Chapter 23: ? unlucky guy

"Kakashi has already acted, but he was found very quickly."

In the forest some distance away from Kakashi, Hyuga Ayama was carefully observing the current situation.

However, while she is observing, she is trying to restore her chakra as much as possible. Restoring something like chakra will have side effects even if it is a pill.

Although Bingliangwan has not recovered much, and its side effects are already relatively small, who knows the truth that a small amount will add up to a lot.

Every time you use a little bit, as long as it takes a long time, you can still accumulate a lot, and the side effects will naturally become prominent in the future.

Not only her, but also Uchiha Kei and Imai Kenta. Since they have time to recover their chakra, they naturally won't choose too many drugs.

Of course, when it's impossible to survive under extreme circumstances, they naturally don't care about any side effects.

Uchiha Kai opened his eyes slightly. Although he has a wheel eye, when it comes to observing things at a distance, he will never be able to compare with these white-eyed monsters in his life.

"What's the situation now?" Uchiha Qi thought for a while and asked, "Do you know how they communicated the information?"

"Spirituality." Hyuga Aya replied quickly: "They rely on psychics to transmit information, and I think we are about to be discovered on the other side."

"Our plan was successful, Captain." Imai Kenta smiled and touched his head: "Since Kakashi is surrounded by Iwa Shinobi, why don't we... Let's go directly?"

"No! This..." As soon as Imai Kenta finished speaking, Nohara Rin couldn't help it, but she was interrupted by Hyuga Aya soon after: "It's totally worth considering, isn't Hatake Kamijin already done? Such a realization?"

"But...but...he is our companion!"

"Don't forget we're on a mission, Nohara Chunin. Do you want Kakashi to watch you go the way his father used to be?"

Looking at the two women who were arguing, Uchiha Kei was also a little irritable. The advice that Hyuga Aya and the others provided were very good, but the question is are the others really stupid?

Don't look at the fact that there are only four people defending here, but if you really swagger over there, you will definitely cause some trouble.

But if he didn't try it, Uchiha Kei would not be reconciled. Just like what Aya Hyuga said, this task is really important.

If Kakashi can really hold everyone back, and they are lucky, then everything will be easy.

Just when she was thinking, Hyuga Aya suddenly shut up, her face looked pale and ugly.

After that, Rin Nohara and Kenta Imai did the same. Although Kei Uchiha didn't feel anything, he probably knew what happened.

Sure enough, some information soon appeared in Kai Uchiha's mind. One of their clone teams failed. Except for Kai Uchiha, who was relieved by himself, everyone else was directly 'killed'.

"It seems that I can't hesitate anymore." Uchiha Qi sighed: "How is Kakashi's situation now?"

"Hmph, it's almost over." Hyuga Aya snorted coldly: "Just when we were arguing! What's going on with this guy? Why is the consumption of chakra so exaggerated? Even if you use a shadow clone, you shouldn't?"

"Shut up, it seems that there is no choice." Uchiha Kai said directly, he would not tell Hyuga Aya that it was because of the writing wheel: "Hurry up, let's support Kakashi, and then... .Break out before other places come."

"Damn it!" Hyuga Aya cursed secretly, but she didn't have any choice.

Kei Uchiha ignored Aya Hyuga's complaint, while Kenta Imai didn't speak up. He probably knew that if he didn't go, he might really be dealt with by his companions.

Taking a deep breath, Kai Uchiha rushed out, and Aya Hyuga and Kenta Imai had to jump out after him.

Nohara Lin was the last to come out. As a medical ninja, she naturally knows her position. The four of them sprinted quickly, and the distance of a few hundred meters was instantly filled by them.

On the way to sprint, Kai Uchiha had already opened his writing wheel. At this moment, Kai Uchiha seemed to feel that everything was slowing down.

This is an indescribable experience. Although Kai Uchiha had this feeling before, he never used it blatantly because he was worried.

But with the 'help' of Minato Namikaze, Kei Uchiha has already got what he wants, so naturally he won't make himself miserable.

The surprise attack by Uchiha Kai and others immediately caught the attention of the rock ninjas, and even Uchiha Kai could clearly see the stunned look on their faces through Sharinyan!

But Uchiha Kai would not give them such time. When there were still dozens of meters away, the chakra in Uchiha Kai's body exploded rapidly.

I saw Uchiha Kai holding Kunai in one hand, and the index finger and **** of the other hand were raised. The next second Uchiha Kai disappeared instantly, and when he appeared once, he was already in front of this Iwanin!

"So fast!"

This Iwanin was originally taken aback by the appearance of Uchiha Kai and others, but at this moment Uchiha Kai's sudden outburst made his face even paler.

Although the other Iwanin had recovered after a brief stupor, it was too late even if they wanted to rescue them.

The Iwa Shinobi who was stared at by Uchiha Kai suddenly showed a mad face, and he actually bumped into Uchiha Kai's Kunai!

It's just that his trick Uchiha Qi has seen through long ago, and now this guy's every move is under Uchiha's attention.

Uchiha Kai suddenly turned slightly, and the Kunai in his hand stabbed directly into the air, completely ignoring the enemy in front of him.

But as his kunai stabbed out, Uchiha Qi immediately left the place with another teleportation technique, and Kakashi also took this opportunity to quickly retreat and run to Uchiha Kai's side.

"You...why are you here." Kakashi asked weakly, "Did you find something."

"Yeah, I did find something." Uchiha Qi looked at the kunai who was stabbed in the air and kept bleeding out, and took a deep breath: "Don't say more, you have the ration pill yourself, eat it quickly. To restore chakra, we have to fight quickly."

While speaking, the Kunai embroidered in mid-air had already highlighted a human figure, the Iwanin who used the secret technique, the camouflage concealment technique.

I have to say that Iwanin who uses these ninjutsu is really unlucky. This secret technique can play a huge role in any battlefield, but he has encountered Kakashi and Uchiha Kai.

Not to mention him, another Iwa Shinobi named Oishi was also dealt with by Uchiha Obito, who had a wheel-sharp eye.

At this moment, Aya Hyuga and Kenta Imai also rushed over.

Kei Uchiha looked at the three Iwanin in front of him with dignified expressions, and took a deep breath: "Nohara Chunin, you take care of Kakashi. Aya-kun, Kenta-kun, let's deal with them."