Back to the long-awaited division, the first thing is naturally to meet the head.

Jiang Su asked where Zhang Wenxue was, and learned that Zhang Wenxue was in the meeting hall, but when he got there, he realized that what the disciple said to him was somewhat wrong.

Sheng Hechen didn't come here alone, there were more than a dozen highly respected seniors in the martial arts alliance, as well as disciples of young leaders from various sects, chatting with Zhang Wenxue, and the tea had been refilled for several hours. This time, this posture looks... It seems to be waiting for someone.

Jiang Su felt bad, he didn't think about whether he should turn around and sneak away immediately, someone saw him there.

"Jiang Shaoxia is back." Someone laughed, "Master Zhang, look, Leader Sheng is right, Jiang Shaoxia is indeed on his way back."

Zhang Wenxue looked reluctant: "He didn't tell me that he would return to the division today."

Sheng Hechen smiled slightly, and said: "Su'er has such a temper. Young people act impulsively, and they don't even consider what kind of teacher they are."

He said this to Zhang Wenxue, but he looked at Jiang Su, and the implication in his eyes was very clear—he really came to declare war on Jiang Su today, not only that, but he was still using Jiang Su Su's teacher threatened Jiang Su, hoping that Jiang Su would not act too impulsively, lest he accidentally hurt his teacher.

Jiang Su understood what he meant.

But if Jiang Su could really listen to his threats and act, then Jiang Su would not be Jiang Su.

He generously dragged Li Hanshan into the meeting hall, found a seat closer to Zhang Wenxue and sat down, which happened to be opposite to Sheng Hechen. He opened his mouth and said, "President Sheng came just in time."

Sheng Hechen didn't want to talk nonsense, and said bluntly: "Su'er, I heard that you have found all the keys to the sky—"

Jiang Su: "Where did you hear about it?"

Sheng Hechen met his gaze with a calm expression, without any fear of change, and said indifferently: "Of course I have my own way."

In just a few words, Jiang Su had confirmed the identity of Sheng Hechen.

The guesses he and his senior brother made were true. This Sheng Hechen was the one who wanted to seize the keys of Unsurpassable Sky along the way. Now that Sheng Hechen saw that Jiang Su had obtained all the keys, he naturally had to worry that Jiang Su would open Unsurpassable Sky alone and monopolize the keys. Without all the treasures, he can't directly conflict with Jiang Su, the two confront each other privately, and he is not Jiang Su's opponent, so he had to come up with such a way.

Anyway, he is the leader of the martial arts alliance, and it was the martial arts alliance that asked Jiang Su to go out to find the key to Wushentian. As long as he brings people from the Wulin alliance to look for Jiang Su, Jiang Su can only unlock the Wushentian with him.

As for what will happen after the unbeatable sky is opened, and who will own those treasures, as long as he enters the unbeatable sky, he will have a lot of time to look for opportunities.

Jiang Su knew that with so many seniors here, if he refuted Sheng Hechen's words and refused to admit that he had obtained all the keys, then he would be unreasonable if he was justified. Go to the master's gate, and then go to the Wulin League with the senior brother, I don't want Master Sheng to find it first by smelling it."

Zhang Wenxue coughed lightly, as if she felt that Jiang Su's words were slightly indecent, but Sheng Hechen didn't mind, and said, "In that case, why don't you all leave for Lingxi Mountain tomorrow."

No one disagrees.

In this rivers and lakes, there is no one who is not curious about Bi Shengtian, who wouldn't want to go in and see the treasures that Wen Qingting has hidden in Wu Shengtian? Everyone simply finalized the itinerary for the second day, and then went back to the residence Zhang Wenxue had arranged for them. Only Sheng Hechen sat there motionless.

He looked as if he wanted to talk to Jiang Su and Zhang Wenxue about something, and everyone in Jiang Hu knew that Sheng Hechen had a pretty good relationship with Jiang Su. things.

But Jiang Su knew in his heart that after everyone left, it was time for the two of them to show their cards.

Only when there were only four people left in the meeting hall, Sheng Hechen opened his mouth again.

"Young Master Li, I didn't expect to see you here." Sheng Hechen paused slightly, changed his words, and said, "No, it's time to call you the leader now."

Jiang Su was not surprised.

Sheng Hechen's eyeliner is everywhere in this river and lake, so the Demon Cult is naturally unlikely to be spared. Xie Zeli wants to pass the throne to Li Hanshan. He has already passed the news back to the Demon Cult. Everyone in the sect already knows that the current leader of the Demon Cult is Li Hanshan. It's just that He Lingcheng didn't let them spread the news, so people in the righteous way haven't got the news.

But if Sheng Hechen has an informant in the Devil's Cult, then it's normal for him to know about it.

The only person who was surprised was Zhang Wenxue.

He turned his stunned eyes back and forth between Li Hanshan and Jiang Su, and after a while, he showed some relief.

pretty good.

The leader of the demon sect is a unique figure in the Jianghu, the only one in the evil way, and he is a perfect match for his junior.

Sheng Hechen said again: "Su'er, have you ever thought that there are so many seniors from the Wulin League here, if I go out and shout, what will happen?"

Jiang Su simply rolled his eyes at him: "I strangled you to death before you spoke."

Sheng Hechen: "..."

Zhang Wenxue coughed again, signaling Jiang Su not to speak so rudely, since everyone is a righteous and civilized person, it would be better to be more tactful.

Sheng Hechen said again: "This is the Zhishui Sword Sect, if you kill me, your entire sect will-"

Jiang Su: "That is the hand of the leader of the Demon Cult, what does it have to do with me?"

