Chapter 106: stream sword dance

Jiang Su looked at the pitch-black chicken soup in front of him, and it was really hard to swallow.

Before serving the soup, he never thought that the soup was stewed with such things.

What tonic soup, this is a pot of aphrodisiac soup!

But the brother’s eyes were so earnest that it was really hard for him to refuse. Jiang Su also thought about the medicinal effects of these things seriously, saying that they are aphrodisiacs, but they are not aphrodisiacs after all. It won't have any effect, it's just that it's a bit unpleasant to drink, hold your nose and bear it, and each person will have another bowl, and it's almost finished.

Jiang Su sighed, and continued to take the initiative to serve Li Hanshan soup.

His small bowl, and Li Hanshan's large bowl.

A dead fellow Daoist is not dead, although this soup has no medicinal effect, but it is also too bad to drink, if you can take a sip less, it is a sip.

Thinking of this, Jiang Su pursed his lips slightly and smiled at Li Hanshan.

"Good medicine tastes bitter." Jiang Su said, "You should make up for it."

Li Hanshan: "..."

No one noticed that Zhang Wenxue's expression suddenly changed.

As if he had discovered something inconceivable, his eyes turned back and forth between Jiang Su and Li Hanshan, and after a while, he finally made up his mind.

It turned out that the two of them... were different from what he thought.

"Han Shan, drink slowly." Zhang Wenxue's eyes were full of concern, "There are still some in the kitchen."

Li Hanshan: "..."

He didn't want to drink a sip.

He once tried to compare the soup stewed by Zhang Wenxue and He Lingcheng in his mind, which one was more unpalatable, but it was really difficult for him to come to a result at that time, but today he feels that Zhang Wenxue seems to be better.

If he didn't have the profound skills that He Lingcheng had destroyed in the past twenty years, he might not be able to swallow the soup in front of him at all.

He can't help it.

After all, this soup was served by Jiang Su himself, and it was stewed by Jiang Su's brother, so he had to drink it.

Li Hanshan took a deep breath, closed his eyes and drank the big bowl of chicken soup in one gulp.

Zhang Wenxue was very happy.

In the past, he watched his junior brother drink the soup, thinking that his junior brother was just a little kid who was not as tall as Jian at first, and he was pulled to such a height by him little by little, so he couldn't help but feel extremely relieved, but now the soup drinker has become two people —He couldn't help being more excited, and he had almost made unlimited plans for the future of the two of them in his heart.

Of course, the future is too far away, young people should focus on the present.

With a smile on Zhang Wenxue's lips, she began to clean up the dishes on the table, saying, "Since you're done drinking, you should go to bed early."

Li Hanshan: "..."

Jiang Su: "..."

It's not that they don't want to talk, they really can't.

It felt like he could spit out what he had just swallowed with just one mouth, but neither of them dared to do so. In the end, they could only forcefully smile and watch Zhang Wenxue pack up his things and leave. They looked at each other and paused for a long time. After both of them recovered from the horrible smell of the soup, Jiang Sufang opened his mouth and said, "Rest earlier?"

Li Hanshan also nodded, and replied blankly: "Rest early."

This bowl of soup seemed to shatter the souls of both of them.

Exhausted, Jiang Su turned and went back to the room. He originally wanted to sleep again, but he didn't know whether it was the brother's decoction that worked or he slept too much during the day. He lay on the bed tossing and turning, but still Some hot and restless.

He really couldn't sleep, and he didn't know how the weather that had just entered summer could be so hot and annoying. The later the time, the more annoying he felt. After listening for so long, he suddenly realized something.

The aphrodisiac medicine in Haitang's article, and the aphrodisiac medicine he knew, might not be the same thing at all.

Jiang Su started to panic.

He lay on the bed for a while, but he didn't feel sleepy at all, so he simply got up, took the sword and walked into the courtyard, he wanted to vent his boredom with sword skills, but unexpectedly he bumped into Li Hanshan and got up too The two stood by the door and looked at each other. After a long time, Jiang Sufang reluctantly opened his mouth and said, "You...can't sleep either?"

Li Hanshan nodded.

Jiang Su lowered his head and saw the sword in Li Hanshan's hand again.

