Sheng Hechen was silent for a long time, and then he spoke to Jiang Su in a low voice, as if he couldn't believe it, and said: "You just—"

He paused for a while, and seeing that both Jiang Su and Li Hanshan had changed their clothes, he couldn't help but look gloomy, almost no longer thinking about it, and immediately drew his knife out of its sheath, pointing directly at Li Hanshan behind him, Without saying a word, he stabbed at Li Hanshan's chest.

Li Hanshan stood where he was, for a moment, he didn't know whether he should dodge or not.

He felt that what this person said was right. He did something to Jiang Su that he should never have done. He felt guilty, but he didn't know how to apologize to Jiang Su. I remembered one thing.

Jiang Su seems to have told him that he made Jiang Su emotional, and emotional is hindering Jiang Su from practicing martial arts. He made it difficult for Jiang Su to succeed in martial arts. Killing him is even more serious.

He didn't want to hide.

He made such a mistake, so he should bear the slash.

Jiang Su really didn't expect Li Hanshan, a fool, to stand still in place.

Sheng Hechen absolutely showed no mercy, that knife was clearly aimed at Li Hanshan's chest, if it really hit him, he might be seriously injured if he didn't die.

Jiang Su really didn't understand whether Li Hanshan was distracted or just being stupid, and he couldn't afford the slightest hesitation at the moment, he was still holding the porcelain bottle in his hand. A few inches, but when he moved his inner breath, he suddenly felt dizzy for a while—just now he rushed to the acupuncture point too quickly, his inner breath was damaged too much, and he may have some slight internal injuries, and he came here in a hurry, running all the way lightly, his body was already a little bit heavy Can't stop.

Normally, if you let him rest for a few hours, he would probably be fine, but today he really didn't have time to rest, and he never thought that he would be out of tune at this moment.

Jiang Su was unable to distract himself from thinking, so he endured his dizziness and rushed forward, intending to raise his sword to block it, but Sheng Hechen's blade had arrived, so Jiang Su had to pause for a moment, stretched out his hand, and grabbed the back of Sheng Hechen's sword.

But on the back of Sheng Hechen's sword, there was a reverse edge.

The anti-blade was dragged in the palm of his hand, and a **** mouth was pulled out. The blood went straight down the blade. Jiang Su frowned slightly, but still enduring the pain, he pushed Sheng Hechen's knife back a little.

Sheng Hechen stopped the saber in a hurry, Li Hanshan was also startled, and held down Sheng Hechen's saber, he was so panic-stricken for the first time, completely ignoring the weight of his hand, before Sheng Hechen put away the saber, Li Hanshan channeled his inner strength to his fingertips , squeezed the spine of the knife, and actually directly cut such a metal-cutting and iron-cutting power into two pieces.

This incident happened so suddenly, Sheng Hechen was stunned for a long time, and then he said to Jiang Su anxiously: "What are you doing!"

Jiang Su raised his eyebrows and asked, "What are you doing?"

"He already did that to you." Sheng Hechen gritted his teeth, "Aren't you angry?"

"I'm not angry." Jiang Su replied bluntly, "I don't mind either."

Sheng Hechen: "..."

He was still angry and didn't know how to respond. Li Hanshan threw away the half-cut blade, and frantically searched for something that could bandage Jiang Su's wound. He didn't carry any hemostatic powder with him. Jiang Su prepared, Li Hanshan seldom spends his mind on this kind of thing, and just now Jiang Su poured out all the medicine powder in order to trap the Gu worm, he didn't expect that one day they would have to use this thing. One day, Li Hanshan was in a hurry and couldn't find the powder, so he had to hold the wound on Jiang Su's hand with a handkerchief to try to stop the bleeding.

But the cut was quite deep, and it didn't take long for most of the plain white scarf to be dyed red, and the blood stained Li Hanshan's palm. It hurt Jiang Su, and just didn't know what to do, Hua Shiqing rushed over, hurriedly said: "Young master! What are you doing in a daze, first seal the acupoint for Jiang Shaoxia to stop the bleeding!"

Only then did Li Hanshan suddenly come back to his senses, remembering that sealing the acupoints would temporarily stop the bleeding. Seeing Jiang Su injured, he was so flustered that he even forgot such a simple thing.

