Li Hanshan's question was inexplicable, Jiang Su was stunned for a long time, then nodded, and said, "Eat, why don't I eat?"

Li Hanshan just breathed a sigh of relief, but suddenly thought of another matter.

No, there are no carp in the sea.

He coughed and asked again: "Then do you eat fish in the sea?"

Jiang Su felt even more baffled. He frowned, but nodded calmly, and said, "I'll eat everything."

Li Hanshan was finally relieved.

He patted his chest, and felt that everything was really just his wild imagination, and he blamed Jiang Su's messy bedtime story. As soon as he heard Jiang Su say this, he subconsciously thought of this place.

He could only smile and said, "After Islam, I will take you to eat fish."

Jiang Su: "Uh...Wu Qi exploded?"

Li Hanshan: "..."

Jiang Su: "That's pretty dirty..."

Li Hanshan: "We'll go fishing by ourselves."

Jiang Su asked him back: "Can you fish?"

Li Hanshan: "No..."

Jiang Su: "Me neither."

Li Hanshan: "I can learn!"

He swears, wishing to learn everything Jiang Su said, Jiang Su also understands his enthusiasm,

The two fell into silence.

Just now He Lingcheng brought them food, but neither of them cared about how much to eat. After walking for a while, both of them were inevitably a little hungry, but there were no people everywhere, and it would take some time to get to the nearest town. They also forgot to take out the food in the house, so they could only be self-sufficient in this mountain forest.

Fortunately, this place is in the mountains, and there are many forests and fruit trees, but they will not die of starvation, but blamed Li Hanshan for mentioning "catch fish", Jiang Su looked at the fish in the small river by the road, full of the taste of grilled fish.

It’s just that he is afraid of water, and he doesn’t like sticky and slippery things with scales. Not to mention grilling fish, he doesn’t know how to catch fish. If he wants to eat fish, he’d better wait for others to cook it before eating it. .

But Li Hanshan followed Jiang Su's gaze and looked into the river, and immediately became energetic.

"Are you hungry?" Li Hanshan asked Jiang Su, "I'm hungry, shall we go catch fish?"

Jiang Su: "..."

The two tied their horses by the river, Jiang Su built a fire, and turned his head to watch Li Hanshan take off his shoes and go into the river, with a solemn expression, obviously to show himself in front of him, so he acted cautiously, thinking only that he would succeed.

The depth of this stream can reach to the chest, although it is not enough to drown people, but Jiang Su is afraid of the water, so Li Hanshan asked him to sit on the bank and light a fire. It has just rained so heavily, and it is not easy to light a fire in the mountains Li Hanshan felt that this should be enough for Jiang Su to be busy for a while.

In other words, within the time Jiang Su lit the fire, he would definitely be able to catch fish.

Li Hanshan held his breath and focused his attention, his eyes were quick and his hands were quick, his movements were light, and he quickly jumped towards a fish with light kung fu, grabbed a fish by the body, and brought the fish out of the water.

But he didn't expect the fish body to be so slippery.

The next moment the fish was out of his hands, flapped his tail in mid-air and threw the water all over him, then fell into the river again and swam away quickly.

Li Hanshan: "..."

Li Hanshan felt ashamed, so he couldn't help turning his head quietly, and looked at Jiang Su who was frowning and earnestly lighting a fire.

There were only some wet firewood to be found around, and it was really difficult to start the fire, he didn't have time to observe Li Hanshan's progress, and the fire should last for a while.

Li Hanshan breathed a sigh of relief, and continued to stare at the river.

He soon saw a big fat fish in the same place.

Li Hanshan was the same as before, he leaped up lightly, and passed the water as a dragonfly. His hand was so fast that it was almost as fast as the thief Lu Jiu. The fish was already in his hands before he recovered his senses. With a lot of hand strength, he squeezed the fish's body hard.

The fish slid away from his hand with a squeak, but fortunately Li Hanshan was also prepared, and quickly caught the fish from below, but he didn't expect the fish to hit his hand hard with its tail, and the fish escaped smoothly. up.

Li Hanshan: "..."

