Li Hanshan unconsciously held his breath, and hardly dared to make a sound.

He just opened his eyes wide and looked at the simple hanger made of a few wooden poles. On the top were several pieces of Jiang Su's clothes, outer robe, inner lining, and inner clothing. He subconsciously counted them one by one, and then realized Seeing that Jiang Su didn't seem to be as he thought, he took off all the clothes on his body.

He also left at least one piece of unlined clothing as a cover. Maybe it was too cold, or maybe he was not used to sitting in the house naked. This should be why Jiang Su switched places with Li Hanshan, letting Li Hanshan sit Go inside, while I stay outside near the door or there may be a loophole in the door.

But Li Hanshan was never disappointed.

At this moment, there was only one thing left in his mind.

Jiang Su's clothes were placed on top of his clothes.

Underwear, just on top of his clothes.

His mind seemed to be buzzing, and he could hardly think about anything at that moment, he thought, no matter who saw the underwear of the person he likes on his clothes, he would be as emotional as him and unable to calm down.

He closed his eyes, took a few deep breaths slowly, and managed to regain his composure, but for a moment he didn't know what to say. In the end, he could only bite the bullet and speak indiscriminately, saying: "This rain... when will it stop?"

Jiang Su was far calmer than him, and even his tone was not much different from usual. When Li Hanshan asked such a question, he followed Li Hanshan's words and replied, "I'm afraid it's not that fast. It's enough for you to dry your clothes."

Li Hanshan: "..."

Jiang Su brought up the matter of clothes again, which obviously made Li Hanshan even more embarrassed, and almost didn't know what to say. The two were silent for a moment, and then they heard that Jiang Su took the initiative to provoke the topic, and said: "You don't know anything about Jianghu. , before you left the Demon Cult, have you ever heard of my Zhishui Sword Sect's swordsmanship?"

Li Hanshan didn't understand why Jiang Su mentioned this matter. Anyway, as long as he didn't mention the clothes and didn't remind him of the current situation of the two of them, he was willing to talk about any topic, so he nodded directly and said: "I've heard of it .”

However, Jiang Su asked Li Hanshan deliberately and said: "Is it the story of my master cheating the leader Xie Wu, or the sword technique of my Zhishui Sword School?"

Li Hanshan thought about it carefully, and replied sincerely: "I've heard a lot about the former, but I've heard about the latter..."

After all, the Zhishui Sword Sect is one of the best sword-using sects in the righteous way, and it has such a relationship with the Demon Sect. In the past, when his father taught him how to practice swords, it was inevitable that he would mention the Zhishui Sword Technique.

But it was just mentioned, Xie Zeli himself is not very familiar with the Zhishui swordsmanship, so it is naturally difficult to teach Li Hanshan how to decipher the Zhishui swordsmanship.

Hearing Li Hanshan's answer, Jiang Su seemed to be thinking deeply, but he didn't know what he was thinking about. He paused for a long time before saying the next sentence.

"Do you know the Zhishui swordsmanship, why do you call it the Zhishui swordsmanship?" Jiang Su did not wait for Li Hanshan to answer, but he said the answer first, "You need to have a heart like still water, ruthless and desireless, before you can use this sword The law has been cultivated to the extreme."

Li Hanshan was stunned for a while, and recalled vaguely that his father seemed to have said these words to him back then.

Father said that what Wen Qingting passed down was an incomprehensible swordsmanship, and Wen Qingting himself couldn't figure it out, but so many people in the Zhishui Sword Sect wanted to believe in the sword manual.

He also remembered that because of the so-called Zhishui swordsmanship, even though Xie Zeli had a little research on most of the martial arts in the world, he never thought about the sword moves of the Zhishui swordsmanship. No, even some look down on this **** handed down by Wen Qingting, so naturally they won't think about it before teaching Li Hanshan how to deal with it.

In addition to Xie Zeli's teachings back then, Li Hanshan had also heard Jiang Su mention the matter of breaking up love several times, but he still can't understand why swordsmanship can become better after breaking up love. Is there any difference between the two? what conflict?

Seeing that he didn't answer, Jiang Su asked again: "What do you think?"

Li Hanshan was silent for a moment, and replied: "It is impossible for a person to be heartless and desireless."

Not to mention the love between children, he felt that Jiang Su's attachment to the sword was a kind of desire.

Not only that, but if a person can live in the world without emotion or desire, can he still be considered a person?

After hearing his answer, Jiang Su seemed to be unable to hold back a smile, and said: "The sword manual refers to the severance of love and desire, it should only be talking about children's love and lust."

