Chapter 117: know the old friend

Jiang Su lightly said that Li Hanshan's depression and grievances for many days disappeared in an instant.

He wished he could turn around immediately, wanting to hug Jiang Su into his arms, but Jiang Su pressed his shoulder, kissed and licked the side of Li Hanshan's neck from behind, and then slowly moved to the back of the ear, biting lightly. Pulling Li Hanshan's earlobe, finally Fang whispered: "The formula is only a few words, do you want to learn from me?"

He was so close, almost every breath was in Li Hanshan's ear, the hot air penetrated into Li Hanshan's ear, like a cat's paw scratching lightly, making him tremble all over, subconsciously held Jiang Su's hand, and swallowed again. After taking a mouthful of saliva, he said in a hoarse voice after a while, "...what do you want me to learn?"

Jiang Su couldn't help smiling, he knew that Li Hanshan would never be able to bear this, and when Li Hanshan finally asked, he put his arm around Li Hanshan's shoulder, pressed it to Li Hanshan's ear, and slowly wrote the formula of double cultivation word by word. After talking with Li Hanshan, I went to ask Li Hanshan again: "Have you remembered?"

Li Hanshan: "..."

Don't say whether you remember it or not, Li Hanshan didn't even pay attention to half a word.

All his attention was focused on Jiang Su's body leaning against his back, on the hand that hugged him, and on the slightly hot and moist lips pressed against his ear. He didn't even know what Jiang Su said What, just nodded in a daze, and then immediately shook his head, wanting to speak, Jiang Su raised his eyebrows slightly, pulled Li Hanshan's shoulders, made him turn around, and then cursed: "I am obsessed with sex."

Li Hanshan: "..."

Li Hanshan did not refute.

He felt that what Jiang Su said was not wrong at all.

He is obsessed with sex, and when he looks at Jiang Su, he can't help but want to make out with him. Besides, in this world, is there really anyone who can watch the person he loves deliberately seduce and remain indifferent?

It's just that Jiang Su doesn't seem to mind his lustful obsession at all.

He faced Li Hanshan frankly, and he pressed Li Hanshan's shoulder and almost fell down with his arms around Li Hanshan. Li Hanshan was startled, and worried that he was pressing Jiang Su, and put his hand on Jiang Su's shoulder, Looking at Jiang Su's slightly lowered eyes, he couldn't help but wanted to lean over and kiss him, but Jiang Su covered his face with his hand, and said to him seriously: "Even if you don't want to listen to the formula, you should know what to do next." doing what."

After saying this, Jiang Su only felt that he was really well-intentioned. At this time, he still remembered to share the art of double cultivation with Li Hanshan, so that Li Hanshan would be like him, and he could learn from this kind of experience. get some benefits.

But Li Hanshan couldn't remember the formula, so he had to guide him.

Jiang Su couldn't help but sighed again, still covering Li Hanshan's face, said: "Let the inner breath enter the dantian first."

Li Hanshan: "..."

He seemed a bit reluctant, obviously he didn't want to be forced to practice martial arts by Jiang Su at this time, but even if he didn't want to, Jiang Su had a hundred ways to make him willingly obey, he bowed slightly, and put a The kiss mark was on the back of his hand that was blocking Li Hanshan's hand, and even the tip of his tongue slightly protruded, licking a wet mark on it.

He saw Li Hanshan's shortness of breath, and his gaze closely followed his movements, Jiang Su said with a smile: "Introduce the inner breath into the dantian, and I will take my hand away."

Li Hanshan: "..."

Li Hanshan did as expected.

Jiang Su didn't procrastinate, he withdrew his hand, took the initiative to hug Li Hanshan's neck and kissed him, and tasted what he had just done with Li Hanshan bit by bit, but after the kiss was over, he didn't want to go any further. After getting off, he even touched Li Hanshan's shoulder to prevent Li Hanshan from getting dizzy and being too active. Then he said to Li Hanshan: "Turn your inner breath."

Li Hanshan: "..."

Li Hanshan frowned and looked at Jiang Su, as if he understood his current situation in an instant.

Jiang Su must have him memorize this formula and study it properly before he is willing to make out with him. If he is not willing to learn, I am afraid that he will never meet Jiang Su today. And he thought, long-term pain is worse than short-term pain, Waiting for Jiang Su to teach him how to do it one sentence at a time during the intimacy, it is better to let Jiang Su finish what he wants to say quickly, and leave some disappointing words later.

Li Hanshan took a deep breath, suppressed the impulse in his heart, and asked patiently: "Please say that formula again."

Only then did Jiang Su smile and recite the mantra of double cultivation, but this time Li Hanshan really remembered it very quickly, and he memorized the mantra almost immediately, so far he felt that he had reached the standard, and Jiang Su no longer tried to stop him With his actions, he finally had a chance to make out with Jiang Su.

He has maintained a estranged relationship with Jiang Su for several days, and today Ben wished to make up for what was lacking in the past few days, but Jiang Su remembered the formula in his heart, and he had to speak when he reached the point of the formula. Reminding Li Hanshan, it was extremely disappointing. Li Hanshan agreed at first, but later he really didn't want to bother. He wanted Jiang Su to shut up, but he couldn't cover Jiang Su's mouth to prevent people from talking. , he clearly knows best how to make Jiang Su speechless.

