Jiang Su never thought that Li Hanshan would deliberately plot against him one day.

But he has already jumped into this pit, and it is obviously too late to climb up again.

Facing Li Hanshan's question, he could only nod his head in agreement, and said, "Send the high priest to the sub-helm first."

When Hua Shi cleared his eyes and succeeded, he smiled with the two of them and said: "In that case, young master, you can leave in the afternoon."

Jiang Su: "..."

There is no way to drive people away!

Seeing that Jiang Su's expression was wrong, Li Hanshan hesitated for a moment, and said: "We just came here, maybe we need to rest..."

Hua Shiqing took a step forward and held Li Hanshan's hand.

"Young Master." Hua Shiqing looked serious, "Late will change."

Li Hanshan: "..."

Li Hanshan: "Okay, we will leave in the afternoon."

Jiang Su: "..."

Jiang Su remained silent.

Now that the matter has come to this point, even if he has an idea in his heart, he has to go with it. Besides, he wanted to try his own mind, so he just took this opportunity to see his feelings for Li Hanshan in his heart.

Since the few people decided to leave immediately, they naturally had to inform the high priest.

Just now Hua Shiqing mentioned this matter with the high priest, but did not explain the time, but when Jiang Su and Li Hanshan went to find the high priest, they saw the high priest and Xu Qingyan nesting in a corner of the grotto, chatting with each other, Jiang Su Unavoidably a little embarrassed, before the future could step forward, the high priest had already turned his gaze to him, with boundless enthusiasm in his eyes.

He no longer had the life that he had when he first met Jiang Su, but now he stared at Jiang Su's face as if he was familiar with him, and nodded immediately no matter what Jiang Su said, so that Jiang Su didn't even know how much he listened to.

Jiang Su had no choice but to turn around. When he turned his head, he found that Li Hanshan, who came with him, was staring at the high priest with great displeasure. His gaze was so menacing that even the high priest felt inexplicably terrified.

But with the beauty in front of him, he really didn't want to look away, so he braced himself against the pressure and continued to keep his gaze on Jiang Su's face. This would naturally make Li Hanshan feel even more unhappy, but he couldn't be rough on the high priest. So he could only use his strength and stare at the high priest viciously.

The high priest was sweating.

Li Hanshan opened his eyes wide.

The high priest's back felt cold.

Li Hanshan's eyes were murderous.

The high priest shuddered with fear.

Li Hanshan is vicious.

The high priest still didn't look away.

Li Hanshan: "..."

High Priest: "..."

Jiang Su finally couldn't help but asked in doubt: "What are you two doing?"

Only then did Li Hanshan snort coldly, and he dodged in front of Jiang Su, catching the High Priest's gaze, and the High Priest turned his eyes away awkwardly, and said, "It's nothing, it's nothing, let's have a friendly exchange."

Li Hanshan: "Hmph."

Jiang Su: "..."

But no matter what, they had already informed the high priest of the specific departure time, and Jiang Su asked the high priest and the others to pack their things earlier, and then turned around and left, intending to go down the mountain to see the carriage they left there.

When they came, there were only two carriages. Now that so many people want to leave, I'm afraid it will be troublesome. As the high priest, it may be dangerous to stay outside, so Jiang Su decided that they would only take the high priest and Xu Qingyan first. The two, and the rest told them where the sub-rudder was, and then asked them to go by themselves.

Jiang Su arranged everything before and after the run, and it was already afternoon.

The high priest and Xu Qingyan were in the carriage, while Jiang Su and Li Hanshan were driving outside. He didn't know where the Demon Cult's branch was, so he had to let Li Hanshan lead the way.

After walking like this for half a day, when it was getting late, they finally arrived at the place where the Devil's Cult branch was located.

The guard outside the door knew Li Hanshan, opened the door for them without saying a word, and said to Li Hanshan: "The young master came by coincidence, Deputy Envoy He and Guardian Wuqi came here earlier, and they are eating inside. .”

