that kind of sound inside the tent... No, although he can accept that Xie Zeli and Lou Yan are ambiguous, he absolutely cannot accept that there is a third person involved in it.

But when Jiang Su heard what he said, his expression became even more embarrassed, and he spoke after a while, saying: "... probably not."

With his martial arts, he is confident that most people in this world can't hide their aura from him, let alone when they are doing that kind of thing, if there is another person in the tent, he should be able to detect it.

Li Hanshan was startled: "Then why..."

Li Hanshan shut his mouth suddenly, he obviously thought of something, and suddenly felt that he understood.

Seeing that Li Hanshan pursed his lips and refused to say anything, Jiang Su was stunned for a moment, but he still felt sorry for Li Hanshan.

Look, there is no lower limit for a father to be a man, how embarrassing is it for the child?

But he thought that there was no one else in the tent, if there was no third person in the tent, how could Xie Zeli make that sound?

Jiang Su thought, there might be some kind of strange prop—

Wait, he seems to understand.

When he went to see Lou Yan and Xie Zeli today, Xie Zeli had a cold face and never spoke a word to him from the beginning to the end. Lou Yan communicated with him on all matters. At that time, he was still thinking about the reason, but now Come to think of it... Could it be that Xie Zeli was not easy to speak at that time?

He was worried that he would make some strange noises when he opened his mouth, so he kept gritting his teeth, pretending to be nonchalant or even indifferent and arrogant, so naturally everything could only be explained by Lou Yan.

Thinking of this, Jiang Su couldn't help but blush even more, he just felt that the development of Xie Zeli and Lou Yan seemed to have completely exceeded his expectations.

Just now, Lou Yan also told him that Xie Zeli would not return to the Demon Sect, but would go to Meiyou Palace with Lou Yan, that is to say, Xie Zeli is now completely controlled by Lou Yan, and the story seems to be going all the way to the little girl. Heiwu went straight in the direction of Hei Shencan.

Jiang Su didn't know what to say, he remembered what Zhang Wenxue said today, when Zhang Wenxue felt that his revenge against Xie Zeli was not revenge at all, and Xie Zeli was still taking advantage of the big advantage.

Now he seems to be self-defeating, allowing Xie Zeli to start the ending of the real life of a certain Tang. In the book, everything that Jiang Su himself experienced in the book has now been transferred to Xie Zeli, the culprit.

Disregarding the impact of the three views to talk about this matter, Jiang Su somehow still feels...

How can there be some unspeakable happiness.

He also thought of the titles of the original articles that he saw out of thin air when he first arrived in the Wulin League. He seemed to have not seen those things for a long, long time, which meant that...he had escaped from the indescribable color in the original text. plot.

That's right, his martial arts are so advanced, who else would not think twice about attacking him.

So Jiang Su paused for a while, and could only comfort Li Hanshan and said: "You...don't think too much about it, what happened to your father...just let him do what he wants."

Li Hanshan: "..."

The emotions in his heart at this moment were simply indescribably complicated. In fact, he didn't care what happened to Xie Zeli in these private matters. After all, he had no right to interfere with Xie Zeli's decisions since he was a child. Xie Zeli could do whatever he wanted. It collapsed so fast that he couldn't accept it for a while.

Not long ago, when he left the Devil's Cult, Xie Zeli was still his foster father, how long had it been? Things seemed suddenly different.

Li Hanshan could only sigh, and said, "I won't think too much about it."

Jiang Su was also worried that the child would have a huge psychological shadow if he saw this kind of thing. He was very worried, and decided to comfort Li Hanshan a few more words, then followed Li Hanshan all the way, and waited for the two to return to the tent where Li Hanshan was resting together. In the middle of the night, he opened his mouth again, and said the comforting words that he had only thought of after walking all the way, saying: "The love between men and women is a natural law, and it is the most normal thing in this world."

Li Hanshan: "..."

"You are not young anymore." Jiang Su said, "You will always have to experience this kind of thing in the future."

Li Hanshan: "I..."

"Look at it, and look at it with a normal heart." Jiang Su said seriously, "Don't think wildly."

Li Hanshan: "..."

Li Hanshan looked at Jiang Su's face, and couldn't help but think about what Jiang Su said just now. If this kind of thing must be experienced in life, then Jiang Su... how and with whom Jiang Su will experience this kind of thing ?

When he thought of this, he seemed to be unable to hold back his heartbeat. At that moment, he couldn't hold back his blushing, but no matter what he couldn't say what he was thinking in his heart, he could only press down and beat With a heartbeat, he raised his head and reluctantly answered, "Don't worry, I'm fine."

