Chapter 32: ? Completely changed Kamubi Bridge quest

"I can't stay here any longer, Iwanin may react soon."

Imai Kenta hid the bodies of the three Iwanin in the bushes, and then said to Uchiha Kai and Namikaze Minato.

Just now, Imai Kenta suddenly felt that another team was coming towards them, and the target was directly at the cave where they were, so Imai Kenta directly chose to attack.

The existence of the super-powerful Namikaze Minato behind him gave him a great sense of security, so he would be as proactive as possible.

Imai Kenta's swordsmanship is very powerful, and he easily killed the leader of the ninja with a sneak attack in just one encounter.

Then when the remaining three Iwanin were going to disperse and escape back to pass on the information, he almost killed two of them in one shot.

As for the last one, Namikaze Minato was caught up, and it was easily solved.

It can be said that this time is the easiest one. After all, there is Namikaze Minato. This level is really not difficult for them.

"It's really time to go, we've rested for almost seven hours."

Namikaze Minato looked at the sky and said, "But I have to say, you have done more than everyone imagined. Especially you, it can be said that it is because of you that the battle situation has become so clear. But our mission is still It's not over, so we have to keep going."

Kei Uchiha and Kenta Imai both nodded. Although they both wanted to shake their heads, they still wouldn't do such a stupid thing.

After all, I still have to hang out in Konoha. If I really offend the monitor of Konoha's ninja class and Jiraiya's apprentice, it's really not worth it.

Last night, they already knew what the current situation on the front line was, and also knew what their current situation was like.

Although the situation on the front line seems to be relatively clear now, with the continuous support of the rest of the troops from other front lines - especially Jiraiya's arrival on the front line, the ninjas participating in the front line seem to have the backbone.

Although it's a pity that Orochimaru returned to Konoha to rest, but Jiraiya is enough, not to mention they still have Namikaze Minato!

To be honest, Namikaze Minato's deterrent power on the front line is actually much greater than Jirai's!

Because in a certain battle, he instantly killed more than fifty Iwanin in a very short period of time. This battle can be said to have endured a huge blow.

In total, they sent thousands of ninjas, and they were killed by one guy in an instant, fifty of them were killed.

The reason why Namifeng Minato came late was because he had just cooperated with the Konoha ninja to sneak a wave of Iwanin, and when he noticed Uchiha Kai's rescue, he couldn't get out of it at all.

It took several minutes to end the battle quickly, so he came late.

However, it is precisely because of this battle that Iwanin has no entanglement in the frontal battlefield. The deterrent power of Minato Namifeng is too great.

With Jiraiya's presence and the beautiful performance of Minato Namikaze, Iwanin no longer dared to act rashly on the frontal battlefield, and there is one more thing that their morale has been frustrated.

That was the decision Uchiha Kai made temporarily—he saved a lot of Konoha prisoners of war!

Although some of these prisoners of war wanted to return to the Konoha position, they were suppressed by Yamanaka Masato's Jōnin, and they cooperated with each other after learning about Uchiha Kai's mission, which really caused chaos behind Iwanin.

Facts have proved that they did a good job. Although I don't know how many people are left, the chaos they caused behind Iwanin has affected the frontal battlefield.

Encountering a terrifying powerful enemy at the front, and being messed up by a group of Konoha ninjas at the rear, every ninja who sends supplies or is sent to the front line has to worry about being attacked.

Under such a double blow, Iwanin started to retreat continuously. It is completely conceivable that it will not take long before a full victory in the frontal battlefield will come, and even Konoha can wipe out these Iwanin!

It's just that Konoha doesn't agree with Konoha's interests. What Konoha needs is a living Iwa Shinobi, not a bunch of corpses!

Before the official start of the war between Yannin and Yunnin, it is necessary to blow up the Kamubi Bridge, completely end the war of Yannin on the battlefield of the country of grass, and use these 'lonely ghosts' as political chips to exchange interests is the top priority .

It is conceivable that the pressure on Uchiha Kai and the others is really great, especially since these rock ninjas are constantly retreating, and even some rock ninja troops are beginning to move towards the Kamubi Bridge. One can imagine how much such an environment is. danger.

They are now in a race against time. If they can't complete the task in time, let's not talk about whether they have a way back to go back.

Trials, prisons, and even death sentences are normal. If you are a little lucky, Konoha shows her generosity and doesn't blame them. I'm afraid they won't be able to escape the pressure of public opinion.

Konoha Baiya's past is vivid in his mind, and one can imagine how unlucky Uchiha Kai and the others are now.

"You guys continue to be vigilant." Minato Namikaze continued, "I'll send Kakashi and Aya Hyuga back, and I'll follow you on the next mission."

"You will follow us after that?"

This news instantly cheered Uchiha Ki and Imai Kenta's spirits This can be considered as good news!

However, neither of the two old silver coins showed much emotion, although the two of them were happy to death.

Finally, a strong guy saved their lives, but acting too much would affect some of Namikaze Minato's senses.

There is Minato Nami to carry out the mission. Isn't that why they are willing to join the Nami Squad?

However, after thinking about it for a while, Kei Uchiha asked tentatively, "Would you like to send the Nohara Chunin back together? I'm afraid the battle after that..."

Although Rin Nohara is also an old man on the battlefield, she has always been under the protection of Kakashi, Obito and Minato Namikaze.

But I can't blame her for that, as a medical ninja she's already pretty good.

Just like not everyone is Minato Namikaze, not every medical ninja can become Tsunade, although they have always regarded Tsunade as their goal and role model.

Namikaze Minato frowned upon hearing Uchiha Kai's words, then he nodded.

Indeed, the severity of the next battle is really unknown, and Nohara Rin is likely to become a dragging character.

And she and Uchiha Kai are completely unfamiliar with them, and forcing them together may cause some unnecessary trouble.

If it's a normal mission, it doesn't matter, but this mission, Namifeng Minato, can't afford to gamble!

Unconsciously, the entire Kannabi Bridge mission was completely moved by Uchiha Kai.

Even the person who carried out the mission has directly become the guy in the original book who didn't appear at all!

"I just don't know who the 'hero who writes the wheel eye' in the mouths of the next three generations will become. Or, the three heroes of the wheel eye?"