Seeing Li Hanshan flustered, Sheng Hechen just snorted in annoyance, then looked back at Jiang Su, but couldn't help raising his eyebrows, and said, "Have you ever thought that you are a swordsman, if you hurt your hand—"

Jiang Su interrupted Sheng Hechen coldly: "I don't mind."

he is very angry.

Even if in the past he knew that Sheng Hechen regarded him as a **** on the way to the great cause, and desperately wanted to send him to the Demon Cult as an undercover agent; even if he knew that Sheng Hechen regarded him as an indispensable beauty beside a hero, he never Never been so sullen before.

In the past, he thought that although Sheng Hechen wanted to use him, it just pushed forward his plan. He didn't mind Sheng Hechen's use. Never thought that one day, Sheng Hechen would dare to try to hurt his friend.

Jiang Su felt that he was a simple person, and he might not be able to distinguish right from wrong in his actions, but at least his bottom line was clear, and he protected his weaknesses. If someone dared to hurt the people around him, he would definitely get angry.

But Sheng Hechen felt...Jiang Su shouldn't be with someone like Li Hanshan.

That is the young master of the Devil's Cult, and he is still spying on him. How could Jiang Su be so close to him?

Why can he get so close to Jiang Su?

"President Sheng, he is my friend." Jiang Su suppressed the anger in his heart, and said coldly, "Shouldn't you ask my opinion first before you kill my friend?"

Hearing what he said, Sheng Hechen couldn't restrain the anger in his heart, and even couldn't help sneering, and said sarcastically: "Jiang Su, don't forget your identity, you are a person in the right way, why are you in love with the young master of the Demon Sect now?" Profound meaning."

Jiang Su raised his eyebrows: "Who do I have a deep relationship with, and what does it have to do with you?"

Sheng Hechen: "You—"

"Master Sheng." Jiang Su suddenly raised his voice, and said coldly, "This matter has nothing to do with you."

Sheng Hechen: "..."

Sheng Hechen stood there with a gloomy look on his face, but Jiang Su no longer paid attention to him. He wanted to go back and ask the person who cast the inscription where Xu Qingyan from the six doors was taken, but Li Hanshan held onto him. hand, not allowing him to take half a step forward, while saying: "Go back and bandage the wound first."

Jiang Su: "It's not serious—"

"The hand was injured!" Li Hanshan raised his eyebrows and said loudly, "Why is it not serious!"

He knew that Jiang Su liked swords, and naturally the most important thing was the sword, and the swordsman's hand could never be hurt, if the recovery was not good, it would always damage the sword in the future, this is definitely a big problem.

It's just that Jiang Su was anxious to find out Xu Qingyan's whereabouts from that population. Anyway, the wound on his hand had stopped bleeding, and it would be fine to delay for a while, so he ignored Li Hanshan's words and started walking again in a few steps. Go back, go to that person, and ask, "Where did you take Xu Qingyan?"

The man's clothes were full of vomiting blood, but at this moment, he still wanted to be brave with Jiang Su, saying: "You think I will tell you about this?"

Jiang Su: "..."

Jiang Su looked back, walked to Hua Shiqing who was looking at him worriedly behind him, and asked, "When will your love Gu break out of the cocoon?"

Hua Shiqing was taken aback, and replied, "Just a day or two..."

"Will it work for him?" Jiang Su raised his eyebrows and asked, "Will it weaken the effect?"

Hua Shiqing shook his head: "He's injured so badly, probably not."

"Okay, then take him back first, and we'll come and question him after your love Gu is available." Jiang Su looked at the wound on his hand, and remembered that Hua Shiqing didn't know martial arts, so he frowned slightly, Said, "Let me bring them back."

Li Hanshan said hastily: "You go back and bandage the wound first, I'll come."

Sheng Hechen sneered from the side: "You are a young master of the Demon Cult, you are so enthusiastic, you must have bad intentions."

Li Hanshan: "...then you come to see it off?"

Sheng Hechen: "Of course I will deliver it!"

Jiang Su: "..."

Sheng Hechen snorted coldly, turned his head and walked towards those people without saying a word, and wanted to lift them up from the ground, Jiang Su was silent for a moment, and could only frown, and said: "You wait for Deputy Gang Leader Fang and the others to come back."

Sheng Hechen ignored him, as if he was angry and didn't want to talk to him, Li Hanshan hurried forward and grabbed Jiang Su's sleeve, nervously said: "Your hand..."

