Seeing that Xu Qingyan and the high priest looked at each other passionately, Jiang Su didn't want to say anything, and even lost enthusiasm for saving Xu Qingyan from leaving.

One of these young couples was willing to fight and the other was willing to suffer, so what did he get involved in for no reason.

And ever since he knew that the high priest of Xu Qing's speech could not get the red fate value, Jiang Su had completely lost hope for the marriage of the two people, but now Sun Lin is his real expectation, and he has already got four keys Yes, that is to say, the progress of the main line is more than halfway, and the red edge value he has worked so hard to save for so long is still zero.

Jiang Su felt that he had to collect all the predestined relationship points as soon as possible, otherwise when he opened up to the sky, it might be time for him to go back.

Right now, Jiang Su just wants to rest quickly, and leave earlier to pick up Fu Wenxiao and Hua Shiqing. He glanced at Xu Qingyan who was still immersed in the atmosphere of love, frowned slightly, and said, "Captain Xu, yes Zhou Zhou ordered me to rescue you quickly, if you don’t want to go back, you should also write a letter to Zhou Zhou to explain this clearly.”

Xu Qingyan nodded vigorously to show that she understood, then turned over and got off the stone bed, and began to look around for paper and pens that could be used to write letters.

Jiang Su didn't bother to pay attention to them anymore, the conditions here were poor, he could only find a cleaner corner to sit down, and planned to rest against the stone wall for a while.

Li Hanshan obviously wanted to follow him. This time Li Hanshan still had doubts in his heart. He sat down next to Jiang Su and couldn't help asking: "What is the matter with the high priest and the head catcher of the six doors?" one thing?"

Jiang Su replied calmly: "Lang has a concubine...Lang has intentions."

Li Hanshan was startled, then asked back: "Then why did we come here to save him?"

So many things happened before and after, and Jiang Su was injured, is this the result in the end?

He felt that he had wasted a lot of effort, and he was a little displeased, and his words just awakened Jiang Su, making Jiang Su carefully remember the cause and effect of this matter. It's not as simple as Xu Qingyan said.

If they were willing, why didn't Xu Qingyan directly tell Zhou Zhou that he wanted to stay here when these Miao people lured Xu Qingyan to come to his house? They still had to fight, and Zhou Zhou was seriously injured because of it. No matter how you look at it, it doesn't look like they are willing.

He felt weird in his heart, and thinking that these Miaojiang people are all masters of the love gu, then it is impossible for Xu Qingyan to obey the high priest because of the love gu?

Jiang Su frowned and thought for a while, then went over with the Miao Jiang keepsake, stopped when he reached Xu Qingyan, smiled with Xu Qingyan, and said: "Xu Baotou, there is one thing that I forgot to return to you gone."

Xu Qingyan was still immersed in the sweet atmosphere of you and me, when Jiang Su called him suddenly, he couldn't help showing a blank expression, and asked, "What is it?"

Just as Jiang Su was about to speak, he saw the high priest turn his gaze.

This high priest is really weird. Jiang Su felt that as long as he was by his side, he would always turn his eyes and stare at him intently, but he also knew that the high priest had something in his heart, and there was no such thing in his eyes. With admiration, the high priest always liked to stare at him, and there must be another reason for this.

Jiang Su ignored the gaze of the high priest, put the token of Miao Jiang that he had seized earlier into Xu Qingyan's hand, carefully observed Xu Qingyan's reaction, and said, "Captain Xu, this should belong to you, right?" ?”

He thought that Xu Qingyan would be the same as Li Hanshan and Lu Jiu. After unraveling the love gu, it was like waking up from a big dream, but Xu Qingyan took the token and thanked Jiang Su happily, but his expression did not change at all. There was still admiration in the eyes looking at the high priest—he obviously didn't have a love gu, and everything he said just now was really what he wanted.

