Shina’s POV*

Where. . . . . . .

I heard you crying.

Whose voice is this?

“Why am I here?”

“Why am I here?”

I don’t know who owns the voice.

But I still remember that question.

When I came to this world, I thought to myself many times.

. . . . .Suddenly summoned from Japan to another world. Moreover, I was told that I just got involved.

“Is there nothing special about me? What does it mean to be here?”

. . . . . I asked myself many times alone.

The answer was cruel.

. . .Nothing.

. . .It didn’t make any sense to me.

But I couldn’t go back to Japan.

I have no choice but to live in this world. . .

“I wonder if I’m alone forever. . .”

A small room in the royal palace. The food that comes out is lukewarm soup and hard bread.

I thought too.

I wonder if I’ll be alone forever. But. . .

“. . .No.”

Before I knew it, I answered yes.

I may be alone now.

But. . . . . .

“It’s okay.”

A door of a small room.

There was someone waiting for me on the other side.

Someone was worried about me.

Let’s go to the garden together and talk about skills. . . Even though he is a knight of the kingdom, he respects my will. . .

He ate the food I made and gave me a smile with sparkling eyes.

“. . . Don’t cry.”

You’re not alone.

I’m sure there are people out there who will share their kindness with you.

“. . . . . .Don’t cry.”

I wanted to do something about it, so I gently stretched out my hand.

Then. . .

“. . . eh. . .?”

When I opened my eyes, what I saw was the sky dyed purple.

. . . . . Yes. Yes. It seems that I had closed my eyes until now.

Up until now. . .

“A dream. . .”

I’m sure it is. It was a strange dream.

Remembering the old days made my heart hurt.

“I fell into the sea. . . and then. . .”

For the time being, I was lying down, so I raised my upper body.

I check the pain in my body, but it’s neither painful nor cold. My body is wet, but. . .

There is a crackling fire nearby, and it seems to be a bonfire.

“. . . Did you help me?”

When I look around while sitting, it seems that I am on land a little above the coast.

Is it an island?

By the bonfire, clothes were hung out to dry on a piece of wood.

It’s probably Hurst-san’s clothes.

And apparently he made a wooden bed that seems to be simple? It He seems to have slept in it.

“. . . I wonder if Hurst-san helped me.”

Probably, maybe, definitely, surely.

I remember seeing a very beautiful dive.

I feel like he was swimming towards me at a tremendous speed.

“As expected, Hurst-san.”

Did you know that polar bears are good at swimming?

“Tsu. . .Shina-sama!”

“Hurst, san?”

When I was ruminating on Hurst-san’s swimming, I heard a voice from behind me.

Looking back, it was of course Hurst-san.

. . . . Upper body, naked.

. . . . . . No, yes, I understand.

The fact that the clothes are drying here means that he is undressed.

Rather than working with wet clothes, I think it’s better to take off your clothes and keep your body temperature from dropping.

But, yeah, it’s kind of like this, where to focus my eyes. . . it’s troublesome. . .



Hurst-san came to my side in no time.

Kneeling at my feet as I sat on the bed, he gently took my hand.

“I’m sorry. I put Shina-sama in danger.”

I feel like his voice is sinking a little, and I slowly adjust my wandering eyes to Hurst-san.

Then, those light blue eyes were looking up at me with a worried look. . .

Oh, maybe he’s depressed!?

“It wasn’t dangerous at all! You helped me right away.”

Yes. I fell into the sea, but I’m safe.

Uninhabited island now? It seems it’s the middle of the day, but I was sleeping on a wooden bed.

Hurst-san must have made it using the island’s wood while I was sleeping.

I wonder if I’m the only person who fell into the sea, washed up on a deserted island, and woke up in a wooden bed. . .

Thank you Hurst-san. Good camping ability.

“It’s my responsibility as the special forces commander that this happened.”

“No, if you say that, it’s because I was alone. . .!”

Even though the magic fish had just appeared in the morning, I completely let my guard down.

. . . . Yes. Let’s call this carelessness. . . yeah. . .

“I heard about Shina-sama from the people at the port. Like when you were at the royal palace, you also had a bad time. There seems to have been a statement ‘There is no seat for you,’ I’m sorry.”