But seeing him blushing like this, Jiang Su thought it was the first time he had been in close contact with such a thing. Even though he himself had no experience, he insisted on giving a lecture on physiology to young people, saying: "Your father is like this. Yes, it's actually quite normal."

Li Hanshan: "I know..."

"People always have some unique hobbies, Xie Zeli likes to do it, it's his private pastime, as long as it doesn't hurt others, he doesn't care what he wants to do." Jiang Su thought for a while, then said, "Anyway, he can't hurt other people now gone."

Li Hanshan: "..."

Li Hanshan was even more cranky.

Then... what is Jiang Su's private preference in this regard?

It can't be a sword, can it?

He subconsciously raised his head to look at Jiang Su, taking Jiang Su seriously, and remembering the Zhishui Sword School's ruthless and desireless mentality, he felt for some reason that Jiang Su might not have such preferences.

For Jiang Su, having time to think about such things might make him happier than practicing sword.

Li Hanshan sighed, nodded again, and said, "Don't worry, I won't think wildly."

Jiang Su frowned, and replied seriously: "If that's the case, then that's fine."

After saying this, Jiang Su got up and decided to say goodbye to Li Hanshan first.

The child has experienced such a big impact in life, Baobuqi is the first step towards the new world tonight, so he naturally has to leave some free time for Li Hanshan to be alone, he will go back to rest first, if there is anything, they can talk about it tomorrow .

Jiang Su said: "You have a good rest, I'll go back first."

Li Hanshan: "..."

Li Hanshan didn't know what to say.

For the first time, he felt that twenty years was too long. For some things, he might not be able to wait twenty years.

He was afraid that someone would intervene in the past twenty years, even if Jiang Su said that he didn't want to consider the love of his children for the past twenty years, but this sentence could not stop other people from pursuing him, when he thought of what Jiang Su said just now In other words, thinking that Jiang Su might do that kind of thing with other people, he couldn't help the boredom in his heart.

He finally began to feel that he was a little too particular about rules.

Jiang Su and He Lingcheng said that they would not fall in love for 20 years, so he really had to wait for 20 years?

No, even if he is planning for a rainy day, he should take back the kit prepared by Hua Shiqing that he had given to Jiang Su, at least he can take a look at the contents of the kit in advance, study more, and make preparations in advance.

Li Hanshan coughed and said, "Wait a minute, I still have something to do."

Jiang Su looked at him puzzled and asked, "What's wrong?"

"Hua Shiqing's kit." Li Hanshan whispered, "I want to take it back and have a look."

He felt that he didn't have a proper reason, and he didn't know whether Jiang Su was willing to hand over the kit to him. Seeing Jiang Su silently looking at him, he felt even more guilty and at a loss, but Jiang Su was just like that He looked at him silently for a while, then took out the kit, handed it to Li Hanshan, and said, "You should watch it first."

Li Hanshan heaved a sigh of relief.

"I'm going back to rest first." Jiang Su said, "You... rest early, don't stare at this thing all night."

Li Hanshan nodded.

He gripped the bag tightly and breathed a sigh of relief.

Jiang Su is so easy to talk, he was all nervous just now.

And Jiang Su walked out of the tent and couldn't help but also sighed.

That incident just now really had a great impact on Li Hanshan. Look, Li Hanshan has started to study Hua Shiqing's love manual. I'm afraid it's not a young man thinking about spring. He wants to find out what these ambiguous things are all about. .

Fortunately, what Hua Shiqing wrote should only be a love manual, not some indescribable pamphlet. It is better to let him read Hua Shiqing's tips than to let him go out and read some strange things.

Jiang Su sighed.

Life is lonely.

There are so many people in this world, why is there no one who can never be troubled by love like him?

After Li Hanshan waited for Jiang Su to leave, he hurriedly opened Hua Shiqing's brochure bag, took out a stack of papers from it, opened it, and on the first sheet was clearly written, the contents of this brochure It needs to be carried out under the personal guidance of Hua Shiqing.

Li Hanshan felt that Hua Shiqing was really worried about them.

But now Hua Shiqing is not around, he can't run back to Hua Shiqing to teach him what to do, he can't help but feel a little worried, and when he looks down, he sees Hua Shiqing saying that if he can't ask Hua Shiqing to explain and guide, Then you should find the most reliable person around you to help.

Li Hanshan was silent.

Around him... is there anyone reliable?

In the Holy Cult, there are not many people he can talk to. Needless to say, the subordinates of ordinary congregants, he would never tell them this kind of thing, and he did not dare to mention this matter with Xie Zeli. Lou Yan is not his teacher. Zhongren, when he looked at Lou Yan, he wanted to think of everything Xie Zeli had experienced, and felt even more annoyed, so naturally he would not look for Lou Yan.

