Jiang Su couldn't help being a little silent.

This is not what Li Hanshan would say at all.

He originally thought that the love gu was half-understood, and Li Hanshan still had some consciousness of his own, but now it seems that Li Hanshan is completely controlled by the love gu, at least the current sentence is not what Li Hanshan can say .

Jiang Su knew Li Hanshan very well.

Although Li Hanshan was born in the Devil's Sect, he does not recognize Xie Zeli's cruelty. His behavior and style are different from the Devil's Sect. Even under Jiang Su's deliberate guidance, he will obviously do good deeds.

Such a Li Hanshan, how could he feel that he is an evil heretic.

Jiang Su felt that Li Hanshan hadn't woken up from the love gu, or...

He raised his head and observed carefully, only to find that there seemed to be something faintly visible at the neckline of Li Hanshan's shirt, like... a corner of the body of some insect.

Jiang Su was silent for a moment, as if he felt that he had finally grasped the problem.

He asked, "Li Hanshan, do you still remember who I am?"

Li Hanshan was stunned, he seemed unable to answer Jiang Su's question, and then he thought about it carefully—he had a splitting headache, so he let go of Jiang Su's hand to cover his throbbing forehead, as if he was just moaning. The haste of paying the bill has already made him miserable.

This just gave Jiang Su a chance to breathe.

Jiang Su reached out to touch his pocket.

When he was in the mountain temple just now, he was in a hurry to undo Li Hanshan's Gu, but he never left this Miaojiang token to Sheng Hechen and others, but it happened to be, fortunately, this thing is still in his hands.

He took out the bead and held it in the palm of his hand, then grabbed Li Hanshan's lapel, quickly pulled out a bug hiding inside with sharp eyes and hands.

It was a spider-like Gu insect, only the size of a fingernail, and its body was pitch black. Jiang Su stretched out his hand to grab it, and it opened its chelicer limbs, trying to sting Jiang Su, but Jiang Su held the Gu in the other hand. When the token of Miao Jiang approached, the spider immediately huddled together, as if it was pretending to be dead.

Jiang Su remembered that Hua Shiqing's Love Gu was still chrysalis, and Hua Shiqing used Love Gu to lure Lu Jiushi, Jiang Su had seen Hua Shiqing's Love Gu before, and the bug looked like a long strip , definitely not the fingernail-sized spider in front of me.

That is to say, Li Hanshan was indeed influenced by Hua Shiqing's Love Gu at first, and kissed Jiang Su uncontrollably in the mountain temple. After Jiang Su took Li Hanshan back to the inn, he did successfully contact Li Hanshan with Love Gu, but After Jiang Su fired Li Hanshan, he was poisoned by the man in the mountain temple again.

Very good, it's the end of the road, and in such a situation, he dared to put a Gu on Li Hanshan.

Jiang Su endured his anger and held the Gu worm in his palm. He wanted to squeeze the Gu worm to death, but he thought that all this was just his guess. If this was Hua Shiqing's other Gu worm, then he would kill it at this moment. Squeeze the Gu worm to death, Hua Shiqing will suffer internal injuries instead.

He could only hold the Gu worm first, and wait for Hua Shiqing to verify it later, and then went to see Li Hanshan, and saw that Li Hanshan was motionless, just staring blankly at the mess in front of him.

Jiang Su couldn't help pulling his clothes to cover his naked body, and asked, "Are you awake now?"

Li Hanshan paused and murmured: "It's me...what did I do?"

He couldn't help but want to think back, but for a while, he could only vaguely remember some things, and when he went back seriously, he felt a splitting headache, but even if he couldn't remember anything, the situation in front of him still Enough for him to understand what happened just now.

He was stunned and didn't know what to say, but Jiang Su coughed lightly, making him get up first, and then hastily straightened his clothes, saying to Li Hanshan, "Relieve the acupoint."

Li Hanshan paused for a moment, hurriedly tied his belt, and quickly straightened his clothes, showing a little slowness on the one hand.

Jie acupoint... Wait, he tapped Jiangsu's acupoint just now? Which acupoints did he order?

Li Hanshan could only look up at Jiang Su, and asked in a low voice: "...how can I untie the acupoint."

