Even though Li Hanshan was extremely helpless and unwilling, it has to be said that Jiang Su blocked all his methods with one word.

Now no matter what Li Hanshan and Jiang Su say, Jiang Su will only think that Li Hanshan is still talking according to Hua Shiqing's orders, immersed in the atmosphere of pretending to be a couple and unable to get out, that is to say, at least for a short time Inside, no matter how he confessed, Jiang Su would never believe it.

Li Hanshan felt that he had just lifted a rock and shot himself in the foot. He shouldn't have dealt with such a thing at the time. He was very annoyed, but he was at a loss. He Lingcheng was not here, and he couldn't find anyone's advice for the time being. I could only emphasize my tone, thinking about trying again, I said to Jiang Su seriously, "I'm serious."

Jiang Su: "I know, you just said it."

Li Hanshan: "..."

Jiang Su: "Okay, don't say that these things are gone, when are you leaving today?"

Li Hanshan: "...stone."

Jiang Su: "Huh?"

Li Hanshan still couldn't help saying what was in his heart, but Jiang Su didn't understand it, but looked at him rather puzzled, not understanding why he suddenly mentioned the stone.

Li Hanshan frowned, turned his head and left, Jiang Su had no choice but to follow his footsteps, and saw that many members of the Devil's Cult had started to pack their things, and he should be returning to the Demon's Cult, so he asked Li Hanshan: " The bag of flowers cleared yesterday—”

Li Hanshan muttered in a low voice: "You have read so much, but you don't understand anything."

Jiang Su: "What?"

Li Hanshan stopped talking, and returned the kit to Jiang Su. He pursed his lips in displeasure, but he didn't say the reason. He just said hastily, "I'll go see my father first."

Jiang Su was startled, and hurriedly wanted to stop him: "Wait a minute, it's too early, I'm afraid it's inconvenient!"

But Li Hanshan had already run away sullenly, so Jiang Su had no choice but to chase after him. He thought that Li Hanshan's Three Views had almost been shattered last night. If he broke into Xie Zeli's tent today, what else would he see? ruined things.

But Li Hanshan didn't want to talk to him anymore, so he ran very fast. Jiang Su hesitated for a moment, and Li Hanshan had already gone far away. The camp was only that big. When Jiang Su caught up with Li Hanshan, Li Hanshan had already Standing outside Xie Zeli's tent, he wanted to order the guards outside to communicate.

But today those guards stood far away from the tent, seeing that Li Hanshan was about to go in, they persuaded him with embarrassment, saying: "Young master, it may not be convenient now."

Li Hanshan: "..."

Li Hanshan felt that he was no longer the original self.

If it was before, what these people said, he should not understand.

But now these people just said a few words casually, but he seemed to have realized something, and couldn't help but feel embarrassed, so he nodded in haste and was about to leave when he saw Jiang Su had already caught up , and hastily said to him: "Don't go in in a hurry!"

Li Hanshan: "..."

So tired, he was also embarrassed to see Jiang Su.

"Don't you remember what happened last night?" Jiang Su whispered to Li Hanshan, "When you should leave your father alone, if you want to see him, it's better for someone to bring the news in advance."

Li Hanshan didn't want to talk.

He finally discovered that when Jiang Su looked at other people's affairs, his heart was as clear as a mirror, and he could speak eloquently. He was completely different from his ignorant appearance. He was always only confused about his own affairs.

Anyway, Xie Zeli could not be seen, Li Hanshan wanted to leave directly, but just now he was about to turn around, but saw Lou Yan coming out of the tent in neat clothes, he called Li Hanshan and Jiang Su to stop before he spoke. The two said: "Jiang Shaoxia, you should already know that today everyone is leaving to return to the Holy Cult."

Jiang Su nodded, thought for a while, and asked, "Do you... want to come together?"

"Meiyou Palace and Shengjiao are not on the same path." Lou Yan said, "It's more important to detoxify the leader first."

The implication is that he should part with them today, and bring Xie Zeli, who is crying with tears, back to Meiyou Palace.

He said it was to detoxify Xie Zeli, but everyone present must know that this poison may not be cured in this life, even though the saintess of Meiyou Palace mentioned that if Xie Zeli practiced the double cultivation method, That can be resolved naturally, judging from the current situation...