Jiang Su: " don't want to come out to practice swords, do you?"

Li Hanshan nodded again.

The two of them always have the same thoughts, so when they can't fall asleep, they always want to do similar things.

Jiang Su thought, there is really something wrong with the chicken soup stewed by the senior brother today.

If it wasn't for the chicken soup, how could neither of them be able to sleep? And if there was really a problem with that chicken soup, then the two of them staying together now might be the biggest problem.

But Jiang Su wanted to stay with Li Hanshan.

Even before he had a clear mind, Jiang Su felt that staying by Li Hanshan's side was a very comfortable thing, not to mention now, he thought that he hadn't competed with Li Hanshan for a while, and the two of them couldn't sleep anyway. Jiang Su then proposed, asking Li Hanshan if he wanted to make gestures with him. Li Hanshan continued to nod.

Now that the night was dark, Jiang Su felt that the two of them would make a big commotion in the courtyard. He didn't want to wake up his senior brother, so he took Li Hanshan out of the courtyard, wandered around the Valley of Unrequited Love for a while, and found a man with no one around. The woods and mountain streams pulled Li Hanshan to compete with him, but back and forth, the sword moves were not as sharp as they were in the previous competition.

Jiang Su never thought that Bijian could be... so ambiguous.

They were beside the mountain stream, but after a few tricks, he found that Li Hanshan was a little absent-minded.

Jiang Su felt that Li Hanshan was definitely playing tricks on him.

The sword edge was deliberately deflected, but it didn't go towards him, and when he saw Li Hanshan like this, and heard the murmur of the mountain stream, he couldn't help but follow his thoughts, and subconsciously thought of the content in Wen Qingting's notes.

He wanted Xie Wu to dance swords in his clothes, and then felt that Xie Wu's swordsmanship was half-hidden, looming—

He stabbed with the sword, stepped on the ground, and almost fell into the mountain stream. Li Hanshan pulled him and brought him into his arms, but was knocked back by him, as if he never wanted to stabilize his figure, he just let him go. By himself, he fell into the mountain stream together with Jiang Su.

The clothes of the two were soaked in water, almost soaked, and the two of them were close to each other. Jiang Su slowly raised his eyes, and saw Li Hanshan's face was close at hand, as if his breathing and heartbeat had merged.

Maybe it was because Jiang Su moved too much during the test, Jiang Su's heartbeat was rapid, and Li Hanshan was obviously no better than him. He wanted to get up, but he stepped on a boulder covered with moss at the bottom of the river—he never imagined that a martial arts master like him would be defeated by a small boulder. He didn't want to get up, but Li Hanshan held his back, through the drenched clothing that was close to his skin, his five fingers slowly stroked down the thin spine, and the sword in Jiang Su's hand had also fallen to the ground, hitting the There was a clang on the rocks in the stream, but it didn't wake up the two people who were drowning in their imaginations.

Something is wrong.

Jiang Su was in deep thought.

This is too wrong.

He had never felt this way before, and the hot feeling seemed to disappear into nothingness in the coolness of the mountain stream. He wanted to reach out and wrap his arms around Li Hanshan's neck, but he didn't want Li Hanshan to fall down on his shoulders, so he had no choice but to hold onto Li Hanshan's neck. Hands in the stream—

A sting.

Jiang Su took a deep breath, pulled his hand back and raised it suddenly, turned his head to look, and saw that he was pressing on the edge of the sword that fell into the stream just now, and there was a gap in his fingertips, so he noticed He threw Qing Xiao's wife, his true love, into the water. Jiang Su paused slightly, for some reason he didn't want to pick up the sword immediately, but when he turned his head to look at Li Hanshan again, he saw that Li Hanshan was a little panicked, as if he had done something wrong, and said embarrassingly: " I didn't mean for you to wield the sword—"

Jiang Su moved his eyes to the side of Li Hanshan, and saw that the Wuming Sword was also thrown into the water by Li Hanshan.

Jiang Su: "..."

Li Hanshan: "..."

Li Hanshan panicked even more.

