Li Hanshan was silent for a long time, for a moment he didn't know whether he should accept the book or not.

He Lingcheng was still babbling, saying: "Although I have never read this book, but this kind of book is almost the same. You should study more when you go back. Even if you don't need to study carefully, you should know the general idea."

Li Hanshan: "..."

"Don't think it doesn't matter, and don't listen to my advice." He Lingcheng sighed, "Others say that when the book is used, you will hate it less. You have to believe me. When this kind of thing comes to use, you will also feel that you only hate the original book. Know too little."

He said it with confidence, Li Hanshan looked at him with a frown, and seeing that he was speaking seriously, he paused for a while and thought for a while, before he couldn't help asking in a low voice, "Fushi He, you haven't read this you still read it?" other?"

He Lingcheng raised his eyebrows and asked, "Hasn't everyone read this kind of book?"

Li Hanshan shook his head.

He doesn't know how others are, anyway, he hasn't seen it, and he thinks...Jiang Su probably hasn't seen it either.

Li Hanshan didn't say what he was thinking, but when He Lingcheng saw his expression, he roughly guessed what Li Hanshan was thinking, and replied directly: "You and Jiang Shaoxia are not normal people."

Li Hanshan: "..."

Li Hanshan was about to refute He Lingcheng's words, but he didn't want Jiang Su to turn back suddenly. After a few steps away, he hurriedly said to He Lingcheng: "Deputy Envoy He, there is one more thing, I forgot to tell you."

Li Hanshan was taken aback. He might let Jiang Su see him holding this kind of book, but when he looked around, there was really no place suitable for storing books here. If he directly stuffed it back into He Lingcheng's hand, it would be too much movement. It must attract Jiang Su's attention.

And Jiang Su has already arrived at his side, and will come over soon!

Li Hanshan stuffed the book into his arms and straightened his clothes so as not to see his chest swell from the outside. Then he looked at Jiang Su as if nothing had happened, and asked, "Brother Jiang, what's wrong?"

Jiang Su frowned and looked at him, as if he felt that his behavior just now was a bit strange, but he didn't think too much about it, but said to He Lingcheng: "Deputy Envoy He, if the person with the six doors woke up just now, don't you Don't tell him that you are a member of the Demon Cult."

If the right way of the world can turn a blind eye when seeing the Demon Sect, then the six doors can't wait to wipe out all the evil people in the world, and as far as Jiang Su knows, the head arrester of the six doors is even more important. Outrageous, everyone in the evil way has a bounty amount in his hands, if he let this person know that he is in the demon camp, I am afraid that unnecessary trouble will be caused.

Naturally, He Lingcheng was also very aware of such rumors.

He nodded in agreement with Jiang Su, and Jiang Su felt relieved. Seeing that Li Hanshan was still standing here, he couldn't help but say something more, "Aren't you going to change the wet clothes first?"

When they came back, Li Hanshan still hadn't had time to dry the clothes, so he galloped all the way. His clothes were dry but still damp. Thanks to Li Hanshan's many years of martial arts training, his body was healthier than usual. After a long day of tossing, I'm afraid he should have been cold long ago.

Now Li Hanshan has a ghost in his heart, he hides a shady **** album in his arms, he heard Jiang Su say this, he hastily responded with a guilty conscience, and said: "I will go back to take a bath now, and then change my clothes .”

Jiang Su frowned and asked, "Go back?"

Although they are in the camp where the Demon Sect temporarily rests, they are still in the wilderness after all, and there is no hot water to bathe at all. If they want to bathe, they can only go to the nearby streams. He feels that Li Hanshan is so nervous. It was as if something was hidden from him.

Li Hanshan also realized that he had said something wrong, and hastily changed his words, saying: "I'll go back and get my clothes first, and then I'll find a place to take a bath."

After speaking, he raised his feet and ran, and this behavior really made Jiang Su feel that something was wrong, so Jiang Su also turned around to follow him, and even deliberately slowed down his steps so that Li Hanshan would not find him.