Li Hanshan was startled, and led a few people into the sub-helm. When he reached the place the guard said, he saw He Lingcheng and Wu Qi eating together, and Sun Lin was beside him, holding a bowl full of nervousness, while He Lingcheng was eating. Desperately serve him food.

"Jiang Shaoxia said, let me take good care of you." He Lingcheng said, "Come on, eat more, I made this specially."

Sun Lin: "..."

"You don't have to be polite." He Lingcheng said again, "Jiang Shaoxia is our future young master's wife. Jiang Shaoxia's orders are our young master's orders. Hurry up and eat more."

Sun Lin: "..."

Sun Lin finally lowered his head, looked at the weird black and sticky thing in his bowl, was silent for a long time, and then said in a trembling voice, "Jiang Su really asked you to protect me, instead of letting you poison me to death?"

He Lingcheng's smile froze on his face, he clenched his chopsticks tightly and sneered, "Say it again?"

Sun Lin: "...It's delicious, I like it."

Jiang Su watched the two communicate, feeling speechless for a moment.

He felt sorry for Sun Lin.

But when he turned his head, he saw Wu Qi eating the unknown object in the bowl without changing his face, and he didn't feel any difference at all. With a new understanding.

It happened that He Lingcheng turned his head and caught a glimpse of several people, and he couldn't help showing joy. Li Hanshan explained the whole story with the two of them, and He Lingcheng asked people to arrange the residence of the high priest and others, and then turned around and asked a few people: "Has the young master had a meal? Why don't you stay and have a meal together?"

Jiang Su and Li Hanshan had been traveling for a day, and they already felt hungry and thirsty, so they naturally nodded in agreement. They sat at the banquet, and Jiang Su was beside Wu Qi. You... seem to like Fushi He's dishes very much."

"I don't like it." Wu Qi replied seriously, "But it doesn't cost money."

Jiang Su: "..."

"That big white tiger is really good to eat." Wu Qi sighed with emotion in a low voice, "I have to eat twenty catties of meat a day, and my monthly salary is gone, so I can't afford to raise a nest, so I had to come to Deputy Envoy He." Just a little bit."

Jiang Su: "You have worked hard..."

Wu Qi couldn't help but let out a long sigh, and said, "It's good that it's full."

Jiang Su: "..."

It was really hard for Jiang Su and Wu Qi to have a common language, so he had no choice but to turn his head and look at He Lingcheng again.

Li Hanshan was talking with He Lingcheng about his idea of ​​wanting to experience co-sleeping with Jiang Su. The more he said, He Lingcheng's expression became weirder. Maybe he felt that young people played a lot of tricks, and they might earn a good thing for the Holy Church to be a young lady. Naturally, He Lingcheng Will not refuse.

He nodded hastily and told people to make arrangements quickly. Wu Qi heard the conversation between the two, pondered for a moment, then got up and said that he was full, then turned his head and left in a hurry. He Lingcheng looked at his back helplessly, sighed and said: "It's time to feed the cat again."

Jiang Su: "..."

The Devil's Cult sub-helm here is quite large, it is not difficult to make room for an empty room, and it will be ready in a short time, but Jiang Su feels that the grotto is dirty, he is somewhat uncomfortable, and wants to take a bath as soon as he arrives in the room. It's good to change into a clean rest.

He doesn't shy away from Li Hanshan, but Li Hanshan is inexplicably nervous. Although there is a screen in the room, even if Jiang Su takes a bath here, he can't see anything, but this situation always reminds him inexplicably that day in the inn , the scene where he and Jiang Su were in the inn bathhouse together.

He couldn't stop his face from flushing, and reminded himself again and again in his heart that now there is only a screen between the two of them, as long as Jiang Su looks outside, he can clearly see the situation outside, he must not feel blasphemy here, Otherwise, if Jiang Su sees... Li Hanshan simply dare not imagine the result of all this.

But the more he restrained himself in his heart, the more he couldn't stop his wild thoughts. He heard the rustling of the cloth behind the screen, and then there was a slight sound of water, and Jiang Su's thin back that he saw that day appeared in front of him. For a moment, Han Shan felt terrible, so he simply got up, and hurriedly took out the sword manual from his luggage, thinking to calm down, but when he opened two pages, he couldn't read anything.