Li Hanshan held his breath and turned to look at the other fish.

This time he was angry, and the moment he caught the fish, he slammed the head of the fish with his other hand, trying to knock the fish unconscious, but he didn't want the fish to slide out from the opposite direction. He blocked it with his left and right hands, but he still watched the fish fall into the river.

Li Hanshan was a little depressed.

what happened? How could this be?

He is the number one master of the Demon Cult, how come he can't even catch a fish in the end?

If this matter gets out, it would be too embarrassing, right?

Li Hanshan looked up at Jiang Su again. Seeing that Jiang Su was about to start a fire, he couldn't help but feel a little anxious. He turned his head to catch another fish, but he stepped on a loose stone in the stream when he didn't want to. He almost fell, but at any rate his lightness skill was excellent, and he immediately stabilized his figure, but still splashed a lot of water, almost soaking half of his clothes.

He made such a big commotion, of course Jiang Su looked up at him, thinking that something serious had happened, Li Hanshan's expression sank, feeling that he couldn't lose face in front of Jiang Su, he hurriedly looked around, drew his sword out without hesitation scabbard, and dashed toward a fish in the river.

His martial arts moves have always been quick and sharp, but now he used 100% of his skill to kill a fish, which caused splashes all the way, which looked magnificent, and he did successfully stab the fish on his sword, but with this At the same time, his clothes, which he had just dried with great difficulty, were almost wet again.

Jiang Su looked at him in the same place, he was speechless at first, but he felt that Li Hanshan seemed to be having a good time, so he couldn't help shaking his head and smiling, then lowered his head and concentrated on lighting the fire.

The water in the river splashed everywhere, and when Li Hanshan poked a few fish with his sword, Jiang Su had already started a fire. Li Hanshan wanted to ask for credit, so he ran to Jiang Su happily, but before he could open his mouth, Jiang Su went to him. When he saw it there, he was slightly startled, but his expression suddenly sank, and he said: "You use the nameless sword to stab fish?"

Li Hanshan: "..."

It's over.

This is Xie Wu's nameless sword, Jiang Su's ex-wife.

He actually used Jiang Su to send his wife a fish in the river, he was finished.

Jiang Su took a deep breath, and said silently: "Other people's wife is now someone else's wife."

He said that he wanted to hug Qingxiaojian even tighter, as if he was afraid that Qingxiaojian would smell fishy, ​​but when he saw that Li Hanshan was drenched again and his clothes were covered in mud, he I just feel that both of them are in an unspeakable embarrassment, and wish they could rush to a nearby town to change their clothes earlier.

Jiang Su motioned for Li Hanshan to sit down, and Li Hanshan was going to show off his skills and try grilling fish.

But neither of them had ever cooked, and their skills were really poor. The first fish was grilled into black charcoal, and the second fish was mostly turned into black charcoal. Crisp, charred on the outside and tender on the inside, just about to bake—

Jiang Su suddenly got up and walked towards the river.

Li Hanshan didn't dare to turn his head, stared at the fish in his hand, and asked, "What's wrong?"

Jiang Su replied: "There seems to be someone on the river."

Only then did Li Hanshan look back in surprise, and saw a person floating up and down in the water, floating towards them, from the perspective of the two of them, it was impossible to tell whether the person was dead or alive.

Jiang Su didn't dare to go into the water, so he turned his head and asked Li Hanshan, "Can you get that man here?"

Li Hanshan had no choice but to put down the fish that was about to be grilled, and acted swiftly, only thinking of saving people as soon as possible, and saving the fish when he came back.

He used lightness kung fu to go to the man in the river, dragged him out of the river, he saw that this man was a young man, he was dressed like a catcher in a yamen.

The man was still breathing slightly, Li Hanshan didn't dare to neglect, and brought him to the shore, Jiang Su directly pressed the acupuncture points on his abdomen, the man spit out a lot of water, but he still didn't wake up.

Thank you Zeli for years of distorted teachings. Li Hanshan had no interest in the life and death of others. If Jiang Su hadn't asked him to save people, he might not have gone into the river at all. After landing, he looked at his own fish first. Black smoke was already rising from the air, and his heart sank to the bottom, feeling very sad.