Jiang Su: "...I'm fine."

After that kind of thing happened, he was still not used to Li Hanshan's touch, but he backed away a little calmly, and Li Hanshan immediately sensed Jiang Su's discomfort, so he could only withdraw his hand immediately. , stood there awkwardly, at a loss.

Jiang Su didn't want to see his expression, so he hurriedly looked away and said, "I'll go back first, it's just a small injury, I'll just bandage it myself."

After saying this, he turned around and walked down the mountain alone. Li Hanshan stood where he was, neither chasing him nor not chasing him. It was a dilemma, and Hua Shiqing finally came over, cautiously Asked: "Young master, what's the matter with you and Jiang Shaoxia?"

Li Hanshan just frowned and muttered: "...he must be angry."

Of course he wouldn't tell Hua Shiqing what happened in the inn not long ago, but even if he didn't tell, Hua Shiqing can probably guess a general idea, combined with Jiang Su's reaction just now, Hua Shiqing can figure out In the final conclusion, he said: "Jiang Shaoxia is definitely not angry."

If he was angry, how could he not hesitate to block the knife for the young master, willing to tear face with the leader of the martial arts, how could he be angry? This is clearly love without ignorance, in other words, a stubborn duck who refuses to admit his feelings for the young master.

But Li Hanshan was so worried that he never heard Hua Shiqing's words. Seeing Jiang Su walking a certain distance, he just lost his mind and followed Jiang Su's footsteps and hurried down the mountain.

Li Hanshan really didn't know how to apologize to Jiang Su.

After this kind of thing happened, the word "sorry" is too pale, but other than that... he can't think of other ways to do it.

Regardless of the severe headache, he desperately recalled what happened when he was struck by the voodoo, except for Jiang Su's sentence that it would be difficult for him to practice his own kung fu after he fell in love, the rest of his memory was really fuzzy.

Even the sentence Jiang Su said... He remembered what He Lingcheng had mentioned before, that Jiang Su's ancestor Wen Qingting himself had never cut off his lust, that is to say, the matter of not being emotional was a rumor.

It's just that this matter is Jiang Su's heart knot, and Jiang Su really regards this matter as very important, if he can't practice martial arts to become stronger, I'm afraid he will-

Wait, get stronger?

Jiang Su practiced martial arts so hard because he wanted to become stronger.

If the Zhishui Sword Sect needs to cut off love and desire, and this road is difficult, then it would be good to find another road!

Li Hanshan felt that he had found the key to the problem.

As long as he works hard, Jiang Su might be able to forgive him!

Jiang Su went back to the inn alone, found some hemostatic powder from the house, and was about to bandage the wound, but felt dizzy for a while, so he had to sit down by the bed first, wrap up the wound in a hurry, and then meditated and adjusted his breath, trying to The wound on his hand wasn't too serious, he had to adjust his increasingly chaotic inner breath first.

After such tossing, when he opened his eyes again, the sky outside was bright, it should be noon, and the wound on his hand was throbbing, he hadn't eaten for most of the day, he got up and wanted to find something to eat, but he hadn't reached the door yet, He suddenly felt that there seemed to be a person outside the house.

The man didn't deliberately hide it, so he easily recognized who was outside the door. Li Hanshan was outside the door, so Jiang Su couldn't help being silent.

He stood behind the door, paused for a moment, and then took a silent step back, but Li Hanshan's voice came from outside immediately.

"I'm here to deliver something." Li Hanshan said a little nervously, "Leave as soon as the delivery is finished, it won't take much of your time."

Jiang Su: "..."

He opened the door anyway.

He originally thought that Li Hanshan was standing outside the door talking to him, but unexpectedly Li Hanshan was sitting, leaning against the door, as if he didn't think that Jiang Su would really open the door for him. On the contrary, Han Shan was taken aback, got up in a hurry, looked at Jiang Su with embarrassment, and said, "I...I didn't expect..."

Jiang Su was also taken aback by him, he couldn't help but frowned at this moment, and asked, "How long have you been waiting?"

"I thought you fell asleep." Li Hanshan whispered, "Not long, just for a while."

Of course Jiang Su didn't believe it.

If you just wait for a short while, then it's fine to stand, why sit by the door and wait?

