Jiang Su really didn't know why he had such bad thoughts.

He saw that Li Hanshan was at a loss, or his heart was beating like a drum, and his every move made him feel extremely interesting. This feeling was no less than what he saw a wonderful sword manual, or collected something shocking. good sword.

When he went back to recall Wen Qingting's transcripts, and remembered how Wen Qingting made fun of Xie Wu back then, which was like a boudoir-like move, he wanted to try it too.

Jiang Su waited in the house for a while, Li Hanshan really came back with water, but the night was getting dark, and he didn't see any servants dressed like demons in the Valley of Unrequited Love, so he could only fetch water in the well, and there was still some water when he came back. Nervous, he stood aside nervously and said, "This water is too icy—"

Jiang Su replied: "You and I, martial arts practitioners, still care about these things?"

Li Hanshan: "..."

Li Hanshan wrung out the towel and carefully wiped Jiang Su's side face.

In fact, Jiang Su’s face has long since lost anything, but as soon as Li Hanshan’s fingertips touched Jiang Su’s cheek, he couldn’t help thinking of what happened just now—Li Hanshan still remembered Jiang Su’s appearance just now, which was completely different from usual There seemed to be an unusual look in his usually calm and indifferent eyes, the side of his face and the skirt of his clothes were stained, Jiang Su even raised his sleeves to wipe his face, and then raised his eyes to smile with him.


Li Hanshan felt that he could no longer think wildly.

He was very nervous and wanted to focus on Jiang Su, but suddenly realized that Jiang Su's appearance was really good-looking.

In the past, he was used to Jiang Su's face, and he didn't think much about it. Anyway, in his eyes, the beauty seemed to be not much different from ordinary people, but today when he looked at Jiang Su's eyebrows, he felt his heart pounding. Even Jiang Su Looking up at him made him uneasy.

At this time, Jiang Su was having another headache.

He thought that he had confirmed his feelings for Li Hanshan. He was indeed different to Li Hanshan. Although he didn't have much desire in his heart, when he saw Li Hanshan being moved by him, he still couldn't help but feel palpitations. But even so, after the two of them were so intimate just now, he didn't see any reminder of the redness.

Didn't it mean that if the protagonist falls in love, he can get 100 points of redness? Why is there no movement until now?

Is it because the system thinks that he doesn't like Li Hanshan, or...or is it that he is not actually the protagonist of this book?

Jiang Su was full of doubts, he really couldn't figure out what was going on, but he couldn't stop worrying.

After all, now, there is one more reason why he doesn't want to leave this world.

He didn't want to leave Li Hanshan.

The two of them tidied up properly, and it happened that the shadow of the moon was slanting to the west outside, and there was no moonlight in the valley.

Before entering the valley, Jiang Su paid attention to the directions of the four places, and asked Zhang Wenxue about the approximate location of Neigu, so he pulled Li Hanshan towards Neigu in a hurry—they had delayed too much time before, and now they moved If they were slower, they might not be able to bring people out of the inner valley of Heartless Valley at dawn.

Jiang Su carefully discerned the way into the valley, but Li Hanshan didn't understand how Jiang Su could recover from the intimacy just now so quickly.

Yes, he still feels a little dazed.

He couldn't understand why Jiang Su suddenly changed like this. The progress was astonishingly fast, and he was very curious. After holding back for a while, he asked politely, "You...why are you drinking tonight?"

Jiang Su walked ahead of him, but actually answered him directly and truthfully, saying: "Be courageous."

Li Hanshan was startled: "Courage?"

Jiang Su dragged his tone and said, "Think about what I did tonight—"

Li Hanshan replied quickly: "I know."

He started to blush again.

Jiang Su looked back at him, probably understood what Li Hanshan wanted to ask, and said, "My senior brother chatted with me."

Li Hanshan: "...Oh."

Jiang Su looked away, looked at the house not far away, and said: "There should be guards in front, if you want to pass quietly, you have to walk over the eaves."

Li Hanshan couldn't help nodding.

The two climbed onto the eaves. The valley was damp, and there was a layer of moss on the eaves. It was really slippery. Li Hanshan couldn't help but whispered, "The eaves are too slippery. You have been drinking, so be careful."

Jiang Su looked back at him and said in a low voice, "Just two cups."

Li Hanshan: "That's also drinking."

Jiang Su: "I almost woke up just now."

Li Hanshan: "...you just have to mention just now."

Jiang Su looked at Li Hanshan innocently and said, "Don't you like it?"

Li Hanshan: "..."

Li Hanshan felt that he should have understood one thing long ago.

In terms of eloquence, he definitely can't beat Jiang Su, and now Jiang Su keeps trying to tease him for some reason, so it's useless for him to refute, so he shut up, stopped talking to Jiang Su, and walked the road well, leading The two of them turned down the eaves, and in front of them was Ruanqinggu Neigu, so he opened his mouth and said, "Cover your face."

Jiang Su looked at him with a smile, and said, "I never wore a mask."

Li Hanshan was startled, and said: "The handkerchief that I carry—"

He shut up.

What did Jiang Su carry the towel with him for, doesn't he know?

He stopped talking, groped in his arms for a while, took out a handkerchief, stuffed it to Jiang Su, and said dryly: "Cover up."

Jiang Su took the handkerchief, fastened it to cover his face, and said, "Don't worry, no one should be able to find out our whereabouts. Even if they do, they might not be able to recognize who I am."

