Jiang Su was speechless.

What Li Hanshan said was very reasonable, and he couldn't refute it at all.

We must know that Li Hanshan was still a fool earlier, not to mention being glib, it was difficult for him to say a few more words, how long has it been? Li Hanshan has always been by his side again, and now Li Hanshan's character seems to have undergone a huge change suddenly, so it is impossible for him to bring Li Hanshan down, and it cannot be anyone else.

Jiang Su sighed deeply.

Self-inflicted evil, can't live, anyway, it is the consequence of his own doing, no matter how glib Li Hanshan is, he can only bear it.

But fortunately, there are some things that Li Hanshan can't learn in a while.

Jiang Su stretched out his hand to hook Li Hanshan's neck, and wanted to repeat the old trick to lure Li Hanshan to the bed, but this time Li Hanshan's reaction was far faster than his, and he had already embraced him when Jiang Su stretched out his hand Jiang Su's waist, but did not hug Jiang Su to the bed.

He thought that it was really inconvenient for him to do things on the bed with the messy pile of books and porcelain plates. Fortunately, these things did not necessarily need to be done lying down on the bed.

He hugged Jiang Su's waist, subconsciously raised Jiang Su up a bit, made Jiang Su half-sit on the table, and was about to untie the red dress on Jiang Su's body, but hesitated, and said: "Your master...no Will you still follow us?"

What he said was really out of place, Jiang Su raised his eyebrows slightly, and asked back: "Don't you think you are a bit disappointing?"

Li Hanshan whispered: "...he has been following you, I'm just worried."

He knew that Jiang Su had suffered from Wen Qingting, so he couldn't help feeling disgusted with Wen Qingting. Even though Wen Qingting tried to compensate him and Jiang Su and gave them a lot of things these days, it was still difficult for him to change his view of Wen Qingting.

Not to mention that Wen Qingting still seems to be following them all the time... Li Hanshan just thinks that this person might be observing their every move from a certain corner, and he feels extremely uncomfortable. Intimacy here, if Wen Qingting stayed nearby, wouldn't he have to see Jiang Su's secretive appearance that he usually only showed to himself.

He could never accept such a thing.

But Jiang Su couldn't help laughing, and said: "He is a bit outrageous, but you Xiewu leader is a decent person, you will stop him."

After saying this, both of them couldn't help being slightly startled, feeling a little inexplicably confused. Seniors of the righteous way are shameless, but the leader of the Demon Cult is a rare moral role model.

Jiang Su took another deep breath, lowered his voice to Li Hanshan's ear, and whispered to him, "Do you still remember those albums by Wen Qingting?"

Li Hanshan nodded.

"The pages of the book are all yellowed." Jiang Su whispered, "This kind of book is not a painting by a famous artist, and the inside pages are rough, but he can keep it for so many years. What does it mean?"

Li Hanshan hesitated for a long time, remembering Jiang Su's hidden sword in the room, hesitantly said: "Does that mean he likes it very much?"

Jiang Su: "It means that some people don't like him buying more of these things."

Li Hanshan immediately understood what Jiang Su meant.

For example, Jiang Su has a room full of swords, but each of those swords is a rare treasure of famous swords in the world. It is absolutely impossible for the broken iron swords sold on the roadside to enter his collection.

And if a person has to cherish even a rough broken iron sword for many years, it is either because it carries some special memories of him, or because he has no way to get a better sword.

Wen Qingting treasured these **** albums of rough quality many years ago, most likely because he could not buy better pictures, and he is not short of money, and **** pictures are not difficult to buy, that is to say, It should be that someone stopped him and prevented him from expanding his collection.

As for that person... besides Xie Wu, who else could it be?

"He treasures these things so much, so he shouldn't give them away easily." Jiang Su said in a low voice, "I read his records in the Demon Cult, and I don't think he is a person who would regret what he did so far." , The person who took out so many things to compensate."

Li Hanshan: "You mean..."

"Xie Wu put a note inside." Jiang Su narrowed his eyes and chuckled, and said, "I think this should be a congratulatory gift from Xie Wu to you and me."

Li Hanshan: "..."

According to what Jiang Su said, Xie Wulian Wen Qingting was not too happy to see a **** picture. He is such a decent person, it is naturally impossible for Wen Qingting to secretly observe Jiang Su and Li Hanshan's behavior outside for a long time.

"Don't worry." Jiang Su held Li Hanshan's neck, took the initiative to bend his knees against Li Hanshan's leg, and then slowly climbed up, his movements were gentle, but extremely ambiguous, "No one will listen to you and me. "

Li Hanshan pressed Jiang Su's leg, and passed his hand down his knee, wanting to hug Jiang Su to the table, and also wanted to make Jiang Su calm down, but Jiang Su raised his leg and pressed his hand, She blinked at him and said, "Spring night is short—"

Li Hanshan had already pressed his lips and covered his mouth with extreme caution, carefully guarding against his opening his mouth, and said earnestly: "I won't practice those dual-cultivation exercises today."

Jiang Su: "..."

Jiang Su licked Li Hanshan's palm.

Li Hanshan froze immediately, subconsciously withdrew his hand, but still insisted on not moving it away. He was really afraid that Jiang Su would say something shocking again. After all, Jiang Su was far better than him in the matter of spoiling the fun. too much.

