Jiang Su stood motionless, and quickly calculated the time in his mind.

This place is quite a distance away from Lingxi Mountain. If we set off tomorrow, it will take at least ten days to rush there.

Earlier, Sheng Hechen was worried that the secret of invincibility would be known to people in the evil way, so he specially deployed guards outside Lingxi Mountain. They were all members of the Wulin League, and many of them had friendship with Jiang Su, so they could be regarded as friends. Jiang Su didn't want to hurt them, and didn't want to argue with them, so he could only take a detour and pass under the Luoxue Cliff of the Zhishui Sword Sect.

In this way, at least another two or three days will be wasted. When they arrive at Lingxi Mountain and enter the unstoppable sky, it will take about fifteen days.

That is to say, in addition to rushing on the road in these fifteen days, Jiang Su has to figure out what else he has not done, otherwise he will leave Li Hanshan after fifteen days, or when the sky will open. when.

When he thought of this, his mood couldn't be suppressed for a moment. In the past, he just liked this world more, so he wanted to stay in this world. At that time, he seemed to have no worries. If he really had no choice, he had to return to this world , he could barely accept it, but now it's different.

He didn't want to leave Li Hanshan.

He is actually very clear that there is no saying in this world that one must be inseparable from another. He likes Li Hanshan and wants to be with Li Hanshan, but he feels that if Li Hanshan is not by his side in the future, his life will be lost. , as if suddenly lost half of the remaining meaning.

He wanted to do his best and try his best to stay here, but all of this was just what he wanted, not that he could definitely do it.

It is rare for him to feel this kind of powerless feeling that he is about to lose the thing he loves but he doesn’t know how to get it back. He could only frown and whisper, "It's my fault."

Jiang Su was slightly taken aback, and looked down at Li Hanshan in the courtyard.

"If I hadn't been a step late, he wouldn't have escaped." Li Hanshan was a little annoyed, and said, "I could have asked some news from him... This is my fault, don't be angry, okay?"

Jiang Su: "..."

Jiang Su looked at Li Hanshan, but couldn't help feeling emotional in his heart.

He didn't understand how Xie Zeli's demon sect ruled by scum could cultivate such a gentle and humble young master of the demon sect.

He hurriedly jumped down from the eaves, and said, "Go and take a look at Huashiqing's house first."

Jiang Su walked up to Li Hanshan with a forced look on his face, but Li Hanshan could tell that he was not happy, and Jiang Su put the key in his arms, and dragged Li Hanshan to Huashiqing's house together—the black The man in clothes just took the key away, and I don't know what happened to Hua Shiqing now.

The door of Hua Shiqing's room was locked, so Jiang Su and Li Hanshan had to turn over and enter through the window through which the man in black escaped, but the room was empty, and it seemed that Hua Shiqing was not in the room, and the man in black apparently just stole flowers. When Shi Qing put the key in the house, Jiang Su was slightly relieved.

But he was still a little worried, so he ran to look for the Miao people brought by Hua Shiqing, and wanted to ask where Hua Shiqing was now, but unexpectedly, the houses of those people were quite lively. Knocking on the door, I found that Hua Shiqing was sitting with them drinking, everyone looked a little drunk, Hua Shiqing smiled at him and said, "Jiang Shaoxia, what's wrong?"

Jiang Su shook his head, and briefly explained what happened just now to Hua Shiqing.

Hua Shiqing couldn't help being afraid for a while.

If he hadn't come out to find other people just now, he is afraid that something unexpected happened to him now, maybe he would survive, but he would have to suffer some injuries anyway, he was patting his chest and was about to express emotion when Jiang Su frowned and looked at him, He whispered: "I was the one who involved you in this matter."

Hua Shiqing was startled, and said: "Jiang Shaoxia, this has nothing to do with you, you saved me, this should be the time for me to repay my favor."

He spoke so earnestly that Jiang Su couldn't answer, he could only nod his head, and then said: "Let's leave here earlier."

That person knew that the key was here, and was injured by Jiang Su. If he failed to protect it, he would bring people back and continue to cause trouble. Jiang Su can protect himself. Those people cannot hurt him, but he may not be able to protect everyone. It takes time. It might be dangerous for Qing and the rest of the people to stay here.

Hua Shiqing insisted on leaving until tomorrow, it was only one night, he was not afraid, and Miao Jiang's Gu control technique was better at defense, now they knew that someone might come here to make trouble, so they just need to deploy Gu worms are fine.

Compared to having people on duty outside, Hua Shiqing felt that this method was more labor-saving and more effective.

Jiang Su had seen how powerful Gu worms were, he agreed with Hua Shiqing's suggestion, and told Hua Shiqing that he and Li Hanshan would leave tomorrow morning, and then returned to his room with a lot of worries.

He had painstakingly made the red silk and brocade earlier, which made the room look more or less like a newlywed bridal chamber, not to mention the **** books that Wen Qingting gave them were spread out on the bed, but Jiang Su had long since lost his previous mood. He thought that all he needed to do in the bridal chamber was to exchange cups and drink, and then get married as husband and wife.

He did everything that a newlywed needs to do with Li Hanshan, but Li Hanshan could see that he was depressed, and in the end he just hugged him carefully and slept honestly, but Jiang Su couldn't sleep, the thoughts in his mind Thousands, even the worst results have been prepared.