Li Hanshan had no choice but to put down the sword manual again, and looked at the bed. He felt that the quilt was not folded properly, and it was a bit messy, so he hurriedly stretched out his hand to pull it, not wanting to tear off the pillow, and suddenly pulled something out from under the pillow .

The movement was so loud that Jiang Su could hear it clearly, so he asked behind the screen, "What's wrong with you?"

Li Hanshan pretended to be calm: "Nothing."

He bent down to pick up the thing that fell on the ground, his heart skipped a beat, and he began to feel a little bad.

This is clearly a very familiar picture book.

Li Hanshan remembered that Wu Qi left the meeting suddenly just now, at that time he thought that Wu Qi was going to feed the cat, but now it seems...Wu Qi must have deliberately groped into his room and stuffed this **** book under the pillow book? !

Li Hanshan was in a hurry, trying to stuff the **** album into his luggage, he glanced at it inadvertently, somehow felt that Wu Qi's painting skills were a little more refined, but the movements were much more accurate, he couldn't help but pause, his heart was aroused Curious, thinking that it would be okay to peek at two pages, then silently turned to the first page, glanced at it, and was a little shocked.

This is no longer the simple **** picture he had seen before.

This is simply a comic strip, the kind with a story and words!

Not only that, but it is also bilingual in Chinese and Hu. Although there are many typos in the Chinese characters, there are still many words that Wu Qi is not very good at writing, but no matter how you say it, the sincerity here is really moving.

Li Hanshan never thought that Wu Qi would have such a big dream.

This serious and indifferent protector who only likes cats not only wants to become a painter, but also wants to write such touching love stories. Although there are too many unsightly parts in it, if Regardless of the dross, Li Hanshan was inexplicably moved by this story.

It's just that this booklet is too thin, and Li Hanshan finished reading it all in a short while. He began to wonder about the content of the next book, and it was at this time that he heard Jiang Su's voice putting on his clothes.

Li Hanshan: "..."

Li Hanshan looked at his luggage at the other end of the room, then at the **** album in his hand and the pillow that was originally used to cover the album.

He chose the latter without hesitation.

Li Hanshan put the **** album on the bedside, without a word, covered it with a pillow and hid it, while comforting himself in his heart, Jiang Su has always slept very honestly, and he will never move while holding the sword. As long as he does not move, then the pillow will The **** album, presumably will not be exposed in a lifetime.

Sure enough, after a while, Jiang Su came out of the screen, his clothes were neat, but a little loose, a section of snow-white skin was exposed under the neckline, and Li Hanshan had just read a whole book of **** and exciting **** palaces... He hurriedly looked away, I was afraid that I would start thinking wildly again.

"Have someone change the water, so go take a shower too." Jiang Su said, "The grotto is too wet and messy, and I feel a little uncomfortable after staying there for a few days."

Li Hanshan nodded stiffly.

He got up and walked to the door, intending to call the servants to come in to change the water, but before he opened his mouth, he looked back like a guilty conscience, only to see Jiang Su frowning looking at the messy bedding.

"What's the matter with this quilt." Jiang Su frowned and said, "Why is it so messy."

Li Hanshan: "..."

Li Hanshan: "No!"

Jiang Su has straightened the bedding.

The half of the misfortunate pillow that was pressed on the bedding was shaken by the sudden force, rolled twice on the bed, and fell to the ground with something.

Jiang Su: "What is this?"

Li Hanshan: "..."

Li Hanshan tried to find an excuse.

"It must have been left behind by the people who lived here before." Li Hanshan said hastily, "I will definitely teach them a lesson and make them pay more attention next time, and don't leave these pornographic books carelessly."

Jiang Su silently raised his hand and put the book on the table.

"I have a question." Jiang Su said, "You stand so far away, how do you know... this is a pornographic book?"

Li Hanshan: "..."