Li Hanshan: "?"

Sheng Hechen: "..."

Jiang Su propped his chin and looked at Sheng Hechen with a smile, and said, "Anyway, he's going to reveal his identity anyway, why don't we take away one more, just to get back to the book?"

Sheng Hechen: "You..."

"Although our Zhishui Sword Sect has a large number of people, it may be difficult to stop the leader of the Demon Cult." Jiang Su said lightly, "The leader of the Demon Cult killed the leader of the martial arts here, and I learned that my friend has another identity. It was inevitable that he would be hit hard, and he didn't take any action to stop him, so he escaped successfully... With this answer, I don't think anyone will doubt me."

He was right.

His reputation and prestige in the Jianghu are definitely not lower than that of Sheng Hechen, not to mention that he has friends all over the world. If something like this really happened, most people in the Jianghu would insist that he was deceived and he was innocent. , has absolutely nothing to do with the Demon Cult.

After Jiang Su finished speaking, Li Hanshan silently raised the sword in his hand, held the sword frame with his thumb, and slightly pushed the sword out. With a snort, he said, "Are you going to be the next Wen Qingting?"

When people in the Jianghu learned that Wen Qingting and Xie Wu were best friends, under heavy pressure, Wen Qingting was forced to break off the relationship with Xie Wu, and another incident happened. The ending was bleak, and if Jiang Su was exposed and Li Hanshan We are friends, I am afraid that we will not escape in the future—

Jiang Su blurted out: "Who will be that old pervert?"

Sheng Hechen: "..."

Zhang Wenxue coughed heavily, reminding Jiang Su to calm down, no matter what, don't insult the ancestors.

Jiang Su looked at Zhang Wenxue, changed his words, and said, "I don't have so many scruples."

He is not like Wen Qingting. If Sheng Hechen really wanted to put all his eggs in one basket and fall out with them here, forcing him to break up with Li Hanshan from righteousness and evil, he would only do it more simply. Wouldn't it be good to go to the Devil's Cult after becoming an evil spirit?

He believed that He Lingcheng would welcome him very much.

Sheng Hechen sneered: "Your thinking is too simple."

Jiang Su retorted, "It's that simple."

In this matter, Sheng Hechen really couldn't argue with Jiang Su.

He had no choice but to snort coldly, and said: "You have all the keys, if you want to enter Unsurpassable Heaven alone, you are a traitor of the Wulin League—"

Jiang Su: "Why should I go in alone?"

He only wanted the second volume of the Zhishui Sword Manual, and he didn't have much interest in other things, and the Zhishui Sword Art originally belonged to their sect. He took it away and returned it to the original owner. stop him.

Sheng Hechen was startled, and was about to continue talking, but Jiang Su suddenly leaned forward to look at him, and said, "You are the traitor of the Wulin League."

Sheng Hechen: "..."

"I will take everyone to the sky, but I also hope that you, Master Sheng, can figure it out." Jiang Su said coldly, "I've always been a penny-pinching person, if you dare to do anything along the way, I will definitely let you regrettable."

Sheng Hechen gritted his teeth, but within a short period of time, he really had nothing to do. Both Jiang Su and Li Hanshan's martial arts were far better than him, and Jiang Su was not afraid of being ruined at all. In this way, he could hardly hold Jiang Su's handle. He could only snort coldly, and scolded: "Jiang Su, you should also think about the Zhishui Sword School."

Jiang Su raised his eyebrows slightly.

"You just leave." Sheng Hechen said, "But have you ever thought about what will happen to the Zhishui Sword Sect?"

Before Jiang Su spoke, Zhang Wenxue had already interrupted their conversation.

"Master Sheng probably forgot that I am the head of Zhishui." Zhang Wenxue said, "My junior brother doesn't care about things. How the Zhishui Sword Sect is has nothing to do with my junior brother."

Sheng Hechen: "But if he has anything to do with the Devil's Cult—"

"One prospers, one prospers, one loses all." Zhang Wenxue interrupted Sheng Hechen again, "If he makes a mistake, it's because of my improper teaching, and he is not at fault."

Sheng Hechen was speechless: "Are you trying to protect yourself?"

Zhang Wenxue asked back: "You have known me for so long, and only now do you know that I am protecting my shortcomings?"

Sheng Hechen: "..."

Sheng Hechen stopped talking, stood up and walked away with a cold face, Zhang Wenxue raised his eyebrows and muttered in a low voice, "Who is it, a bitch, who still wants to help me discipline my junior brother."

Jiang Su coughed lightly and said, "Brother, don't speak so rudely."

Zhang Wenxue glared at him and said, "You want to come back, why didn't you tell me?"

Jiang Su: "Uh... Time is tight, I have no time to write the letter... No, I think I may have returned to the door before the letter arrives."

Zhang Wenxue asked again: "Han Shan became the leader, why didn't you tell me?"

Jiang Su: "It happened so suddenly, I didn't have time..."

He also knew that he was wrong, the voice became smaller and smaller, and gradually disappeared, but he looked at Zhang Wenxue helplessly, Zhang Wenxue sighed, patted Jiang Su's hand, and suddenly said: "Junior Brother, Han Shan , why are you all so thin?"

Jiang Su: "..."

Li Hanshan: "..."

Jiang Su's heart trembled, and he felt that the matter was not so simple, but Zhang Wenxue had already held his hand, and he pulled it hard, but he failed to pull it out. He could only accept his fate, and looked at Zhang Wenxue aggrieved.

And what happened next was not what he expected.

"Brother, let's cook now." Zhang Wenxue said with a smile, "Cook some good dishes, and I'll make up for you two."