Jiang Su hadn't noticed the change in Li Hanshan's expression, but felt that it was really difficult for him to discuss this matter with Li Hanshan in such a large audience, so after he finished what he just said, he coughed lightly and said: " Go ahead, I'll talk to you on the way."

Li Hanshan was unwilling.

He was displeased, and pulled Jiang Su's arm, making Jiang Su unable to leave, but he didn't know how to express his anger, so he held back for a long time before saying: "What can he teach you?" thing?"

When Jiang Su thought about the mantra Lou Yan taught him, he subconsciously wanted to refute Li Hanshan's words. Isn't this a good thing? As long as he learns this formula, every time he makes out with Li Hanshan, he is practicing martial arts. If he is not careful, he will be ahead of the others for a long time. After a long time, his martial arts still can't beat everyone in the arena by a large margin?

Jiang Su shook his head and said seriously: "Of course this is a good thing."

Li Hanshan: "..."

Li Hanshan was obviously even angrier.

He really didn't understand Jiang Su's thoughts. How could Jiang Su go out and talk to other people about this kind of thing? He was suffocating anger in his heart, but he didn't know how to express it. He couldn't hurt Jiang Su, and in the end he could only let go, and turned around to lead his horse angrily.

Jiang Su hurried to catch up with him, but he didn't know why Li Hanshan was angry, so he just said: "There are too many pedestrians here, I will tell you when I stay in a place where there are few people."

Li Hanshan snorted coldly: "Tell me what to do?"

Jiang Su was taken aback, and said, "I naturally want to share this kind of good thing with you."

Li Hanshan: "..."

Jiang Su: "You also study hard, it will be very good for you."

Li Hanshan still didn't speak.

Jiang Su frowned, feeling that the benefits of things should start from the practical point, if it is just an understatement that is good for you, then I can't blame Li Hanshan for not accepting it, for example Lou Yan persuaded him, it was to tell the truth The method is of great benefit to his martial arts, so he is willing to listen to what Lou Yan continues to say.

Jiang Su followed Li Hanshan on his horse and left the city, chatting with Li Hanshan nonstop.

"I'm not lying." Jiang Su said seriously to Li Hanshan, "Master Lou Gong's method is really useful in terms of time."

Unexpectedly, Li Hanshan froze, as if he had heard Jiang Su say something unbelievable, looked at Jiang Su in a little astonishment, and asked: "...time?"

Jiang Su didn't think there was anything wrong with what he said, and even kept nodding at Li Hanshan, saying: "Time is a big problem, and it is a problem that everyone in this world has."

Li Hanshan: "..."

Jiang Su: "Look, if time can be changed—"

Li Hanshan clamped the horse's belly with a cold face, causing the horse to run in front of Jiang Su.

Jiang Su was taken aback, but still couldn't figure out why Li Hanshan was angry. He also made the horse run faster, and after chasing Li Hanshan, he decided to be more direct, and asked, "What's wrong with you?"

Li Hanshan snorted coldly, he was angry when he saw Jiang Su like this, and after thinking about all this was Lou Yan's tossing, he finally couldn't help it, and responded very bluntly, saying: "Why, you despise him?" Time is too short?"

Jiang Su thought about it carefully, he didn't think the time was short, he thought it took too much time to practice martial arts, and Li Hanshan still enjoyed it, wishing he could come here several times a day, counting the time before and after , It would be too much time wasted, so he shook his head and said to Li Hanshan, "It's not that time is short."

Li Hanshan's face softened slightly.

"It's not a matter of short time at all." Jiang Su said, "Don't you think this kind of thing is a waste of time?"

Li Hanshan: "..."

Jiang Su is still serious about settling accounts with Li Hanshan.

"Even if it's not wasted every day, there will be more than an hour every other day. How much time will it take in a year?" Jiang Su sighed, with a serious face, "If this time can be used to practice martial arts, your and my martial arts must be And then on-"

He paused suddenly, and swallowed all the words that followed.