“No, it’s not really Hurst-san’s fault. . . And. . . well, the people at the port didn’t do it completely as harassment. . .”

. . . . . hey. Yes. . . .

If possible, I muddy my words in front of the fact that I want to hide.

Looking at me like that, Hurst-san nodded strongly, ‘It’s okay.’

“I’ve erected a grave marker in the harbor so that the same thing doesn’t happen again.”

“Harbor Grave Stone”

What is that, scary.

“I don’t think Shina-sama would want it, but since you were actually in danger like this, I think I should make that grave marker a reality.”

“Make it a reality”

Alright! I’m going to turn this whole port into a grave! You mean that.

Hmm, I see.

“Let’s remove the grave marker.”

Let’s stop ‘Realization of the grave marker.’

“You see. . . the reason why I approached the sea alone. . . was because of a very deep reason. . .”

“What is the deep reason?”

“That’s right. . . yeah. . .”

You’ll hear that.

“. . . Um, somehow, like this, I want you to catch it softly. . .”

I don’t want you to imagine the image or think about the situation, but. . .

“So. . . Um, I turned magic fish into lobsters, right? It looks like someone was watching it. . .”

“Is that so”

“Yes. So first of all, ‘Not good!’ I thought. Because it’s not good for not only my skill to be found out, but also about the kitchen knife. That’s why I was distracted. And after that. . .”

I hesitated and Hurst-san waited for me to continue without rushing me.

I took a slow, deep breath. . .

I covered my face with one hand.

“The women at the port didn’t think that I had turned the magic fish into lobsters. Just. . . . looking at my situation, she said, ‘She’s dancing with a kitchen knife in front of lobsters.’ . . . I think that’s what she thought.”

What am I saying?

“They were worried about that and said, ‘You should calm down by looking at the sea,’ and while I was absentminded, I was already at the wharf. . . I’m sorry, it’s really no one’s fault. . . I. . . .”

Because the way I was excited was weird. . .!

“Even when I fell into the sea, if I had a chance to talk, I should have used my skill to go to the kitchen, but I was so upset that I completely forgot about it.”

Yeah. It wasn’t the time to say ‘life saver method’ or something like that.

If you can say that, then you can say ‘Summon Kitchen’! In other words, it was safe.

Even though Hurst-san was there this time, I can’t speak at the sea, so I had to be careful about that, but I. . .

“So let’s no use the grave marker. That grave marker itself works for me.”

I have deep doubts about how to have fun. . .

“Ryleigh-kun must be feeling down right now, isn’t he. . . Even though I left on my own, he must be blaming himself. . .”

Ryleigh-kun did all kinds of things so that I could rest at the inn, and he also escorted me to the central square.

It wasn’t good that I left without permission.

“. . . Did you have a bad experience? What are you afraid of?”

A hand gently placed on top of my hand that was covering my face.

Those big, strong hands are warm. . .

“Nothing. . . nothing.”

Disgusting things and scary things.

There was nothing.

“It’s a lot of fun.”

I leg go of my hand covering my face and put my palms together with Hurst-san.

I gently grasp it and put the back of Hurst-san’s hand on my cheek.

“If Hurst-san is there, I’m not afraid of anything.”

I gently brought my cheek to a strong and warm hand.

Then Hurst-san choked.

“. . . . ., uh, uh. . . no, I’m sorry.”

When Hurst-san said so, a loud voice suddenly resounded.


I never thought there would be someone other than me and Hurst-san

I quickly let go of Hurst-san’s hand and look at the voice.

Then, it cried out loud. . .

“Mika too. . .! Mika also wants to touch. . .”

“Shut up”

Hurst-san immediately cuts off the crying request with words.

Ahead of his cold eyes.

At the edge of the waves, there was the owner of that cry.

“Eh. . . . . .?”

It looked like an adult, and for some reason it was tied up with hurst-san’s cloak.

But it wasn’t because it was tied up with a cloak that I wondered.

The boarder of the cloak covered from chest to waist. The top and bottom were shaped differently.

Human upper body. The lower body is. . . a fish.

This is. . .

“Mermaid bamboo roll”

The bamboo roll that Shina is talking about if sometimes called a human sushi roll. Like in anime and manga when a character rolls up another character in a tatami mat, futon, or blanket so that they can’t move.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter and thank you for reading!