For a moment, Jiang Su thought he had heard wrong.

He looked at the high priest's face that had been peaceful for years, and couldn't imagine that the few words he heard just now were spoken by this beautiful high priest from Miaojiang.

Jiang Su remained silent, pricked up his ears, and listened carefully to the high priest's continuous chatter.

"Young master is as gentle as jade, with a slender figure and a beautiful figure." The high priest couldn't help but sigh with emotion, "Why does Jiang Shaoxia know so many good-looking people... Well, like attracts like, and people are divided into groups, Jiang Shaoxia is so good-looking. We should get to know more good-looking people, no matter, Jiang Shaoxia is the most beautiful person."

Jiang Su: "..."

He couldn't help looking at Fu Wenxiao and the others who were a few steps away.

The real son should refer to Fu Wenxiao, and Fu Wenxiao's temperament is indeed like that of a master, and the word delicate is absolutely impossible to describe Fang Yuanluo.

That is to say, the high priest praised Fu Wenxiao and Hua Shiqing, but automatically ignored Fang Yuanluo.

And several people had already walked in front of the high priest, Jiang Su sighed, and introduced the identities of several people to the high priest one by one.

Jiang Su thought, if Hua Shiqing wanted to recognize the high priest, he would save this important matter for the last. He first briefly introduced Fu Wenxiao and Fang Yuanluo, and the high priest was also quite enthusiastic, and he was happy to have a few polite words with Fu Wenxiao. Then he looked at Fang Yuanluo, praised him earnestly, and said, "In addition to beauties in the Central Plains, there are also many strong and handsome people..."

He paused, interrupted his own words, and looked away from Fang Yuanluo, then looked at Xu Qingyan with some embarrassment, and coughed lightly: "Haha, the two of you really hit it off."

Jiang Su: "..."

Jiang Su felt that he seemed to understand a little bit.

The high priest didn't think Fang Yuanluo was ugly, but in his eyes, there was a difference between being beautiful and being handsome.

The beautiful ones are admired, but the handsome ones... Jiang Su couldn't help but look at Xu Qingyan, and judged Xu Qingyan's appearance in his heart. Compared with Fu Wenxiao and Hua Shiqing's gentle faces, Xu Qingyan Yan is indeed more handsome and taller, indeed somewhat similar to Fang Yuanluo.

Okay, handsome, he likes it.

He was so kind to Xu Qingyan back then, couldn't it be because Xu Qingyan's face just hit his aesthetics?

Jiang Su sighed, and was about to introduce Hua Shiqing to the high priest, and then talk about the possible relationship between the two. He didn't want the high priest to turn his head and look at him suddenly, and said: "A valiant and stunning genius like Jiang Shaoxia The appearance of a person is really rare... Ah no, young master, I have no other intentions."

Jiang Su: "???"

Li Hanshan: "Huh?"

The high priest pinched himself, only to feel that he must have been overwhelmed by the presence of too many beauties. He finally recovered his original calm appearance, looked at the last person he didn't know with a dignified smile, and asked, "Jiang Shaoxia, Then this one is..."

Jiang Su straightened his face, and said: "Have you lost any close relatives? His age is not much different from yours, and his face is somewhat similar to yours."

High Priest: "..."

He was slightly taken aback, and then looked at Hua Shiqing in front of him in surprise. He felt that Hua Shiqing's face was indeed somewhat similar to his, and even that feeling was somewhat familiar, really like someone in his memory.

The high priest whispered softly: "Is that you?"

Hua Shiqing kept silent and looked at the high priest. He felt that this person's face was very similar, but the few words the high priest said just now made him a little uncertain. He couldn't accept his long-lost brother. It turned out to be like this now.

Jiang Su didn't answer when he saw the flowers, thinking that he had made a mistake somewhere, and was about to say something to ease the embarrassment at the moment, the next moment the high priest opened his mouth cautiously, and came out with a sentence that Jiang Su couldn't understand, it was obviously not Han But Hua Shiqing understood.

