Chapter 34: ?Set off

"This is... Chidori?"

Uchiha Kei kept jumping on the tree while looking at the so-called Kakashi gift in his hand.

It is normal for ninjas to look at things while exercising, because sometimes you have to look at information while acting, and it is naturally impossible for Uchiha Kai to do these things after being on the battlefield for so long.

But what Uchiha didn't expect was that Kakashi actually handed Chidori to him, which made Uchiha not know what to say.

Uchiha Kai does lack some decisive ninjutsu, the kind of ninjutsu that can forcibly break through the enemy's defenses.

His kaleidoscope ability is very strong, really strong, although the consumption is also terrible, but this thing really has the effect of determining the battle.

Unfortunately, to a certain extent, this ability can only be regarded as an auxiliary ability at this stage.

And this ability is still a 'non-renewable resource', Uchiha Qi can't dare to fool himself.

That's why Uchiha Kicai picked up a knife from Iwanin's body. Although the material of the knife is similar to that of Kunai, Uchiha Ki is still willing to believe in the knife in terms of sharpness.

There is also another important reason, that is, the sword is much better than Kuwu!

In the past, Sharonyan used it secretly, so he could only choose Kuwupai to play it, so the chance of exposure was relatively small.

And now that Uchiha Kai has dared to use a common writing wheel, he naturally has to ensure that he is more secure.

It's just that Uchiha Kai just decided to use swordsmanship, and Kakashi turned his head and gave him the scroll of his own practice of Chidori, which made Uchiha Kai a little embarrassed.

Wouldn't it be better if you took it out earlier?

Now Uchiha Qi doesn't seem to have the time to learn this ninjutsu. Uchiha Qi knows that I am afraid that Kakashi means to let him learn in the future. In short, let him go back alive.

This is a good blessing, but with the toys, how could Kai Uchiha not be moved?

Taking a deep breath, Kai Uchiha's rationality still suppressed those unrealistic thoughts.

Silently put away the scroll, Uchiha Qi raised his head and looked at Minato Namikaze: "Thank you Kakashi for me..."

"You should thank him yourself." Minato Minato Minato shook his head, "I have some confidence, no matter what the result is, I will take you back."

Hearing this, Kai Uchiha was completely relieved. What he had been waiting for was this guarantee!

Imai Kenta also raised his brows, but he didn't say a word, instead showing that kind of harmless smile once again.

Why did you follow Namikaze Minato?

Besides he is really super strong, there is also the fact that he can bring Uchiha Kai and the others back to the Konoha position!

At first, Kei Uchiha was a little envious of Aya Hyuga, but now Kei Uchiha doesn't think about that woman anymore, maybe he can go back with some honors.

Although Uchiha Kei has always regarded honor as the most useless thing, because he just wants to survive, he has done a lot of outrageous things.

But when life is safe, Uchiha Kai can also consider some of these things, which is for the future.

If Uchiha Kei really becomes the only 'Sharingan Hero', then Uchiha's position in Konoha will naturally increase implicitly, even the 'Three Sharingan Heroes' will not be bad!

Of course, the corresponding Uchiha Kai will also receive more attention from Konoha executives.

But what about that?

At that time, the three generations were taking the blame and resigning, and they had to worry about Orochimaru.

Danzo has to seize this opportunity to realize his Hokage dream. This is a blank period. Even if some people pay attention to Uchiha Kai, it will not be too strong.

By the time they're done, Uchiha Kei may have already studied his kaleidoscope.

Although the fourth generation accepted Jiraiya's belief, and his disciples include members of the Uchiha clan, it is a pity that he died too early.

Moreover, the fourth generation who had just ascended the throne did not have the opportunity to consolidate their rights, otherwise, Orochimaru would not have bluntly said that the fourth generation was the puppet of the third generation.

If there is no nine-tail incident, maybe the Uchiha family will go in a different direction in the future, or if the four generations of the nine-tail incident don't go wrong...

While Kei Uchiha was thinking about these messes, Minato Minato Namikaze suddenly raised his hand to signal them to stop.

Uchiha Kai immediately became alert, but he shouted in his heart that he was careless.

Standing by the strong side does have a sense of security, otherwise, Uchiha Kai wouldn't have so many distracting thoughts in his mind, so he concentrated his energy and opened his writing wheel.

Kai Uchiha's chakra recovery is normal, but he also has a certain fighting power.

"There are a lot of targets ahead." Minato Namikaze put one hand on the ground to perceive it for a while before whispering: "Most of the chakra strength is average, but there are also a few good chakra strength, not sure whether it is a shadow clone or a real person."

"It seems that we are not far from our target." Uchiha Qi took out the map and glanced at it: "Captain Wave Wind Do you have any information on our opponent?"

"Sorry, I don't know, and call me Minato." Minato Namifeng shook his head: "We may be the first and only group of Konoha ninjas to enter here, we can only see the demolition now. Recruited."

"I understand." Uchiha Qi took a deep breath, and he slowly pulled out the ninja sword buckled at his waist: "If this is the case, then let's fight as soon as possible. Kenta and I will clean the surrounding ninjas, and leave the rest to Minato. Captain, how are you?"

Namikaze Minato nodded. Although Kei Uchiha's actions seemed a little overstepped, he didn't care.

What's more, this is also the plan he thought, those guys with good chakra strength may also be some jounin.

Although Namikaze Minato is humble, his strength has indeed reached the point where he can easily deal with a lot of jounin.

And those guys with average chakra strength would be better off to the Uchiha Kai squad. The two of them are old teammates, and it's absolutely no problem to work together.

Namikaze Minato would never know that he was actually thinking wrong, he took out his kunai and took a deep breath.

The next moment, the terrifying teleportation technique was shown, but in an instant he disappeared in front of Kai Uchiha and the two of them.

Kei Uchiha and Kenta Imai looked at each other, and the two of them quickly followed. Now they are very close to completing the mission, and what they have to do now is to speed up the end of this mission!

"Your left, my right?" After Naikaze Minato left completely, Uchiha Qi tilted his head and took the initiative to bring it up.

"Well, you are the captain and you call the shots." Imai Kenta smiled and nodded without refusing.

"Then, let's go."

"Okay, Captain."