How to say this is also a certain world, and it is not an orthodox martial arts story about fighting monsters and upgrading. Apart from this explanation, there should be no other meaning.

But even so, Li Hanshan still didn't understand.

These two emotions do not conflict with swordsmanship, do they? Is it possible to become a top master by guarding oneself like jade for a lifetime and not talking about love? Isn't Shaolin everyone a master of martial arts, and Sanhua Palace is the weakest of all Jianghu.

Li Hanshan felt that this was nonsense.

He opened his mouth to retort seriously, saying: "There is no relationship between love and swordsmanship, right?"

"If you don't stop being in love, wouldn't you have to think wildly all day long, how can you put your mind on swordsmanship?" Jiang Su asked back, "You have met my uncle and nephew, they have never seriously studied swordsmanship— "

"That's the reason for the two of them." Li Hanshan wished to interrupt Jiang Su's nonsense immediately, "They don't like swords as much as you do, even if they didn't put their minds on love, they would end up elsewhere. What does that have to do with whether or not they're in love with someone?"

Jiang Su paused: "But..."

"I heard you said that you are looking for the next volume of the sword manual, and want to know how Wen Qingting thinks about all of this." Li Hanshan frowned and said, "I think he obviously didn't mean to make you break up. "

Jiang Su sighed helplessly, and said: "You have never seen him, so you are quite sure."

"This matter is unreasonable." Li Hanshan raised his eyebrows, "Since he is such a famous senior in the world, how can he not see that the matter of breaking up love is simply nonsense?"

Jiang Su: "But the word "broken love" was written by him himself."

Li Hanshan: "I bet you."

Jiang Su never expected that such a sentence would come out of nowhere, he was slightly puzzled, and was slightly taken aback, before asking, "Bet?"

"Aren't you going to be invincible? I want to go in with you, and when you get the second volume of the sword manual, everything will come to light." Li Hanshan was so emotional that he said so many things in one breath, "Ruo Wen Qingting His original intention was indeed to let all the disciples under his sect cut off love, then I... just..."

He looked left and right, saw half of the tattered fur hanging on the wall, and couldn't even tell what kind of animal it was, so Li Hanshan blurted out, "Then I'm just like the thing on the wall!"

Jiang Su laughed, and said: "There is no need to make such a poisonous oath."

He was just laughing at Li Hanshan's vow, but he didn't react to Li Hanshan's saying that he would go to the sky with him, obviously he didn't mind.

Only then did Li Hanshan heave a sigh of relief.

The first time he tried to plot against Jiang Su, he was very worried and afraid, always thinking that Jiang Su could see him through at a glance, but he never thought it would be so smooth.

He had been worried before, if Jiang Su accompanied him back to the church, and after getting the two keys, Jiang Su would leave the church, and he had to stay in the church instead of Xie Zeli, then...won't he just go back to the church in the future? Didn't have a chance to meet Jiang Su?

So just now he tentatively told Jiang Su that he wanted to follow Jiang Su into the sky to take a look, which was equivalent to saying that he wanted to follow Jiang Su to find the remaining four keys, and Jiang Su did not object , it is almost equivalent to agreeing to this matter with him.

Seeing that Li Hanshan didn't speak anymore, Jiang Su obviously decided that the oath was unwilling to change, so he nodded helplessly and said, "Okay, it's a deal."

Li Hanshan was so excited that he turned around and looked at the hanger between him and Jiang Su. He wanted to turn around and talk to Jiang Su, but he didn't want him to be agitated. His movements were too big, and he pushed the hanger back with a wave of his hand. up.

The entire shelf fell to Jiang Su's side, Jiang Su reacted quickly, and almost at that moment he stretched out his hand to support the hanger, but even so, the two of them still met their eyes.

Li Hanshan saw that Jiang Su was wearing an unlined garment, but he hadn't put it on properly. It was only loosely draped over his body. Under the garment, a section of his neck and skin could be seen, his clavicle was thin, and the wet ends of his hair stuck to his body. The neck slipped into the neckline, with a little drop of water, as moist as jade. Now he raised his hand to support the hanger, and lifted the hem of the clothes a little. Li Hanshan couldn't help moving his gaze down, and saw a slender calf with soothing muscles. Putting the top to cover the looming, on the contrary, it is more intriguing.

Only then did Li Hanshan realize that he had lost his composure, and he looked away suddenly, his heart pounding, as if at that moment, he suddenly comprehended many familiar verses, such as peony flowers, even ghosts are romantic even when they die under a peony flower, and a beauty is rare for a thousand gold Laughing, the hero is sad about the beauty pass, his mind is full of random thoughts, until Jiang Su coughed lightly, looked sideways, and helped the clothes hanger up without changing his face, Li Hanshan suddenly realized something.