The rest seemed to be only Wu Qi and He Lingcheng.

Wu Qi's Chinese was so poor that Li Hanshan felt that everyone couldn't even communicate normally, not to mention that Wu Qi was obviously more interested in cats than people, and he didn't like looking at people.

Li Hanshan got up silently, packed up the note in the kit, stuffed it into his arms, then went out without hesitation, and ran to He Lingcheng overnight for help.

He Lingcheng has treated him so well and helped him so many times, he believes that this time, He Lingcheng will definitely find a way!

It was getting late now, and He Lingcheng was just about to rest when he saw Li Hanshan running over in a hurry. He thought something serious had happened, but he didn't want Li Hanshan to take out a lot of papers, stuff them into his hand, and said: "Deputy Envoy He, I need your help."

He Lingcheng: "?"

He Lingcheng lowered his head and looked at the notes.

"One, if he doesn't dislike you on a daily basis, then directness is the root of everything. It's better to speak up directly than to hide it. Don't wait for the best time."

He Lingcheng: "..."

Wait, what is this?

He saw the young master coming with such a thick stack of things, and he thought about following the young master's usual style, this must be some kind of sword manual, but why does he look... these things are so like teaching people to fall in love stuff?

Holding the note, He Lingcheng raised his head in doubt, and said, "Young master, what are you going to do?"

Li Hanshan was so nervous that he didn't know how to speak to He Lingcheng.

He still remembered He Lingcheng's reaction when he suspected that there was something between him and Jiang Su. He was worried that if he said that he liked Jiang Su, He Lingcheng would get angry again. He could only hesitate, and whispered: "I...maybe have a sweetheart gone."

He Lingcheng: "Jiang Shaoxia?"

Li Hanshan: "..."

Wait, how did He Lingcheng know?

"I knew it a long time ago." He Lingcheng raised his eyebrows and said, "Idiots can't see it."

Li Hanshan: "...I thought you would be angry."

"Young Master, Young Master Jiang has treated you well. If you two have mutual intentions, I will not stop you." He Lingcheng sighed and said, "You have grown up too."

Speaking of this, he had mixed feelings in his heart, and he couldn't tell whether it was sad or happy for a moment.

It was as if he was looking at his son who was raised by himself to marry a wife, he was a little disappointed, but this daughter-in-law was a good candidate, he knew that Jiang Su was very kind to the young master, and he didn't want the young master to suffer, but with Jiang Su's character, if If he can stay by the young master's side, there should be no one in the world who can bully the young master.

It's just...Jiang Su, I'm afraid he can't tell the love between his children at all.

"It's just that the person you like is Jiang Shaoxia." He Lingcheng sighed, "If this matter comes to nothing—"

"I'm not in a hurry, I just want to be with him." Li Hanshan said seriously, "He also said that in the past twenty years, he has no intention of doing this kind of thing. I can wait."

He Lingcheng: "..."

No, wait.

What are you waiting for? How long to wait? !

"You have to wait twenty years?!" He Lingcheng couldn't help raising his voice, a little startled, "Young master, are you sleepy?"

Li Hanshan: "...Huh?"

"Don't say twenty years, no one in this world can say for sure what will happen in the next year." He Lingcheng couldn't hold back the anger in his heart, and said, "You still want to wait twenty years? Can you Have you ever wondered what will happen to you and Jiang Shaoxia in twenty years? Don't you think it will be the same as today?"

Li Hanshan hesitated: "It's not the same as now... Could it be that they are enemies?"

He Lingcheng: "..."

He Lingcheng slapped the stack of thick paper that took time to thank on the table, then pulled Li Hanshan in front of him, sat down on the chair with Li Hanshan, and said seriously: "Twenty years, you two may be seriously ill, maybe you are related. If it fades away, good and evil may become enemies, maybe Jiang Shaoxia will have other sweethearts—"

Li Hanshan hastily interrupted him: "He said that within twenty years he won't..."

"That's just an excuse." He Lingcheng raised his eyebrows, "Twenty years is so long, I don't think Jiang Shaoxia himself can be sure what will happen in these twenty years."

Li Hanshan: "..."

"Besides, if you don't enjoy your life while you're young, and when you're old in twenty years, wouldn't you miss a whole twenty years of knowing each other and being together?" He Lingcheng said, "It doesn't have to be twenty years, just now Bar."

Li Hanshan still hesitated: "But I don't think he has any other intentions for me."

