Chapter 9: ? Did you guess

"You are all right."

After cutting the ropes on the tightly bound Konoha ninjas who were covered in bruises and wounds, Kai Uchiha did not forget to comfort them while unraveling their illusions.

That rock ninja Junin finally fell under the siege of Uchiha Kei and the three of them. No matter how outstanding his strength was, it would be hard for him to face the siege of three ninjas with at least the title of Chunin.

And these three guys are not fuel-efficient lamps, so after a fight, the Iwa Shinobi finally died in their hands.

"Thank you, **** Iwanin." After the rescued Konoha ninja thanked Uchiha Kai and the others, he didn't forget to curse those Iwanin.

"How is your physical condition?" Uchiha Kicai didn't care about this, he was more concerned about whether these ninjas could still move: "It's not safe here, we have to leave here immediately, and we still have a mission."

"Mission?" The ninja was stunned: "Isn't your mission to rescue us..."

"Rescue you guys is just a matter of convenience. We still have our own tasks. We can help if there is no conflict, and you can also help us a lot."

Uchiha Kei unceremoniously broke this ninja's fantasy.

Rescue them?

What a joke, let's not say that Konoha can't arrange so many people now that the war is so tight.

Even if Kai Uchiha didn't see that they were of sufficient value, he wouldn't necessarily come over.

War times are so cruel, all the things and feelings that seem simple in normal times will appear extravagant here.

Kei Uchiha didn't like this feeling either, but he couldn't help it in this era.

The Konoha ninja was also stunned for a moment, but he soon accepted the words of Uchiha. Obviously, he is also a person who has been fighting on the battlefield. Of course, he understands Uchiha's approach.

Before the White Fang incident, no one was willing to commit this taboo. As a ninja, since there is still value in being used, he is truly valuable.

This Konoha ninja moved his hands and feet. Although he was a little weak, he quickly judged his situation.

"I'm fine. Although I'm a little weak, the other brothers should be fine."

Konoha Ninja looked back at the others and then really said to Uchiha Kei, he wouldn't look down on Uchiha Kei because he was a twelve or thirteen year old kid.

"Very good, Aya-kun please help us open the way, we will leave here immediately." Uchiha Kai nodded and then looked at the Konoha ninja: "My name is Uchiha Kai, the captain of this team, the two of them are Aya Hyuga and Kenta Imai, tell us about your situation."

"Uchiha? Hyuga?" The Konoha ninja froze for a moment, then sighed and said, "My name is Masato Yamanaka, and our troops were scattered, so we were captured. Fortunately, we were not captured. It's been too long, except for being a little hungry, everything is fine."

"I see." Uchiha Ki nodded, this is good news.

Ninjas who have just been captured are generally only tortured by illusion techniques, but such torture is basically impossible to ask why.

So what Iwanin has to do is to **** them up and send them back to the rear, and then subject them to more brutal torture in order to gain information.

Uchiha Qi tilted his head and looked at this guy. Obviously, this guy's name caught his attention, and he was not unfamiliar with the surname Yamanaka.

And there are usually other people with the surname Yamanaka, such as Nara and Akimichi.

It's just that Uchiha Qi looked around and didn't find any guys like pineapple head and fat man, so the only result is that they either died or escaped alive.

Of course, this has nothing to do with Kei Uchiha. Seeing that the flames caused by the fire had slowly boiled away, Kei Uchiha turned around and left here with Masato Yamanaka waiting for the ninja.

Not long after they left, several Iwanin squads appeared at their location.

But unfortunately, neither Uchiha Kai nor Yamanaka Masato they are rookies on the battlefield.

Since they are going to run away, how can they leave so many traces for others to follow? They are not the guys from more than ten years later.

In one Chunin exam, it can be seen that the three generations are unpopular, and at the same time, it can be seen that the quality of Konoha Shimonin is really poor.

With the help of Aya Hyuga, their group of nine avoided a lot of tracking troops, and finally found a cave to hide.

There is nothing wrong with Kai Uchiha and the others, but obviously these Konoha ninjas who have just been rescued can't take it anymore.

Their ability to persevere until now is entirely dependent on their strong desire to survive, and they really need to rest now before they can continue their actions.

"Qi-Jun, can you tell us about your mission?" Masato Yamanaka sat on the ground and chewed jerky that he didn't know how many days it had been sitting on. For them, it was already a delicacy in the world.

"Okay." Uchiha Kai nodded: "Because we need your help, we will save you. Now I will talk about our mission. Our mission is to contain and attract Iwa Ninja's garrison, and then let Po The wind team successfully completed the task. UU reading "

"Decoy mission?" Masato Yamanaka was stunned for a moment, and then he continued to chew his meat expressionlessly: "Is that so, we understand, we will cooperate with you."

"It couldn't be better." Uchiha Ki nodded and glanced at the atmosphere around him. He found that after he said the mission, it was obvious that the cave was a little depressed.

There is no way, who asked Uchiha Kai and the others to take on the task to a certain extent, it is simply a task of courting death, but since such a task exists, it must have its necessity.

Minato Namikaze and the others all know that in their opinion, Minato Namikaze's mission is also dangerous and difficult.

But the good news is that these Konoha ninjas are relatively "simple".

Not to mention anything else, just the fact that they didn't have any refutation after hearing the mission made Kei Uchiha in a good mood.

Even Masato Yamanaka is like this. Thinking about his surname and the relationship between his family and the Hokage of all dynasties, it seems that all this is not so difficult to understand.

In the original book, the three generations of Hokage arranged the new generation of pig deer butterfly in the hands of Sarutobi Asma, thinking that it is not difficult to understand at all.

Make some preparations for future generations. I am afraid that everyone will do more or less. After all, not everyone is the second-generation Hokage.

Uchiha Kai simply chatted with them for a few words and walked out, and he still had to be on guard, in order to avoid any careless ghost leaving any traces and causing them to be discovered.

What Uchiha didn't expect was that both Imai Kenta and Hyuga Aya followed, and Hyuga Aya was even more outspoken like Uchiha and asked a question.

"Have you already guessed what the hurricane team's mission is?"