When he practiced his exercises and adjusted his breath, he was concentrated and calm, and he was almost unaware of what happened outside. It was not much different from sleeping too dead. Since he closed his eyes and practiced his exercises, it has been more than half a day. What should Li Hanshan do? Didn't sit outside all night?

Li Hanshan looked at Jiang Su's questioning eyes, raised his hand, and made a gesture for Jiang Su very seriously for a while.

He tried his best to make the space between the **** extremely small, so that Jiang Su would not feel guilty for waiting outside for him, and on the other hand, he was afraid that Jiang Su would hate him and would not want to talk to him too much, so he hurriedly moved himself He took out the things he wanted to give to Jiang Su, and stuffed them into Jiang Su's hands, without even a specific explanation, he turned his head and wanted to run away.

Jiang Su grabbed his arm.

"What did you give me?" Jiang Su frowned, "What are you doing?"

Just now Li Hanshan carefully spat out two words: "... the sword manual."

Jiang Su was slightly taken aback, and asked, "Sword manual?"

Li Hanshan nodded stiffly, paused for a moment, and then said: "There is also the medicine of Master Fu."

Jiang Su: "..."

Only then did Jiang Su lower his head and look at the small package that Li Hanshan forcefully stuffed into him just now.

There is a very old sword manual in it, the corners are yellowed and curled, obviously it has been read countless times, and Jiang Su has seen this sword manual several times in Li Hanshan's hands.

This is Li Hanshan's sword manual.

That is to say, this is the technique handed down by Xie Wu at the beginning, and in the Demon Cult, this is definitely a top secret that should not be known to outsiders.

Besides the sword manual, there was only a white porcelain bottle left in the package, with a blue pattern on the bottle neck, which should be the medicine that Li Hanshan brought from Fu Wenxiao to bandage his wound.

Jiang Su couldn't help frowning, and asked, "What are you doing with the sword manual for me?"

Li Hanshan whispered, "I remembered something."

Jiang Su couldn't help but pause. Li Hanshan rashly brought up the accident, which inevitably made him feel a little embarrassed and uncomfortable, but just as this emotion emerged, Li Hanshan rushed to say: "You said that your emotion will affect your practice. My swordsmanship, I...the exercises we teach are not so limited, if you are interested..."

The more he talked, the more he felt that his logic was a little strange. He didn't persuade people to change the way of apologizing for learning his own martial arts, so his voice became smaller and smaller. In the end, for some reason, he actually recommended Jiang Su seriously. Learned to teach internal exercises.

"He doesn't need to cut off his love, not at all." Li Hanshan said, "After practicing, he will be as powerful as Xie Wujiao, and he doesn't need to be inferior to Wen Qingting at all."

Jiang Su: "..."

Li Hanshan: "Anyway... Anyway, the sword manual is here, if you want to take a look-"

Jiang Su: "No need."

Li Hanshan: "..."

He almost sent Li Hanshan into **** with just one sentence. Li Hanshan was dejected, thinking that Jiang Su would never forgive him, nodded silently, and then took the sword manual from Jiang Su's hand, but still couldn't help whispering Said: "I begged for that medicine from Master Fu. He said that after using it, it would not leave scars on his hands. take the time..."

Jiang Su didn't seem to have heard his words, and asked him, "What do you still remember?"

Li Hanshan looked up at Jiang Su, seeing Jiang Su's serious expression, he paused slightly, and said in a low voice: "It seems to be a dream, in the dream... I can't control myself."

Now when he thinks back again, in the dream, everything is indistinct, as if separated by a veil, he really can't remember clearly, and he really can't figure it out.

He could only answer Jiang Su's question in a low voice with a belly full of guilt.

" don't like it very much, I can only try my best not to do that." Li Hanshan lowered his eyes, "But I failed."

Jiang Su: "..."

Jiang Su thought of the Li Hanshan he saw at that time, as if he had changed into a different person, but the expression in his eyes was indeed restrained. He felt that Li Hanshan was not lying, and he always believed that... Li Hanshan was not wrong at all.

It was the person who made the mistake, but Li Hanshan came to apologize to him so cautiously... Jiang Su was silent for a moment, and felt that Li Hanshan in front of him really looked like a small animal that had done something wrong.