But Li Hanshan was flustered and didn't pay attention to the sound of footsteps following him. He was worried that his clothes were still wet. The booklet was stuffed in his arms, which might make his clothes wet too. He ran a few steps and looked behind him. No one was there, so he reached out and took out the booklet in his arms. He was having a headache and didn't know where to put this shady thing. Suddenly, he heard Jiang Su's voice beside him, saying, "What's wrong with you?"

Li Hanshan was startled, and turned his head to meet Jiang Su's eyes. He was in a hurry, and then stuffed the booklet into his arms, pretending to be righteous, and said, "It's nothing! I'm going to take a bath!"

Jiang Su: "..."

But with a quick glance, Jiang Su had already seen it clearly.

What Li Hanshan held in his hand seemed to be an album of **** palaces. Looking at the distorted handwriting on the cover like an earthworm, it turned out to be the Western Region version.

He saw Li Hanshan going straight to the field, as if he was really going to find a stream to take a bath, Jiang Su could only stand there, silent for a moment, thinking, the child is not young, this kind of thing is quite normal. It's just that he just saw that there is only one place with clear water nearby. He wanted to wash off the mud spots on his body earlier, and then change into clean clothes, but Li Hanshan has already passed... He felt that the two of them In terms of the current relationship, he should avoid suspicion.

Jiang Su could only sigh, and walked back.

I don't know what happened to the people from the six doors, he'd better go back and have a look.

Li Hanshan was terrified, ran a certain distance, turned his head and saw that Jiang Su hadn't chased him, he was finally relieved.

He thought he was moving so fast, Jiang Su probably didn't see that he was hiding this kind of book in his bosom, so he just had to wait for a while and then hide the book in his luggage after returning from the stream, Jiang Su There is nothing wrong with turning people's softness, he should be able to keep this matter well concealed.

It's just that when he walked to the stream, he suddenly remembered another thing.

He ran in such a hurry that he didn't bring a change of clothes with him.

He had no choice but to sneak back and get a change of clothes. At any rate, he was lucky this time, and he didn't run into Jiang Su. Naturally, he didn't need to explain to Jiang Su why he ran back, but he stood beside the luggage, thinking When he put the book in, he couldn't help...hesitating.

Just now He Lingcheng also said that there is no one who has not read this kind of book.

Then he... Looks like nothing, right?

But even if he wants to read it, he must not read it here, otherwise if Jiang Su bumps into him again, he will inevitably leave a bad impression on Jiang Su, so he has to take the book and rush to the edge of the stream bath.

When Jiang Su returned to He Lingcheng, he originally wanted to ask He Lingcheng if he knew what the six gates were doing recently.

He thought that the Demon Cult must have its own source of information, and that the Six Doors were hostile to them. According to Xie Zeli's character, he would definitely pay special attention to the movements of the Six Doors.

But before he had time to ask, someone came to report to He Lingcheng, saying that the person Jiang Su and the others had rescued had woken up.

Jiang Su was worried that the people in the six doors had seen the faces of He Lingcheng and Wu Qi from the painting, so he had to walk over alone.

The Demon Cult is camping here for the time being, but the tent has not yet been set up. They put the young man under the tree just now, guarded by the doctor of the sect. Now Jiang Su walked over and saw the young man leaning against the tree with a pale complexion. respite.

The doctor of Jiaozhong told him that this person's internal injury was too serious, but it didn't endanger his life, so he breathed a sigh of relief, and was about to talk to this person, but the person looked up at Jiang Su, was slightly startled, and blurted out: " Are you Jiang Su?"

Jiang Su: "..."

He knew that he was well-known in the Jianghu, and many people could recognize him by his face, but this feeling was really weird, not to mention that this person's eyes were full of envy, and his whole body could be seen. uncomfortable.

This person was quite excited, and he didn't notice that Jiang Su's expression was not good, but he continued talking on his own.

"I can actually see Jiang Shaoxia here, could this be the Zhishui Sword Sect?" He looked left and right, held the doctor's hand first, and said, "Old sir, thank you, all the brothers and sisters of the Zhishui Sword Sect, Thank you for your life-saving grace!"

Jiang Su: "..."

Demon Cult followers: "..."

But He Lingcheng had ordered them not to reveal their identities in front of this person before, so those people could only keep silent and continue to be busy with the work at hand.