Jiang Su still wore some clothes, but he was different, he didn't wear anything at all!

The hanger fell towards Jiang Su, at least it covered some of Jiang Su's lower waist, while Li Hanshan was almost completely exposed. He didn't know how much Jiang Su had seen, but he recalled that Jiang Su deliberately turned his eyes away to support the shelf at the end. Look, he thought... maybe not so good.

Li Hanshan covered his face.

He felt that he had never been so embarrassing in his life. He didn't dare to imagine what the scene just now was like in Jiang Su's mind. It looked like he deliberately pushed down the hanger. He was... like a abnormal.

Jiang Su cleared his throat and said, "Don't worry, I didn't see anything just now."

Li Hanshan: "..."

No, this is different from what he thought!

This should have been what he said to Jiang Su!

Seeing that Li Hanshan was silent and refused to say a word to him, Jiang Su thought that Li Hanshan was still embarrassed because of his sudden disappearance, so he coughed again, thought about his words, and said, "Don't worry, everyone is a man. I have what you have, don't be so shy."

Li Hanshan: "..."

Doesn't that mean he saw it?

Li Hanshan was really speechless, and he didn't know what he was embarrassed about. Indeed, according to Jiang Su's statement, the two of them faced each other frankly. There was nothing to be ashamed of. Even if they saw it, it didn't matter. Knowing that he likes him, as long as he pretends to be nonchalant, he will not be embarrassed.

Li Hanshan took a deep breath and said with a dry smile, "You're right."

He hurriedly pulled the clothes from the hanger, regardless of whether the clothes were dry or not, he was about to put them on in a hurry. He was busy buttoning the clothes, when he suddenly heard some other noises in the rushing rain outside. Like...footsteps.

Li Hanshan was startled, no matter who came, he couldn't face him in his current appearance, he hurriedly wanted to fasten his clothes, but he heard that Jiang Su was also hurriedly getting dressed.

Both of them were in a hurry, and in a hurry, Li Hanshan tore off Jiang Su's belt on the hanger, and when he found something wrong and wanted to stuff it back, Jiang Su had already tied his belt, and hurriedly talked to him. Said: "They are coming soon, let's get dressed first."

After thinking about it, Li Hanshan felt that what Jiang Su said was indeed reasonable. Anyway, it is more important to put on the clothes first. The belt is just a belt, and it is not close-fitting clothing.

But he obviously forgot that Jiang Su is used to wearing white clothes, so the belt is naturally white, and Li Hanshan is wearing black again today, such a pure white belt on him is really eye-catching.

Jiang Su was not much better either, the belts of both of them looked weird, but both of them couldn't care less about the belts, the footsteps had reached the door, a little hurried, but it didn't sound hostile , and the footsteps stopped outside the door, and a familiar voice sounded, saying: "It's their horse, fortunately, the two of them are here."

Jiang Su: "..."

It's He Lingcheng.

Jiang Su never thought that He Lingcheng would turn back to find them, and if the person outside the door was He Lingcheng, Jiang Su couldn't help but look down at Li Hanshan's belt on his waist, and fell into deep thought.

It seems... not so good. With He Lingcheng's mind, he must be thinking about it.

Hearing that He Lingcheng hadn't reached the door yet, thinking that He Lingcheng would always knock on the door, he hastily pushed open the clothes hanger between the two of them, but he didn't dare to speak, lest He Lingcheng hear that he was looking for Li Hanshan to exchange his belt, he just hurried Stretching out his hand, he pulled the half-tied belt on Li Hanshan's waist, and then winked at Li Hanshan, ordering him to change the belt back immediately.

Li Hanshan understood Jiang Su's meaning almost immediately. He hurried to untie his belt. The movement was fast, and he undid the belt and handed it to Jiang Su, but Jiang Su had no time to make another move. He Lingcheng had already pushed away. the door.

"Young master! This subordinate finally found you!" He Lingcheng looked anxious, holding a paper umbrella and coir raincoat in his hand, and said hastily, "Just now I said it was going to rain, and asked you to bring an umbrella, but you-"

The clothes of the two people in the room were disheveled, obviously they put them on hastily, while Jiang Su was holding his own belt, and it was Li Hanshan's belt hanging on his waist. It seemed that the two of them were wearing the wrong clothes, but... Wait a minute, why are the two of them wearing the wrong clothes?

