The crayfish that appeared were the size of a a minivan to a 4LDK detached house.


. . . That’s an unexpectedly cute cry. It looks at me happily.

Staring at me with cloudy eyes, chills run through me.

Then, between the crayfish’s eyebrows (?), three wooden sticks slammed into it all at once.

“Are you okay, Shina-sama?”

Hurst-san’s calm, low voice.

As soon as I heard that sound, the crayfish that stared at me and squealed disappeared from the hole in the ceiling.

“Ah. . . I feel like we met each other’s eyes. . .”

There are a lot of wooden stakes in the hands of Hurst-san who is looking worriedly.

It seems that the wooden box containing the fish was instantly dismantled and made.

Sincerely, Hurst-san.



The crayfish croaked to return my gaze, probably because I averted my eyes.

. . . That’s a cute cry. It looks happy.

Cloudy eyes meet mine again, and I get chills.

Then, the crayfish was enveloped in blue flame.

“Don’t call Shina-san so easily.”

Of course, it was Ryleigh-kun who started the flames.

He raised his right hand, wrapped in flames, to the crayfish and smiled.

Cute. It’s very cute, but this flow is. . .


Ah, ah. . . the eyes of a handsome boy looking at trash. . .

At that moment, a blue flame attacks the crayfish.

After the sizzle, all that was left was white ash, overcooked.

It barely retained its shape as a crayfish, but it drifted away in the wind.

A delicious smell like shrimp crackers tickles my nostrils.

Thank you Ryleigh-kun.


“Peace of mind.”

In front of the giant crayfish army, this calmness of the heart.

While it’s normal for people in the port to flee, I sincerely think that the two of them will do something about this.

“There are signs of twenty magic fish.”

“Then, Vol-san and I will manage somehow.”


The crayfish eating the ceiling has disappeared, but it seems that there are still more.

I can’t see the top of the roofed plaza, but I can see the reddish-black body and the many wriggling legs on the wharf.

I’m here. . . I can’t see your face.

“I’m going to kill them here so they can’t go any further into town.”


Ryleigh-kun seriously answered Hurst-san’s low voice.

While I feel that I can rely on those two. . .

“Ah, that. . .”

. . . Just for a little while.

“I have a request. . . and. . .”

I think it’s a small burden for the two of them. . .

“Yes, Shina-sama.”

“Yeah! Shina-san!”

When I called out timidly, the two nodded that they understood.

“It’s the kitchen knife.”

“It’s the kitchen knife, isn’t it?”

Yes. that’s right.

“I will go to the kitchen right away and come back. So. . .one or two would be fine, so if you let me use use it as an ingredient. . .”

“There’s no problem. We will fight from here, so please act according to Shina-sama’s timing.”

“Leave it to me and Vol-san!”

“Thank you very much.”

I apologize for saying this in a tense situation.

But. . . from the moment I saw this gigantic crayfish, one possibility had already passed.

. . . Is this going to be a great high-end ingredient?

When. . . . .

“Ryleigh, aim for the magic fish that are trying to come up from the sea on the ground. I’m going for the magic fish on the roof and the magic fish heading to the city.”


“Then, Shina-sama, I will leave some of them behind.”

“It’s coming!”

Be careful, both of you! . . . . [Summon Kitchen]!”

Cheering for the two, I went to the kitchen.

Then, I grabbed the kitchen knife (sacred sword) and returned to the market.

It must have been only for a moment, but the smell of shrimp crackers wafted in the air, and the legs, which were supposed to be wriggling on the wharf, stopped moving.

As expected of the two.


“Shina-san! Over here!”

I hear Ryleigh-kun’s voice, and turn my gaze towards him.

Just then, a gigantic crayfish was climbing the quay of the wharf and was about to reach the land.

“Ryleigh-kun! Go now!”


I reply and run from the market to the wharf.

When I got out of the market, there were giant crayfish lying around, but none of them were moving, so I weaved through the gaps and headed next to Ryleigh-kun.

“Sorry for the wait!”

“Shina-san! Now!”


As soon as I reached the wharf, a giant crawfish came up to land.

As expected of its size, I took two or three steps back.

It’s creepy, and the cloudy eyes are still scary.

But I have this kitchen knife (sacred sword). . . !

“Be delicious!”

When I point it at the giant crayfish, its body shines brightly. . .