Jiang Su: "..."

Jiang Su had no choice but to tell him about his sealed acupoints. After Li Hanshan unblocked the acupoints for him, he felt that the meridians were unblocked, and he breathed a sigh of relief. Then he heard that Li Hanshan was at a loss and spoke to him, saying: " sorry."

Jiang Su: "..."

Jiang Su waved his hand, he didn't want to worry about it, and now he was still holding the Gu worm in his hand, so he turned over and got off the bed, took out the porcelain bottle containing the golden sore medicine he had prepared from his arms, and put the The medicine powder was poured out, and then the Gu worm was stuffed in, and put into his pocket together with the beads.

He turned his head at this time, looked at Li Hanshan, and said: "Clean up and go to the mountain temple again."

Jiang Su pretended that nothing happened, but instead blocked back what Li Hanshan wanted to say. At this moment, Li Hanshan seemed to have nothing to say besides apologizing. He could only bow his head and look at Looking at Jiang Su's back, he whispered softly: "I... I'm sorry..."

Jiang Su didn't answer, he got up and went out, Li Hanshan sat on the bed alone, looking at the mess in the room, clutching his throbbing forehead, desperately thinking about what he did just now.

But not long after, Jiang Su tidied up, changed his clothes, came back and knocked on his door, asking him to go to the mountain temple with him.

Although he caught the Gu worm, he didn't know if the method of removing the Gu was right or if there would be any sequelae. He still had to take Li Hanshan to see Hua Shiqing to find out how all this happened. thing.

Jiang Su remained silent on the way, and Li Hanshan didn't dare to speak. Before they arrived at the mountain temple, they just left the city and saw Fu Wenxiao and Fang Yuanluo returning with those trapped people.

When Fang Yuanluo saw Jiang Su and Li Hanshan from afar, he couldn't help being startled, but he seemed relieved, hurried forward, and said anxiously, "Where did you two go just now!"

Jiang Su: "..."

Li Hanshan: "..."

Fang Yuanluo didn't feel any difference in the atmosphere at all, and sighed, and said: "Hua Shiqing said that you guys left one step beforehand, I'm still wondering what happened to make you leave suddenly at this time, it's okay, You two will be fine."

Jiang Su: "..."

Li Hanshan: "..."

The two remained silent. Fang Yuanluo seemed to have finally sensed that something was wrong, but he hesitated. Just as he didn't know how to ask, Jiang Su said calmly, "Hua Shiqing is still on the mountain?"

Fang Yuanluo rarely saw Jiang Su showing such an expression. Although Jiang Su didn't smile often in the past, he never had such a cold moment. He didn't dare to say any more, and could only follow Jiang Su's question. : "They are still in the mountain temple, and those people from Miaojiang are also there."

Jiang Su nodded, and looked at the rescued crowd. He didn't see anyone in the six-door costume, so he asked, "Where's Xu Butou?"

Mentioning Xu Qingyan, Fang Yuanluo looked a little dignified, just shook his head, and said: "Xu Butou is not in the temple, I heard from them that someone seems to have taken him away a few days ago."

Jiang Su: "..."

"They don't want to say more about the rest." Fang Yuanluo sighed, and said, "Leader Sheng asked us to send these people back first, and then go back after we settle them down."

Jiang Su nodded, no longer talking to Fang Yuanluo, but turned his head to go up the mountain, but Fu Wenxiao, who had never spoken, stopped him softly, frowned and asked him, "Are you okay?"

Jiang Su: "...It's okay."

After he finished speaking, he turned his head and continued to walk towards the mountain temple. He seemed to be preoccupied. Li Hanshan was still at a loss, so he had to follow Jiang Su's footsteps, and Fang Yuanluo was obviously a little puzzled. Looking back, he looked at Fu Wenxiao and asked, "What happened to them?"

Fu Wenxiao frowned: "It seems to be a quarrel."

Fang Yuanluo was taken aback: "They also quarrel?"

Fu Wenxiao: "...I don't know."

"That's all." Fang Yuan and Luo Xian didn't care, "It's just the two of them, arguing at the head of the bed and getting together at the end of the bed, nothing will happen."

