Hua Shiqing only needs to follow Jiang Su's thinking, and he can quickly guess who Jiang Su is guarding against.

Jiang Su asked Fu Wenxiao and Fang Yuanluo to go with him to treat Hua Shiqing's non-existent seriously ill father, which was equivalent to saying that at least Fu Wenxiao and Fang Yuanluo could be trusted by him.

Besides, only Sheng Hechen, Bai Yushan, and Lu Jiu were left in the inn. After spending time thinking about it, they felt that Lu Jiu should not have much suspicion. The interests of this matter have nothing to do with him. He was just an outsider dragged in by Hua Shiqing in the ghost market. As for the rest of Bai Yusheng and Sheng Hechen... Hua Shiqing really couldn't see through.

After getting along for a few days, he felt that Sheng Hechen's infatuation was devoted to Jiang Su, while Bai Yusheng was just an ordinary young man from a rich family, and his mind was mostly on business. He was actually not very interested in these troubles in the world.

But most of the people in the Jianghu are good at concealing themselves. It is really hard to see anything else after just getting along for a few days. Hua Shiqing can only wait for Jiang Su to clarify his doubts.

"At least you never doubted me." Hua Shiqing said, "As for the two people who stayed in the inn... I can't tell the difference."

Jiang Su smiled and said, "There will always be a day when everything will be clear."

The two of them looked at each other knowingly, and within a few words, they seemed to have understood each other's meaning. Only Li Hanshan, who was sitting on the outside and driving the horse, had a blank expression on his face, feeling that the two... seemed to have nothing to say, but they knew everything. up.

Forget it, Jiang Su won't harm him anyway, so it doesn't matter what Jiang Su Tonghua Shiqing said, and it has nothing to do with him.

Having said that, Jiang Sufang restrained his face again, and said seriously with Hua Shiqing: "But at least part of it, I am not talking nonsense."

Hua Shiqing didn't understand what he meant.

"I left here to follow the clues I got in the county and follow the person who used the Gu." Jiang Su said, "The reason why they robbed Xu Qingyan and used the Gu poison in the county is to Save someone."

Hua Shiqing hesitated, and asked, "The person who got the Twin Life Gu?"

He remembered hearing the captured person mention Twin Life Gu that day, so he couldn't help saying to Jiang Su: "Twin Life Gu is the secret of Miao Jiang, not everyone in Miao Jiang can learn this Twin Life Gu of."

Jiang Su replied: "The people they want to save are indeed not ordinary people."

Hua Shiqing: "..."

He seemed to know all the answers.

Even in Miaojiang, Twin Life Gu is considered an extremely secret Gu technique, not something that everyone knows, and many people regard it as a taboo. In recent years, this Twin Life Gu has almost been lost.

But back then when Hua Shiqing was in exile in the ghost market, he had heard his father teach him the secret of Twin Life Gu, so he roughly knew how to solve it, and besides him, he thought that there were still people in this world who knew how to use Twin Life Gu. There were not five people, and what Jiang Su said before and after...he had a faint guess in his heart, so he looked at Jiang Su and asked in a trembling voice: "Who did you find?"

"He is now the high priest of Miaojiang." Jiang Su said, "It's just that the twin birth Gu poison has been released, but he doesn't know how to get rid of it."

Taking time to clear his mind, he recalled in a daze that when his father mentioned Twin Life Gu to him, there were indeed other people present.

It just seems that he was too young at that time, and he was playful when he was young. He only remembered the method of using Gu, but he didn't remember the way of dispelling Gu. Finally, he was able to find his relatives who had been separated for many years.

Hua Shiqing was in a trance, but suddenly felt something was wrong.

"He's the high priest?" Hua Shiqing frowned, "He used Twin Life Gu on Xu Qingyan, but because he liked him?"

Jiang Su had no choice but to tell Hua Shiqing all the ins and outs of this incident, but unexpectedly, the more Hua Shiqing listened to it, the more unhappy his expression became. In the end, he couldn't help raising his eyebrows, and said: "There are thousands of ways to save people. , but he insisted on using this method.”

Jiang Su replied subconsciously: "The incident is urgent..."

"If it is an ordinary person, it is not an exaggeration to use this method in an emergency." Hua Shiqing said, "But he is the high priest, and he should try his best to manage the affairs of the clan, but because of his love, he makes others worry about him .”

Jiang Su felt that Hua Shiqing was right.

The high priest and Xu Qingyan acted like a **** drama, and this was obviously a story he couldn't understand, but he thought, after all, it was Hua Shiqing's relatives, he really shouldn't jump out and talk nonsense language, nothing has been said at the same time.

And Hua Shiqing raised his eyebrows, and said, "Fortunately, I know how to undo this Twin Life Gu."

For Jiang Su, this sentence is really a savior in a desperate situation. He only needs to unravel the poison on the high priest, and then get in touch with the marriage contract between the high priest and Li Hanshan, get the key, and then the high priest will talk to Xu Qing. How, has nothing to do with him.

Jiang Su then asked: "What do you need to solve the Gu, just tell me."

"It's just some common medicinal materials, and most of them are not difficult to find." Hua Shiqing said, "Master Fu should know all of them. When we get to the place, I will go with him to take a look around."

Jiang Su nodded.

Hua Shiqing: "After that is the token—"

Speaking of this, Hua Shiqing paused again, thinking of something in a trance.

