Chapter 77: Righteous Vinegar King

Li Hanshan took a step back silently and looked at Jiang Su.

"I don't know him." Li Hanshan explained to Jiang Su, "Besides, he and I are both men, so how could there be any baby relationship between me and him!"

Jiang Su: "Oh."

Li Hanshan: "..."

Li Hanshan felt that Jiang Su was angry.

But he really doesn't understand where Jiang Su's anger is. After all, this is just a misunderstanding. He has never heard Xie Zeli mention this matter since he was a child. Doesn't that mean that even in Xie Zeli's eyes, this is just a misunderstanding? Just an unimportant thing.

Besides, the high priest has tied the Twin Gu with that Xu Qingyan, he has his own heart, so there is no time to entangle with him about baby marriage... No, Li Hanshan suddenly realized something.

Why on earth is Jiang Su angry?

Even if he really has a baby relationship with the high priest, what does it have to do with Jiang Su? Anyway, Jiang Su doesn't like him, so it doesn't matter who he has baby relatives with, right?

Li Hanshan felt that Jiang Su was probably jealous.

And no one would be jealous of insignificant people, the angrier Jiang Su was at the moment, the more important Li Hanshan was to him.

Li Hanshan couldn't restrain the excitement in his heart. Even though Jiang Su's expression was cold at the moment, he couldn't control the joy on his face, and tried to explain to Jiang Su, saying: "I really have nothing to do with him. Before today, I never heard my father mention it. over this."

Jiang Su was too lazy to talk to him, but Li Hanshan chased after him to explain to him. Jiang Su couldn't hold back his annoyance. Seeing Li Hanshan's face beaming with joy, he couldn't help blurting out: "I think you are very happy."

Li Hanshan: "I'm not happy about this—"

"Why are you happy, and what does it have to do with me?" Jiang Su raised his eyebrows. He didn't even want to continue to entangle in this matter. He simply turned to the woman who was a little confused about the current situation, cut straight to the point, and asked, "Your High Priest What happened?"

The woman was startled for a moment, and wanted to explain, but someone behind her pulled her arm and glanced at Li Hanshan implyingly. Then she had an epiphany, carefully explained, and said: "A few years ago, the high priest broke into the house in order to save a The Han people in Poison Swamp, who were dying, tied the Twin Life Gu on that person, so as to hang this person's life."

The eye contact between the two of them was too obvious, and Jiang Su almost didn't need to look to understand what they meant.

This twin life Gu is ambiguous, and the Demon Cult's help is hard-won, they are afraid that if Li Hanshan mentions that the high priest has other lovers in front of Li Hanshan, Li Hanshan may become angry and unwilling to help again.

Therefore, the two had no choice but to hide the ambiguous part, and focused everything on the high priest's use of Twin Life Gu, which was essentially to save people.

"But then the Han man escaped, and the high priest retaliated from the Twin Life Gu, and his life was in danger. Only the blood of the man's heart can dispel the Gu and save him." The woman automatically skipped countless contents, and cut the story to the end, "We After trying every means, I managed to lure this person into the bait, but according to the ancient method, to break the Twin Life Gu, besides the painstaking efforts of the heartbroken person, dozens or even hundreds of people need to sacrifice blood..."

She herself didn't agree with doing this, so she couldn't help explaining Jiang Su's voice became smaller and smaller, and in the end she even lowered her head with guilt and murmured softly, as if explaining what they had done.

"If the High Priest is still awake, he definitely doesn't want us to do this." She closed her eyes, "But if the High Priest can't make it through, the bloodline of the Lord Anorosa and the Holy Maiden will end here..."

Jiang Su: "..."


According to this person, the high priest is also a descendant of Yan Luosha, so Hua Shiqing and this high priest... shouldn't they be brothers?

"Alixi feels that as long as the high priest is alive, other people's lives are really nothing." The woman sighed softly with a sad face, and said, "He brought a group of people and used the enchantment to lure people into the temple. I want to complete the human sacrifice, but I don't know who stopped it, the Zigu he left here yesterday is already dying, I'm afraid something has happened."

Jiang Su: "I stopped it."

Everyone in Miaojiang: "..."

"In order to save one person, you want to kill dozens of people." Jiang Su raised his eyebrows, "It's a bit too much."

The woman was slightly taken aback, and asked, "You... who are you?"

Just as Jiang Su was about to speak, Li Hanshan wanted to appease Jiang Su, so he hurriedly opened his mouth and said, "This is my best friend, Jiang Su."

Jiang Su: "..."

Li Hanshan thought, Jiang Su always introduced him to others like this in the past, but today he was ahead of Jiang Su and introduced his relationship with Jiang Su to others. But the expression sank and became even more displeased.

Li Hanshan looked at Jiang Su's expression, and all the words behind him were stuck in his throat. He was at a loss for a while, and couldn't figure out what he said wrongly.

Jiang Su laughed, put away his displeasure in an instant, nodded and said: "I am your young master's friend."

Li Hanshan: "..."

Li Hanshan realized.

How could he make such a mistake!

He already knew that Jiang Su was jealous, and he rushed to say that Jiang Su was his good friend in front of these people. In Jiang Su's eyes, wouldn't this matter be equivalent to clarifying his relationship with him?

We are just ordinary friends, we have nothing to do with each other... This is why Jiang Su will be even more angry!