Jiang Su was still giving instructions to him intermittently, saying: "The inner breath needs to run for a week...well."

He seemed to be taken aback, and couldn't help tensing his back, thinking that Li Hanshan was going crazy, otherwise why would he suddenly become a little rude, and this happened not just once or twice, Jiang Su pressed against Li Hanshan Han Shan's chest could barely utter a complete sentence intermittently, his breathing was short, and even his consciousness began to be a little chaotic.

He could only hear the torrential rain outside the house, the sound of the rain became more rapid and denser, Jiang Su felt that this experiment of double cultivation mantras must fail, and at this time, he really didn't want to care about any mantras anymore, He just pinched Li Hanshan's arm, scolded him intermittently, and said, "You clearly... it's intentional..."

Li Hanshan leaned down, kissed him very tenderly, pretending to be innocent, and said: "I remember all the heart formulas."

Remembering is one thing, but doing it or not is another.

"Anyway, you and I still have a long time." Li Hanshan whispered, "Next time, I will take your time with you."

In the early morning of the next day, the two finally packed up again and were ready to leave.

They had been delayed here for a day, but knowing that the door was close at hand, Jiang Su was anxious, so he stopped staying any longer, and stopped walking at the slow speed before, and the two of them hurried to arrive In the small town near Ranmen, horses are not allowed in the mountains, so he switched to walking with Li Hanshan.

Originally, they had to finish the journey in one day when they reached the gate, but the two of them finished it in less than half a day with light kung fu. When they arrived at the gate, it was not too late. The guard disciple glanced at him, seemed to regain his spirits suddenly, and said happily, "You are Jiang Shaoxia?"

Jiang Su nodded and said, "It's me."

He was not surprised that people in the Jianghu could recognize him casually, not to mention that the head of the Minglan sect was waiting for him, so he should have shown his paintings to his disciples.

The disciple was overjoyed and wished he could immediately welcome Jiang Su into the door, and he never asked who the person who came with Jiang Su was. After reporting to the door, he thought about it again, and felt that the back and forth was too slow, so he took Jiang Su and Li Hanshan directly outside the head's residence to wait.

After a while, the disciple who rushed to report came back, and the head of the Minglan Sect was also anxious to see Jiang Su. He didn't want to wait any longer, so he asked the disciple to send a message, asking Jiang Su to come forward immediately.

Jiang Su and Li Hanshan followed the disciple into the inner courtyard. To be honest, this disciple of the Zhiran Sect was too enthusiastic, which surprised him a little. He always felt that there was something wrong with it. With Li Hanshan by his side, he felt full of courage, he was not afraid of knowing whether there was fraud in the family, anyway, no one in the family could beat the two of them, even if there was fraud, there was nothing he could do to them.

When he got outside the head's room, the head of the Mingming Sect was already waiting. He was an old man with a long beard. Although he had white hair, but because of his extremely high martial arts and good health, his face seemed to be only four years old. He is about fifty years old. Before that, he had never met Jiang Su, but he seemed to have known Jiang Su long ago. He was very warm to Jiang Su. He welcomed Jiang Su into the room and said, "Jiang Shaoxia, old man I have admired your name for a long time, but seeing him today, I am indeed a young talent, extraordinary."

It's the familiar time again.

Although Jiang Su didn't like this alienation, but he was quite good at it, so he also smiled with the head of the sect, and said: "The junior wanted to visit the senior a long time ago, it's just that the senior didn't come out of seclusion a few years ago, so Always rare."

The master of the Minglan Sect laughed, and waved his hands to order the two disciples who had accompanied them to go down. When there was no one outside, he closed the door, turned around and looked at Jiang Su, and said, "This must be Young Master Li. Alright."

Li Hanshan: "..."

As soon as this remark came out, Jiang Su couldn't help raising his eyebrows slightly. It's normal for the head of the Zhiran sect to know him. He is very famous in the righteous way, and the portrait of his appearance has already been widely circulated in the righteous way, but Li Hanshan is different .

Although Li Hanshan is the young master of the Demon Cult, he seldom set foot in the rivers and lakes. The few times he worked for Xie Zeli, to put it bluntly, he went out to teach and kill people, leaving no one alive. Naturally, no one knows what he looks like in the righteous way. .

That being the case, how could the head of the Mingran Sect know that the person who came with Jiang Su was Li Hanshan?

Seeing the vigilant expressions of the two, the head of the Knowing Sect was not in a hurry, he even just smiled with Jiang Su, then asked Jiang Su and Li Hanshan to sit down, and asked: "Jiang Shaoxia, do you know why the old man wants to fight against the sky?" hand over the key to you?"

Jiang Su turned his eyes around the room calmly, there was still a half-played chess game on the chessboard by the window, and there were two unfinished cups of tea on the side, which meant that the room where the head of the door should be There are guests, as for where this guest has gone, and why he doesn't want them to meet—Jiang Su frowned slightly, but he didn't get the answer in his heart, he could only look back, and smiled at the head of the sect He smiled and said, "The junior doesn't know."

The head of the Liaoran sect seemed to have guessed that he would answer in this way, he stroked his beard pretending to be profound, then smiled slightly, and said softly: "The old friend entrusts us."

Jiang Su was startled, and asked, "Old friend?"

"You are not an old friend to him." The head of the Mingmen sect said, "But to you, he is your old friend."