Senior brother's kindness is hard to turn down, Jiang Su is powerless to refuse.

It's just that it takes a lot of time to cook, and Jiang Su still has to wait. Zhang Wenxue let the two of them walk around the door at will, and Jiang Su simply took Li Hanshan back to his residence.

Jiang Su didn't come back for a long time, and Jiang Su still felt a little stunned for a while. He had lived here for ten years and collected so many swords he liked, but after a few days, he might lose all of them.

The more he thought about it, the more he felt bored, but there was nothing he could do, so he had no choice but to not think about anything, and took Li Hanshan to pack his luggage, and couldn't wait to go to the hidden sword pavilion that he had been away for a long time.

However, Li Hanshan still felt that Jiang Su was a bit strange these days. He remained silent, and walked around with Jiang Su, watching Jiang Su caress and wipe every sword carefully. Li Hanshan couldn't express his panic.

When they left the Cangjian Pavilion, the person Zhang Wenxue sent to ask them to eat had already arrived.

Not to mention Li Hanshan, Jiang Su also began to feel a little flustered, even though he had already gotten used to the culinary skills of his senior brother over the years, and could even praise his senior brother for doing a great job without conscience, but even so, he was still right. The senior brother's meal was quite scary, but he couldn't refuse his kindness, and in the end he had no choice but to bite the bullet and go with that disciple.

Zhang Wenxue had already prepared the meals, and was waiting for the two to come. When they were seated, he served them a bowl of soup without further ado. Recently, his cooking skills have improved a lot, and the dishes don't look as good as before. It was scary, and it didn't smell any weird, but it just tasted...Jiang Su suppressed the trembling, almost relying on a willpower, poured down the soup.

He doesn't understand.

How could someone make dishes so beautiful yet so unpalatable?

He put down the vegetable bowl and looked at Li Hanshan, who was full of pain like him. The two looked at each other. Li Hanshan opened his mouth first, and said, "Zhang... Zhang..."

He remembered the last time Zhang Wenxue asked him to change his name, but he was not satisfied with the countless names he proposed. He couldn't help but feel a little at a loss. He turned to look at Jiang Su, and Jiang Su had no choice but to hint in a low voice: "You call him senior brother .”

Li Hanshan suddenly realized, and said: "Oh, brother!"

The smile on Zhang Wenxue's lips deepened, he looked kind and gratified, he almost wanted to reach out and touch Li Hanshan's head, or take out some money from his bosom as a red envelope and give it to Li Hanshan, but today he doesn't have to go out , didn’t bring the purse, so I had to hold back and give up, but I couldn’t hold back my smile, and hurriedly picked up a few more chopsticks for Li Hanshan, saying: “Okay, okay, eat more.”

Li Hanshan: "..."

Li Hanshan wanted to refuse, but he didn't know what to do, so Jiang Su coughed and said, "Brother, do you know that there is a deputy envoy named He in the Devil's Cult?"

Zhang Wenxue didn't understand why Jiang Su suddenly brought up this matter, but still replied: "I've heard of it."

Jiang Su said: "He is just like you. He is very good at cooking... Ahem, he likes to study cooking skills, and he always has unique innovations."

Jiang Su patted Li Hanshan, and Li Hanshan immediately understood, saying: "Vice Envoy He likes to study new dishes."

Jiang Su: "What was the name of his dish last time?"

Li Hanshan: "Bake carp with peaches."

Zhang Wenxue: "..."

Jiang Su: "I think, senior brother, you will definitely hit it off with him—"

"Roasted carp with peaches?" Zhang Wenxue interrupted Jiang Su in astonishment, "Is this dish edible?"

Jiang Su couldn't help but also startled, he didn't expect that Zhang Wenxue would dismiss He Lingcheng's recipes, just as he didn't know how to explain, Zhang Wenxue suddenly said the next sentence.

"If I do it." Zhang Wenxue said, "I will burn it with grapes."

Jiang Su: "..."

Li Hanshan: "..."

Fortunately, after some chatting, Zhang Wenxue had forgotten to bring some extra food for Li Hanshan. Li Hanshan escaped, and Zhang Wenxue was quite curious about the deputy envoy of the Demon Cult, but Jiang Su quickly It was discovered that the two of them have different cooking concepts, Zhang Wenxue prefers salty food, while He Lingcheng prefers to add sugar... Jiang Su suddenly didn't dare to match the two of them.

He was afraid that the two would fight.

But Zhang Wenxue was already interested, he wanted to write a letter to the Demon Cult, but Jiang Su didn't dare to stop him, so he finished the terrible meal silently, then looked at the sky, and found that the senior brother's food was cooked more than usual Good morning, now is the time to eat.

Jiang Su looked at the food in front of him that could kill thousands of enemies but was not bad in appearance, and then thought about their current situation, a strange thing suddenly popped up in his mind.

"Brother." Jiang Su said, "Master Sheng hasn't eaten yet, right?"

Zhang Wenxue frowned slightly: "Junior brother, I don't want to give him..."

"Everyone who comes is a guest." Jiang Su comforted Zhang Wenxue, "Just this chicken soup, let him have a bowl."

Zhang Wenxue: "..." He usually would not refuse Jiang Su's request, so even if there were thousands of reluctances in his heart, he still listened to Jiang Su's suggestion and pretended to be something for Sheng Hechen.

Jiang Su was satisfied.

In fact, he didn't want to tear himself apart with Sheng Hechen in the Zhishui Sword Sect. Let Sheng Hechen reveal Li Hanshan's identity, or involve this matter with his master. The damage was too great, and he didn't like it.

