Zhang Wenxue is no longer obsessed with asking Li Hanshan to change his name, he is just constantly reflecting.

Could it be that he made the younger brother's growth education lack something, so the younger brother's vision of looking for a wife has such a strange deviation, it's fine if the emotion sprouts too late, no matter how you look at people, the vision is still so strange, this young master of the demon sect is an evil way It's fine for mediocrity, my brain doesn't seem to be very good, what Zhang Ge Zhang is the head of the sect, doesn't he know that he is called senior brother!

Looking at Jiang Su and Li Hanshan, Zhang Wenxue felt as if the Chinese cabbage he had planted for a long time had been picked up by the pigs from the neighbor's family. He was a little depressed, sighed deeply, and said, "Forget it, you go back first." Rest, I'll get you something to eat."

Looking at Zhang Wenxue's expression, Jiang Su couldn't refuse Zhang Wenxue's kindness, so he could only watch Zhang Wenxue leave, then parted with Li Hanshan, turned around and went back to rest.

Li Hanshan returned to the house, but his mood was still uneasy.

For him, today can really be regarded as the happiest day he has had in these years. Even when he went to review what happened just now, he still felt like he was in a dream. He tried his best to calm down, but When he walked to the bed, he saw the crumpled brocade quilt on the bed, Jiang Su's clothes even had some stains from him.

Li Hanshan couldn't help being startled, he couldn't help thinking about the clothes, in this case, he couldn't be in the same room with Jiang Su's clothes, so he simply got up, anyway, it didn't take much time to wash the clothes, He might as well wash Jiang Su's clothes first.

Li Hanshan went out to fetch water, put the clothes into the water, and seriously thought about what he should do next. He had never done this kind of work in teaching, and he was a little at a loss for a while, but he hadn't been in the water basin yet. After squatting on the side for a long time, I saw Sun Lin coming out of the house, approaching him, startled for a moment, and subconsciously asked, "You...what are you doing?"

Li Hanshan: "..."

The result was obvious, but Li Hanshan did not answer.

Sun Lin leaned forward again, looked into the tub, and began to marvel: "Isn't this your clothes?"

Li Hanshan: "..."

Sun Lin: "Is the young master of the Demon Sect so virtuous?"

Li Hanshan: "..."

Sun Lin: "Tsk tsk tsk, I can't tell that Jiang Shaoxia is so good at controlling his husband."

Li Hanshan: "..."

Li Hanshan finally raised his head and took a look at Sun Lin. He was about to speak when he heard footsteps outside the courtyard. He turned his head and saw Nie Haomiao bringing someone over after a while.

Nie Haomiao seemed to want to see if Jiang Su was still here. He was worried that Jiang Su would run around and cause trouble in the Valley of Heartlessness, but as soon as he entered the yard, he saw Li Hanshan squatting on the ground washing Jiang Su's clothes, while Sun Lin Still standing aside, the three of them looked at each other, Nie Haomiao couldn't help but pause, thinking that this matter might be a bit strange.

He remembered very clearly that Sun Lin said that the young man in front of him was the guard of the Demon Sect sent by the young master of the Demon Sect, Li Hanshan, to monitor Jiang Su. On one side, it is impossible to get too close to Jiang Su.

But now this person is actually washing clothes for Jiang Su, with such a hard-working appearance, he doesn't look like a demon guard at all.

How...how is it so like...

After falling in love with the master's person, he can't get what he asks for, and gives silently, but he can't get the approval of his sweetheart anyway-of course, he doesn't need the approval of others.

This is the dilemma of loyal subordinates!

You can neither be ashamed of the Lord, nor ashamed of your own heart.

Nie Haomiao looked at Li Hanshan in front of him, his heart filled with sympathy.

This kind of talent is the one who should enter the valley, the one he wants to save and save.

As for Jiang Su...Jiang Su's scourge doesn't need him to save him.

Seeing that Nie Haomiao looked at him silently, Li Hanshan couldn't help turning his head to look at Sun Lin, waiting for Sun Lin to ask, but Sun Lin understood, coughed, and asked, "Master Nie, what's the matter?"

Nie Haomiao looked at Li Hanshan seriously with a serious expression on his face.

"This young man Mu." Nie Haomiao said, "Remember, the door of my Heartless Valley will always be open for you."

Li Hanshan: "Huh?"

He looked dazed, and really didn't know what Nie Haomiao wanted to do, but before Nie Haomiao could explain further, Jiang Su seemed to have heard the movement outside, and followed him out the door. Nie Haomiao saw that he was still here, Heaving a sigh of relief, he made up an excuse and said, "I'm here to ask Brother Xue."

Before he could finish his words, a guard of Unfeeling Valley rushed in from outside, panicked, and shouted at Nie Haomiao: "Valley Master, it's not good, there are a few people who want to escape together, we can't stop him. "

Startled, Jiang Su subconsciously took a few steps forward, grabbed Li Hanshan's arm, and winked at Li Hanshan.

They wanted to go into the inner valley to rescue Meng Du, but they couldn't figure out where Meng Du was, so at this moment, this is simply an excellent opportunity for them to go into the inner valley to find out, if Jiang Su remembers correctly , Nie Haomiao's martial arts is not very good either, these guards can't stop those people, and Nie Haomiao shouldn't be able to stop them either.