Li Hanshan didn't believe it.

He has seen many people who like Jiang Su.

He felt that even just a back view was enough for those people to discover Jiang Su's identity, and in this valley of unrequited love, once Jiang Su's identity was exposed, it would inevitably lead to countless troubles, and even if it was out of his own selfishness, he They don't want Jiang Su to be recognized by others.

They climbed over the eaves and walked a little further, then they saw what Nie Haomiao told them about the unfeeling valley.

The mountain wall in front of me is so high that it is like an axe. There are several caves on the wall, and there are guards on duty at each cave entrance, and Jiang Su has no idea which cave Meng Du is in. They can't go in one by one to find Meng Du. The whereabouts of Nie Haomiao, the movement is too big, and he will fall out with Nie Haomiao, the owner of the Ruthless Valley. Nie Haomiao still has a key in his hand, and Jiang Su doesn't want to get too stiff with him.

The two stopped here for a while, and had to go back first. Jiang Su thought, anyway, the senior brother has a good relationship with Nie Haomiao, so he should be able to let the senior brother ask Nie Haomiao for some news related to Mengdu.

When the two of them returned to the resting place, the sky was faintly pale, and the sky was getting brighter and earlier recently, and Jiang Su was hit by Wen Qingting, and it had been a while since he practiced his sword properly. Today, he suddenly felt enlightened , was about to ask Li Hanshan if he wanted to practice sword with him, but Li Hanshan frowned and said: "You drank, go to bed early."

Jiang Su: "..."

However, after two glasses of wine, he had already woken up, but today is special after all, he had to obey what Li Hanshan said today.

Jiang Su had no choice but to nod in agreement, and was about to turn his head back to the house, not wanting to see Zhang Wenxue walking towards them. When they came back together, Jiang Su was still dressed in black, so he probably understood what the two of them had done, and asked them in a low voice: "What's the matter?"

Jiang Su shook his head.

If he couldn't enter the inner valley during the day, or if he couldn't know where Meng Du was being imprisoned, there was no way for him to rescue Meng Du from the Valley of Heartlessness.

He wanted to ask Zhang Wenxue for help, Zhang Wenxue would naturally nod in agreement, he also advised Jiang Su and Li Hanshan to go back and have an early rest, but they each walked a few steps towards the house, Jiang Su suddenly remembered something, Turning to look at Li Hanshan, he blurted out, "My clothes."

After thinking about it, Li Hanshan didn't want to answer: "Wait for me to clean up—"

The two paused at the same time, and then turned their gazes to Zhang Wenxue.

Zhang Wenxue: "..."

Zhang Wenxue felt as if she somehow knew some secret.

Zhang Wenxue paused for a moment and asked, "What clothes?"

Jiang Su smiled and said: "Brother, I didn't bring any dark clothes, and I was worried that people would find out if I sneaked in at night, so I borrowed one from him."

Zhang Wenxue asked again: "Wash it clean?"

Jiang Su: "I drank two glasses of wine last night and stained my clothes."

Zhang Wenxue: "..."

Zhang Wenxue looked at Jiang Su's expression, was silent for a moment, and said, "I understand."

He knows Jiang Su very well, he watched his younger brother grow up, he can easily tell whether Jiang Su is lying, and when he thinks about what he said to Jiang Su yesterday...he can roughly guess yesterday What happened.

But he was not displeased, and even felt relieved that some children had grown up. He felt that he should have let go, so he couldn't hold back the smile on his lips, and even couldn't help saying: "Well, throw it away and change it." A new one is fine, there is no need to wash it, and it’s not like we can’t afford it.”

Speaking of this, he touched the money bag, took out all the money in it and handed it to Jiang Su, saying: "Go back and change your clothes, and buy some delicious food."

Jiang Su didn't expect Zhang Wenxue to react like this, he was slightly taken aback, and said: "Brother, we are in the Valley of Unrequited Love."

There is no place to buy things in Unfeeling Valley, and their food and clothing are all delivered by the people in Unfeeling Valley. Zhang Wenxue seems to be aware of this, but she still insists on giving the money to Jiang Su, and then even more Excited, said: "It's okay! Senior brother will cook for you!"

Jiang Su: "..."

Li Hanshan: "..."

Seeing that Zhang Wenxue was eager to try, Jiang Su couldn't refuse, so he nodded and said, "Thank you, brother."

Li Hanshan also muttered: "Many...thank you, Head Zhang."

Before the words finished, Zhang Wenxue coughed heavily.

"What's the name Zhang Zhang?" Zhang Wenxue said, "It's so strange!"

He intentionally hinted that Li Hanshan was confused, thinking that between good and evil, if he didn't call Zhang Wenxue the head of Zhang, what should he call Zhang Wenxue?

Li Hanshan came up with the answer.

"Master Zhang." Li Hanshan paused, changed his words, and said, "No, Brother Zhang, thank you."

Zhang Wenxue: "..."

Li Hanshan: "Uh, brother Zhang?"

Zhang Wenxue: "..."

Li Hanshan: "Brother Zhang...?"

Zhang Wenxue: "..."

Zhang Wenxue couldn't hold back the smile on his face.

He was a little heartbroken.

What's going on, it's so easy to raise a beautiful junior brother who is both good at learning and good at swordsmanship, why was he abducted by such a fool from the Demon Cult? !