Jiang Su felt that Lou Yan would not be willing to teach Meiyou Palace's double cultivation method, otherwise, if he had no reason to blackmail Xie Zeli, Xie Zeli would definitely not be able to obey him as obediently as today.

Jiang Su even felt that Xie Zeli's temperament had changed drastically, and there might be some reasons why he didn't know about it, but Jiang Su didn't bother to care about it. He didn't think Xie Zeli would really be controlled like this, nor did he think that Lou Yan only With these means, anyway, these two love and kill each other, scum matches dogs, as long as they don't harm other people, it doesn't matter how much they want to torment Jiang Su.

There was no absolute winner in this matter—


Jiang Su suddenly realized that in fact, there is still a winner in this matter.

"Your father has given orders to go down this morning." Lou Yan said to Li Hanshan, "From now on, you will be in charge of the teaching affairs on his behalf."

Li Hanshan: "...Yes."

"Your father had previously ordered that after you take charge of the Holy Church, you may report the affairs of the Church to him, and then he will make a decision." Lou Yan smiled, and said, "Now he has changed his mind, and you have already changed his mind. When you grow up, it's time to learn how to be on your own. If you can't make a choice about things in teaching, you don't have to write to him to tell him."

Li Hanshan: "..."

Li Hanshan felt that this was absolutely impossible to be Xie Zeli's decision.

With Xie Zeli's personality, how could he easily hand over the power in his hands to others? Not to mention that Xie Zeli himself should also understand that if he didn't show up in the church, he would hand over power so casually. After Li Hanshan returned to Islam, it would definitely arouse suspicion and opposition from the rest of the church.

And if in the past, Xie Zeli would never let someone irrelevant like Lou Yan speak for himself on such important matters.

He originally wanted to ask Lou Yan what was going on, but before he could even open his mouth, Jiang Su had already reached out and grabbed his arm, and winked at him to tell him not to say more.

Li Hanshan closed his mouth, nodded stiffly, and said, "I see."

Jiang Su realized.

What is lying to win? This is lying to win!

He didn't do anything and was about to become the leader of the Demon Cult for no reason, and his father, who seemed capable of making troubles, abdicated directly to give way to the virtuous. Li Hanshan actually wanted to refuse such a big pie that fell from the sky.

Jiang Su sighed, and asked tentatively, "Since we are going to say goodbye today, should we say goodbye to Master Xie?"

Lou Yan: "It's not convenient for him now."

Jiang Su: "..."

This refusal was really outrageous, and it was almost written on his face that Xie Zeli was under his control. Fortunately, he himself soon realized that this was inappropriate, so he smiled again and said: "The leader is still resting, We will always see you later when we leave the camp and part ways."

Jiang Su frowned and said no more, Li Hanshan just nodded slightly, then found an excuse, turned around and left here with Jiang Su, Jiang Su was still a little uneasy, worried that Li Hanshan would not accept Xie Zeli With this result, he asked again: "If you are worried about your father..."

"I'm not really worried." Li Hanshan frowned and said, "I know he treats me badly, and I didn't have a deep friendship with him before. I was busy practicing swords when I was young, so I seldom even saw his face. "

Therefore, Xie Zeli encountered these things during this period of time, but he didn't feel worried. Even seeing that Lou Yan was going to take Xie Zeli away today, he felt quite calm in his heart. .

But he thought again, anyway, in the evil way, family affection is weak, even if he is like this, it seems that there is nothing wrong with it.

Li Hanshan could only emphasize again, "I'm not worried."

Jiang Su patted him on the shoulder, and asked again: "Do you want to talk to Deputy Envoy He about this matter?"

Li Hanshan wanted to meet He Lingcheng at first, so he could ask him what he should do now. Jiang Su wanted to go with him, but he had no objection, so he nodded, and the two went to look for He Lingcheng together.

He Lingcheng was instructing the members of the Demon Cult to pack their things. Seeing the two people coming here, he already guessed what they were going to ask. He looked a little strange, raised his hand and waved away the others, then looked at Li Hanshan and said: " Young master, I already know about acting as the leader."

Jiang Su was curious and asked him: "Don't you think your leader is a little strange?"