Hua Shiqing looked complicated, and said, "How did you become like this?"

The high priest didn't feel any difference, he just couldn't express his excitement.

He was already unwell, so he hurried forward a few steps, almost stumbled and fell, but he still insisted on going forward, grabbed Hua Shiqing's hand, and said with emotion, "I've been looking for you for a long time."

Hua Shiqing couldn't help whispering, and said softly: "I'm in the ghost city, if it wasn't for Jiang Shaoxia, I wouldn't be able to leave that place at all."

The eyes of the two met, and the high priest raised his hand and hugged Hua Shiqing.

He is slightly shorter than Hua Shiqing, and it seems that he is struggling to stand on tiptoe. His eyes are red and he is choked up. Qing waist, murmured: "That's great, my brother is also very good-looking."

Hua Shiqing: "..."

Jiang Su: "..."

The high priest was so close to Hua Shiqing, even if the words were just muttering to himself, Hua Shiqing could hear them clearly, not to mention Jiang Su, Jiang Su's hearing has always been very good, just now He had been listening intently to the high priest's words, and he was completely speechless in his heart.

He looked up and saw that Fu Wenxiao and Fang Yuanluo didn't hear anything. The two of them were surprised at first, never expecting to see such a scene where brothers recognize each other, and then couldn't help being happy that Hua Shiqing finally found his relatives.

Jiang Su looked to the other side again, Xu Qingyan didn't seem to have heard what the high priest said, but he seemed to know the situation of the high priest very well, there was only a wry smile on his face, and Li Hanshan heard it as clearly as Jiang Su, with that gaze Turning around on Hua Shiqing and Jiang Su, he finally came to a conclusion, lowered his voice, and said to Jiang Su in a serious voice: "How can he say such a thing."

Jiang Su couldn't help nodding, and said, "I didn't expect him to be like this—"

Li Hanshan: "Obviously you are the prettiest."

Jiang Su: "..."

Jiang Su choked on the second half of the sentence, turned his head and looked at Li Hanshan speechlessly, he didn't want Li Hanshan to take such a look, and suddenly said a few more words.

"I'm not talking nonsense." Li Hanshan said seriously, "Compared with you, everyone in the world will be overshadowed."

Jiang Su: "..."

Li Hanshan: "At least in my eyes, you are the prettiest."

Jiang Su: "..."

Of course Jiang Su also knew about this.

In the setting of this book, he was originally designated as the number one beauty with the highest face value, and no one in this world could be better looking than him. This praise should have made him numb.

But for some reason, when these words came out of Li Hanshan's mouth, Jiang Su was still a little startled, as if his heart beat a little faster, with some ambiguous emotions, he couldn't help shaking his head, trying to get rid of this strange feeling , but didn’t want Li Hanshan to misunderstand the meaning of his shaking his head, he was a little aggrieved, and asked him in a low voice: “Do you think it’s a bit too unprofessional for me to talk like this.”

Jiang Su: "... What did you say?"

"I'll practice swords when I get back." Li Hanshan was even more aggrieved, "I know, I haven't practiced martial arts well these days, and you don't like me anymore."

Jiang Su: "..."

Wait, hasn't Li Hanshan practiced martial arts well recently?

He was full of doubts, and carefully recalled the situation in the past few days. They went back and forth, and they really didn't have extra time to spend on sword practice. He himself never had time to practice martial arts, so how could he find time to criticize others?

Jiang Su could only sigh, and said, "You misunderstood, I didn't mean that."

Li Hanshan still looked at him pitifully, and said: "I heard it just now, Hua Shiqing said that he wanted Dr. Fu to help him go to the mountain to gather medicine, so that he could unlock the Twin Gu for the High Priest."

Jiang Su panicked when he saw his eyes, but he didn't understand Li Hanshan's intention of asking this question, so he nodded indiscriminately and said, "It should be like this, what's wrong?"

"Master Fu is going to collect medicine in the mountains, and Deputy Gang Leader Fang will definitely go to help." Li Hanshan began to think, "Xu Qingyan must accompany the high priest, the two of them are you and me, and we can't go and disturb them." .”