“. . . . . . I knew it!”

Yes, see! It came! As expected! Look!!

“. . . Spiny lobster!!”

Black protrusions on a vermillion and brown body. The pincers that were there when it was a crayfish were gone, and its elongated legs were bent at joints.

The tail opens like a fan, and the body on the ground is bent, and it bounces.

The splendid beard shook at the moment it bounced.

“Large. . . Such a large spiny lobster. . . Luxury. . .!”

Waaah! One person heartily applauded.

Look at this size! Here is such a big spiny lobster!!

“I did it! I did it!!”

I jump on the spot unintentionally as it developed as I thought.

Along with that movement, the kitchen knife in my hand shone brightly.


“Ah! Another one. . .!”

When I turned at Ryleigh-kun’s words, there was another crayfish.

Apparently, it climbed onto land from a different place and approached us.

I point the kitchen knife (Sacred Sword) at the crayfish walking towards us.

“Be delicious!”

And the finished spiny lobster.

It bounced over the wharf.

“Shina-san, this is the last one!”

Another crayfish was walking over here.

If I change it into a spiny lobster in the same way, what I get is. . .

“Three spiny lobsters!”

A kitchen knife (sacred sword) in the right hand.

And three spiny lobsters on the ground.

“Thank you. . . .”

All three are a nice size. There are more than 1kg, maybe 2kg.

Thank you. . . the blessings of the sea. . .

I bow to the spiny lobster on the ground.

It’s delicious.

And so, the giant army was quickly annihilated by Hurst-san and Ryleigh-kun.

As for the damage to the city, only the roof of the plaza was eaten away, and there was no human damage.

It’s not good that the magic fish appeared, and it’s amphibious, but for the time being, it’s good that it didn’t become a big deal.

“Shina-san, did you get good ingredients?”

“Yeah. Let’s eat together when we get back.”

“That sounds exciting.”

“I wonder if Shizuku-chan and the others are doing well too. . . Will it be difficult after all this uproar?”

“I don’t know. On the contrary, it might have been a good thing that it was chaotic.”

“I see, that’s right.”

Hearing Hurst-san’s words, I breathe a sigh of relief.

Three spiny lobsters and various information.

For the time being, the damage was stopped, and as a tourist group here, the results of the day should be enough.

. . . So I didn’t know.

. . . There was a person who failed to escape, and was watching us from the shadow of the market pillar.

. . . That person had clearly seen me.


“I wondered what would happen, but I’m glad it ended with just this.”

“It’s true, I thought it was no good, but. . .”

“I’m really grateful to those two.”

“The silver-haired man was strong. . .”

“No, that boy’s flame was amazing too. . .”

The port was confused by the sudden attack of magic fish, but calmed down faster than expected.

Those who saw the magic fish in the market were shaken as expected, but considering the whole city, there weren’t that many of them.

When the magic fish came up from the wharf, they thought it would be useless, but the two tourists defeated it in no time.

“I have to give the two of them the appreciation of the city.”

“Yeah, I’m really grateful.”

“We just opened a festival, but i wonder if a banquet would be good.”

“That’s right. Gorgeous meals and something to see.”


After cleaning up the damaged areas, the people at the port gathered and talked.

Among them, this time, they decided to convey their gratitude to those who fought the magic fish.

Those two are the heroes of the port.

While the person in the center was talking about how to treat them in the port town, a woman timidly opened her mouth.

“Hey guys, do you have anything to ask?”


“Among those people, there’s one ordinary woman, right? She was there too.”

“She’s an amazing servant to not run away even if she sees a magic fish.”

“Ah? Servant? Is that so? Then it looks like those men are taking good care of it. . .”

“Whether she’s a servant or not, it doesn’t matter now.”

The woman smacks the man who interrupted her.

Then she timidly opened his mouth.

“She was dancing with a kitchen knife. . .”



“What do you mean?”

What does it mean to dance with a kitchen knife?

“I don’t really know, but she was running with a kitchen knife and happily dancing in front of the shrimp. . .”


“I don’t know what she was doing. She was just. . . dancing with a knife.”

. . . . .

“. . . . Really.”

“. . . . . That’s it.”

“. . . That’s right.”

So the magic fish weren’t the kind that Shina was thinking about. But I have a feeling that things are about to get complicated.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter and thank you for reading!