If he really left, what should Li Hanshan do?

Will he disappear from this world, or will he return to the original Jiang Su?

He really didn't know how he could explain all this to Li Hanshan. If he told the truth, how could he explain it so that Li Hanshan could understand and believe what he said?

Jiang Su was silent for a long time. He knew that Li Hanshan had never fallen asleep. In the end, he just asked in a low voice, "Do you still remember what I told you?"

Li Hanshan was startled, and asked: "What matter?"

"I may have to leave for a while after I've been here." Jiang Su said, "Go back to my hometown to do something, and I'll be back soon."

—I will definitely try my best to come back.

Li Hanshan was silent.

As Jiang Su is such a well-known knight in the rivers and lakes, his wealth and past will naturally be spread in the rivers and lakes. Li Hanshan has long heard that Jiang Su has no father and no mother. He grew up in the Zhishui Sword Sect. Jiang Su himself should not Knowing who his parents are and where his hometown is, at least Li Hanshan thinks that this should just be a set of rhetoric made up by Jiang Su.

He didn't know what Jiang Su was going to do, and it sounded like it might be dangerous, so Jiang Su didn't want to take him with him, so he couldn't help frowning and asked, "Can't you take me there?"

Jiang Su didn't explain, just shook his head.

Li Hanshan was unwilling to answer.

Seeing that he was silent, Jiang Su knew that Li Hanshan didn't want to accept what he said, but this wasn't something that wouldn't happen if Li Hanshan didn't want to. After touching Li Hanshan's waist, he opened his mouth to explain: "I'm a little cold."

Li Hanshan: "..."

"Didn't you have some wine left just now?" Jiang Su said, "Will you drink some with me?"

He really knows how to coax Li Hanshan well.

After filling up the two glasses of wine, Jiang Su picked up the glass and asked Li Hanshan: "Are we a little hasty just now?"

Li Hanshan didn't understand what Jiang Su meant.

Jiang Su had already held the wine glass and stretched out his hand to hook Li Hanshan's arm, pretending to drink with him, leaning close to Li Hanshan, Li Hanshan naturally could not refuse, he nodded slightly, tasted the wine in Jiang Su's cup Drinking, I saw Jiang Su slightly hooked his lips and drank the wine in his glass, and then the two of them still put their hands together and put down the wine glass slowly, Jiang Su just said, "A glass is as good as white."

Li Hanshan: "..."

After finishing speaking, Jiang Su poured another glass of wine, still the same as before, and wanted to continue drinking with Li Hanshan, but Li Hanshan suddenly grabbed his wrist, restrained his movements, and said to him seriously : "I don't like such illusory promises."

Jiang Su: "..."

He understood what Li Hanshan meant.

A person's life is too long, saying that we will live together forever is nothing but empty words, so what is the use of such empty words?

But Jiang Su could only remain silent.

When he said these words, he originally hoped that Li Hanshan would be happier, at least to make Li Hanshan forget what he just said, but he didn't want it to make Li Hanshan feel even more unhappy. He didn't know what else to do. , Said that he would definitely come back? But isn't that also an illusory promise?

But this silence didn't last long, Li Hanshan sighed again.

He also didn't like to see Jiang Su showing such an expression.

He could only ask Jiang Su: "Do you have to go?"

Jiang Su shook his head and said, "I don't know either."

Li Hanshan asked again: "Then how long are you going to leave?"

Jiang Su still shook his head.

He himself felt that he was a little too much.

Is this more than illusory? This is almost like a scumbag who made up out of thin air before he was about to escape, no matter how it sounds, it makes people feel unreliable.

But Li Hanshan nodded slightly after hearing what he said, and said, "I understand."

Jiang Su: "I..."

"It's fine as long as you can come back." Li Hanshan said seriously, "I'll wait for you to come back."

Jiang Su: "..."

Unlike the silence where it was difficult to explain the current situation with words just now, Jiang Su found it difficult to express the emotions in his heart for a while. After a while, he nodded slowly and said: "Don't worry."

Then the two of them seemed to have a tacit understanding, and never mentioned this matter again. Instead, they talked about what they needed to do after going to the unstoppable world.

At this moment, Jiang Su naturally had to communicate with Li Hanshan first. He doubted Sheng Hechen, so he had to be more prepared against Sheng Hechen this time, but he, Zhang Wenxue and others were only suspicious. Don't let your guard down.

Since they were going to go to Wushentian from under Luoxue Cliff, they should also go back to Zhishui Sword Sect to have a look.

This is a very common thing, but Jiang Su deliberately propped his chin and said to Li Hanshan: "Do you want to serve tea with my brother?"

Li Hanshan: "..."

Jiang Su smiled and said: "He will be very happy."

Li Hanshan: "...OK."

Jiang Su didn't expect that Li Hanshan would agree so simply. He was about to speak, but Li Hanshan beat him and asked him, "Are you going to Guining?"

Jiang Su: "What Guining? Don't talk nonsense—"

Li Hanshan: "Okay, let me go back to the door with you."

Jiang Su: "..."

Jiang Su couldn't help it anymore: "Who did you learn from to talk nonsense and glibly?"

Li Hanshan spoke uprightly: "You."

Jiang Su: "..."