"Jiang Shaoxia has always been very confused when it comes to emotional matters." He Lingcheng said, "He can't even understand what he thinks in his heart. If you don't push him, you may really be in this stalemate until twenty Years later."

Li Hanshan was silent.

What He Lingcheng said was completely beyond what he thought, but it completely hit his worries. After careful consideration, he felt that what He Lingcheng said was very reasonable, and he should have expressed his heart earlier according to what He Lingcheng said. on earth can he make Jiang Su accept all this without feeling disgusted with him?

He really had no idea in his mind. To him, this was something he was extremely bad at, so he could only look at He Lingcheng as if asking for help, and said, "Deputy Envoy He, that note—"

"If you're just talking on paper, and do what others say one by one, I'm afraid you won't be able to make Jiang Shaoxia respond in your life." He Lingcheng interrupted him directly, and it seemed that he didn't intend to follow what Hua Shiqing wrote. to teach Li Hanshan about the content, but instead said, "You should figure out how to deal with this kind of thing yourself."

Li Hanshan was taken aback, and whispered, "But I really don't know what to do."

"Compare your heart to your heart, and prescribe the right medicine." He Lingcheng said, "You just need to bring your thoughts of liking him, and whatever he likes, you can do what you do with him or help him. Everything will take its course and will happen naturally."

Li Hanshan was even more puzzled, and said, "But I used to do this too."

Now he doesn't necessarily think that Jiang Su likes him in turn, or he just regards him as a good friend. He thinks that the method He Lingcheng said will not work.

"You used to accompany him to do these things as a good friend." He Lingcheng hated iron and steel, "Of course he can only regard you as a good friend."

Li Hanshan: "..."

"At least this note is true." He Lingcheng patted Li Hanshan's shoulder and said seriously, "Go and tell him directly, he must first know that you like him before he can make other progress, understand? ?”

Li Hanshan: "..."

Li Hanshan suffered from insomnia.

He tossed and turned all night, carefully thinking about what He Lingcheng said in his heart, and the more he thought about it, the more he felt embarrassed. He Lingcheng asked him to speak to Jiang Su, directly explain everything, and then do other things, but he was always worried that if he spoke, Jiang Su will hate him if he fails to protect him.

In the middle of the night, he finally figured it out.

Look at Sheng Hechen and the others, doesn't Jiang Su know that they like him? But Jiang Su didn't keep them at arm's length, let alone treating them as ordinary friends.

That is to say, as long as he goes to Jiang Su to clarify this matter, Jiang Su should be able to treat him as his friend as usual, just like Sheng Hechen and others.

His time is still long, if Jiang Su wants the key, he will go back to the Holy Cult together with him, even if Jiang Su is really angry, after such a long time, with the help of He Lingcheng, he can always win back Jiang Su's heart.

In the early morning of the second day, Li Hanshan took Hua Shiqing's kit to look for Jiang Su, and after returning the kit to Jiang Su, he finally summoned up his courage, spoke seriously, and said, "I've been thinking about it all night. "

Jiang Su nodded and asked, "I know, it's really unacceptable that something like that happened to your father."

"It has nothing to do with that matter." Li Hanshan said seriously, "Don't talk, just listen to me first."

Jiang Su really shut up, waiting for him to continue.

Li Hanshan thought about thousands of words last night, and came up with countless confession versions, but when he really faced Jiang Su, he seemed to have forgotten all the words.

He looked into Jiang Su's eyes and was so nervous that he was at a loss. It took him a while to hold back a sentence, saying: "I...I like you."

Jiang Su: "..."

Jiang Su smiled.

"You and I have come back here, and the agreement with Hua Shiqing has long since ceased to count." Jiang Su said, "What? You went back and read the stuff written by Hua Shiqing all night, and figured out a new trick by yourself ?”

Li Hanshan: "...Huh?"

He hadn't recovered from the tension just now, he thought that Jiang Su would just agree and reject, but he didn't expect that it could be like this?

"I didn't mean that." Li Hanshan was originally not good at words, but now he was so anxious that he didn't know how to explain his feelings, "I really like you."

"It seems that you have studied more thoroughly than me." Jiang Su nodded, "I have to work harder, otherwise I am afraid that this swordsmanship will not improve in the next life."

Li Hanshan: "I'm really..."

Jiang Su comforted him: "Okay, you're right, I should be more serious, but Hua Shiqing is no longer here, so let's put this matter on hold for now, as if he is destined to meet again in the future, let's talk about pretending Bar."

Li Hanshan: "..."

After so long, Li Hanshan finally understood what Zhang Wenxue said back then.

Jiang Su, I only hate that you are a rock!