Jiang Su was silent, and was about to turn his head back, but Xu Qingyan grabbed his sleeve and made him stay where he was, and then handed the token back to Jiang Su.

"Maybe I have to trouble Jiang Shaoxia to keep this thing for a while longer." Xu Qingyan said seriously, "It's really inconvenient for me to take this thing back now."

Jiang Su: "..."

Jiang Su was a little confused.

This was originally Xu Qingyan's stuff, wouldn't it be just right to return it to the original owner? Why did Xu Qingyan refuse to accept it, and asked him to keep it on her behalf?

But Xu Qingyan put the things in his hands, and gently shook Jiang Su's hand. His eyes were a little pleading, as if he was asking Jiang Su not to ask more questions, so Jiang Su had to take the things over and clicked. Nodding his head, he said, "If Butou Xu wants it, come and get it with me."

Jiang Su turned his head back to Li Hanshan, and whispered to Li Hanshan about the situation just now. Both of them were puzzled, but Li Hanshan looked left and right, and simply dragged someone over, showing the coldness of the young master of the Demon Cult when he was outside. He asked the man seriously what happened to the high priest's illness and the Twin Gu.

The man seemed to realize that the young master didn't know Gu skills at this time, and hurriedly explained to Li Hanshan, saying: "At the beginning, the head catcher from the six gates entered the Miao border and strayed into the poisonous swamp, and almost lost his life. When the priest met him, he had no choice but to use Twin Life Gu to save his life."

Jiang Su had heard Hua Shiqing mention before that the Twin Life Gu tied the lives of two people together. After that, the two lived and died together, and this Twin Life Gu was extremely difficult to understand. Even in Miaojiang, this kind of Gu The technique is not something that anyone dares to use at will.

It's just that Jiang Su really couldn't figure out the principle of the twin life Gu, he could only think this way, it might be equivalent to neutralizing the life value of the two of them, Xu Qing said that if he couldn't do it, the high priest used the twin life Gu for him, then He could save Xu Qingyan, but he should also be affected by it.

"The high priest hanged him with twin life Gu, took him back to the stockade, and tried every means to heal his wounds and undo the poison on his body. It took a lot of effort to restore him to the original state, but the way to undo the twin life Gu, The high priest himself doesn't know." The man sighed, and said, "This Twin Life Gu, besides allowing people to live and die together, the two of them should not be too far apart, otherwise the Gu poison will attack, and life will be worse than life." die."

Jiang Su was startled, turned his head to look at the high priest, and saw the high priest leaning on the stone bed, listening carefully to Xu Qingyan's words, Jiang Su couldn't help thinking of the frail appearance of the high priest just now, and felt that he might have lost his temper. Figured out what was going on.

Holding the token of Miao Jiang can invalidate all the Gu poison on the body.

It's just that if the Gu worm is still on the body, after the token is taken away, the Gu poison will still attack again, and this person said that the twin Gu in his body should not be too far away from each other, but Xu Qingyan was able to leave Miaojiang alone and return to the Central Plains , the middle ground should be the Miaojiang token given to him by the high priest.

And just now when Xu Qing asked Jiang Su to keep the token on his behalf, it should be because he was worried that the high priest's body could no longer hold on. He was afraid that the token would affect the Twin Life Gu and make this matter change again. Does that mean that... back then Xu Qingyan left Miao Jiang with the token, perhaps because he didn't know that he couldn't leave the high priest too far?

He has a token on him, no matter how far away he is, the Gu poison is unlikely to break out, the high priest is different, he has such a treasure to repel poison and avoid Gu, and he gave it to Xu Qingyan, he knew that he What will happen, but Xu Qingyan is still let go.

For a moment, Jiang Su didn't know whether to say that the high priest was too stupid or had a brain problem. No, he felt that these two people were both burned out by love. One wanted to let the other go free, regardless of the fact that he might be backlashed by the poison. And the other person wants to save the other person's life by suicide, but the two of them still don't think there is anything wrong...