But He Lingcheng replied: "I have seen him several times in the past few days, but I didn't feel any difference. I thought, he probably doesn't want me to take care of this kind of thing."

Jiang Su: "..."

That's right, for a face-saving person like Xie Zeli, even if something really happened, he might not be willing to ask for help.

"In this case, this matter has nothing to do with me." He Lingcheng said, "I just need to do my job well."

As the Deputy Envoy of Shengjiao, his job is to assist the teacher in charge of the internal affairs of the teaching. Now that Li Hanshan is in charge of Shengjiao, the person he will assist in the future will naturally become Li Hanshan.

Jiang Su had long realized that Xie Zeli's role as the leader was a failure. He Lingcheng, Wu Qi and the others seemed to be eager for Xie Zeli to learn a lesson, but today he saw it more clearly.

Li Hanshan was anxious to talk to He Lingcheng about today's affairs, but now he had a flash of inspiration and felt that he could take advantage of this opportunity, so he hurriedly interrupted the conversation between the two, and said to He Lingcheng seriously: "Deputy Envoy He, there are some things in the teaching , I want to ask you."

He Lingcheng couldn't help being startled, but quickly understood, what else could Li Hanshan have to say at this moment? He had no choice but to take the initiative to let Li Hanshan come with him. He only said that it was inconvenient for Jiang Su to hear what was being taught. After walking aside, he asked, "What's the matter?"

Li Hanshan was extremely distressed, and told He Lingcheng everything that happened today, and said aggrievedly: "If this continues, it is impossible for him to believe me."

He Lingcheng: "..."

He really didn't expect that Li Hanshan could make such a dead end for himself.

"Should I wait a few more days?" Li Hanshan sighed, "After a while, if I speak again after he forgets about it, won't he think I'm joking?"

He Lingcheng sighed.

"Young master, you should know how to be flexible." He Lingcheng said, "There are so many ways to break the game, why wait so long?"

Li Hanshan didn't understand.

He Lingcheng said: "Showing your heart can be done by opening your mouth, and you don't need to pay any price, but if your actions are more direct and make him feel that no one will pay so much for an agreement, he will I will naturally believe you."

Li Hanshan frowned: "Deputy Envoy He, I don't understand..."

"What's the use of regretting now!" He Lingcheng said bluntly, "You should have kissed him back then!"

Li Hanshan: "Huh?"

Li Hanshan felt that he understood.

Ordinary people obviously wouldn't joke about this kind of thing. If he had kissed Jiang Su after expressing his heart, Jiang Su would naturally understand that he was not joking, and that he really liked him.

It's just that he missed this opportunity, and now if he suddenly came out and caught someone with a forced kiss, it would be disgusting if he didn't keep it clean.

He can only wait patiently for the next opportunity.

Li Hanshan figured out the whole thing, and wished to thank He Lingcheng immediately. He felt that He Lingcheng was simply his mentor in life, a bright light in the long and confused journey, and he was in a much happier mood. It is fully prepared.

There is still a long way to go to return to the holy religion, he should think of a way to find some suitable opportunities to express his heart to Jiang Su again, and after finishing those words, he should have another kiss, and it will come naturally!

Li Hanshan was very happy.

He thought for a long time what method he should use to create what kind of opportunity, and when everyone packed up and was about to leave, he saw Lou Yan helping Xie Zeli climb into the carriage by the side of the road. He originally wanted to go and say goodbye to Xie Zeli, but his face paled Hong, his steps were weak, and he looked like he was going to be poisoned. He suddenly didn't know whether he should go forward.

Jiang Su had already walked over first.

"Thank you, Hierarch." Jiang Su opened his mouth and said, "I'm leaving today, I don't know when I will see you again in the future."

Xie Zeli: "..."

"No matter what, I still hope that Master Xie will successfully detoxify as soon as possible." Jiang Su said, "I will return to the Demon Sect with Young Master Hanshan first, and I will leave."

Xie Zelixian was annoyed by his words, but he still didn't speak, as if he was trying his best to endure, but Jiang Su had already stepped forward, so Li Hanshan had no choice but to bite the bullet and walk over, and said: "Father, I..."

Xie Zeli: "Get out!"