He saw Li Hanshan looking sideways at him, Jiang Su had never seen that look before, and even though he was as dull as him, he knew that what he said just now definitely hit Li Hanshan's anger point.

Although he couldn't figure out why Li Hanshan was angry for a while, he also knew that he should never have any more nonsense at this moment. He was waiting for Li Hanshan to get angry with him, but Li Hanshan just gave him a look. , and then turned around without saying a word, as if he had made up his mind to ignore Jiang Su.

Only then did Jiang Su want to defend himself in a low voice, and said, "Did you have some misunderstanding? What Lou Yan taught me just now is to double with you—"

Before the words were finished, Li Hanshan had already galloped forward. The speed was so fast that Jiang Su was taken aback. Jiang Su had no choice but to chase after him, but he didn't dare to speak to Li Hanshan again, for fear that he might say something wrong again. What, it angered Li Hanshan, what if this kid loses his horse and runs away, what will he do?

However, Li Hanshan galloped his horse at full speed, which made them travel several times faster. Jiang Suyuan was still thinking about going on a tour, but Li Hanshan finished his journey in less than a day. When the city was resting, he still had a gloomy face, and he refused to pay attention to Jiang Su no matter what. When he arrived at the inn, he even asked for two rooms, not allowing Jiang Su to refute at all.

Only then did Jiang Su realize that he had committed a big taboo. In the past, when Li Hanshan was unhappy, he could just coax him with a few words, but after he was with Li Hanshan, this matter became a little easier. After a little temptation, Li Hanshan no longer remembered what he did wrong just now.

But what happened today was obviously beyond Jiang Su's expectations. He was silent for a long time, and wanted to sneak into Li Hanshan's room like last time, but this time Li Hanshan locked the doors and windows extremely tightly, and Jiang Su went to knock. door, after a long while, Li Hanshan came out from behind the door as if depressed: "If you don't like it, don't force yourself."

Jiang Su: "?"

Where and where are these?

Jiang Su could only think that Li Hanshan was an upright person, he was more upright than him anyway, and maybe he was not willing to accept the method of dual cultivation, so when he heard him mention this matter, Li Hanshan couldn't help being a little angry, and he didn't want to think about the dual cultivation together with him. The method, Jiang Su can understand, you see, even he, the first time he heard Lou Yan say that he would teach him the double cultivation method, he felt unacceptable.

Jiang Su took it for granted that Li Hanshan needed time to buffer.

He really turned his head and went back to his room, thinking about the secret Lou Yan taught him, and soon fell asleep, not feeling anything wrong with it. When the two reunited the next day, Li Hanshan seemed to be He had returned to his previous appearance, not the slightest difference, and Jiang Su also felt that he needed to give Li Hanshan a few more days' rest, so he never mentioned the double cultivation formula that Lou Yan taught him immediately.

Anyway, it takes a long time to think about this kind of thing from knowing it to actually getting started. When Lou Yan said this, time was running out, and Jiang Su didn't want to hear him say such a thing, so he just told Jiang Su the formula, so Jiang Su decided to ponder patiently After he understood it, he told Li Hanshan, and he delayed for a few days, and Li Hanshan gradually lost his mind.

Jiang Su had no intention of taking the initiative to be intimate with others, and Li Hanshan was not interested, so he never took the initiative to find Li Hanshan. The journey was almost near the gate of understanding, and Jiang Su felt that he had said these few words I have almost comprehended the formulas, it's time to persuade Li Hanshan to verify one or two!

The clear gate is in the mountains, and the nearest town to the clear gate is more than a day's journey away.

Jiang Su originally wanted to go to the town to discuss the double cultivation mantra together with Li Hanshan, but unexpectedly, there was a heavy rain on the way, and they had to find a place to shelter from the rain temporarily. In the nearby forest, I met the hut where the hunter used to rest.