He was eager to try, but he was afraid that Nie Haomiao would not allow him to go, so he could only hint Li Hanshan with his eyes, so that Li Hanshan would take the initiative to ask Ying to catch the few people who wanted to escape.

Li Hanshan already knew Jiang Su's every move very well. With Jiang Su's look, he understood Jiang Su's meaning, and he simply said, "I can help."

Nie Haomiao turned to look at him, as if he felt that his words were a bit abrupt, and Sun Lin also understood what Jiang Su and Li Hanshan meant, and hurriedly said: "Master Nie, this Young Master Mu is a master of martial arts. , he will definitely be able to capture those people back for Guzhu Nie."

Nie Haomiao still hesitated and asked, "Who is running away?"

The guard repeated, and said: "There are Song Mo, the young owner of Zhujian Villa, Jinghong Jianyu Qingzi, and Cai Chi, the great elder of Changdaomen—"

He conjured up a bunch of names, many of whom were extremely high-ranking masters in the Jianghu. With such a large number, even Jiang Su felt that if Li Hanshan was the only one to deal with it, he might suffer.

When he thought of the scars already on Li Hanshan's body, he felt a little uncomfortable. He didn't want Li Hanshan to get hurt again, so he frowned and said, "Master Nie, do you need help?"

When Nie Haomiao heard Jiang Su speak, he hurriedly shook his head and said, "Jiang Shaoxia, you must not come."

Jiang Su raised his eyebrows slightly, and said, "If I don't come, can you stop them?"

"Even if I can't stop you, you can't come." Nie Haomiao said, "Do you know why they entered the valley?"

Jiang Su: "..."

"These people have been in the valley for some time." Nie Haomiao sighed, "At this moment, if they see you, I'm afraid that all previous efforts will be wasted."

But Jiang Su didn't think so.

"Master Nie has thought about one thing." Jiang Su said, "They entered the valley because of me, and they want to escape from the Valley of Heartlessness this time, naturally it is because of me."

After saying this, he felt goosebumps all over his body for no reason, as if just thinking about how many men in the world were crazy about him, he would feel a little strange that he couldn't express.

Nie Haomiao was taken aback, and said, "Isn't this obvious?"

"In this case, if I cut off their thoughts of fleeing with my own hands, I think their feelings for me will be reduced by a few points immediately." Jiang Su said seriously, "You need to tie the bell to untie it. They are locked here, it is better to let me cut off the thoughts in their hearts."

Nie Haomiao: "..."

Nie Haomiao hesitated for a long time, and finally nodded.

It was the first time for him to see so many people fleeing together. He had no experience in dealing with all this, and he was inevitably a little panicked. He thought that Jiang Su's suggestion might be worth a try. After hesitating for a long time, he still nodded and agreed with Jiang Su. Su go and have a try.

Anyway, these people have already decided to run away, and their original intentions have changed, even if they are allowed to see Jiang Su, there shouldn't be any problem.

Nie Haomiao nodded, and Jiang Su was immediately excited.

Without further ado, he went back to the house and took the sword, as if he had seen two keys waving at him, then he took Li Hanshan, followed Nie Haomiao and others into the inner valley of the heartless valley, and saw the distant place from a long distance away. A large group of people gathered noisyly, and they were in a stalemate, as if someone wanted to escape, but the guards of Heartless Valley tried their best to stop them.

Looking at those people in the original place, Jiang Su felt very familiar.

The leader is Song Mo from Zhujian Mountain Villa. During the last martial arts conference, he tried to invite Jiang Su to drink and enjoy the plum blossoms together. It has only been a while since I saw him. He seems to have lost a lot of weight and is a little haggard. He is dying at the moment Clutching the arm of a guard in Heartless Valley, he kept yelling loudly, "I said, I don't want to stay in Heartless Valley anymore!"

The guard was in a state of desperation, and he was still trying his best to persuade him: "Master Young Master, please bear with me a little longer, if you go out at this time, all previous efforts will be wasted."

"So what!" Song Mo said loudly, "I've seen it through! Brother Meng is right, if you like it, then tell him!"

Jiang Su: "..."

Wait, Brother Meng? who?

"I don't want to forget my feelings for him." Song Mo said, "I think I was too tactful before!"

Several people around him agreed, as if they didn't realize that they were rivals in love with each other, if they managed to break out from here, they might meet each other if they didn't make it together in the rivers and lakes.

Jiang Su pulled Sun Lin over and asked in a low voice, "Is Meng Du in there?"

Sun Lin was also a little dazed, there were too many people over there, he looked carefully for a long time, and just now behind the rocks, he saw a familiar figure carefully hiding.

He couldn't help being a little excited, nodded immediately, and said, "He's here!"

Jiang Su nodded when he heard this, and walked towards the crowd without saying a word.

Song Mo was still loudly arguing with the guard.

"You don't have to stop me! I've already made up my mind!" Song Mo said, "If I see Jiang Su again, I must tell him loudly—"

Jiang Su: "I don't want to hear it."

Song Mo: "..."

The rest of the people: "..."