But even if he can't tear his face apart, he still has countless ways to make Sheng Hechen's life very uncomfortable and extremely uncomfortable. For example, at this moment, tampering with the meal is a good way.

After all, this is the chef who cooks himself, ordinary people can't enjoy this kind of treatment, if Sheng Hechen finds it unpalatable, it must be because of his taste!

On the second day, it was time to leave here. Jiang Su tidied up a bit and walked slowly to the mountain gate together with Li Hanshan. Most of the senior disciples from various sects and sects had arrived here. Everyone gathered here, and when they mentioned what they were about to see, they couldn't help being quite excited and radiant, but Sheng Hechen's face was gloomy, and he stood aside coldly, with a bad complexion.

Jiang Su looked left and right, and stopped a senior who lived next to Sheng Hechen yesterday, and asked curiously, "Senior, what's wrong with Leader Sheng?"

The man sighed and said, "President Sheng may be sick."

Jiang Su: "Sick?"

"Yesterday I was eating, and for some reason, I watched President Sheng rush out and vomited in the courtyard for a long time." The man said with emotion, "He seemed to be in a bad mood, and he also vomited several times last night, alas... Wulinmeng With a busy schedule, Leader Sheng must be overworked."

Jiang Su almost couldn't help laughing. He coughed a few times and turned his head to leave, but he saw Sheng Hechen looking at him, and the two looked at each other. After a while, Sheng Hechen walked towards him quickly, suppressing his anger, and said in a low voice. Cursed: "Jiang Su, what did I eat yesterday?"

Jiang Su was innocent and said, "I'm not a cook, how would I know what Leader Sheng ate."

Sheng Hechen was in a hurry: "I didn't expect you to have so many dirty tricks!"

"I'm already good friends with the leader of the Demon Cult." Jiang Su said in a low voice, "Of course I'm very good at this kind of evil heretics."

Sheng Hechen: "..."

Sheng Hechen was speechless.

Looking at Jiang Su, he couldn't help but feel a little heartache.

This is also the person he personally selected. He thought that Jiang Su was a hero and a beauty. Although Jiang Su was a little more powerful, he just happened to be able to satisfy his desire to conquer, but he didn't expect Jiang Su to be so uncontrollable. It's a pity This is a good skin.

Jiang Su retreated to Li Hanshan's side, seeing Zhang Wenxue leading people out of the door, he also packed up and saluted, as if he wanted to go with them to the sky, but before he reached Jiang Su's side, Sheng Hechen stopped Zhang Wenxue Asked Xue, asked: "Master Zhang also wants to go together?"

Zhang Wenxue frowned slightly, and said, "Does Leader Sheng have any comments?"

"Sheng has a few things, I'm afraid I need to trouble Brother Zhang to do it." He forced a smile on his face, and said deliberately, "Besides, no one knows what kind of dangerous situation is in the sky. It’s also the closest place to Lingxi Mountain, so we have to keep someone to support it.”

Zhang Wenxue didn't answer.

He knew that Sheng Hechen wanted to separate him from Jiang Su on purpose. After that, Sheng Hechen would definitely target Jiang Su in every possible way. He didn't want to leave Jiang Su's side. Refuting what Sheng Hechen said, Jiang Su also persuaded him in a low voice, saying: "Brother, it's better if you stay in the door."

Zhang Wenxue: "..."

"Don't worry." Jiang Su said, "Nothing will happen."

Zhang Wenxue felt that Jiang Su's words were abnormal, so she couldn't help turning her eyes to Jiang Su, pondering the meaning of Jiang Su's words, but she didn't want Jiang Su to open his arms suddenly, hug Zhang Wenxue tightly, and said: "Brother, what should you do?" Believe me."

On the contrary, Zhang Wenxue didn't know what to say.

He felt that Jiang Su was abnormal. After all, he had taken care of his younger brother for many years. Jiang Su was not the kind of person who would show his emotions outright, but he also believed that since Jiang Su said so, nothing would happen. Then he hugged Jiang Su, patted Jiang Su on the back, and said: "The elder brother is the father, now you are going to travel far, you must pay more attention."

Jiang Su nodded.

He was very worried that Sheng Hechen would use some despicable methods. If his senior brother followed him, he was afraid that his senior brother would be in danger. Nothing can happen.

Jiang Su let go, pushed away a few steps, seeing Zhang Wenxue's worried face, he couldn't help but smiled, and said, "Brother, Lingxi Mountain is so close, it's actually not a long journey."

Zhang Wenxue sighed again, pulled Li Hanshan's hand aside, held it together, and said to the two of them seriously: "No matter what, you two must come back well."

Jiang Su nodded in agreement, although he felt that his affection had not arrived, he had already finished his words, it was getting late, he should leave here, so he had to step back a few steps, then turned his head, only to see Sheng Hechen looking at him gloomyly.

Jiang Su was feeling displeased, seeing Sheng Hechen staring at him, he couldn't help turning around and approaching Sheng Hechen, and said, "It's actually quite good that my senior brother isn't by my side."

Sheng Hechen sneered.

"My brother is a gentleman, and he always likes to control me. If I do not behave decently, he will definitely blame me." Jiang Su said lightly, "But you let him stay in the Zhishui Sword Sect."

Sheng Hechen sneered, "Su'er, I've known you for so many years, and I know exactly what kind of person you are. You act upright, and you can't be cruel."

Jiang Su was speechless.

"You still don't understand me very well." Jiang Su said, "You can chat with Xie Zeli more when you have time."

Sheng Hechen couldn't help raising his eyebrows, and said, "Why should I talk to people from the Demon Cult?"

Jiang Su just laughed.

"It doesn't matter if you don't talk." Jiang Su said word by word, "In these two days, you will definitely understand."