Even though it’s called a bamboo roll, it’s rather not, so to be exact, it’s a cloak roll.

“I finally got it. . .”

The mermaid’s bouncy hair is long and translucent light blue.

The eyes staring at me were bright blue.

Her face. . . she’s so beautiful. The bridge of the nose passed straight through the gentle gaze.

Her pretty eyebrows were now sadly lowered.

“It could be a ghost. . .”

The ghost that cries, ‘I want to see you, I want to see you,’ is a mermaid!?

“Finally met. . .”

The state of crying and the words.

The beautiful ghost that the people at the port were talking about must have been a mermaid.

When our eyes met, tears flowed from her blue eyes.

The tears were not normal.

“. . . it’s turned into a pearl.”

When it comes out of her eyes, it’s liquid, and I’m sure it’s tears.

However, when it runs down her cheek and falls from her shin, it turns into a large pearl.

Wow. . . different world. . .

“. . . what is the identity of the pearl?”

“It’s this mermaid, right?”

“That’s right. . .”

The true identity of the pearl is the tears of a mermaid.

No way, the other name of the pearl was just that. . .

“This mermaid was also the one who took Shina-sama out to sea. When I caught her, this island was closer than returning to the harbor, so I came here.”

“So that’s why we’re on this island.”

I nodded to Hurst-san’s explanation.

Even so, Hurst-san who catches mermaids in the sea is amazing. I think the only person who can beat a mermaid at swimming while clothed is Hurst-san. . .


“Um, can I talk to her for a minute?”

“Yes. Then I’ll bring it.”

Saying that, Hurst-san stands up and walks to the beach where the mermaid is.

The mermaid, who was bouncing around, was wrapped in a cloak that held her arms, and was rolled to the side of the bonfire.

As I got closer, the mermaid sits up and stares at me.

And. . .

“Forever. . . forever. . . I wanted to see you.”

Tears spilled out of her clear blue eyes. Then it turned into a pearl and fell onto the beach.

That cry is the same one I heard in my dream earlier.

A voice crying when alone. It was this voice that I heard when I touched the pearl.

“Nice to meet you. What’s your name?”

“My name is Mikariam.”


“Yeah. . .! Mika’s name!”

When I called her name, her tail fin jumped happily.

Then Hurst-san quietly adds words.

“Isn’t this mermaid male in terms of gender?”

“Oh, is that so. Well then, Mikariam-kun, I guess.”

The harbor’s rumors said it was a ‘female ghost’, and now it’s wrapped in a cloak, so I didn’t know.

Does it look like an adult woman? The people at the port might mistakenly think that from only looking at the face.

Hurst-san should have seen the whole body firmly when he caught the mermaid, and he probably had a male body rather than a female body.

“Well, then I have a few questions for Mikariam-kun, is that okay?”

“Yes, Yes!”

“How long have you been here, Mikariam-kun?”

Let’s start with the easy answer.

I expected an answer soon, but Mikariam-kun’s face contorted sadly.

“. . . I don’t know. I was born when I noticed it.”

“You don’t know. . .?”

“Yeah. I was born from a big mother. There was no one else who was the same as Mika. . . . I’ll always be alone.”

“. . . . . yes.”

“Mika, I know I’m different from the others. But . . . I don’t know. I’m different from everyone else. I’m not the same. But I don’t know what I am.”

“I see. . . . .”

“I’ve been sad and missing for a long time.”

That scene must have been the scene I had just heard about in my dream.

. . . . . It was very painful.

The meaning of being born, the meaning of being here, Mikariam-kun has been searching all by himself. . . he can’t find it. . .

“But one day I heard a voice.”


Mikariam-kun’s sad expression changed.

That face looks so happy. . .

“Yeah, I didn’t know where it was coming from. But I heard it.”

“What kind of voice?”

“‘Delicious, delicious,’ said a very happy voice!”

“. . . Huh”

I see. It sounds delicious.

. . . . . Hmm.

“I really wanted to meet you. Mika must meet you.”

Mikariam-kun smiles at me.

“This island is surrounded by different seas, so no humans can come.”