Li Hanshan: "..."

It would be fine if he didn't get angry at Li Hanshan. When he got angry, Jiang Su stopped in his tracks, turned his head slowly, looked at Xie Zeli, and said, "Don't get angry, the leader. If you get angry a few times, you will be poisoned on the spot. But it's not good."

Xie Zeli: "Oh..."

"Oh, I forgot." Jiang Su changed his mouth suddenly, "It doesn't matter if the poison was sent out on the spot. Anyway, in this sect, there is no one who doesn't know that the leader is poisoned."

Xie Zeli: "..."

He was trembling with anger, his face was even more flushed, but he was helpless, but Lou Yan still held his hand, as if telling him not to be impulsive, he didn't dare to be too impulsive, and Jiang Su still wanted to laugh with him , Said: "The leader seems to be poisoned."

Xie Zeli: "How about this seat..."

"It just so happens that the Palace Master Lou is here, so it doesn't matter if the poison is released." Jiang Su pulled Li Hanshan's arm, pulling him back a step, and followed him, before he said the next sentence, "As soon as you send it, you will release it as you please." , it is really convenient.”

Xie Zeli: "..."

Then Jiang Su didn't bother to care about Xie Zeli, dragged Li Hanshan and turned his head to leave. Li Hanshan staggered two steps, followed Jiang Su's pace, and only after a long while whispered: "This is not good."

"I don't think it's good for him to scold you." Jiang Su raised his eyebrows, "It's okay, if I scold him, he should already be used to it."

Li Hanshan: "But..."

"It doesn't have to be." Jiang Su seemed to be holding his breath because of Xie Zeli's words, and said directly, "Get on the horse and set off."

Li Hanshan: "..."

Li Hanshan felt his heart beat faster again.

He noticed something.

If someone scolds Jiang Su, Jiang Su doesn't necessarily care, but if someone scolds him, Jiang Su will most likely get angry.

He felt that Jiang Su was protecting his shortcomings, and he couldn't help being complacent and joyful for a while, and even walked briskly. He followed Jiang Su's instructions, and only after watching Lou Yan and Xie Zeli leave did he let everyone leave, and he and Jiang Su Su rode his horse in front and walked side by side.

For the first time in so many years, Li Hanshan felt that Islam was such a joyful thing.

After a day's journey, everyone stopped to rest at night, and there happened to be a peach blossom forest nearby, and now it's spring, and the peach blossoms in the forest are about to bloom, Li Hanshan suddenly felt that this was God's help, he had found a suitable place to be with Jiang again. Chance to express your feelings.

He found Jiang Su, looked eagerly at Jiang Su who was eating, and then said, "I don't seem to have seen peach blossoms much."

"Ah? That's just right, you can see it from here." Jiang Su raised his head, looked at the peach blossoms in the mountains and forests, and said, "Hurry up and take a closer look."

Li Hanshan: "..."

Li Hanshan really didn't expect Jiang Su to answer like this.

He paused for a moment, changed his words, and said, "I want to take a closer look at Peach Blossom."

"Then you go." Jiang Su said, "Xie Zeli is not here anymore, who else can stop you?"

Li Hanshan: "..."

Li Hanshan took a deep breath, changed his words again, and said, "Can you go with me?"

"No." Jiang Su replied, "Can Taohua taste as good as braised pork?"

Li Hanshan: "Uh..."

This man! Stone! what happened!

It is rare to have such a good opportunity, and Li Hanshan feels that he must not give up.

He is very persistent.

Li Hanshan: "After you finished eating..."

Jiang Su: "I haven't read the sword manual for several days."

Li Hanshan: "Then after you read the sword manual..."

Jiang Su: "Knowledge and action are one, you have to practice after reading it."

Li Hanshan: "After practice..."

Jiang Su: "Aren't you sleeping?"

Li Hanshan: "..."

Li Hanshan didn't want to talk anymore.

He got up angrily, and walked away without saying a word. Originally, he was angry and wanted to stay away from Jiang Su, but after walking a few steps, he thought again, he had never seen Peach Blossom, and Jiang Su didn't want to go to see it with him. Why don't you go and have a look yourself.

