Chapter 105: Brother's Love Chicken Soup

Sun Lin didn't understand why Jiang Su had such a change.

If he remembers correctly, not long ago, Jiang Su was pressing his head and trying to introduce someone to him, that posture, as if he wanted to introduce the whole world to him in one go, how long has it been? Why did what I said at the beginning suddenly not count?

Sun Lin felt that Jiang Su must have not understood what he meant.

He needed to seek Jiang Su's help, so he thought about talking to Jiang Su again, and it would be best for Jiang Su to understand what he meant as soon as possible.

"Jiang Shaoxia, you once asked me." Sun Lin frowned and said seriously, "You wanted to introduce me to a marriage, but at that time you and I were against each other, so I rejected your kindness many times."

Jiang Su nodded and said, "I don't want to introduce now."

Sun Lin: "I don't need your introduction now, Meng Du—"

Jiang Su: "What does it have to do with me?"

Sun Lin reluctantly opened his mouth, and said, "You want to come to the Valley of Unrequited Love, isn't it to help me rescue Meng Du, so as to fulfill the relationship between me and him?"

Jiang Su was startled, shook his head slowly, and said, "No."

Sun Lin: "..."

Jiang Su had already had a headache about these love affairs. He couldn't figure out his own affairs, and he had to be a matchmaker for others. For him, this was too much of a headache. Now this torture Finally at the end, it is enough for him to have Li Hanshan, who wants to face this group of idiots and resentful women in the rivers and lakes.

Sun Lin was completely stunned.

Jiang Su didn't want to bother to match him up, but he was still a little curious about Meng Du's matter.

"You went to look for Mengdu just now?" Jiang Su frowned, "Did you talk?"

Sun Lin was hit by Jiang Su, and he couldn't help but lose his mind. Hearing Jiang Su's question, he was stunned for a while, and then said a few words, "I...I don't dare."

Jiang Su: "..."

"I hope he remembers me, but I'm afraid he will remember me." Sun Lin looked obviously troubled, "When I was seriously injured, he saved my life, but I didn't against him in every possible way—"

Jiang Su interrupted Sun Lin: "I don't really like listening to other people's love stories."

Sun Lin: "..."

Jiang Su thought for a while, and seriously emphasized: "I don't like to listen to this kind of love story that is extremely entangled, looking for trouble, and wandering."

Sun Lin: "..."

For some reason, Sun Lin felt as if he had been inspired by Jiang Su's words.

He felt that what Jiang Su said was not wrong at all.

Isn't he just looking for trouble and wandering around?

He wasn't a person with such a tangled personality, why did he become so timid when it comes to love?

Sun Lin finally understood what Jiang Su meant.

It turned out that Jiang Su didn't want to help him, it was just Jiang Su's aggressive method!

He is so timid and uneasy in love, if Jiang Su persuades him well, he will not be able to muster up the courage to pursue love, but if Jiang Su stimulates him like this, it will be different.

He seemed to have figured out the whole thing in a flash, instead of being angry at Jiang Su's harsh words, his heart was filled with infinite gratitude to Jiang Su.

Sun Lin took a deep breath, took a step forward, and grasped Jiang Su's hand gratefully.

"I understand!" Sun Lin said excitedly, "Jiang Shaoxia, I will never let you down!"

Jiang Su was taken aback by him: "Huh?"

Sun Lin hurriedly said, "I'm going to express my heart to him right now."

Jiang Su looked bewildered.

Sun Lin turned his head and walked away. After taking a few steps, his steps stopped suddenly, and then he turned back, showing distress, and said, "But, what to do, he...he has returned to the inner valley."

Jiang Su: "..."

Jiang Su didn't know why Sun Lin had such a big change before and after. He only wanted to care about things related to Mengdu, but Sun Lin obviously didn't explain everything clearly just now, so he could only ignore Sun Lin's dejected lament and continue Follow up: "Apart from that, what else are you hiding from me?"