In Miaojiang, there are four or five tokens that can avoid Gu and detoxify like this, and they are all beads like the token in the hands of the high priest. When Hua Shiqing saw the beads, he didn't think it was different. Maybe it was one of the other keepsakes, but now that Jiang Su told him that the high priest was related to him, he suddenly realized what that bead was.

It should be the relic of Anarasha, passed down to his father, and then in the hands of the high priest of this generation, then this thing... can be regarded as their father's token.

In addition to being able to avoid Gu and repel poison, this object can also be regarded as a sacred object. According to their legend, it is a divine object left by the great **** in the world. This kind of thing, the high priest will give it as he pleases, and he will never give it to him. He hesitated to give it to his lover, without even thinking about what the people in the clan would think.

Even though they haven't met each other yet, he couldn't help but start thinking, high priest... Is he really qualified for this position?

Hua Shiqing remained silent all the way, Jiang Su only thought that he was recalling the method of unraveling Twin Life Gu, how can Hua Shiqing's Gu skills be taught by himself later, at most, he had some memories of his childhood, this kind of critical It always took him some effort to remember.

After arriving at the foot of the Yuta Mountain, the carriage couldn't get up the mountain, and several people had to dismount and walk. Fu Wenxiao felt that something was wrong, but now that the carriage had arrived in the wilderness, he couldn't help asking Jiang Su: "Young man's Father, on this mountain?"

Jiang Su didn't answer his question, but asked him instead: "Don't you think something is wrong with the Wulin League?"

Fu Wenxiao: "..."

"I want to avoid people's eyes and ears." Jiang Su said, "And you are one of the few people I can trust."

Fu Wenxiao was silent for a moment, nodded, and said, "I understand, what do you want me to do?"

"I have already found the key hidden in Miaojiang." Jiang Su said, "Just before that, Doctor Fu, I may need you and Hua Shiqing to save someone together."

Fu Wenxiao didn't say any more, Jiang Su trusted him so much, he was naturally willing to repay Jiang Su, but it was just saving someone, it was not difficult and it didn't take much effort.

Everything went smoothly as Jiang Su expected.

To be honest, there are so few people in the Wulin League, if there are no more clues, it is actually difficult for Jiang Su to know who is behind the scenes who want to **** the key from him, but he has no more time, and there are three keys left , he didn't want to make trouble at the last moment, if he had the chance, he should find that person out as soon as possible.

So he asked Fu Wenxiao and Fang Yuanluo to go with him, and let Sheng Hechen and Bai Yusheng stay in the inn. He carefully watched the movement behind him all the way to make sure that no one followed secretly, so if the matter of the high priest could still be leaked , which is equivalent to saying that the problem must be among the few people who came here with him.

If not, then his suspects should be Sheng Hechen and Bai Yusheng.

He felt that his plan was fairly thorough, at least until now, nothing that he could not control had occurred.

No, there has been a change.

When Jiang Su turned around, he happened to meet Li Hanshan's sad eyes.

Jiang Su: "..."

For some reason, Jiang Su, who had always been slow to this kind of thing, understood the meaning of Li Hanshan's eyes almost immediately.

He felt that he might have stayed with Li Hanshan for so long that even his thoughts had been assimilated by Li Hanshan.

Jiang Su felt that Li Hanshan must be unhappy.

You must know that when he coaxed Li Hanshan to agree to come here with his injured self, he used words that no one around him could trust. Several times, it is no wonder that Li Hanshan is unhappy.

Jiang Su really couldn't stand Li Hanshan's slightly aggrieved little eyes, which was simply a killer move for him, he sighed, and pulled Li Hanshan to lead the crowd up the mountain, but deliberately walked a few steps faster so that the two of them could be at the same time. The others kept some distance away, then lowered their voices, explained to Li Hanshan, and said, "I have no choice but to say that."

Li Hanshan: "..."

"You don't have to be angry. The intention behind this... I can't tell for a while." Jiang Su said, "You just need to understand that the only person I trust the most in this world is you."

Li Hanshan: "..."

Li Hanshan remained silent, as if he had never been touched by Jiang Su's words before, he just lowered his head, and after walking a certain distance, he said to Jiang Su, "That's all you can say. .”

Jiang Su: "What?"

Li Hanshan: "Kung fu on the lips."

Jiang Su: "..."

Jiang Su was wondering if Li Hanshan's mouth was stronger than before. The grotto in the mountain had arrived, and the high priest was sitting outside the grotto with Xu Qingyan basking in the sun. He seemed to be weaker than a few days ago , but now when he heard the movement, he raised his eyes and looked this way, his expression suddenly became agitated.

His face was sickly and flushed, he couldn't suppress the excitement in his eyes, and his eyes turned back and forth. When Jiang Su approached, he just got up, and before the rest of the people had time to come over, he had already whispered to Jiang Su , said: "Jiang...Jiang Shaoxia, these wonderful people in front of you are all your friends!"

Jiang Su: "Wonderful... what?"

"Huanfeiyanshou...ah no, beauty like clouds feasts your eyes...not really." The high priest lowered his voice and talked to himself, thinking that Jiang Su couldn't hear what he said in such a low voice, so he just murmured, "Ah, the world Bliss, yes, yes, this is the bliss of the world!"

Jiang Su: "..."