Chapter 31: ?Civilian Ninja

"How is Kakashi's situation?" Minato Namikaze looked at Kakashi who had already woken up and asked Nohara Rin in a low voice.

In the area behind Iwa Shinobi, which can be said to be the most heart, Uchiha Ki and his party hid in a cave.

Kei Uchiha didn't even know how many caves he hid in after he arrived in the country of grass.

But this time, the situation is obviously not very good, because this is the core abdomen of Iwa Shinobi in the country of grass. It can be said that every hour or even every minute, they are in danger of being caught.

It's just that Kakashi's situation is a bit bad. It's not that Minato Namikaze has not considered bringing Kakashi back to the Konoha position.

But there is no way. Kakashi's situation really can't stand the space shuttle like Flying Thor. If you really want to take him back forcibly, he might die on the way?

No way, Minato Namikaze can only let him receive treatment as soon as possible, even if he is in danger, he can only make such a choice. When he is a little better, he should be brought back to Konoha's position as soon as possible.

Although Kakashi's situation is bad, this kid is indeed a genius who graduated and entered the battlefield at the age of five.

Maybe the terrible things he encountered were really unimaginable, so he almost had a special kind of muscle memory.

In such an extreme situation, he could even make some evasive actions in an instant, while dispatching Chakra to conduct a small-area defense.

Moreover, there is only one Uchiha Kai in the eyes of Loess. Although his attitude towards Kakashi is not good, he also has some thoughts of 'dealing with things'. Under various circumstances, Kakashi saved his life.

"Although it is very bad, I have basically stabilized his condition." As the only medical ninja, Nohara Rin whispered: "But Kakashi must be sent back as soon as possible, I can only stabilize his condition a little bit, if I want to cure it Just send it back."

"I see." Minato Minato Minakaze nodded, "I will send him back, as well as Hinata Chunin."

Compared to Kakashi, Aya Hyuga's situation is much better. Although her hands are broken, it's not a big deal.

Not everyone is as unlucky as Xiao Li, but they actually met a person, Zhuli, who was directly crushed by Gaara to make it so dangerous.

There are too many situations like Aya Hyuga on the battlefield. Many say that it is not uncommon for them to be beaten to pieces by the enemy during normal tasks.

The danger of Hyuga Aya is that she was beaten by the rock ninja named Yuanmu, and her internal organs vibrated. After Nohara Rin's inspection, she found that there was still some bleeding inside.

However, such a situation is really nothing in front of Kakashi, so Rin Nohara just gave her a little treatment before focusing on Kakashi.

Both Aya Hyuga and Kakashi can't count on them, so there are only two people left to carry out this mission: Kei Uchiha and Kenta Imai.

Minato Namikaze sighed, he patted Nohara Rin lightly on the shoulder and walked out.

He wants to continue to observe the situation outside. Kenta Imai is not at ease at all. Even if Kei Uchiha is on guard outside, Kei Uchiha's recovery is not very good.

Yesterday, it can be said that Kai Uchiha basically used up his chakra. Now his state is somewhat unknown, and the situation on the front line is really difficult to replace. Minato Minato even wanted to remove them all.

"How's the situation?" Minato Namika whispered like a ghost when he came to the tree where Kai Uchiha was hiding.

"Very bad." Uchiha Kei shook his head: "Imai Kenta has already dealt with three teams, all of which are chunnin. But if it goes on like this, I'm afraid it won't last here."

Iwanin is not stupid, it is naturally impossible for them not to check whether there are many of them.

Once you find that there are fewer people, you only need to investigate the area that these people patrol and search, and you can determine where Uchiha Kai and the others are hiding.

Namikaze Minato also knew this, so he also frowned and began to think about countermeasures.

It doesn't matter to Uchiha Kai, he is looking at Imai Kenta, who is hiding below. This kid really surprised Uchiha Kai a lot.

Kenta Imai's strength is very strong, and Kei Uchiha knows it, but they basically seldom know the strength of each other.

And now it is basically as if he is not injured, and Imai Kenta, whose chakra recovery is super fast, has become their main attacker, and Uchiha Kei finally has a chance to understand the strength of this guy.

Very strong, really strong, his swordsmanship is very sharp and terrifying, with his perception, I am afraid that the effect of a sneak attack will not be much worse than that of Uchiha Kai who uses the telekinesis technique.

However, this guy's shortcomings are also obvious. Although his swordsmanship is powerful, he has a large amount of chakra and a good speed, but he seems to have a little bit of ninjutsu.

It's normal to think about it, Kenta Imai belongs to that kind of civilian ninja, one of the most common civilian ninjas.

Not everyone is Minato Namikaze. In addition to his terrifying talent, Minato Namikaze is also very lucky.

If it wasn't for a guy like Jiraiya as his teacher, the possibility of him wanting to make a fortune might be very small, not to mention mastering the art of flying thunder gods.

Of course, strictly speaking, it is also an example of good luck.

Originally, he made up the numbers and used it as an example of the achievements of the three generations of Hokage's 'equal treatment'. At the same time, he implicitly served as the 'team's self-confidence charging treasure'.

Although the ninja world has been talking about topics such as "love, mutual understanding between people", but in fact these are all political considerations based on the current situation.

The only ones who really believe in this are Jiraiya, Minato Namikaze, and the future Naruto Uzumaki, right?

The big family and a few people hold the right to speak In peacetime they hope that all 'mutual understanding' and 'love' can be achieved naturally, but in wartime they will not mention these illusory things at all. thing.

In the same way, the big family and these few people also have enough resources.

In fact, even in Naruto's time, the big family and a few people still held the 'core rights'.

Look at the class Naruto and the others graduated from. Looking at the class above, how many of the so-called Twelve Heroes came from commoners?

How many are their guides, Joinin?

Mike Kay is considered an outlier, so there is a commoner like him in his class, the others are descendants of a wealthy family, and a Hinata clan.

And Naruto is even more so this time around. Naruto has already gotten rid of the "civilian ninja" in the strict sense. Even if he is not the son of the fourth generation, he is still a man.

The only Haruno Sakura, but she also has a special identity: Uzumaki Naruto likes her, and she likes Uchiha Sasuke, she is sandwiched between the two, and she can build a special communication bridge between Uzumaki Naruto and Uchiha Sasuke.

And one class of graduates can't be that small. Where did the other graduates go?

Those guys may also have leading teachers, but it's hard to say whether it will be a Joinin.

And they will not receive meticulous guidance like those children who have been focused on training. The task of these ninjas is to make the new graduates get familiar with the ninja's way of life more quickly, know the various work processes, and then they will not Take care of them.

There are not enough teaching resources, and there is no proper leader, the civilian ninja is just like that.

Just as Uchiha Kiyo was pondering, Imai Kenta suddenly pulled out his short knife and rushed towards a place...