Sun Lin was startled, and sighed in a low voice: "I didn't deceive you too much, but... I know that Meng Du has already escaped from that person's control, and now he is hiding in the Valley of Heartlessness to avoid those people. "

Jiang Su frowned: "Then why did he escape from the Valley of Heartlessness?"

Sun Lin: "...Probably because I wrote him a letter."

Jiang Su couldn't understand anymore.

Didn't Sun Lin just say that Meng Du didn't recognize him? Why did he turn around and say that Meng Du wanted to escape from Heartless Valley because of the letter he wrote.

"He saved me many years ago, when I was only fifteen or sixteen years old, and I looked very different from now." Sun Lin said in a low voice, "When I was in the crowd just now, I kept trying to avoid him His eyes, and then I dared not go up to talk to him—”

Jiang Su: "..."

"But when we got here a few days ago, I wrote him a letter." Sun Lin's voice became more and more depressed, "He should remember my name... He must remember my name. When those people caught him , Of course I gave him my name."

Jiang Su: "..."

Jiang Su didn't want to hear him entangled in this. If Sun Lin said such a phone call, if he didn't lie, then he roughly understood a few things.

Meng Du was already out of danger, and no one was controlling him. He hid in the Valley of Unrequited Love to avoid those who were chasing him. Now that Meng Du wanted to escape, it might just be because he didn't want to have a relationship with Sun Lin. Too much entanglement, or he regarded Sun Lin as one of the people who wanted to hunt him down, so he became so nervous after receiving Sun Lin's letter.

Then this matter is much simpler.

He didn't need to face the people behind the scenes, he just needed to meet Meng Du and talk to Meng Du.

Then what else is he looking for? If he doesn't need to guard against the men behind the scenes, is there any need for him to struggle here? Just ask the senior brother to help, go to Nie Haomiao and tell him, wouldn't it be good to ask Meng Du to come out and meet him alone?

Anyway, the reason why Meng Du entered the Valley of Unrequited Love was not him, he believed that Nie Haomiao would definitely agree to this matter.

Jiang Su turned his head to leave, but Sun Lin was still following him, and asked cautiously: "Jiang Shaoxia, are you... trying to find a way to make me meet Meng Du?"

Jiang Su was a little upset: "No."

Sun Lin: "Then...then how can I meet him?"

Jiang Su: "..."

He stopped suddenly, turned around, and was about to talk to Sun Lin, this person is too aggressive, why does he want others to help him, but before he opened his mouth, Li Hanshan was already looking at him with a cold face Before, he said to Sun Lin, "Are you so passive?"

Sun Lin: "I..."

"Love is like using a sword." Li Hanshan said, "You can never retreat and defend for the rest of your life."

Sun Lin: "..."

Jiang Su: "..."

"If you like him, you should take the initiative." Li Hanshan said seriously, "You have to let him know what you think."

Sun Lin hesitated: "Is that so?"

Li Hanshan nodded seriously: "Of course, if you don't tell me, how will he know!"

Sun Lin believed a little.

"You don't even have the courage to do so. You will only keep your love in your heart, and he will never know that you once liked him until he dies." Li Hanshan seriously suggested, "But if you say it, you two People are at best strangers, but before that... aren't you and him strangers?"

Sun Lin believed some more.

Li Hanshan: "Why are you still hesitating, go!"

Sun Lin: "..."

Sun Lin realized.

He felt that what Li Hanshan said was right, and he was right!

He bowed to Li Hanshan and Jiang Su, turned his head and left without saying a word, leaving only Jiang Su with a blank face and Li Hanshan who encouraged him still there, waiting to watch him go, Jiang Su turned his head, Looking at Li Hanshan, he asked confusedly, "When did you know so much?"

Li Hanshan replied honestly: "I'm talking nonsense."

Jiang Su: "..."

"I thought about it, what would you say to him if it were you?" Li Hanshan said, "Then I just made it up with him."

Jiang Su: "..."

Jiang Su thought carefully about what Li Hanshan said just now, and felt that it seemed to be what he might have said.

