This sentence came out of Jiang Su's mouth suddenly, Li Hanshan was obviously stunned.


Why did Jiang Su suddenly want to scold him like this?

Li Hanshan was baffled and at a loss, and Jiang Su himself realized that something was wrong with what he said, big devil? Why does it sound so flirty?

Jiang Su coughed, tried his best to change his words, and said, "I didn't mean that, I are really the best among evil leaders, you are so good, you deserve better."

Li Hanshan: "...what?"

Is there any connection between the two sentences before and after...?

Jiang Su's words made him confused, so Jiang Su had no choice but to change his words again, saying: "You are a devil, but we are really not suitable."

Li Hanshan: "..."

Li Hanshan felt that he understood.

This was clearly Jiang Su's reason for rejecting him, but this reason was so legitimate that Li Hanshan was powerless to refute.

What Jiang Su said should be the gap between good and evil between the two of them.

Jiang Su is a righteous chivalrous man, while Li Hanshan is the young master of the Demon Cult. Not only will he become the leader of the Demon Cult in the future, he should also become the leader of the Demon Cult.

The leader of the demon cult rules the evil way, which means... he is the biggest devil in this evil way.

Throughout the ages, how many of the righteous chivalrous men who got involved with the devil ended up with a good death?

If what He Lingcheng said is true, Wen Qingting and Xie Wu were also lovers back then, then it doesn't mean that the two of them are no match for the two words of good and evil in the end.

Li Hanshan knows that Jiang Su admires Wen Qingting very much, and he also respects Xie Wu very much. To them at this time, these two people are like a senior who is extremely respectable and cannot be surpassed for the time being. Jiang Su was disheartened by the chasm that none of his seniors could cross, and Li Hanshan felt that this was also normal.

He couldn't refute Jiang Su's words, he paused for a long time, and could only murmur softly, "I...but I was born like this, if I could choose, I wouldn't want to be like this."

Now Jiang Su couldn't understand what he said.

Jiang Su hesitated for a moment, and decided to continue following what he had just said, saying: "A good... uh... a cold-blooded and ruthless devil like you is really rare."

"I'm not cold-blooded and ruthless." Li Hanshan began to feel aggrieved, "My father forbids me to show my emotions in front of the congregation, so I put on a straight face and pretended to be fierce."

Although Jiang Su still didn't know what Li Hanshan said had anything to do with the meaning of the good person card he just expressed, but when he heard that Xie Zeli had done such a thing, he couldn't help feeling unhappy , snorted coldly, and said: "Xie Zeli is just a bastard, don't listen to his nonsense."

Li Hanshan nodded aggrieved.

Jiang Su paused suddenly, feeling that the atmosphere was beginning to be wrong again, and hurriedly reversed Li Hanshan's feeling that something was wrong, and said: "You are still young, you should put your career first, start a career first, and start a family first." Rear."

He guessed it was true. Li Hanshan was used to following his opinion. Hearing what he said, Li Hanshan hesitated a little, but still nodded, and then asked doubtfully, "What is my career...?"

Jiang Su: "..."

That's right, Li Hanshan should be regarded as a "rich second generation" from a wealthy family, or the kind of rich second generation who has the luck to become the acting leader of the Demon Cult while lying down. Big, he can't be allowed to break away from the Demon Cult and go out to establish a new sect on his own, so naturally there is only one karma left for him to establish.

Jiang Su's expression was deep, and he said seriously: "Control the Demon Sect well, and carry forward the Demon Sect."

Li Hanshan followed his train of thought, frowned and thought for a while, then shook his head and said, "Let's forget it."

Jiang Su was puzzled.

"You and I are always facing each other. If the holy religion is powerful, we will fight if the good and the evil are not balanced." Li Hanshan couldn't help shaking his head.

Jiang Su: "..."

Jiang Su had no choice but to think about it seriously, and suddenly thought of an excellent solution, and hurriedly said, "You always want to become the leader of the Demon Cult."

Li Hanshan frowned and said, "I know."

Every word Jiang Su said today seems to be constantly reminding him that the two are facing each other, and he will inevitably become the leader of the demon sect in the future, and the demon leader and the righteous hero... are not suitable.

"Since you don't want to fight with me, and you don't want good and evil to confront each other, you should become a leader who has enough ability to restrain your subordinates." Jiang Su said seriously, "Not only your subordinates, as long as you can control the evil way and make the people of the evil way fear you As for you, if you don’t dare to disobey your orders, and you don’t want to fight against the righteous way, then maybe there will be decades of peaceful coexistence between good and evil.”

Li Hanshan: "..." He actually felt that what Jiang Su said made some sense.

But for Li Hanshan, these things are almost entirely on the things he is least good at. If he really wants to do what Jiang Su said, he will have to be lonely all his life, and he won't have to start a family.

When Jiang Su was talking about his excitement, he stretched out his hand, patted Li Hanshan **** the shoulder to encourage Li Hanshan, and said, "Brother Li, work hard, I believe, you will be able to do it."

Li Hanshan: "..."

Li Hanshan was unhappy, watching Jiang Su untie the coir raincoat from the tree and return to the hut with him, he couldn't help asking: "If after establishing a career..."