Jiang Su: "...well, indeed."

Li Hanshan: "As for the remaining few people, I don't like them very much, and I don't want to get too close to them."

Speaking of this, Li Hanshan raised his head again, looked at Jiang Su with that aggrieved expression, and asked, "You probably don't want to get too close to them, do you?"

Jiang Su: "..."

Jiang Su felt that Li Hanshan seemed to have accurately grasped his dead point.

I don't know if someone reminded him, or Li Hanshan himself understood the true meaning of it. He grasped Jiang Su's temperament of being soft and not hard, and poked at Jiang Su's weakness with every move, so Jiang Su could only do it. Following his words, he led her down by the nose.

"Since that's the case, you and I are the only ones who have nothing to do here." Li Hanshan nodded seriously, and said, "Since you and I have nothing to do, why not practice swords and martial arts together."

Jiang Su: "Huh?"

He thought that Li Hanshan was going around him like this, so there must be some big event waiting for him to agree, but he didn't want Li Hanshan to go around like this, and he just wanted to practice martial arts with him...

Jiang Su was silent for a moment, nodded, and said, "I am indeed a little slack these days."

Li Hanshan was overjoyed, but remembered that Jiang Su had wounds on his hands, so he changed his words hastily, saying: "No, you have wounds on your hands, how about this, I practice swords, you watch me practice swords."

Jiang Su: "...I read the sword manual."

Li Hanshan had no objection.

He was overjoyed, as if Jiang Su had promised him some great event, he looked up happily, and saw that the high priest had let go of Hua Shiqing, and for some reason, several people turned their heads to look at them , the high priest laughed, and said, "Young master, why were you and Jiang Shaoxia biting ears just now? Why do you look so happy?"

Only then did Li Hanshan realize that not only was he happy in his heart, but he even had a smile on his face, and he didn't often show such a smile in front of outsiders, so he had no choice but to restrain the smile, but it failed, and he tried. It took several times before he returned to his original indifferent appearance.

Jiang Su answered smoothly: "It's okay, let's talk about some private matters."

Originally speaking to this point, such as Hua Shiqing, Fu Wenxiao and others, naturally would not ask any more questions, but there is a carefree Fang Yuanluo here. He heard Jiang Su say that the two were discussing private matters, so he couldn't help but interface, and asked, "What's the good thing? It's the first time I've seen Brother Li so happy."

Jiang Su: "Nothing—"

Li Hanshan: "He wants to watch me practice sword."

Jiang Su: "..."

Li Hanshan: "..."

Both of them had a meal, and then spoke again at the same time.

Li Hanshan: "Nothing, nothing, nothing."

Jiang Su: "I want to see his sword skills."

Li Hanshan: "..."

Jiang Su: "..."

Everyone's expressions suddenly became ambiguous.

Jiang Su finally said dryly: "I want to read the sword manual, and I also want to read the swordsmanship of the Demon Sect."

Li Hanshan nodded.

Jiang Su: "Look at you again, you are famous, but how many days have you not practiced martial arts?"

Li Hanshan couldn't help nodding.

"In the long run, what can we do in this world?!" Jiang Su sighed, "It just so happens that everyone has free time these days, why don't you come and practice martial arts together."

As long as there are enough people around him, he will definitely not be the one who is embarrassed.

"Jiang Shaoxia, I'm not educated, so don't fool me." Fang Yuanluo said in a low voice, "As for his sword, you've seen it thousands of times, aren't you tired?"

Jiang Su: "...Learning is to review the past and learn the new. Every time I watch it, I will always have a new experience. Unlike you, Vice-Clan Master Fang, your martial arts are about to regress. Are you not in a hurry?"

Fang Yuanluo: "Don't worry."

Jiang Su: "Huh?"

"Isn't practicing martial arts just to marry a wife?" Fang Yuanluo scratched his head, "I already have a wife."

Jiang Su: "..."

Li Hanshan: "..."