Li Hanshan has successfully grasped the essence of his foolishness, and even his tone has become quite similar to him.

For some reason, Jiang Su still felt a little relieved.

He went to Zhang Wenxue's house to have a look, Zhang Wenxue was not in the house, and he didn't know where his senior brother had gone, so he had to go back to the house to rest first, Li Hanshan was very reluctant, but he didn't dare to raise any questions such as Suggestions such as co-sleeping, after all, he and Jiang Su slept together in the past, that is, sleeping with a quilt, and now co-sleeping... He can't help but think wildly, and feels that he can't control his wild thoughts and turn them into actions.

And he felt...Jiang Su didn't seem to like this very much.

When Jiang Su woke up from a nap, it was dark outside, and he was a little dizzy from sleep, got up and went out, and saw Zhang Wenxue and Li Hanshan sitting at the stone table in the courtyard, as if they were chatting.

It was the first time for Jiang Su to see these two people walking so close, he felt a little strange, but when Li Hanshan saw him coming out, he stood up abruptly, looking extremely nervous, Jiang Su couldn't help feeling suspicious, just To ask, Li Hanshan was already one step ahead, saying: "We didn't say anything."

Jiang Su: "..."

With a smile on his lips, Zhang Wenxue said, "Han Shan told me that you want to meet Meng Du."

Jiang Su nodded.

"Tomorrow morning, I will go ask Guzhu Nie for help." Zhang Wenxue lowered his voice, and said to Jiang Su, "Junior brother, you told me that Guzhu Nie has a key that is invincible to the sky, I asked him today , he said that if the Wulin League needs help, he is willing to give you the key."

This is definitely an unexpected surprise today, Jiang Su heaved a sigh of relief, now only two of the seven keys that he thought were so overwhelming were missing, and the last two were extremely easy to come by.

Knowing that the head of the sect calls for the key to be given to him, it is even easier for Meng Du. For Meng Du's key, he needs to work hand in hand with the preacher of the Demon Cult. As far as his current relationship with Li Hanshan is concerned, it is not impossible to hug him face to face.

"You two have worked hard all day today, why don't you rest for a while longer." Zhang Wenxue said again, "By the way, senior brother, senior brother has stewed chicken soup for you and Han Shan, drink it while it's hot."

Jiang Su: "..."

Jiang Su looked at the food boxes neatly placed on the stone table, nodded reluctantly after a while, sat down beside the two, opened the food box, took out two bowls inside, and placed them in front of himself and Li Hanshan, for himself He filled a small half bowl of chicken soup, and filled a large bowl of chicken soup for Li Hanshan, then stopped, and answered Zhang Wenxue's words obediently, saying, "Senior brother, I'll drink it now."

Li Hanshan: "..."

Jiang Su picked up the bowl, made enough mental preparations, and drank the chicken soup in the bowl in one gulp with his eyes closed. But when he entered the chicken soup, he felt that the taste of the chicken soup was different from before. If he drank it, today's chicken soup almost sent him away in place.

Jiang Su couldn't put it into words, and seeing Li Hanshan's expression was not much different from his, he finally couldn't help but asked Zhang Xue: "Brother...what did you put in your chicken soup today?"

Zhang Wenxue replied with a smile: "Dog spine, lamb loin, cinnamon, cannon ginger—"

Jiang Su: "..."

Jiang Su almost spat out a mouthful of soup.

Wait, what is this all about? !

Zhang Wenxue is very innocent.

"What's the matter? This is the prescription given to me by Nie Guzhu." Zhang Wenxue said sincerely, "He said that young people are full of energy, and if they are not careful, they will easily lose energy and blood. I think he is right."

Jiang Su: "...he's talking nonsense!"

"You are still young, so you don't know the essence of kidney qi is precious." Zhang Wenxue preached earnestly, "Come on, junior brother, Han Shan, be good, there is still a lot of soup left, you can drink it."

Jiang Su: "..."

Li Hanshan: "..."