Jiang Su once again confirmed his judgment.

This is really a **** drama.

These two people are so well matched, what to save, let them torture each other by themselves.

Jiang Su rested for a few hours, then got up with Li Hanshan and returned to the county to bring Fu Wenxiao and Hua Shiqing over.

The two were anxious, for fear that Fu Wenxiao and Hua Shiqing would leave here because the matter of the mountain temple had been resolved, so the two of them couldn't help but speed up their journey.

After returning to the county seat, fortunately Fu Wenxiao and Hua Shiqing were still staying in the inn. After Jiang Su entered the door, he didn't care about Sheng Hechen's questioning where he had gone, so he hurriedly grabbed Hua Shiqing's arm and said, "Hua Shiqing Young Master, I have found the whereabouts of your family."

Hua Shiqing: "...Huh?"

This fact was a bit too sudden. Hua Shiqing was stunned for a moment, thinking that Jiang Su wanted him to help hide something, so he nodded hastily, followed Jiang Su's words, put on a moved look, and said: "Jiang Shaoxia , these two days, did you go to find my father and brother for me?"

Jiang Su nodded, and said: "You entrusted me to handle this matter. I happened to hear some news, so I left to search for the clue, and I really gained something."

After he finished speaking, he looked at Fu Wenxiao, with a little worry on his face, and sighed: "Master Fu, Mr. Hua's father is seriously ill, and the famous doctors in the city are helpless. If you have time, can you come with us?" Go and take a look?"

Fu Wenxiao didn't ask any more questions, but simply nodded.

And Hua Shiqing also cooperated with Jiang Su's performance very well. Hearing that his "father" was seriously ill, he was anxious, his face was full of worry, and he almost couldn't stand still. On the side, Fu Wenxiao and Fang Yuanluo were asked to pack their luggage as soon as possible, stay where they were, and comfort Hua Shiqing patiently.

Only Li Hanshan stood where he was, with doubts written in his heart.

wait, what?

Hua Shiqing's father and brother? The high priest might indeed be Hua Shiqing's elder brother, but Hua Shiqing's father... how did they meet Hua Shiqing's father?

But Li Hanshan understands that if he walks with Jiang Su, if he encounters something that he can't understand at once, he just needs to shut up and support Jiang Su without thinking about it. Shi Qing and Jiang Su were beside him, comforting Hua Shiqing with Jiang Su.

Sheng Hechen watched for a while, and frowned slightly. Seeing Hua Shiqing's panicked look, he actually believed it, but that Hua Shiqing was a person in the evil way, and there was a gap between good and evil. Before comforting him, and he still remembered that he was still angry with Jiang Su, entangled for a long time, and could only ask, "Su'er, your hand..."

"Are the carriages and horses ready?" Seeing Fu Wenxiao going downstairs with his luggage, Jiang Su hurriedly supported Hua Shiqing to stand up, and said, "Time is urgent, let's go."

Sheng Hechen: "..."

Jiang Su walked a few steps, then turned around, frowned and looked at Sheng Hechen, a little restless, said: "Mr. Sheng, I have other important matters. I'm afraid I will trouble you with the whereabouts of the key."

Sheng Hechen never thought that Jiang Su would take the initiative to talk to him, he was flattered for a moment, nodded and said: "Don't worry."

There were too many of them, and they could only go out of the city in two carriages. Jiang Su asked Li Hanshan to drive in the name of comforting Hua Shiqing, and asked Fang Yuanluo and Fu Wenxiao to follow in the carriage behind. Li Hanshan was full of incomprehension, almost wondering whether there was really an old senior he had never seen with the high priest.

It wasn't until after leaving the county seat that Hua Shiqing put away his anxious look, blinked his eyes, looked at Jiang Su, and asked, "Jiang Shaoxia, who are you guarding against?"

Jiang Su looked calm, and asked, "Who else do you think?"

Li Hanshan: "???"