He lowered his head from the beginning to the end, wishing to take out all the good things he had to please him. He knew that he might not accept Li Hanshan's kindness, but he still couldn't help but hold Li Hanshan's arm and hold him. He took the tape towards the house and motioned him to come inside.

"Actually, what you did just now was not right." Jiang Su said out of nowhere, "You broke his wife, and he will definitely be angry with you in the future."

Li Hanshan: "...Huh?"

Jiang Su: "Sheng Hechen's sword."

Li Hanshan: "I was too anxious at the time..."

Jiang Su backed in again.

"Didn't you discuss the medicine with Doctor Fu?" Jiang Su said, "I haven't taken the medicine yet, and it hurts my palm. I'm inconvenient. Come and help me."

Li Hanshan: "..."

There was a flash of light in Li Hanshan's eyes. He wished he could immediately follow Jiang Su into the room. After Jiang Su sat down at the table and stretched out his hand to him, he carefully held Jiang Su's fingertips. Dare to use too much force, hold your breath and lightly release the gauze that Jiang Su had tied on before adjusting his breath.

Jiang Su didn't apply medicine just now, the wound bled again later, the inner white gauze was sticky and stuck to the wound, Li Hanshan spent a lot of effort just not to hurt Jiang Su again Carefully peel off the gauze.

He saw the wound on Jiang Su's palm again.

The incision almost ran across Jiang Su's palm, fortunately it was not too deep, and it would heal in a short time, but if it was not treated properly, there would definitely be a scar on the hand.

Li Hanshan opened the medicine powder that Fu Wenxiao gave him, and said in a low voice, "Master Fu said that as long as the medicine is taken on time, no scars will be left."

Fortunately, no scars were left.

Li Hanshan was reluctant.

He thinks that Jiang Su's hands are beautiful, slender and thin just right, but they are not the kind of soft and delicate hands that are weak and boneless. They are the hands that only a swordsman can have. They are like finely carved jade, even if there is a slight flaw , would make him uncontrollably worried.

And Jiang Su's palm injury was originally his fault.

He carefully applied the medicine to Jiang Su, and then bandaged it properly, while repeating what Fu Wenxiao had said to him just now, saying: "Don't get wet in the past few days, don't use force with your fingertips, change the medicine twice a day. It will be back to normal in a few days.”

Jiang Su looked at the porcelain bottle in his hand, and asked, "Is this thing useful for old wounds?"

Li Hanshan: "Master Fu never mentioned it."

"I'll ask him tomorrow." Jiang Su said casually, "If it's useful, ask him to give you some more, and you can take it back and prepare it."

Li Hanshan was a little puzzled: "...I'm not injured."

As soon as the words fell, Jiang Su frowned slightly, and said, "I'm talking about old wounds."

Li Hanshan was even more puzzled, and said, "I don't have any old injuries either?"

He felt that he was alive and well, and there was nothing wrong with his whole body. How could there be any old wounds that needed to be applied?

Hearing what he said, Jiang Su paused for a moment, sighed, and said, "Forget it, don't mention the old wounds, the wounds from too long ago, there should be nothing to do."

Only then did Li Hanshan come to his senses, and he understood that the old wounds Jiang Su was talking about referred to those scars left by his injuries over the years.

He never cared about it before, anyway, he didn't hurt his face, at least it doesn't look unsightly, a few scars under his clothes, it's really not a big deal.

"It's okay, it's just a few old wounds, keep them as long as you want." Li Hanshan thought for a while, and then said seriously, "But you are different. If you can get rid of the scars, it's better to find a way to get rid of them."

Jiang Su frowned and asked, "I'm different? Why am I different?"

Li Hanshan: "..."

Li Hanshan's voice suddenly became quieter, as thin as a mosquito's moan. Jiang Su moved closer, and only then heard what he muttered in a low voice.

"You are different." Li Hanshan said, "It hurts so much, I feel—"

He raised his eyes, glanced at Jiang Su who was coming closer, and continued chanting in another sentence.

Li Hanshan: "...What are you doing here?"

Jiang Su: "..."

Li Hanshan inexplicably felt his face was hot, got up hastily, and said: "It's bandaged, I'm going back."

Jiang Su grabbed his hand instead, and forced his sleeve to make him stop.

"It's nothing different. I've seen the injuries on your body." Jiang Su frowned, and said seriously, "There are several injuries on your body that can penetrate your bones. When I see them, I will feel pain."