Li Hanshan had to be wronged again and turned around, and was about to go to the peach forest, but Jiang Su sighed, put down the bowl and chopsticks in his hand, frowned and asked him: "You really haven't seen it?"

This time Li Hanshan didn't want to talk to him anymore, so Jiang Su could only comfort him, saying: "Wait until I finish eating, will you be the head office?"

Li Hanshan: "...OK."

He didn't understand why Jiang Su's attitude always changed so quickly. He sat on the side and waited for Jiang Su to finish his meal. After the two talked to He Lingcheng, they went towards the peach blossom forest with their swords.

Anyway, the place is not too far away, they soon arrived in the peach forest, in the flower forest, Li Hanshan didn't have time to appreciate it, but just kept thinking in his heart, how should he speak later.

"From a distance, I don't think this peach forest is big." Jiang Su sighed, "When I look closely, I feel that there are so many peach blossoms here."

Here comes the opportunity.

"You like it very much?" Li Hanshan excitedly said, "May I help you break some branches—"

"Of course I like it." Jiang Su said, "How many big peaches will it bear in the next few months."

Li Hanshan: "...Huh?"

"Don't pick it, what to pick." Jiang Su said seriously, "If you pick one, you will lose a few big peaches, and the flowers will only bloom for two days, which is too bad."

Li Hanshan: "..."

Jiang Su didn't feel any difference, but was very regretful.

"It's a pity." Jiang Su sighed, "If we pass by here later, there will be peaches to eat today."

Li Hanshan: "..."

Li Hanshan scratched his head, and decided to get straight to the point, not to go around in circles with Jiang Su.

Li Hanshan: "I was thinking about what happened yesterday, when I said—"

Jiang Su interrupted him: "Hua Shiqing is no longer here, this matter is put on hold for the time being, there is no need to talk about it."

Li Hanshan: "...But if I want to talk about it anyway."

He was really annoyed, he always felt that Jiang Su had been talking about him deliberately, interrupting in every possible way, and misinterpreting his meaning, which would make anyone angry.

His attitude was firm, so Jiang Su frowned and looked at him with a more serious look, and asked, "What do you want to say?"

Li Hanshan: "I..."

Just when a gust of wind passed, countless fallen flowers fell in the peach forest, which made Li Hanshan even more uneasy. He swallowed and said nervously: "I want to tell you something seriously."

Before he finished speaking, he heard a strange sound coming from the peach forest. He and Jiang Su turned their heads to look there at the same time, and saw the familiar bone-piercing spikes flying towards the feathered arrow. Something was tied to it, and it shattered on the ground, splashing out a strange liquid, seeping into the soil, Jiang Su frowned, and only smelled a pungent smell, somewhat like... kerosene.

He felt something was wrong, but the result was really a round of rockets, which fell on the ground and instantly set off a flame, and in the blink of an eye, a wall of fire was built in front of him.

Jiang Su felt distressed.

The big peach that will be in a few months, it's gone.

I don't know who it was, it seemed that they wanted to trap them here, but they didn't dare to come directly, so they came up with this wicked trick of setting fire to the mountain, but when the matter was interrupted, Jiang Su seemed to be loose He breathed a sigh of relief, retreated some distance with Li Hanshan, and just now opened his mouth, sighing: "It is easy to burn the forest, but it is difficult to turn the trees into a forest. The fireworks are prosperous on the mountain, and the food in the prison is delicious."

Li Hanshan: "..."

What kind of strange jingle is this.

It is not difficult for them to avoid these hidden weapons and flames, but Jiang Su can guess who the enemy is just by looking at them.

In this wilderness, a lot of people suddenly appeared who wanted to kill him, who else could it be?

"Sun Lin." Jiang Su said loudly, "How is it! Has your boss introduced you to a wife!"

Li Hanshan: "..."

After a while, Sun Lin's furious roar came from afar: "None of your business!"

Jiang Su also yelled back: "Oh! That's not it!"

Sun Lin: "Stop talking nonsense!"

Jiang Su: "It's almost thirty! Parents, aren't you in a hurry!"

Sun Lin: "..."

Li Hanshan: "..."

"Abandon the darkness and turn to the light!" Jiang Su shouted, "Let me introduce you!"

Sun Lin: "...you are so annoying!!"