He Lingcheng: "...I'm sorry, young master, this subordinate shouldn't have come."

He smiled awkwardly, silently left the coir raincoat and the paper umbrella in the corner of the room, then took a step back, pulled away Wu Qi who was still wanting to get closer, closed the door without saying a word, turned around and left.

Jiang Su stood silently in the room, knowing that He Lingcheng must have misunderstood.

Also, if he saw the situation in the house, he would also misunderstand it.

Two people with such high martial arts don't use their internal energy to dry their clothes. They take off their clothes and warm themselves by the fire here. Who will believe it? !

He sighed, feeling helpless for a while, and he was powerless to explain to He Lingcheng again. Anyway, it was not the first time that He Lingcheng misunderstood him. It was useless for him to explain clearly, so he stopped talking and changed the belt to Li Han Shan continued to sit by the fire by himself, baking the clothes silently.

Li Hanshan frowned. Seeing that Jiang Su wouldn't leave, he had no choice but to continue to sit down, but he couldn't help being embarrassed, but the embarrassing scene of the clothes hanger being pushed down by him just now was still in his mind.

He seemed to realize something.

Now that the two of them are alone and no one disturbs them, isn't this the time to suppress the embarrassment of talent and express their feelings to Jiang Su?

Li Hanshan finally mustered up his courage again, and turned to look at Jiang Su.

Li Hanshan: "I have something to tell you—"

Jiang Su interrupted him and said, "I know."

Li Hanshan was startled: "You know? What do you know?"

But Jiang Su didn't have time to answer, they had already heard He Lingcheng turned back, knocked on the door hesitantly outside, and said: "Young master, Jiang Shaoxia, the rain won't stop for a while, I brought you some food of…"

Jiang Su immediately went to open the door so that He Lingcheng could come in, but the door was opened a crack, and a black cat slid into the room, followed by Wu Qi's embarrassing explanation: "It doesn't like rain .”

Jiang Su didn't mind.

He didn't hate small animals, and he was tentatively wanting to hug the black cat, but the cat had already entered the house, so Wu Qi immediately followed in. He Lingcheng hesitated for a long time alone, and had to walk into the house cautiously , after coming in, he took a deep breath, as if he wanted to smell the strange smell in the house, after all, there should be something different in the house after that kind of thing happened.

But he smelled nothing.

There is only a musty smell in this room, accompanied by the smell of smoke from burning firewood, and it does not have the weird smell that He Lingcheng thought. He Lingcheng couldn't help but feel even more annoyed. It's different.

The young master almost succeeded in succeeding, but he interrupted him by himself.

No, he has to find a way to make up for it.

He Lingcheng turned his head and saw that Jiang Su had picked up Wu Qi's cat, and Wu Qi was staring at him nervously. Neither of them noticed what was going on around them. He Lingcheng hurried to Li Hanshan's side and asked Li Hanshan in a low voice. , said: "Young master, just now..."

Li Hanshan closed his eyes: "You misunderstood, we just want to dry the clothes."

He Lingcheng didn't want to believe it, but Li Hanshan looked sincere. He also knew that the young master is not good at lying, so he believed Li Hanshan's words just now, but he couldn't help asking: "Young haven't said it yet?"

Li Hanshan: "I was interrupted just now..."

He Lingcheng thought he was the one who interrupted all this, and apologized hastily: "I shouldn't have come in without knocking."

Li Hanshan: "...It's okay, I have been interrupted many times, this time is not bad for you."

He Lingcheng: "..."

What, it's just a confession, how can it be interrupted so many times?

Li Hanshan looked at Jiang Su, seeing that Jiang Su's attention was really not on the two of them, so he carefully led He Lingcheng aside, endured the grievances in his heart, and told He Lingcheng everything that happened during this period, of course , he automatically skipped the scene where he was seen by Jiang Su without any clothes on, and then whispered to He Lingcheng: "I wanted to try again."

He Lingcheng: "..."

He Lingcheng always felt that everything Li Hanshan described...was wrong.

Jiang Su seemed to be different from the past, and he talked about some useless sayings that practicing Zhishui swordsmanship requires a severance of emotion, which seemed to be entangled or hinted, but the words hidden in his words, based on the young master It is absolutely impossible for a straightforward mind to understand.

He Lingcheng looked at Jiang Su again, and saw that Jiang Su was still teasing Wu Qi's cat, but occasionally he wanted to look at them like he didn't want to, obviously caring about what they were talking about.

He Lingcheng suddenly understood.

