Chapter 22: ?trap

Kakashi finally arrived at the area guarded by Iwanin in the second half of the night. He carefully controlled the range of breathing and movements, and hid in the jungle to watch the moves of Iwanin.

Kakashi is very aware of the importance of his mission, and he is also more aware of the consequences of taking the initiative to undertake this mission this time.

Death, it's very scary, but it's not so scary. His best friend Uchiha Obito can face death calmly, why can't he?

Although he had Uchiha Obito's entrustment to protect Rin well, although he had the guidance of his teacher Namifeng Minato, he wanted to see the future with Obito's eyes.

But the guilt in his heart and the appearance of Kei Uchiha made him make some decisions in his heart. Kakashi, who was killed by Iwa Shinobu, naturally wanted revenge.

And Uchiha Kai rescued Kakashi and others at the beginning. Although he said that it was his teacher who finally solved the problem, Kai, who is also a Uchiha clan, gave Kakashi a lot of goodwill and a sense of identity.

Originally it was the same class. Kakashi had a little impression of this person. Although he was not the tail of a crane, he was definitely not a powerful guy.

After entering the battlefield, his performance was mediocre, but he has survived until now, which shows that Uchiha Kai's strength and ability are still there.

The most important thing is that Kai Uchiha has also opened the Sharinyan. There is such a person who protects Linka and Cassie and is willing to believe.

Even for insurance, he handed over the kunai of Naikaze Minato to Kai Uchiha!

With these guarantees, Kakashi believed that as long as he dragged these Iwanin to create opportunities for them, they would definitely be able to get behind the enemy and complete the mission, and Lin would not be hurt.

"Obito, maybe I'll be with you soon."

Kakashi thought silently in his mind, then took a deep breath, he immediately created four shadow clones, and immediately transformed them into dispersal.

These four shadow avatars all shared Kakashi's Chakra equally, although this made Kakashi very uncomfortable, but it can be faked!

But this faint burst of chakra immediately caught the attention of the Iwanin, but Kakashi didn't care too much, his original intention was to attract these Iwanin.

It's just that the speed at which it was discovered was a bit fast, which shows that there are indeed enough masters on Iwanin's side, and it did not exceed Kakashi's expectations.

Soon, Kakashi discovered that there was a rock ninja who was using psychic techniques, which should be passing information.

"Are you using psychics to call for reinforcements?"

Kakashi thought silently in his mind, but the next second Kakashi's face became abnormally pale, and the strong voice of breaking the air echoed in his ears, and the next second Kakashi was directly beaten Pierced!

"It's over, kid!" A voice appeared behind Kakashi at this moment, but there was no one there at all: "Don't worry, others will come to accompany you soon."

This voice sounded a bit cruel, but when the owner of the voice pulled out the kunai that had stabbed Kakashi on Kakashi's body, Kakashi, who had been seriously injured, directly replaced it with a cloud of smoke.

"Not good! Substitute? When?"

The owner of this voice was obviously stunned, but when there was the same sound of breaking the air behind him, he immediately made the most reasonable response-while quickly retreating back, he took out the Kunwu towards the The direction of Kakashi's attack was blocked.

It has to be said that this guy is indeed an experienced ninja, although his block was easily seen by Kakashi using the wheel eye.

But Kakashi's attack didn't give him a fatal blow, because his timely retreat allowed Kakashi to leave a bloodstain on his chest.

"What a **** brat." The owner of the voice slowly emerged, touched the scar on his chest, and looked at Kakashi carefully: "Sharing eye? That's how it is, my camouflage invisibility is caused by it. Did you see through it? It's an unexpected gain, a writing wheel eye."

Kakashi frowned. He never expected to meet such a guy. This familiar feeling made Kakashi a little angry.

At that time, one of Obito's teammates who killed Iwanin, used this kind of ninjutsu.

Kakashi took a deep breath, he clutched his kunai and was ready to attack at any time, but soon his face became a little ugly. Because he has already sensed that all his shadow clones have been resolved!

As these Iwa Shinobi walked out from other directions one by one, a total of four people completely surrounded Kakashi.

Kakashi didn't expect that his shadow avatar didn't even have a chance to hold them back. How terrifying is the strength of these people?

However, Kakashi couldn't think too much. The loss of chakra caused by the use of shadow clones made his chakra, which was not much, less.

Now Kakashi can only think of a way to hold back these people as much as possible, so that they don't have the opportunity to convey information and let the other Iwaninari retreat back.

"Naive little devil." A Yannin suddenly showed a wicked smile: "Do you think we don't know about your ghost tricks? I'm still thinking about who you guys will send as bait, but I didn't expect it to be you, Hatake Kaka. West Kakashi didn't speak, it was better to concentrate on restoring his chakra than talking nonsense.

"It seems that your teammates should go to other places to break through, right? I'm sorry, there were not many people who wanted to support them, and they had received information not long ago and found the whereabouts of several people in another area. "

This Iwanin didn't care about Kakashi's silent attitude, but showed some smiles: "Recovering Chakra? A boring trick, anyway, your fate is already doomed, and your teammates' fate is also doomed."

"Then, let's see what skills you have and what your plans are."

As soon as the words fell, the four Iwanin attacked Kakashi directly, and Kakashi immediately jumped up to avoid the first wave of attacks.

But Kakashi is very confused now, and he never thought that the sacrifices he made were meaningless.

I have to say that Iwa Shinobu's conspiracy made Kakashi have to try. Now Kakashi can still hold these people and try to break out.

In particular, these Iwanin seemed to aim to capture him alive, which gave Kakashi some leeway to fight back.

Otherwise, Kakashi thinks that he really won't be able to last a few rounds, these rock ninjas are really strong.

Chakra is not as badly consumed. Kakashi may be able to deal with them for a while, but now Kakashi can only use the word "try" to describe it.

Taking a deep breath, Kakashi must try everything he can to get his spirits up, but if he really can't sit still...

That can only destroy his left eye before dying! Obito's eyes must not fall into the hands of those who killed him!