Fu Wenxiao: "..."

Jiang Su rushed all the way to the mountain temple, and saw Sheng Hechen and Hua Shiqing still outside the mountain temple, the rest of the Gu masters were tied together, and Sheng Hechen was squatting in front of the seriously injured person, trying to ask him Xu Qingyan's whereabouts.

The man's cloak had been torn off, and he was wearing Miao Jiang costume, his face was pale, and there were bloodstains on his lips, it was obvious that he had just vomited blood, but now he faced Sheng Hechen's pressing question, but he still didn't say a word, Jiang Su Leng glanced at him coldly, didn't say much, didn't even pay attention to Sheng Hechen's concerns and inquiries, first pulled Hua Shiqing aside, took out the porcelain bottle from his arms, handed it to Hua Shiqing, and asked, "Is this yours?" Gu worm?"

Hua Shiqing was startled for a moment, apparently not understanding why Jiang Su asked such a question, but he still uncorked the bottle and looked into the bottle, but his expression changed instantly, he shook his head, and said, "It's not mine. "

Jiang Su nodded, then took the porcelain vase in his hands, and was about to turn his head, but Hua Shiqing grabbed his sleeve again, frowned and said, "Jiang Shaoxia, are you all right?"

Jiang Su: "..."

Hua Shiqing lowered his voice and said, "This Gu worm...is a love Gu."

Jiang Su: "I already know."

"It's different." Hua Shiqing frowned and said, "This Gu worm is a love Gu. It follows the nature of the protozoa. After mating, it will definitely kill its mate."

Jiang Su was startled: "..."

"Just now...Jiang Shaoxia is with the young master?" Hua Shiqing asked tactfully, "Jiang Shaoxia, you are holding the token, so you won't be affected by the love gu. Could it be that the young master has been infected by the gu?"

Jiang Su didn't want to talk to him anymore, he just whispered: "Don't worry, we're fine."

Then he walked towards the person who cast the Gu, came to Sheng Hechen's side, and said: "Mr. Sheng, let me have a few words with him first."

Sheng Hechen had no choice but to nod, stepped back, and let Jiang Su talk to this person first.

Just after Hua Shiqing finished saying that sentence, Jiang Su Fangjue's heart surged with anger, and he really wanted to kill the person in front of him with a sword.

Thanks to this person, he was able to use this vicious poisonous Gu.

For what happened just now, he knew that Li Hanshan had been infected by a love gu, and he couldn't control himself, so he didn't blame Li Hanshan, but after what happened, he would inevitably feel a little embarrassed when he saw Li Hanshan again, so he didn't want to Talking to Li Hanshan, I just wanted to avoid it for a few days, and let it go in the past.

But Hua Shiqing told him that a person with a love gu will eventually lose control of himself and kill his spouse with his own hands.

He didn't dare to think, if he hadn't found such a bug on Li Hanshan's body just now, and he couldn't unlock his acupoints, then in the end, wouldn't Li Hanshan want to kill him himself?

And if so, after Li Hanshan woke up, he couldn't imagine how painful Li Hanshan would be.

Jiang Su poured out the Gu worm that was still pretending to be dead from the porcelain bottle, stretched out his hand in front of the man, and asked, "Is this your Gu worm?"

The man laughed, apparently extremely happy, and said: "The young master of the Demon Sect and the first sword in Jianghu are really interesting."

Shocked, Sheng Hechen said, "Young Master of the Demon Sect?"

Before he could finish speaking, Jiang Su had coldly withdrew his hands, and crushed the Gu worm to death in front of this person.

The man held his hands on his chest, as if his chest was cramping, he was sweating all over his brow, and even his tone was trembling, but he still insisted on going down: "You two...even if you don't have time to make it to the end, but then A lot of time, it's... enough for you to have something happen, right?"

Jiang Su: "..."

Sheng Hechen described it as serious, raised his eyebrows and asked: "Su'er, what does he mean by what he said?"

Jiang Su didn't answer.

The man still laughed, and said: "Master Sheng, I think you are also an infatuated person, but unfortunately, now you are about to be taken first."