Li Hanshan was really angry.

He has long been tired of hearing Jiang Su's fallacies, and thought that after Jiang Su figured out his mind, he would be able to change somewhat, but obviously he thought too much, Jiang Su was no different from before.

This person has always been transparent in other people's affairs, and he seems to be able to discover all the ambiguities around him as quickly as possible, but once this kind of thing is his turn, he seems to be a completely different person, he is simply a big guy from the ground up. Stone.

But Li Hanshan can't be angry with Jiang Su.

He felt that it was very difficult for him to win a chance for Jiang Su to forgive him, so now no matter what Jiang Su said or did to him, he could only forgive him with a smile.

So Li Hanshan took a deep breath and tried his best to answer what Jiang Su said just now with sincerity.

"Okay, sword practice is of course good." Li Hanshan said, "You can say whatever you want."

Jiang Su: "..."

Jiang Su coughed, and told Li Hanshan exactly what he had just heard about the conversation between the two.

According to his thinking, since this place is not a trap, then there are no guards outside the grotto, which is equivalent to saying that there are not many people staying here, and they have no experience in defense. As long as Jiang Su wants to go in, those people They should not be stopped.

And from what those two people said just now, their high priest seemed to be ill, so Xu Qingyan, who had formed a Twin Gu with him, needed the painstaking treatment. Clearly twin life Gu means that two people live and die together, if Xu Qingyan really bound twin life Gu with that person, then why did the high priest get seriously ill, he seemed to have nothing happened.

He was puzzled, but he could only wait for Hua Shiqing or Xu Qingyan to explain to him personally that he could not kill the high priest, but he had to end all this and save Xu Qingyan's life.

He can only take a look inside the grotto.

Jiang Su and Li Hanshan sneaked out of the grotto to have a look. The path here is not complicated. They entered along the grotto, and there was a branch at the end of the road. The two chose a random path to enter. After walking for a while, their eyes suddenly opened up. , At the end of this road, there is a huge cave.

There is a huge stone in the middle of the cave, the stone surface is flat, like a wide stone bed, there are two people lying side by side on the stone bed, both of them are unconscious, and the person lying on the outside is wearing a six-door costume, it should be the person they are looking for Xu Qingyan.

The person on the inside was blocked by Xu Qingyan. Jiang Su only saw that his clothes were very different from those of the people from the Central Plains after Jiang Su approached, and that appearance...

Perhaps it was because of the attributes of the book Jiang Su wore, most of the people in the world had good faces, but the face of the high priest in front of him could definitely be regarded as the most beautiful among the people Jiang Su had seen.

Well, Jiang Su began to think about it in his heart.

The high priest of Miaojiang, a sick beauty, twin life Gu.

If it weren't for this article that he was the protagonist, Jiang Su felt that the big brother in front of him really had a bright future as the protagonist.

Jiang Su cautiously walked a little closer, only then did he see Xu Qingyan clasping hands with the high priest, and a strange-shaped plant vine was wrapped around their hands, and the barbs on the vine almost pierced into the two of them. In the skin, the rhizome seems to connect the two of them by blood. This weird scene made Jiang Su's back feel inexplicably cold.

Not to mention that when Jiang Su raised his head, he saw a big bug lying on Xu Qingyan's head, staring at him motionless.

Jiang Su: "..."

Jiang Su knew that this Gu worm was connected to the person who controlled the Gu, and if the Gu worm saw him, then its owner should have already found out that someone had broken in.

But he was not in a hurry, he didn't dare to touch the strange things in the hands of these two people rashly, he didn't know Gu skills, and he didn't know what they were doing, he was worried that he would pull the vine down, and the two people in front of him Everyone must die.

Anyway, Xu Qingyan's original token of Miao Jiang was in his hands, and these people's Gu worms couldn't do anything to him, so he was not afraid at all, so he simply pulled Li Hanshan away, and wanted to find a place to sit down, while saying to Li Hanshan: " Don't worry, we'll wait for them to come."

He pulled Li Hanshan, Li Hanshan only moved two steps, Jiang Su turned his head and found that Li Hanshan was frowning and staring at the unconscious high priest on the stone bed.

Jiang Su couldn't help but also stopped and asked, "What's wrong with you?"

Li Hanshan suddenly withdrew his gaze, shook his head, and said, "It's nothing."

Jiang Su: "..."

Jiang Su paused for a while, feeling inexplicably uncomfortable.

He was quite understanding.

There is nothing wrong with Li Hanshan looking at such a good-looking person in front of his eyes, but... this person is just good-looking, does he need to be so focused?

Jiang Su raised his eyebrows and asked back, "Nothing?"

"I just think that person looks familiar." Li Hanshan replied, "He may have been to the school, where should I have seen him?"

Jiang Su sneered.

Okay, he looks good, no wonder he was so impressed, he saw it many years ago, and he can still remember it to this day.

"Just now you said that they are the old tribe of Yanluosha. This person may have been to the Central Plains." Li Hanshan didn't notice any change in Jiang Su's expression. Nodding firmly, "I must have seen him."

Jiang Su: "..."

Jiang Su no longer wants to talk to Li Hanshan.

