I came up with a pun and my eyes became empty.

Yes. . . . The limit has come. . .

Gyabussh appears from the sky with the voice as a signal.

Seeing that, the women who had gathered were frightened.

“Shina-sama, come here.”


As I watched Gyabussh and Zezgard-san run away, I heard a voice right next to me.

Apparently, Hurst-san and Ryleigh-kun slipped into the commotion and escaped from the human circle.

Hurst-san supports my waist, Ryleigh-kun takes my hand, and we leave the front of the inn.

“Are they okay over there?”

Isn’t Shizuku-chan troubled by the crowd?

Confused, I look back.

Then Hurst-san and Ryleigh-kun spoke kindly to me as to reassure me.

“Mizunami-sama has also started moving.”

“Yeah! Zez-san and Elja-san are the ones who stand out!”

True to what he said, Shizuku-chan seemed to stand out from the crowd together with Ash-san and Thruster-san.

Since Shizuku-chan was also looking at me, I raised my hand to signal.

Shizuku-chan also raised her hand and returned the signal.

“Yes. It seems to be fine.”

This will do the trick.

I pretended that I didn’t see Elja-san, who I could see for a moment, being surrounded by women and being kissed on the cheek.

. . . . . Above all, he seemed to be enjoying being incognito.

“Then let’s go to the wharf.”

“There’s a market!”

The first place I went to was the market near the wharf.

A lot of fish that must have been caught this morning were lined up.

“Oh. . . it feels like a morning market at a fishing port. . .”

Unlike the Wharf we visited yesterday, it was very lively.

Boxes of fish are carried out one after another from the boat and lined up.

I wonder if the large covered square at the back of the wharf is the center of the market?

A seller and a buyer interact with each other across the fish.

“Shina-san, are you excited?”

“Yeah. It’s lively and it’s going to be fun.”

Me too! This is the first time I’ve seen such a sight! I’m glad I came with Shina-san.”

Ryleigh-kun’s young leaf-colored eyes are sparkling.

If Thruster-san sees it, he won’t be able to stop laughing.

When we parted ways, Thruster-san didn’t say that he was going with Ryleigh-kun, unlike yesterday.

I understand that pearls with magic power are that important.

I don’t really understand the history and common sense about magic stones.

It would be nice if this lively city, the bright and positive people of this city, could continue to live like this. . .

“Shina-sama, what happened?”

“No, how can I say it. . . I thought it would be nice if I could continue this kind of thing.”

“Yes. I think so too.”

My rambling words.

Hurst-san accepts it naturally.

It made my chest feel tight again.

. . . . .I feel like I have this feeling a lot lately.

“I wonder if it’s the sea. . .”

I don’t know, but the sea breeze seems to have that effect.

“Shina-sama, would you like to go closer?”

“Ah, is it okay if we go?”

“Yes. If there is something that interests you, you can buy it.”

“I definitely want to go.”

“Me too!”

The three of us entered the market. It’s just a walk while looking at the fish lined up, but it’s really fun!

“This fish is big!”

When I see a big fish, I raise my voice.

Then an elderly woman who was selling fish responded.

“Oh, you’re a tourist, aren’t you?”

“Yes, I’m sightseeing.”

“Prawns are often caught around here. The fish that eat them are big and their flesh is the color of shrimp. It’s the best!”

“Wow. . . I want to eat that. . .”

I feel like it’s salmon.

“There’s salt-grilled food at the open-air restaurant next to the market, so come eat it.”

“That’s right! Let’s go!”

“It’s good, and then you’ll come back to me to buy it. I caught a lot of these fish today! I’ll be waiting!”


The conversation with a cheerful woman makes me smile too.

If you tell me where to eat fish that catches my eye, and they say they’re waiting, I have no choice but to buy it.

Eat fish and be sure to come back later for more.

I note the woman’s characteristics and her position in the market.

Blue dress with yellow skirt. The location is next to the green pillar.

Alright, when I remembered alone, an uncle who was passing by called out to the woman.

“Oh! Today’s a big catch!”

“That’s right! When I heard that the magic fish appeared at night, I was hesitant to launch the boat, but I’m glad I did!”

“My place is so-so. As expected, I can’t go to the side of the magic sea, so I couldn’t catch the shellfish.”

“It can’t be helped. Anyway, the shellfish will be killed by poachers.”

The two who were talking cheerfully shrugged their shoulders.

The three of us listened to the conversation and winked.

