Chapter 20: ?consciousness

Kakashi as bait?

Uchiha Kai frowned, this is indeed a good idea.

Kakashi's name is very resounding, and Kakashi's strength is not weak, it is not difficult to induce the enemy with his own chakra.

Therefore, he ran as a bait, and after attracting the attention of the Iwanin troops, there must be reinforcements.

In this case, with the help of Aya Hinata, they can quickly choose a breakthrough and insert it into the Kamabashi Bridge before Kakashi is captured or killed to complete the task!

The mortality rate of doing this is really high. It can be said that it is a mission without life!

Uchiha Kai took a serious look at Kakashi, and he suddenly said that he really doesn't seem to be able to compare with Kakashi, because the "power" he has is really not what Uchiha Kai can have.

At first, Uchiha Qi didn't understand what the "quantity" of this world is. This thing was often mentioned in the early days of Hokage, but it was rarely mentioned later, but now Uchiha Qi seems to understand a little bit.

This can be regarded as a kind of spirit, and it can also be regarded as a kind of spirit.

The future four generations of Naruto Naruto Feng Minato can seal the nine-tailed demon fox on his son. With his wisdom, can't he imagine what Naruto might encounter in the future?

Perhaps this is a no-brainer choice - he and his wife Kushina are going to die, and Naruto may be the most suitable physique as a descendant of the Uzumaki family.

Of course, there is another possibility, that is, this is the game he laid out at the end of his life!

This not only left Naruto with a guarantee for his survival, but also laid a foreshadowing for Naruto to sharpen him in the future.

If you look at it this way, Naruto Uzumaki was just a biological son who was born not long ago, and the fourth generation has such scheming and cruelty. It is no wonder that Jirai also said that he is the most powerful one of the Hokage of all dynasties.

Of course, this is a conspiracy theory conjecture, Uchiha Kai came to this world and was accustomed to such a practice, not to mention that Uchiha Itachi's "measurement" is probably the most terrifying, right?

For the sake of Konoha Village, he can cooperate with the ambitious Danzo and Akatsuki, who has no idea whether he is a human or a ghost.

In order to preserve the last bloodline of the family, his younger brother, he can resolutely abandon the family that will inevitably fail in the upcoming coup.

He could even kill all his clansmen including his parents with tears, and bear all the notoriety indifferently and calmly.

In order to motivate his younger brother to become stronger, he can use the cruelest method to continuously strike, stimulate and hurt his favorite younger brother, and personally turn him into a person who is full of hatred in his heart and hates himself even more, and find a murderer for his younger brother. The best reason to open a kaleidoscope by yourself.

In order to let his younger brother grow up quickly, he can sit back and watch his younger brother go to Orochimaru, who wants to take his younger brother's body, and let his younger brother race against the time of death.

He can think of his brother's regret and despair after he found the truth after killing him, but in order to let his brother gain strength, he still bears everything, and he doesn't say a word until his own death.

In order to let his younger brother return to Konoha with honor, he did everything he could to make his death the honor of his younger brother, so as to get the opportunity to return to Konoha.

Even so that everything went according to plan, he could hide the water-stopping kaleidoscope in Naruto Uzumaki without hesitation. As long as Sasuke had his eyes and Naruto looked at each other, he could trigger the other gods!

Because he knew that his younger brother who got the truth might be guided and used by someone with a heart, and he also hid Amaterasu from his younger brother's eyes for real safety.

If it weren't for all the coincidences and Uchiha Obito destroying everything, then it can be said that Itachi's arrangement is perfect.

Although Kei Uchiha hates Itachi as a Uchiha, he also has to admire this guy.

And now Kakashi has also shown a terrifying 'measure'. In order to complete this task, he can completely face his own life and death silently.

Maybe it's for the village, maybe it's for redemption, but this situation really made Uchiha Kei a little shocked.

Uchiha Qi fell silent. He was thinking about the specific feasibility of all this. At this time, Kakashi had already put Namikaze Minato in Uchiha Kai's hands.

"The teacher said that you should use it at the most critical time, because the front line... Then, Lin will leave it to you." Kakashi's voice was so calm that it was silent: "Don't let Lin get hurt, please, Qijun. "

"Kakashi! Don't!" Lin had recovered from the shock of Kakashi's proposal at this time, and she shouted hysterically.

"Sorry, Lin, I also have a task to complete." Kakashi looked at Lin calmly: "I may not be able to protect you, but you must live, this is my last hope."

"I understand, Kakashi-kun." Uchiha Qi took the Kunai away, nodded and said to Kakashi, "I will find a way to protect her, and at the critical moment I will let Naikaze Joinin take her down. taken away."

Perhaps with the promise of Kai Uchiha, Kakashi's eyes narrowed into a crescent, and he left the cave directly.

Aya Hyuga's investigation didn't hide anything, so Kakashi also knew which direction to deploy the least people in. Even if he knew that it was probably a trap, he would have to go there!

Uchiha Qi silently watched Kakashi's leaving back, then looked down at the Kunai in his hand, his eyes became a little blurry.

Kakashi is going to die. If it succeeds, it will be a good thing Although Kai Uchiha likes the role of Kakashi very much, it does not mean that this love will override his life, although he It would be a pity for Kakashi to die, but it's better than his death, isn't it?

It's just that Uchiha Kei always felt something was wrong. Could it be that Iwanobu couldn't think of the solution they could think of?

Or, Iwa Shinobu did it on purpose, and there are more terrible things waiting for them after this?

Thinking of this, Uchiha Qi directly picked up the map and looked at it.

Thanks to Uchiha Kei who was a liberal arts student in his previous life, so he had studied geography so he could understand it, and it didn't take long before Uchiha Kei raised his head.

There is no idea at all. The map is still like a bird. It can be said that it is not simple. For example, many small forks are not clearly marked.

Thinking of this, Uchiha Qi's face sank and he made a decision that made him terrified: "Everyone is ready to go, we will follow Kakashi."

"Follow Kakashi?" Hyuga Aya and Imai Kenta were dumbfounded for a while: "You're crazy! He's going to be the bait, it's his own choice, are you planning to break through from the front?"

"Are you stupid or I'm stupid?" Uchiha Qi looked at Aya Hyuga with a sneer: "We can figure out this way, what about Iwa Shinobi? Don't think Iwa Shinobi's current strategic policy is stupid, that's their wrong estimate. Yun Ren's determination to revenge and Konoha's determination to resist! Deliberately revealing this flaw to let us pass, they must have guessed something, so I have a plan."

"A plan? A plan to die?"

"Do you need me to kill you now? You only have two choices now. One is to be obedient, and the second is to report to your dead clan."