He thought it was strange at first, because Jiang Su's eloquent ability to make the leader mad with a few words, shouldn't even be able to understand Li Hanshan's straightforward words. Now, he thinks that Jiang Su is not I don't understand, but deliberately pretend to be confused, just pretending that I don't know anything.

That being the case, He Lingcheng felt that he should add fire to the two of them.

He already knew that the root of Jiang Su's entanglement was the half of the Zhishui swordsmanship passed down by Wen Qingting. He felt that Wen Qingting wanted everyone in the sect to break up, so he was so entangled. If he wanted to help the young master, he would It would be good to start directly with this matter.

He Lingcheng returned to the fire, took a piece of firewood to stir the fire, and said to Jiang Su deliberately: "Jiang Shaoxia, I remember... you want to see the files related to Master Ling in my teaching, right?"

Jiang Su almost forgot about it, when He Lingcheng mentioned it suddenly, he nodded and said, "Yes."

"I'll have someone dig it out for you when I go back." He Lingcheng said, "By the way, I still vaguely remember some. Jiang Shaoxia wants to hear it?"

Anyway, warming up by the fire here is too boring, and listening to the story is no harm, Jiang Su nodded and said, "Tell me."

He Lingcheng recalled for a while, adding oil and vinegar.

"On the eighth day of the first lunar month, Wen Qingting, the swordless master, returned with the leader. He slept on the same bed at night and had a long talk. He ordered the guards in the sect to leave the courtyard, and those without orders were not allowed to enter." He Lingcheng said vividly, "On the ninth day of the first lunar month, the two Go to the Lingquan in the mountains to bathe together; on the tenth day of the first lunar month, enjoy plum blossoms in the snow, and return drunk."

Jiang Su: "..."

For some reason, it sounded like just a few ordinary things, but when He Lingcheng said them...something was inexplicably not quite right.

"The leader ordered the deputy to clean the house in case he had no rest on weekdays, but at night, the two of them slept on their feet and talked all night long. It was like meeting each other with deep affection." He Lingcheng thought for a while and said, " I only remember that the ones written in the dossier of the teaching school may be more detailed."

Jiang Su: "Meticulous?"

"The sound was ambiguous in the middle of the night, and the two behaved intimately. To be honest, Jiang Shaoxia, I wouldn't talk nonsense. If it wasn't for that, how could I say that the master seduced Master Xie Wu?" He Lingcheng sighed, and said, "However, now it seems that the word "seduce" is my prejudice. The two of them should be in love with each other, and their love is deep and righteous. It's a pity that they couldn't get past the hurdle of confrontation between good and evil..."

He Lingcheng winked at Li Hanshan, but Li Hanshan didn't understand what He Lingcheng meant. He Lingcheng could only frown, and while Jiang Su was frowning, he hurriedly leaned into Li Hanshan's ear, lowered his voice, and hurriedly said: "Young master, he is Playing stupid."

Li Hanshan was startled: "Pretend... what?"

He looked at Jiang Su again, and the doubts in his heart for many days seemed to have disappeared in an instant. If Jiang Su had been playing stupid all this time, it was no wonder that he felt that Jiang Su behaved strangely these days.

Li Hanshan paused for a moment, then continued He Lingcheng's words: "What's wrong with Wen Qingting? He doesn't love himself, why does he ask the rest of the family to cut off love?"

Jiang Su: "..."

He Lingcheng said, "He's just talking nonsense. In this world, there is no practice that needs to be judged."

Jiang Su: "..."

Only then did Li Hanshan turn his gaze and look at Jiang Su. Seeing that Jiang Su didn't look at him, he finally couldn't help but say, "Jiang Su, you've always known."

Jiang Su asked back, "What do I know?"

Li Hanshan couldn't bear the excitement in his heart for a while, he never thought that he had been entangled for a long time, but in the end it was just Jiang Su playing stupid with him, he was a little wronged, almost without thinking, said: "You are still playing stupid!"

He Lingcheng: "..."

It's over.

He Lingcheng felt that it was over.

He worked hard for so long, but he forgot one thing.

In matters of emotion, the young master is a fool.

Jiang Su pretended to be stupid and didn't want to admit it, but the young master wanted to say it so directly, well, this road is blocked, Jiang Su would never admit it.

Sure enough, Jiang Su raised his eyebrows and said, "Pretending to be stupid? Why pretending to be stupid? I don't understand your words—"

Before he finished speaking, Li Hanshan had already grabbed his arm, as if he was holding his breath, he moved forward without saying a word, and almost happened to slam into Jiang Su's lips suddenly.