“What is a poacher?”

Hurst-san calls out to the Ojisan.

The uncle scratched his head, ‘Ah.’

“It wasn’t something to talk about with customers.”

With an embarrassed attitude, he pulled away a little.

At this rate, the conversation between the two is likely to end, so I hurriedly search for a topic.

Well, in order to keep tourists from continuing the current topic. . .

“Oh, um, we-shellfish, yes. We’re here to see shellfish. We ate at the stall yesterday and it was delicious.”

It reminds me of the grilled clams I ate at a festival stall yesterday.

Come to think of it, I haven’t seen that shellfish today.”

“Oh, is that so? Then it will be difficult to get shellfish today.”

“That’s right. Because a magic fish appeared.”

Apparently, my words were convincing to both of them.

The woman was worried about me, saying, ‘It’s a shame,’ and the uncle who had been withdrawing his body also got on the topic again.

“Those clams are caught in the sand near the Magic Sea, but poachers have been ravaging them.”

“After the poachers devastate it, the demon fish come out. I think it was probably the same yesterday.”

“In that case, we will have to go near the Magic Sea. There are also boats that have been sunk.”

“That’s right. The nearby boats saved them, so nobody died, be we can’t get close now.”

“There are also rumors about ghosts from there.”

“I’ve been restless lately. I wonder if there’s something that we can do about it.”

“The fishermen’s cooperative reported it to the top, and they said they would do something about it, but I don’t know what’s going on. . .”

Rather than talking to us in the middle, the two proceeded to complain to each other.

. . . . Yes. The report is right up to the top.

This country must be able to exchange such information.

The information is properly received, it is scrutinized, and they are trying to take measures like this.

. . . . . . . I’m surprised that the countermeasure is for the Crown Prince to come directly.

“They seem to be going to the Magic Sea and sweeping the sandy bottom. I don’t know why they’re doing that, but I guess that’s why the magic fish are coming out.”

“Even if they catch something there, it doesn’t mean they’re committing a crime. . .”

While listening to their complaints, I wink at Hurst-san and Ryleigh-kun again.

Shizuku-chan and Thruster-san should have been in contact with the poachers, so if we combine the information we got from them now, i feel like we would be able to get closer to the truth about what the poachers are doing and where the pearls are coming from.

Although they don’t say it out load, Hurst-san and Ryleigh-kun also have serious eyes, so they must be thinking the same way.

“Then I’ll give up on shellfish.”

“That’s right. Let’s use our fish today!”


“Come on, let’s eat first.”

The woman smiles cheerfully and waves at us.

I wave back at her and walk through the market again.

When I left the market and was about to go to the stall, Hurst-san suddenly turned his back to protect me.

“. . .I have a bad feeling.”

“Eh. . . . . .”

Hurst-san has a bad feeling.

That means. . .

“A magic fish has appeared! Run away!”

“Why!? Yesterday and today!”

Right from Hurst-san’s words.

The market has heard.

The once bustling market freezes.

After a delay, screams and shouts resounded.

“Go quickly!”

“Leave the fish behind!”

“You’ll be eaten!”

“That’s not it!”

“This way! Get as far away from the sea as possible!”

There seems to be confusion here and there, and people are crowded.

I found that some people were giving instructions to try to do something about it.

I’m worried about not only the damage from the magic fish, but also an accident.

It would be nice if the people who were here just now could escape safely. . .

“Shina-sama. . . It’s coming.”

“Ah, is it at the sea?”

I wonder if it’s floating at the wharf like yesterday.

In that case, I should be able to turn the magic fish into tuna again with a kitchen knife after there are no people at the wharf.

However, Hurst-san remained sternly staring at the sea. . .

Crunch crunch crunch

For some reason, I heard an unpleasant sound coming from the ceiling.

“Uh. . . Shina-san, that’s not right.”

Ryleigh-kun points upwards while protecting me.

Then, suddenly, the light of the sun poured down.

“It’s dazzling. . .”

I was blinded by the light that suddenly entered.

The ceiling that should have been there just now is gone.

And, as if to replace it, a big face cast a shadow over me.

That face is. . .


A giant crayfish is eating the roof of the square. . .

And not just one.

“It’s a big deal.”

I see. They’re amphibious!

Shina thought about wanting to eat fish and then magic fish showed up. But this time it’s not the same type as what she wanted to eat. I wonder if the salmon-type magic fish will show up to eat the crayfish.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter and thank you for reading!