Jiang Su: "That's naturally a family."

He is full of self-confidence and firmly believes that with Li Hanshan's personality, it is really difficult to become the master of evil in his mouth. He felt that he had solved this problem by himself, and he couldn't help being in a good mood. He even walked briskly when he went back. stand up.

When they returned to the hut, He Lingcheng and Wu Qi were already waiting outside the door.

Not only that, He Lingcheng and Wu Qi were still talking in a low voice, speaking so seriously that they didn't even notice when they approached.

"Isn't it possible that you don't have it there?" He Lingcheng frowned and looked at Wu Qi, "Wu Qi protector, I've heard that your Persian folk customs are open—"

Wu Qi: "...I am a big cannibal."

He Lingcheng waved his hand. In his eyes, there is no difference between the countries in the Western Regions. He then said: "Your orchids always like to wear revealing clothes. When they see beautiful men in the Central Plains, they always actively pursue them. They say orchids are deceptive. , I don’t believe you don’t have what I want.”

Wu Qi: "I haven't."

"I don't believe it." He Lingcheng raised his eyebrows, and the topic seemed to come back to the original point, "Guardian Wuqi, I have seen your businessmen from Lu Mi Kingdom—"

Wu Qi: "I am a big cannibal!"

He Lingcheng: "Okay, good, big cannibal, and the folk style of big cannibal is also very open."

Wu Qi: "We are not open!"

He seemed to be on the verge of collapse, he didn't know how to explain to He Lingcheng, and he was even a little annoyed.

"Not open? Then don't you make **** pictures?" He Lingcheng continued to ask, "The young master's matter is a big one, so don't hide your secrets and help the young master. If the young master continues like this, he really won't be able to get married. daughter-in-law."

Wu Qi waved his hand angrily, and said loudly, "No!"

He turned around angrily, and saw Li Hanshan and Jiang Su who had been listening nearby for some time. Li Hanshan: "..."

He Lingcheng: "..."

He Lingcheng laughed dryly, and said, "Young master, Jiang Shaoxia, are you back? I'm talking about Persian orchids with Guardian Wuqi."

Wu Qi was unable to explain: "Dashi..."

Although Jiang Su didn't know what they were talking about, but he thought about it, the big eclipse that Wu Qi said might refer to Arabia. He didn't know much about these historical settings, but Persia next to him might be more open. That's not necessarily the case with Dashi.

Jiang Su coughed and said, "Da Shi is still different from Persia."

Wu Qi paused, and unexpectedly cast him a grateful, almost confidant look.

"Haha, it's almost the same." He Lingcheng turned around stiffly and said, "Let's go, let's go back."

Li Hanshan: "..."

Although Jiang Su didn't quite understand, Li Hanshan understood what He Lingcheng and Wu Qi were talking about.

This made him even more embarrassed, so he had to follow He Lingcheng out. He and Jiang Su's horses were next to the hut, but He Lingcheng and Wu Qi's horses were outside, and He Lingcheng came back to deliver an umbrella to Li Hanshan. He Lingcheng and Wu Qi wanted to go back first. Even if there were countless words in their hearts, they could only swallow them all. He just asked Li Hanshan to pay more attention, and then he went to work with Wu Qi. Drive back.

Jiang Su was not in a hurry, anyway, it was not a few days before he returned to the Devil's Cult. He rode a horse and walked slowly on the road. Li Hanshan looked at him and thought for a while before catching up with him, cautiously. Question: "What if twenty years later..."

As soon as Jiang Su heard it for twenty years, he knew what Li Hanshan wanted to say.

He coughed, shook his head, and explained earnestly: "You don't understand, maybe I and you are not the same kind of people."

Li Hanshan replied: "I understand very well that you are the right way, and of course you and I are not the same way."

"I didn't mean that." Jiang Su was silent for a moment, then shook his head, and said, "You will understand one day in the future."

What worries him is that he may not have another twenty years at all.

He couldn't tell whether he would return to the present world in the end, and he was very worried that Li Hanshan would get too deep and he would disappear suddenly.

Yes, he remembered the requirements of the red fate value. If he fell in love with someone, this problem would be solved in an instant, but... he felt that the current self should not have much affection for Li Hanshan.

He could only sigh, and said: "There are many things that I can't tell you right now. After I find the key...if I can still be here, I will tell you these things."

Li Hanshan: "..."

Li Hanshan felt that every sentence of Jiang Su's current description sounded familiar.

He remembered that Jiang Su had said similar things before, there is no time, everyone is not the same kind of person, he can't say it now, he is not willing to touch the water, he is afraid when he sees the water, as if he is afraid of revealing the truth, deliberately concealing himself What may happen after exposure to water.

Even according to what Jiang Su said, what he meant was that...he might disappear at a certain point in time.

Li Hanshan felt that this was strange, and the fish-headed man who was alive and kicking in the nightmare that night seemed to appear in front of his eyes again. He was silent for a long time, and finally tried to speak.

"Brother Jiang." Li Hanshan asked cautiously, "You...should eat carp, right?"

Jiang Su: "Huh?"