Li Hanshan looked at Jiang Su's calm expression, as if he didn't care about this matter anymore, but he couldn't restrain the extremely happy feeling in his heart. The more jealous Jiang Su is now, the more it means...Jiang Su cares about him.

Li Hanshan grinned, wishing he could immediately follow Jiang Su's words and said, "It's really wrong for you to do this. This is not the only way to save people."

Even Li Hanshan had already said that, the woman couldn't help but frown, and said: "Maybe there are other ways, but...we can't find any other way."

"If you believe us, we may be able to find a way to try." Jiang Su said, "There are many genius doctors in the Central Plains, and I also know people who know some Gu skills, and they can always find other ways."

But the few people in front of him didn't trust Jiang Su, and one of them even hesitated to speak, saying: "You are a person of the right way..."

Li Hanshan: "With me as the guarantor, you don't have to worry."

These people had already reached the point where they went to the doctor indiscriminately. Since Li Hanshan was willing to help, after discussing with them, he also planned to try the method Jiang Su said. Jiang Su asked them to stay in this grotto and wait. Go back to the county again so that I can bring Fu Wenxiao and Hua Shiqing over to see if there is any other way.

Jiang Su wanted to leave, Li Hanshan naturally wanted to leave with him, but he only followed Jiang Su a few steps outside, Jiang Su stopped, frowned and looked back at him, saying: "What are you following me for?"

Li Hanshan was startled, and said, "Of course I want to go back with you."

Jiang Su raised his eyebrows: "The high priest is here, don't you stay with him?"

Li Hanshan: "...Huh?"

"We must leave someone to protect them." Jiang Su said calmly, "There are only a few of them, and the high priest is still unconscious. It is quite dangerous in this barren mountain."

Li Hanshan: "..."

Jiang Su said so, but reminded him.

Li Hanshan turned his head, looked at the people behind him, and asked, "If there are wolves, tigers and leopards in the mountains, are you capable of protecting yourself?"

Someone replied: "Young master, don't worry, although our Gu skills are not as powerful as the high priest's, it is impossible for idlers to break in at will."

Miao Jiang's voodoo is weird, as long as they are in the dark, even the top martial arts masters come here, they can't get much money. Li Hanshan thinks that they don't need to worry about the safety of these people at all. On the contrary, Jiang Su...

With injuries on his body, he drove all night without sleep, and now he has to rush back again to pick up Fu Wenxiao and Hua Shiqing. In this way, he is really worried about Jiang Su's health.

Li Hanshan then turned around again and looked at Jiang Su.

"It's just going back to pick up people, it's not a big deal, I'll just go." Li Hanshan said, "You are injured, you should stay here and rest for now."

Jiang Su: "..."

Jiang Su couldn't help turning his head back, looked at the few people behind him who were obviously afraid of him as a righteous person, and then looked at the high priest and Xu Qingyan who were unconscious on the stone bed. After a moment of silence, he finally opened his mouth and said: " No need."

Before he finished speaking, Li Hanshan frowned slightly, as if he felt a little unspeakable grievance, and whispered: "I am doing it for your own good."

Jiang Su: "..."

"I'm worried about your body." Li Hanshan blinked his eyes, looked at Jiang Su with some grievances and flattery, and said, "You were injured because of me, if you have something wrong..."

Jiang Su: "...It's not a serious injury."

Li Hanshan: "But my heart aches."

Jiang Su: "..."

Jiang Su seemed to be stabbed by a sentence, and seeing Li Hanshan's expression, he fell silent.

He was making a tough decision in his mind.

To be honest, after such a day's journey, he was indeed a little tired, but he felt tired... Li Hanshan must be no better than him.

He walked a few steps to the stone bed and looked at the condition of the high priest on the stone bed. The high priest looked pale, but his breath was steady, and he didn't seem to be seriously ill. Jiang Su couldn't help turning his head and asked, "How is he doing now?" ?”

The woman opened her mouth to answer: "The high priest has been unconscious and awake these days. He used Gu to renew his lifeline, and now his body is extremely weak. If he can't get rid of this twin Gu as soon as possible, he may... Maybe he won't be able to survive next month."

Jiang Su thought about it, and now it's the beginning of the month, that is to say, they have to have a month anyway. In this case, he and Li Hanshan should rest for a few hours before leaving.

Jiang Su asked again: "Does he know what you are doing?"

The woman shook her head and said in a low voice: "He doesn't agree, but now he has no strength, even if he doesn't want to, he can only scold us a few words..."

Jiang Su nodded, pulled Li Hanshan to his side, and said to those people: "Since that's the case, I and your young master—"

Before he could finish his sentence, he heard a slight sound from the stone bed behind him.

Jiang Su turned his head and saw the high priest on the stone bed moved slightly, then slowly opened his eyes, paused for a moment, seemed a little confused, not knowing why he was here, then he turned his head and looked at Cai Cai who had just returned. A few people talking.

The beauty was just waking up from a coma, her eyes were vacant, and her face was sickly and haggard, which was quite distressing, but the high priest took a while to calm down, coughed a few times, and stopped his gaze on Li Hanshan.

The high priest was slightly startled, and said, "Young master? Why are you here?"

When Li Hanshan heard someone calling him, he subconsciously replied: "Huh?"

Jiang Su: "...tsk."