He obviously didn't know how else he could explain it, but Jiang Su looked at Li Hanshan like this, and then moved his eyes down, seeing Li Hanshan's clothes clinging to his body, and the contact between the two just now obviously made him react, Jiang Su Fang He coughed lightly, with evil intentions in his heart, and deliberately said to Li Hanshan: "What were you messing around with just now?"

Li Hanshan: "..."

The next moment Jiang Su had picked up his sword and stood up, deliberately walked to the side of the rock, leaned on the rock, put his hand on the rock, rested his chin, looked at Li Hanshan with interest, and said: "The sky is about to dawn. Well, we have to go back early."

Li Hanshan: "..."

Jiang Su dragged his tone and said, "Clean up quickly."

Li Hanshan: "..."

The two of them were drenched, let alone he reacted. Given his current situation, it was impossible for him to clean up "quickly" and go back "early".

Li Hanshan looked up at Jiang Su, but Jiang Su just looked at him motionless.

For some reason, from Jiang Su's eyes, Li Hanshan actually tasted a deliberate playfulness.

It's as if he deliberately looked at him in such a mess, and took his actions as some exquisite objects worth playing with, and wanted to see him crumbled because of emotion.

Li Hanshan didn't dislike Jiang Su's behavior, but Jiang Su's repeated teasing made him somewhat want to turn against the general.

He had clearly noticed that Jiang Su was emotional just now, if it wasn't for the sword, how could the two of them just stay here.

According to what Jiang Su said, Li Hanshan "cleaned up" his impetuous thoughts here earlier.

But in front of Jiang Su, he still stared at Jiang Su motionlessly, so that Jiang Su had to turn his eyes away, only to feel his chest tightened, and he couldn't help his shortness of breath, and the words written by Wen Qingting jumped out of his mind again. Those few words come.

He is not good at writing and grammar, so naturally he couldn't write down the matter like Wen Qingting in this situation, he just felt that there was nothing wrong with what Wen Qingting said.

The swordsmanship of the Devil's Cult is half hidden, half hidden, and it is indeed moving.

And this touching part, like a cat's paw gently scratching, penetrated into his heart little by little, making him uneasy.

He wanted to look back, but was afraid to look back, as if there were two groups of people waving flags in front of the battle, entangled and fighting, but even if he didn't look back, with the habit he had trained for many years, the more he didn't look, the more distinct the other five senses would be.

Li Hanshan's breathing seemed to be only in his ears, the cloth was rubbing against each other, his exhalation was restrained and slow, Jiang Su finally hesitated to look back, but happened to meet Li Hanshan's eyes.

That gaze lingered, turning away as if lingering with each other, burning brightly, and his breathing became rough and turbid, his throat moved slightly, and he spit out two words word by word.

he whispered.

—Jiang Su.

When the sky was bright, Jiang Su returned to the courtyard with Li Hanshan.

Today the clothes were soaked again, he hurried back to change, but these two days his clothes were consumed too fast, yesterday's clothes hadn't dried yet, today this clothes can't be worn again.

If he continues like this, in a few days, he will have no clean clothes to wear.

Li Hanshan was deflated just now, and felt a little resentful in his heart, not to mention that he felt that there was definitely something wrong with the chicken soup yesterday, and he still felt upset and uneasy in his heart at this moment, and the feeling of depression had not been relieved at all, not to mention that he still felt as if he was being swallowed. Jiang Su played tricks, he became more and more unhappy, stepped into the courtyard, he wanted to turn around and accuse Jiang Su of what he did today, but he didn't want to see Sun Lin in the courtyard at a glance.

The distraught Sun Lin.

Jiang Su poked his head out behind Li Hanshan, looked into the courtyard, and asked in a daze, "Sun Lin? Didn't you go to find Meng Du?"

Sun Lin turned his head slowly.

He first looked at the wet clothes of the two of them, and then at the distance between them, and roughly guessed what happened just now in his mind, and then he remembered his experience last night.

He couldn't help but sighed, and didn't answer Jiang Su's question at all, but slowly turned his gaze back.

Jiang Su was puzzled and asked, "What's wrong with you?"

"There's no need to say more." Sun Lin looked up at the sky, his eyes were glazed over, with nothing to love, "I just feel noisy."