Only Jiang Su felt that this young man with six doors might be a little silly and blind.

He didn't expect this person to wake up so quickly, so he ran to He Lingcheng and told him to make some arrangements, so that this person would not find himself in the Demon Cult camp, which meant to take care of him after the tent was set up. People who live here must not wear Demon Cult costumes, otherwise, with such a big Demon Cult logo on the clothes, even a fool can see where this place is.

Sorry for humiliating a fool.

The camp is full of uniformly dressed members of the Devil's Cult, and this person actually thinks this is the Zhishui Sword Sect? Don't you six doors have pre-employment exam training?

But that's okay, this person thinks so, and it really saves Jiang Su a lot of trouble.

Jiang Su squatted in front of him and asked him, "Are you from the Six Doors?"

Then the man remembered to introduce himself, he was so excited, he couldn't help nodding, and said, "Zhou Zhou at the next six doors, thank you Jiang Shaoxia for saving my life!"

Jiang Su: "No need..."

"If there is an afterlife... no, no, there is no need for an afterlife. In this life, you can be a cow or a horse, and you can't repay it!" Zhou Zhou said loudly while covering the pain in his chest, "Jiang Shaoxia, I... I admire you for a long time, I don't want to To be able to meet here today, I..."

He took a deep breath, but forgot that he was seriously injured. This breath caused a dull pain in his chest, and he couldn't hold it back and began to cough violently.

Jiang Su: "..."

He didn't want to know what this person thought of him, he just wanted to know what happened to the six doors and why this person was floating in the river.

Jiang Su waited for Zhou Zhou's cough to stop, before he asked, and when he mentioned the business, Zhou Zhou was startled suddenly, as if he remembered something important, he stood up while supporting the tree trunk, and said: "I have to Hurry back to the city first."

Jiang Su couldn't help frowning, and asked, "What happened?"

Zhou Zhou looked at Jiang Su, suddenly knelt down again, and said, "Jiang Shaoxia, our Butcher Xu is still in that city, please save Butou Xu."

Jiang Su: "..."

He really didn't expect that he could fish out a familiar name in the river beside the road.

Xu Butou of Six Doors, Xu Qingyan, the later characters in the book, are also important figures related to the key related to Miao Jiang. In the later part of the book, Xu Qingyan took Sheng Hechen and others to Miao Jiang. Jiangzhong got the key.

Now listening to Zhou Zhou's words, Xu Qingyan seems to be in danger here. Anyway, he will appear later in the book, so the danger Xu Qingyan encounters here, even without Jiang Su's action, should be resolved naturally.

But Jiang Su looked at Zhou Zhou's flustered expression, opened his mouth anyway, and asked, "What's wrong with him?"

In the book, Xu Qingyan took Sheng Hechen and other members of the Wulin League to Miaojiang to get the keys. Now that Jiang Su knew that there were traitors in the Wulin League, he couldn't help but feel uneasy.

He was worried that if Sheng Hechen took the people from the Wulin League to get the key according to the original plot, he would end up making wedding dresses for some people. Since he met Xu Qingyan here by chance, it would be better Taking the opportunity to get acquainted, he immediately took Li Hanshan to Miaojiang when the matter with the Demon Cult was over.

Hearing that Jiang Su was willing to make a move, Zhou Zhou opened his mouth nervously just now, but he spoke upside down, obviously extremely nervous. Fortunately, even so, Jiang Su roughly understood what happened.

Most of the actions of the six doors were related to people in the Jianghu, but this time Xu Qingyan and Zhou Zhou were here, but it was just a coincidence.

They had a case and were about to return to the Six Gates, passing through a nearby town, and when they heard that something was going on in the city, they decided to take care of it.

There was an abandoned temple outside the city. Some monks came in, tidied up the temple, and reopened the temple gate. But many people in the city disappeared after going up the mountain to visit the temple. However, the temple was clean and there was no abnormality. When the tiger swayed by the mountainside when going down the mountain, I felt that the missing person might have registered permanent residence.

But there were so many missing people, how could they all be taken away by tigers? The people in the city were not convinced, they tangled with dozens of family members, went up the mountain together, but disappeared without a trace.