“Ah, it’s true that the color of the sea seen from the port is different. . .”

“I also looked around this island, but the surrounding area was all magic sea. Ordinary people won’t come near it.”

When I move my gaze to the sea at Mikariam-kun’s words, I see colors like a mixture of red and black under the purple sky.

The emerald green sea where I enjoyed swimming would not turn this color even at night.

“Mika has been around this island all this time. I was looking for a voice.”

Mikariam-kun, who left the magic sea to find the owner of the voice.

The closest one was probably the port.

“There was a human on the boat. Maybe I approached him, but he wasn’t there. He’s nowhere to be found. The person Mika has to meet. . . . .That’s why it became sad and it wasn’t there.”

Mikariam-kun, who went by the boat and saw people and cried, ‘I miss you, I miss you,’ must have looked like a ghost.

And the tears shed at that time became pearls.

That is, things that used to only exist in the magic sea now exist where humans can see them. . .

“There are rumors about ghosts. . .”

“. . . Did a poacher find the pearls?”

What happened in this port becomes a line.

“When I noticed it, the human would look for Mika and come after me.”

“. . . Did the poachers figure out that the source of the pearls was the ghost?”

“Mika was scared. I thought I was going to be caught. I was going to the sea of a different color and I was doing it. . . . This strip is safe. I can stay here. But I miss you.”

Despite being chased by poachers, Mikariam-kun decided to leave the magic sea.

. . . . . Because there is someone he really wants to meet.

“Humans came to the sea with different colors. That’s why I decided to have others protect me.”

“What is the other?”

“They’re in the seas that are different colors.”

“. . . Is it a magic fish?”

“That’s what people said.”

“What do you mean by having a magic fish protect you?”

“When I let others eat Mika’s tears, they can go to other seas.”

At Mikariam-kun’s words, I meet Hurst-san’s eyes.

In other words, as expected, it was because of the pearls that the magic fish were able to move out of the magic sea. . .

That pearl wasn’t a coincidence or a food chain, it was given to them by Mikariam-kun. . .!?

“Others listen well to Mika.”

“. . . Can you make the magic fish obey you?”

“I don’t know. Mika just told them that I wanted them to do this, and they did it.”

Hurst-san sighed deeply at Mikariam-kun’s words.

I can see that Hurst-san’s air is getting tense. I’m sure Mikariam-kun is saying something amazing right now.

“Usually, magic fish cannot leave the magic sea. However, if they eat those tears, they can get out of the magic sea. Right?”


“Normally you can’t control the magic fish. But if it’s your instructions, the magic fish will follow them exactly. Is that right?”


Mikariam-kun nodded without worrying about Hurst-san’s intimidating words.

“Umm, what did Mikariam-kun do to the magic fish that came to the wharf?”

That magic fish that I made into tuna and ate deliciously.

Is that Mikariam-kun too?

“I heard ‘delicious’ over and over again. But it was very small. But I knew it was very close. I had to do something about it.”

“I see. . . . .”

“I was waiting for him, but he didn’t come back.”

“Yes. . . . .”

Sorry. . . . I ate it. . .

“That’s why I decided to go up not only in the sea, but on the land as well.”

“It’s those crayfish, isn’t it?”

It was amphibious.

Mikariam-kun is also thinking about it properly and handing out pearls.

“But they didn’t come back.”

“. . . .Yes.”

. . . . . .sorry. . . . I ate it.

Mika has no choice but to go. Humans are scary, so I don’t want to get too close, but Mika is going! I decided.”

. . . . . Because I will eat it.

“Then you really were there! Finally, finally we met!!”

Mikariam-kun bounces his tail fin.

“I heard your voice! I was happy to hear ‘delicious’! I heard it all the time!! Mika wanted to see you!!”

A joyful look.

A dream come true after a long time.

Mikariam-kun cries and laughs.

Looking very happy.

“To meet you, I didn’t have much, I worked hard!”

The magic fish can’t come out of the magic sea.

Overturning such common sense, Mikariam-kun came to meet me, crossing the boundary between the Magic Sea and the Sea.

So I smile softly. . .

“It was me.”

I’m the culprit.

The Reason of the World