He turned his head again, and saw Jiang Su helping the man up, holding the pulse on the man's wrist, carefully identifying it for a moment, and said with a frown: "I suffered an internal injury."

Jiang Su has learned some medical skills, although he is not as proficient as Fu Wenxiao, but it is enough for emergencies, but this person suffered internal injuries, and it was difficult to find suitable herbs around, so he could only hurry back to lead the horse, and said to Li Hanshan: "Pack up your things and take him to chase Deputy Envoy He first."

Li Hanshan: ""

Jiang Su didn't hear his words clearly, and quickly tied the man on his horse, saying to Li Hanshan, "This is the man from Six Doors. I'm worried that something might happen nearby."

Li Hanshan: "... burnt."

"It's not been a day or two since the six gates have targeted the evil ways. Fushi He and Guardian Wuqi are still ahead of us. We may have to catch up with them first." Jiang Su explained, "Xie Zeli led so many people out of the Demon Sect, All the way back, there is a lot of momentum, if it really hits the six doors, I'm afraid something will happen again."

Li Hanshan: "...I can bake another one."

Jiang Su looked back at him: "What?"

Li Hanshan: "..."

Li Hanshan silently put away the last fish and shook his head.

That's all, it's just a fish, take it back to Wuqi's guardian cat.

To be honest, Li Hanshan didn't care about the six doors.

The Six Doors is an imperial court organization, and the number of them is not too large. In recent years, the imperial court has controlled it, and it has become even weaker. Even if they really met the Six Doors, Li Hanshan felt that the Six Doors would not be able to do anything about the holy religion.

But Jiang Su was worried, so he still followed Jiang Su and took that person to catch up with the Demon Sect team as soon as possible.

There are so many members of the Devil's Cult, and the speed will not be too fast. They will hurry up and catch up with the Devil's Cult team in a short time.

Jiang Su dragged the unknown man from the Six Doors off the horse, and dragged him to He Lingcheng. Before he could explain, He Lingcheng had already seen it, and said in surprise, "Six Doors?"

Jiang Su nodded and said, "Fushi He, the six gates are here. I'm worried that something serious may happen nearby."

From the point of view of the Demon Cult, they don't care what happens nearby, anyway, this is not the territory of the Demon Cult, so they can do whatever they want, so what does it have to do with them?

But from Jiang Su's point of view, this is naturally different.

Jianghu knights pay attention to seeing injustice and drawing swords to help, and Zhang Wenxue has always been very friendly with people in the Six Doors, and the Wulin League also has some contacts with the chief arrester of the Six Doors. Since they met, Jiang Su felt that if he could help, He helped as much as he could.

He Lingcheng had long regarded Jiang Su as the young master's wife. Now that Jiang Su opened his mouth, he nodded naturally, and ordered the congregation to take the people from the six doors down to heal their injuries. Jiang Su borrowed the place to take a bath and change clothes, but He Lingcheng held back Li Hanshan's hand, whispered to him: "Young master, come here."

Li Hanshan also wanted to take a bath and change his clothes. He was puzzled, but he followed He Lingcheng to the side. He was about to ask what happened to He Lingcheng, but he didn't want He Lingcheng to take out a book from his arms. Into Li Hanshan's arms.

Li Hanshan was startled: "What is this?"

"What Wu Qi hid." He Lingcheng said, "Oh, I just said, Persia is so open, that kid must have hidden something good."

Li Hanshan: "..."

Li Hanshan lowered his head and opened the book.

On the first page, he saw it.

Two naked or blond villains wrestled together, and the picture was unsightly. He closed the book with a bang, his face flushed, and without thinking, he stuffed the book back into He Lingcheng's arms.

He Lingcheng stuffed it back without hesitation.

"Young Master!" He Lingcheng said decisively, "People always grow up!"

Li Hanshan: "..."

"Go back and take a good look." He Lingcheng said seriously, "In case you don't know anything during the wedding ceremony!"