They didn't have any evidence, and the county magistrate also searched the temple many times, but there was nothing he could do. In the end, he just put a seal on the gate of the temple, and then hurriedly reported the matter to the higher authorities. People sent people down to investigate.

Xu Qingyan and Zhou Zhou happened to pass by here. In the eyes of the magistrate, the six-door headhunter was considered a remarkable figure. Xu Qingyan also wanted to take a look when he heard about such a strange thing, so he took Zhou Zhou, went to the temple with the arrester.

When they visited during the day, there was nothing unusual, so Xu Qingyan waited until night, and then sneaked into the temple with Zhou Zhou and the two of them alone.

After that, Zhou Zhou couldn't remember clearly, he only remembered being hit on the back, turning his head and seeing Xu Qingyan wrestling with several black shadows, and calling him to run, he ran to go down the mountain, but He stumbled and fell down the hillside and rolled into the river below the hillside.

Jiang Su was speechless.

He thought there would be some thrilling fights and stories, but he didn't expect Zhou Zhou to fall into the river and faint this week.

Jiang Su appeased Zhou Zhou to rest here, then got up to look for He Lingcheng, told He Lingcheng about these things again, and asked He Lingcheng and Wu Qi to return to the Demon Sect first, and he planned to go to the city to have a look.

As for Li Hanshan...if he wants to follow, let him follow.

Thinking of this, Jiang Su realized that Li Hanshan hadn't come back yet.

Zhou Zhou talked a lot of nonsense this week. He talked about one short thing for a long time. He wanted to tell Jiang Su all the details. It took more than two quarters of an hour. Jiang Su remembered that Li Hanshan took a bath very quickly. The speed of the shower, he should have come back long ago.

Could it be that…

Jiang Su remembered the book that Li Hanshan took to take a bath.

He was silent for a moment, and decided to forget about it for the time being. Li Hanshan could wash as long as he wanted, and at worst, he would talk to Zhou Zhou again and ask what was going on in the temple.

But He Lingcheng has also noticed this matter.

"Has the young master not come back yet?" He Lingcheng frowned, "It's been so long, then Zhou Zhou said that there are fierce tigers in the mountains, so the young master won't encounter tigers, right?"

Jiang Su: "...No."

"No, I don't worry." He Lingcheng stood up and said, "I'll go look for him."

Jiang Su hastily stretched out his hand, wanting to stop He Lingcheng, but he didn't have a suitable excuse to stop him, so he could only beat around the bush and said, "Fushi He, Han Shan's martial arts, it's impossible for something to happen."

"It's hard to tell about accidents." The more He Lingcheng thought about it, the more nervous he became, "I'd better go and have a look."

Jiang Su had no choice but to grab He Lingcheng's arm and said, "He took the book with him."

"Book?" He Lingcheng was puzzled, "What book?"

After a while, he suddenly remembered the Western Region version of the **** palace he had just given to Li Hanshan, and couldn't help being embarrassed, but for some reason even Jiang Su knew about it.

He could only force a smile, and said: "This...Jiang Shaoxia is right, it seems that nothing will happen to the young master."

Before the words finished, He Lingcheng heard footsteps. He and Jiang Su looked back together, and saw Li Hanshan carrying two sharpened wooden sticks, on which he poked a few fishes that were charred on the outside and tender on the inside. , I was in a good mood, and ran back happily, just in time to hear what He Lingcheng said, and asked after him: "What happened? What happened to me?"

He Lingcheng: "..."

Jiang Su: "You... finished washing?"

"I've already finished washing it." Li Hanshan raised the grilled fish in his hand, excited, "Try it? It's not burnt this time!"

Jiang Su: "..."

Wait, could it be that Li Hanshan has gone down to the river to catch and grill fish after he hasn't come back for so long?

No, what's going on? Such a young man with a fresh blood, took a book of **** pictures to bathe in a place where no one was around, and it was fine if he didn't read a book, but he even went to grill fish?

Jiang Su took the skewer of grilled fish from Li Hanshan, but he didn't know what else to say, so he leaned forward and sniffed it. It was quite delicious, so he remained silent for a while, and at the end , and only choked out a sentence: "Clean up and follow me into the city later."

