Chapter 21: ?decision making

Kai Uchiha's tone was calm, and he didn't mean to joke at all. Even his eyes had turned red unconsciously, and three gouyu were slightly spinning in his eyes.

Nohara Rin was completely stunned when she saw this scene. She never thought that the same team would actually do such a thing.

What made Hyuga Aya even more incredible was that Hyuga Aya, who seemed to be good to her, actually opened her eyes.

For a while, the scene looked unusually solemn, but Imai Kenta still looked harmless to humans and animals, but his eyes stayed on Nohara Rin dangerously after all.

The affairs of their team are their own affairs, and it is better not to reveal the secrets of their team after all.

Imai Kenta is not for this team, but purely for himself. After all, keeping such a living hole is a hidden danger.

Especially after Aya Hyuga and Keishan Uchiha fought, many things really couldn't end.

However, Kenta Imai thinks that in the end, he should not be able to fight. If this woman, Aya Hyuga, is not crazy.

Sure enough, Hyuga Aya finally held back, and Uchiha Kai, who didn't have a wheel eye, could ignore her.

Although restricted by the rules, Hyuga Aya doesn't think there is any future for a guy who can't use the bloodline limit.

But it's different now. Uchiha Keizhen, who has a writing wheel eye, can be said to make Aya Hyuga reluctant to face it.

Especially at that time, Uchiha Keika dodged Minato Namikaze's deadly raid, and Aya Hyuga didn't think she could do that with her speed.

"Tell me about your plan." Hyuga Aya felt a little aggrieved, but she still took the initiative to close her eyes: "You'd better have a complete plan, rather than take us to death."

"I haven't lived before myself." Uchiha Kai also closed his Sharinyan, the feeling just now really made him feel comfortable: "I've said it before, Iwanin that we want can definitely want, and see On the map, this place with the fewest people is actually a siege, and people from other places can support at full speed after Kakashi enters."

"So what?" Hyuga Aya looked at the map calmly: "Take us and Kakashi to die?"

"But don't forget, once we choose a place to break through, they can support them back, and compared to other places here, it is even more difficult to conquer, we are too few." Uchiha Qi said in a cold voice.

That's right, although Kai Uchiha looked at the map for a long time, he couldn't find any hidden content, but based on the map surface and the information of Aya Hyuga, he could already think of a lot of things.

It's impossible for Iwa Shinobi to be so stupid. Putting so few people in a place where it is relatively easy to break through can be said to be definitely intentional. It can be said that this is a trap, either waiting to make their dumplings, or it is an empty city plan.

Kei Uchiha didn't think he would dare to do such a thing with Iwanin's IQ. To be precise, they did not dare to do it because of the current situation of the war.

The situation there is likely to be a group of powerful ninjas guarding, and then ready to support other places at any time, or waiting for the Konoha ninja who want to raid to pass foolishly and make dumplings in one pot!

Normally, when ninjas see this situation, they may put a bait and raid other places like they do.

But Uchiha Kai decided to give them a hard time, and he will pass from this place!

Although there is a strong taste of gambling, once they succeed in gambling, then it will be a smooth river, and they can even go directly to Kannabi Bridge.

Kei Uchiha doesn't like gambling, but this time Kei Uchiha has a bargaining chip, and Kakashi handed him the kunai of Minato Minato Namikaze before he left, so Kei Uchiha can fully judge by himself when to summon Minato Naikaze.

"Are you worried that they did it on purpose?" Although Kei Uchiha didn't say what he thought, Aya Hyuga and Kenta Imai also seemed to have thought of something.

"I'm not worried, but it's very likely." Uchiha Ki nodded: "So, I decided to take some more extreme methods."

"But we follow this way, aren't we going to die, captain?" Imai Kenta touched his head, but when he saw Uchiha Kai split up a few shadow clones, he immediately knew: "You intend to.... deliberately Let the shadow clone go out?"

"So it is." Hyuga Aya nodded: "Assault ninjas from the enemy's rear have to keep chakra, so they won't use too much consuming ninjutsu. I deliberately let the shadow clone to raid a point, let them immediately return to help, take advantage of This time difference and the paralyzing effect brought about by Kakashi's raid alone are a strong attack, hum..."

Kai Uchiha smiled. Although Kai Uchiha hated these two smart people very much, he had to say that it was much more convenient for smart people to cooperate in tasks.

Looking at Nohara Rin, who hasn't figured out the situation yet, Uchiha Kei shook his head and didn't intend to explain anything. She may be a qualified ninja with enough "power", but she will definitely not be a smart person.

After understanding the situation clearly, Uchiha Kai and the others separated several shadow clones, and then ran in different directions.

And the real bodies of Uchiha Kai and others followed directly behind Kakashi, and it was still a lot of consumption for them to separate out a few chakra-equivalent shadow clones.

It's just that Kai Uchiha can clearly see that Imai Kenta and Hyuga Aya have eaten the ration pills immediately, and then try to maintain their chakra recovery as much as possible during the action.

In fact, even Uchiha Qi himself is like this. He is a 'veteran' on the battlefield. How could he not know what to do?

Although this is a drop in the bucket, even a little chakra recovery is better than no chakra at the critical moment.

Presumably Iwa Shinobu has figured this out, but they didn't expect such a gambler to do such a thing!

Uchiha Qi took the lead after eating the ration pill. He controlled his breathing and footsteps as much as possible, and tried to recover more of his chakra while keeping up with Kakashi.

"I hope I won't be killed by you." Hyuga Aya also followed, not caring about the existence of outsiders and said directly: "I've been on the battlefield for seven years, but I don't want to fall short like this."

"I have also been on the battlefield for six years." Uchiha Qi said flatly: "Imai Kenta has the longest time, eight years, right? If it wasn't for the same belief, we wouldn't be able to get here, and we wouldn't be able to meet. Together. Although I hate you guys because we are a kind of people, but the situation is that we have to cooperate, otherwise no one can go back."

Imai Kenta nodded silently, and at this moment he wasn't showing his trademark smirk.

And Hyuga Aya also nodded after thinking for a while, obviously she agreed with Uchiha Kai's words.

Only the very weak Yuan Yelin couldn't understand the situation at all. She didn't understand what the three were saying, and she couldn't understand what the relationship between the three was.

The night was bleak, and five figures kept walking through the woods one after the other...