The red candles in the room were flickering, and even the tables and desks were turbulent, and the panting and murmuring with his mouth covered seemed more ambiguous and moving. Jiang Su couldn't restrain his heartbeat, he seemed to have never felt this way before, He looked at Li Hanshan, and felt that at that moment his heart and eyes were all about him, and everything outside him had drifted away. He could only see Li Hanshan, and he could only feel Li Hanshan's breathing movements.

For the first time, he wanted to say some ambiguous and nasty words to Li Hanshan. It seemed that he couldn't express the emotion that was almost overflowing in his heart at this moment. He couldn't help but want to speak, but the words were blocked by Li Hanshan. Behind Han Shan's palm, he couldn't even utter a word except for a little panting and moaning.

Forget it, he thought, he and Li Hanshan have been so close for a long time, some things are fine even if they don’t say anything, Li Hanshan knows it well in his heart, and he also understands it very well, if this is the case, then even if this step is skipped, obviously it won’t hurt. what is the relationship.

At least for now, he doesn't need to think about it, nor should he think about it.

His time with Li Hanshan is probably running out.

The man in black who tried to steal the key still didn't have the guts to come back and try again.

Those people already knew that Jiang Su and Li Hanshan were here, if he wanted to stay alive, he would not dare to come here to make trouble again, but Jiang Su thought, their goal is the key, as long as he takes the key away, Hua Shiqing would no longer be in danger, and he could only ask Hua Shiqing to be careful all the way and return to Miaojiang as soon as possible, and then set off with Li Hanshan, hoping to return to the Zhishui Sword Sect as soon as possible.

When parting, he spent time thinking about it, and didn't know what else he could ask Jiang Su to do. He could only hold Jiang Su's hand, and said to Jiang Su seriously: "Jiang Shaoxia, you and the young master love each other. Seriously, I have nothing more to say."

Jiang Su nodded, and was about to say goodbye to him, but unexpectedly, Hua Shiqing sighed softly, and suddenly said another sentence.

"Jiang Shaoxia, you asked me that day, since the two of you are lovers, there is something that must be done." Hua Shiqing said, "I thought about it, and felt that what must be done between lovers It varies from person to person, but if you have to say it... other than understanding and honesty, there should be nothing else."

Jiang Su was taken aback, he thought carefully about Hua Shiqing's words, thinking that he seemed to be not honest with Li Hanshan, at least about the system and Hongyuan value, he felt that it was difficult to explain, so he kept hiding it from Li Hanshan.

"Understand one thing, there is no need to explain too much, Jiang Shaoxia should understand." Hua Shiqing frowned slightly, "On the contrary, the word "frankness" does not mean that the two of you should tell each other all the secrets."

Jiang Su didn't understand what Hua Shiqing meant.

"People always have their own secrets." Hua Shiqing said, "I'm speaking frankly, because I hope you two can not hide your feelings and thoughts. There are many things, it's better to say them out."

Jiang Su was stunned, nodded, thinking about what else he had not told Li Hanshan, but after thinking about it, what he thought of was still the **** system.

He sighed, and at the same time he cleared his way, and then he led his horse and left here with Li Hanshan. He didn't dare to delay on the road, thinking that he could save a day, and he rushed back almost day and night. The Zhishui Sword Sect still wanted to save a few days, so he could ask his brother to think of a way to help him find out what he still needs to do with Li Hanshan at this time.

It has been a long time since Jiang Su left Zhishui Sword Sect, the gatekeeper disciple saw him, he almost didn't come back to his senses for a while, and when he recognized the person, he happily ran back to report to the sect leader, the disciples on the way saw him, He was also overjoyed, and walked in with him, saying to him: "Little Martial Uncle, you came back just in time, and President Sheng is also here, and he said he wanted to see you."

Jiang Su paused, frowned and looked back, asking, "Who's here?"

The disciple replied, "Master Sheng."

Jiang Su: "..."

"Little Martial Uncle, we still think it's a bit strange that he said he came here to look for you." The disciple said, "Everyone in this world knows that you are not here, but what a coincidence, he just came here in the morning. I'll be back in the afternoon."

Jiang Su nodded, said that he knew it, and found an excuse to let the disciples who followed him go about their own affairs, then looked at Li Hanshan with a serious expression, and said, "I'm afraid it's not good."

Sheng Hechen is the one who knows all too well that he is not in the Zhishui Sword Sect, and Sheng Hechen is the one they suspect the most... Now that Sheng Hechen came here to look for him, I'm afraid it's because he's drunk, this is obviously looking for him to declare war coming.

Li Hanshan remained silent, just held Jiang Su's hand, and said, "Don't worry, I'm here, he can't get anything cheap."

Jiang Su smiled and said: "This is the Zhishui Sword Sect, so of course he can't get any cheap."

He finds it interesting.

If he met Sheng Hechen in the martial arts league, he might still be a little scared, that is Sheng Hechen's territory, no one knows how many ambushes there will be, but Zhishuijian faction is different.

How can I say that the Zhishui Sword Sect is also the number one sword sect in today's Jianghu, Sheng Hechen came here to make trouble, that's really courageous.

So Jiang Su held Li Hanshan's hand again, and said calmly: "Don't worry, he is here, I can twist his head off and kick it as a ball."