Li Hanshan kept nodding while holding the grilled fish in his mouth.

Seeing Jiang Su go away, he subconsciously wanted to keep up with him. He Lingcheng hurriedly pulled him aside, and was very worried about Li Hanshan's progress in studying the Western Region Erotic Palace Album, so he asked, "Young master, what are you doing?" Did you take the book to take a bath just now?"

Li Hanshan nodded, feeling strange again, and asked, "How do you know?"

Although He Lingcheng saw that Li Hanshan's expression was a little strange, obviously he didn't want to mention this kind of thing in front of others, but He Lingcheng was eager to know the result, so he still asked, "Have you seen it?"

Li Hanshan nodded: "I see..."

He Lingcheng breathed a sigh of relief.

Just read it, as long as the young master reads that book, there will still be hope for the story of the young master and Jiang Shaoxia.

"But I... don't understand." Li Hanshan frowned, obviously very suspicious, "The things drawn in that book are too strange."

Although He Lingcheng felt that he shouldn't discuss such things with the young master, there was no one who could teach the young master, and the book was a dead thing, and the young master was a fool. He still had to figure out the basics for the young master.

He Lingcheng took a deep breath, put aside the embarrassment in his heart, and decided to do the arduous responsibility of an elder brother who verbally taught his adult younger brother.

Then Li Hanshan silently took out the book, opened it in front of He Lingcheng, pointed to the unsightly picture on the tree, and opened his mouth seriously.

"Here." Li Hanshan said, "Humans can't make this movement."

He Lingcheng: "...Huh?"

"I tried it just now, but I can't twist my hands at this angle." Li Hanshan frowned, "But my father said that there is a strange skill in the Jianghu, which can make the body soft and boneless. Could it be that the Western Regions also have this kind of skill? ?”

He Lingcheng: "..."

Li Hanshan shook his head, turned the book a few more pages, then pointed to the person in another painting, and said: "This is not right, human legs are absolutely impossible like this? If you can do it casually If so, then this person must be a master of martial arts, otherwise wouldn't my twenty years of martial arts practice be in vain?"

He Lingcheng took a deep breath, trying his best to control the anger that suddenly rose in his heart.

"Young Master." He Lingcheng said, "I let you see the **** pictures, not to let you study what's wrong with their posture."

Li Hanshan didn't understand.

"Okay, let's not talk about that." Li Hanshan turned two more pages and said, "It is impossible for a person to hang on a swing like this, even I can't."

He Lingcheng: "..."

Li Hanshan: "It is impossible for a man to ride a horse like this, even a horse thinks he is heavy."

He Lingcheng: "..."

Li Hanshan: "Oh no, that's a camel."

He Lingcheng: "..."

Li Hanshan wanted to turn the page again, but He Lingcheng was so angry that his face turned pale, and he snatched the book back from Li Hanshan's hands. He couldn't hold back the anger in his heart, and said loudly: "Sir. Lord! This is an **** picture! Not a sword manual!"

He shouted too loudly, several people around heard the word erotic, looked sideways, and Li Hanshan even clenched the wooden fork with grilled fish in his hand, as if frightened by him, slowly opened his eyes wide, but Still want to say, said: "...It's just very unreal."

He Lingcheng: "..."

He Lingcheng rubbed his head, trying to calm down his anger, seeing that Li Hanshan still had a serious face, he didn't know what else to say.

He didn't want to explain, he didn't know how else he could explain.

He could only show a tired smile, and said to Li Hanshan: "The painter is not good at painting, young master please bear with it."

"With poor painting skills, it is inevitable that there will be mistakes and omissions." Li Hanshan frowned, "If it comes to reality, if it is not complete, it will be wrong."

He Lingcheng: " just need to learn another one that is right."

Li Hanshan still wanted to be more serious, and said: "But..."

"Young master, don't worry, if one day, you can still have the wedding ceremony." He Lingcheng smiled dryly, "The other party will definitely not do anything wrong."

He understood.

What early preparations, what **** studies, what bridal chamber flowers and candles?

For a person like the young master, it is impossible for him to have a bridal chamber!