Jiang Su still remembers that the last time he and Li Hanshan were sheltering from the rain in the forest, he was never as clear as he is today about Li Hanshan's feelings for him, but now the two of them are soaking wet, and they are going to be together in the same room again. Drying clothes in the middle of the day, Jiang Su felt that this time is really suitable for doing something.

He lit the fire, and no longer searched for cover like last time, he directly untied his clothes and said to Li Hanshan, "Take off your clothes first, put them down and dry them with fire, don't waste any more internal energy .”

Li Hanshan: "..."

Li Hanshan didn't dare to raise his eyes to look at Jiang Su.

He was afraid that with just one glance, he would not be able to restrain the desire in his heart.

Now he and Jiang Su are different from the situation when they were sheltering from the rain in the mountains.

At that time, the two of them hadn't come together, so he still had reasons to avoid suspicion and cover their bodies with something, but now it's different, they have done everything between them, there is no need to do anything extra , but Li Hanshan felt that if he didn't do anything more, he couldn't help the desire and impulse for Jiang Su in his heart.

But he felt that Jiang Su obviously didn't like him doing this.

Li Hanshan was silent for a moment, then turned his back and turned his back to Jiang Su to untie his clothes. Jiang Su frowned and looked at him. After thinking for a while, he wondered if this kid is still angry now Bar?

Jiang Su silently looked at Li Hanshan's back. After a while, he still couldn't help but opened his mouth and asked, "Do you still remember that Lou Yan told me about the method of dual cultivation?"

Seeing Li Hanshan froze slightly, he felt that he must have guessed right, but the next moment Li Hanshan immediately refuted, saying, "I don't understand what you mean."

When Jiang Su heard this, wasn't he just angry? He hurriedly opened his mouth to explain, and said: "That day the palace master of the building came to me—"

Holding back his anger, Li Hanshan simply interrupted Jiang Su's words and said, "You don't need to explain."

He thought for a while, and said aggrieved: "It doesn't matter if you don't like it, I don't mind."

He was a little wronged, but he didn't understand why he was so awkward.

After all, he has no experience in getting along with people intimately. When something happens, he will only sulk alone. However, Jiang Su came to coax him first a few times. For some reason, Jiang Su ignored him this time. He really thought that his guess was correct, that Jiang Su didn't like being intimate with him, and even felt that having **** was a waste of his time.

Li Hanshan felt that he shouldn't be so depressed, but he really didn't know how to talk to Jiang Su about such things, he hesitated, and held it until this time, and Jiang Su seemed to have forgotten that there was such a thing, so he I don't even want to mention this matter with Jiang Su.

Jiang Su didn't seem to understand what he said, and asked, "I don't like it? You don't mind?"

Li Hanshan still didn't turn his head to look at Jiang Su, he just nodded with his back to Jiang Su, and said: "I know you don't like to make out with me, you think it's a waste of time, and I also know that you don't want it, but I said before As I said, I don't mind if you-"

Before the words fell, Jiang Su had already pressed his shoulder, and said helplessly: "What did you misunderstand?"

Li Hanshan was startled, looking back, Qia Jiangsu lowered his head slightly, pressed his cheek against the side of his face, and then kissed him lightly. After a moment of separation, he explained to Li Hanshan in a low voice, "What Lou Yan taught me is The formula of Meiyou Palace's double cultivation technique."

Li Hanshan still couldn't help muttering in a low voice, "How could he teach you such things..."

"You and I are in a good relationship, and it is inevitable that we will spend a lot of time making out with each other." Jiang Su patiently explained, "If this time can also be used to practice martial arts, then why not you and I?"

Li Hanshan: "..."

Li Hanshan was a little moved.

"I don't want to learn double cultivation." Jiang Su put his arms around Li Hanshan's neck from behind, almost sticking his whole body to Li Hanshan's body, and whispered behind him, "What I want to learn is double cultivation with you. "