He turned his eyes away, and just saw a few people rushing in from outside, and took out Gu worms at them without even asking, and was about to attack them, Jiang Su took the Miao Jiang token directly, and grabbed Li Han Shan's sleeve, so that Li Hanshan can also be under the protection of this thing, and then said: "I don't want to make things difficult for you."

Those people stopped in their tracks, and the person at the head was the woman from the Central Plains that Jiang Su had seen outside, and she didn't know how to use Gu, but her expression was tense, and she hurriedly said, "Who are you, come here to do this?" What? Stay away from the high priest!"

Jiang Su: "I am—"

He didn't even have time to finish this sentence, the woman turned her gaze to Li Hanshan, she caught a glimpse of the sword on Li Hanshan's waist, paused for a moment, hesitated, and asked: " that the nameless sword of Xie Wujiao? Who the **** are you guys!"

Jiang Su: "I..."

Jiang Su still didn't have time to finish his sentence.

Behind the woman, a man dressed as Miao people suddenly raised his finger and pointed at Li Hanshan, as if realizing who was standing in front of him, he blurted out: "You are the young master of the Holy Cult?"

Jiang Su: "..."

The man turned his head and explained to several of his companions.

"When the high priest brought me to the Central Plains, I met him once." There was excitement in the man's tone, "He is the young master of the Holy Church, and the young master will definitely help us!"

Li Hanshan: "?"

Jiang Su: "..."

Seeing that several people put away their weapons one after another, like a savior from heaven, their faces were full of relief. The strong hostility towards them just now disappeared in an instant. Not only that, but Jiang Su felt that their eyes after the change... just like seeing What relatives who are thousands of miles apart.

Jiang Su didn't understand.

He could only look at Li Hanshan and those people in confusion, waiting for one of them to tell the result first, but the expression on Li Hanshan's face was no different from his. Li Hanshan obviously didn't know the people in front of him either. .

Li Hanshan hesitated to speak, and said, "That... do we know each other?"

The woman on the opposite side had put on an extremely enthusiastic expression, and hurriedly replied, "Young master, you may not have seen us, but you must have seen our high priest."

Li Hanshan turned his head to look at the person on the bed, pondered for a moment, nodded slowly, and said, "I seem to have seen it before..."

"Of course I have." The woman said, "After all, the two of you once-"

Before the words were finished, the man who had just gone out to hunt had hurried back, happened to interrupt the woman's words, and came in and shouted: "What's wrong! It seems that someone broke in!"

Jiang Su: "..."

Wait, can you let that sister finish her sentence?


ever what?

Doesn't the relationship look familiar? Is there still some time in the past?

The man swept his gaze into the grotto, and before the others could answer, he had come up with the answer himself, breathed a sigh of relief, and hurried forward, still quite warm to Li Hanshan, said: "Young Master , why are you here?"

Li Hanshan: "?"

"Before we brought the high priest to the Central Plains, we didn't know each other personally, and we couldn't find a way, so we had to write to the leader. After receiving the letter from Palace Master Lou, we learned that the leader was ill and had already gone to Meiyou Palace to recuperate, so we really couldn't do anything. Help." The woman sighed softly, then raised her head to look at Li Hanshan, her eyes seemed to be ignited with hope for a moment, and said, "I never thought that the leader would send the young master to help us."

Li Hanshan: " misunderstood, my father didn't send me here, I just passed by by chance and learned about the mountain temple, so I-"

I don't want the woman to be even more moved, tears almost filled her eyes, she said: "It turns out that the young master volunteered to help!"

Li Hanshan: "Ah? I'm not!"

"The young master doesn't need to be modest and shy." The woman was deeply moved, "I knew that the young master still has such affection for the high priest."

Li Hanshan: "???"

Jiang Su: "..."

Jiang Su couldn't help chuckling, and said: "So you don't remember him, you still have a past."

Li Hanshan looked blank, turned his head to look at the high priest on the stone bed, and then at the people in front of him, his eyes became more and more confused, after a while, he still couldn't think of anything, so he could only ask softly, "That... Should I know him?"

Everyone in Miaojiang: "..."

"His face looks familiar. I may have seen it in the church, but that's just it." Li Hanshan frowned, "I don't even know his name."

Everyone paused for a moment, but it was the woman who spoke first.

"Young master, don't you really know?" the woman said awkwardly, "Back then, Xie Wu had an agreement with our saint."

Li Hanshan: "Promise?"

"If there is a chance, the two families will definitely marry Qin and Jin in the future." The woman said, "But when the righteous way was besieged and suppressed Miaojiang, our group fled into the poisonous swamp and hibernated for decades. Fang returned to the rivers and lakes more than ten years ago. .”

Li Hanshan felt inexplicably ominous.

"The high priest brought us to the Central Plains, and went to the Holy Church to meet the current leader Xie." The other man said, "The leader Xie also said that the covenant of the oath remained unchanged, but he was getting older, so the marriage It will be passed down from generation to generation.”

Li Hanshan: "No, I don't know about it!"

"The young master was not very old at that time, the teacher said that you should concentrate on practicing, and no one would disturb you." The woman came to the final conclusion, "According to the words of the Central Plains, the young master, you and our high priest... are dolls Honey."

Li Hanshan: "..."

Jiang Su: "...heh."