Chapter 8: ?7 sauce or disaster star

Quietly lurking above a tall tree, Uchiha Kai quietly opened his writing wheel to observe the surrounding situation.

Aya Hyuga and Ken Imai were already in place too early, and neither of them looked in Kai's direction, which made Kai open up the courage to use his own writing wheel.

Observing the subtle chakra fluctuations in the forest, Uchiha Kai is also thinking about the countermeasures in the future. Although he has made certain arrangements, it is indeed worth thinking about how to implement it.

It was his idea to give up the use of the detonator, because the vibration caused by the use of the detonator would put them in a very disadvantageous position.

Although the tasks received by Kai Uchiha and the others have strong mutual assistance, it does not meet the real purpose of Kai Uchiha and the others who want to survive.

Then, in order to achieve the goal and attract the attention of the enemy, the best way to replace it is naturally fire escape.

It's just that the size and coverage of this fire escape are subject to discussion. If it is too large, it will become a bright light in the dark night, and Uchiha Kai and the others will be in danger.

But if it's too small, it won't be enough to attract enough Iwanin to pay attention to this piece, and it won't be convenient for Uchiha Kai and the others.

But unfortunately, time waits for no one. Just when Kai Uchiha was still thinking about it, this group of Iwanin took a group of Konoha's captives into their ambush circle!

At this time, it was no longer for Uchiha Kaita to think about it. Looking at the rock ninjas who stepped into the ambush circle, Uchiha Kai immediately closed his own writing wheel.

This time, the number of rock ninjas is not too large, a complete team of four, they surrounded the escorted Konoha ninja in a diamond shape.

However, it can be seen that the few rock ninjas walking behind seemed a little nervous, even if the Konoha ninjas they escorted looked miserable, they didn't dare to approach.

On the other hand, the guy at the front didn't seem to be a guy to mess with, which made Uchiha Kaixin feel a little bit concerned.

"Boo! Hah! Hah!"

Po Kong's voice rang immediately when the four Iwanin had just stepped into the ambush circle. Although the incident happened suddenly, the four Iwanin had clearly foreseen it.

After all, this is a battlefield. Although it is close to their rear, it is definitely not a safe place.

The rock ninja standing at the front should be a ninja with rich experience in actual combat. Although it is not clear if it is a joinin, he was very calm and took out the kunai and shot all the kunai. Blocked.

These hardships are not just for Iwa Shinobu, they also cover these Konoha ninjas, Uchiha Kei doesn't need to think about it at all to know that this is probably Hyuga Aya's own assertion.

However, Uchiha didn't blame her either. This kind of test can better observe the attitude of these rock ninjas towards the Konoha ninja behind them, although it may cause some accidental injuries.

But it can also be misleading to a certain extent.

If it was Uchiha Kei who did it, I am afraid Uchiha Kei would also make such a choice. Although it is cruel, it is not bad to be able to mislead the enemy and judge some things at the same time.

As for the remaining three Iwa Shinobi who looked a little nervous, although they were not injured, their formation was completely disrupted.

This time, Aya Hyuga and Ken Imai did not give Uchiha a headache like the last time. They rushed out almost as soon as the formation spread out, and Uchiha knew that he should do it himself. It's time.

With the seals of both hands, Uchiha Kai completed his ninjutsu in less than a second.

"Fire Escape, Dragon Fire Technique!"

Dragon Fire Jutsu is only a C-level ninjutsu, but in order to maximize the power of this ninjutsu, you still need some props - such as some kind of bar or wire, and powerful chakra.

However, Uchiha Kai doesn't care so much. Their target is only the guy who stands on guard, because only this guy feels a little dangerous to Uchiha Kai.

Sure enough, the guy's attention was attracted by the person behind him, but his reaction speed was still very fast, and he jumped up in just one breath to avoid Uchiha Kai's sneak attack.

However, Uchiha Kei did not expect this kind of ninjutsu to kill a ninja. As the most destructive ninjutsu, Huo Dun seems to be more strategic than its actual combat effect.

Anyway, in the original work, Uchiha Kai has never seen a few who use fire to burn the enemy in actual combat, even if he only uses fire to clean up the scene, in other cases he uses fire to attract the attention of the enemy. powerful.

He pulled out Kunai Uchiha Kai and directly attached it with a flashing technique. His speed was very fast, but Iwanin, who had been concentrating all the time, obviously also noticed this situation.


The two kunai collided with each other, causing a slight spark, and a crisp metallic sound!

So fast!

Kei Uchiha sneered in his heart. The speed and strength of this Iwanin are a little scary. If he didn't attack him, he knew what would happen if he fought him head-on.

But ninjas are ninjas who don't sneak attack, UU reading www.uukanshu. com Uchiha Kai does not have the slightest psychological burden.

However, Uchiha Kai didn't have any careless thoughts. The sneak attack was just to take the lead. How to maximize this advantage is what Uchiha Kai deserves to consider.

ding ding ding ......

In an instant, the two figures fought fiercely in the forest!

Uchiha Qi became more and more depressed. Why was he so unlucky this time, how long after he came out, he actually met two Joinin?

But looking back, it seems that his luck in the past was not very good. The first team of Uchiha Kai was attacked by a Jounin and three Chunin.

If it wasn't for his first captain's desperate protection and the fact that Kei Uchiha himself was too dark to let him survive, there might be nothing to him.

After tossing around for a few teams, Uchiha Kei survived every time, but his team basically dissipated.

Kei Uchiha sometimes feels as if he is a disaster, but he feels like he is Shichi-chan - otherwise, it would be impossible for him to run away every time.

Looking at the opponent in front of him, Kai Uchiha knows what his strengths are and what his weaknesses are. If he doesn't turn on the writing wheel, Kai Uchiha may not have the confidence to solve this guy.

But Aya Hyuga and Kenta Imai had already dealt with their enemies and came to support Kei Uchiha. Kei Uchiha knew that his odds of winning had increased.

However, there is one thing that Kei Uchiha is very clear about. These two people probably don't want to support themselves. If there are still six Konoha ninjas watching here, they will definitely choose to turn around and leave.

Although I don't know the details of their specific cover mission, no one is willing to act as a bait, especially behind enemy lines.