Chapter 35: ?Proficient sneak attack skills

A telekinesis technique instantly appeared behind a rock ninja. Taking advantage of the perfect opportunity for the opponent to react in a hurry, the ninja sword in Uchiha Ki's hand pierced his heart from behind.

Uchiha Kai didn't stop there. After dealing with this Iwanin, Uchiha opened his distance again and attacked the other Iwanin in the squad.

Thirty seconds later, in the woods, the opponent's remaining three Iwanin were also sent by Uchiha Kai to reunite with their captain.

These Iwanin and Namikaze Minato said the same, their chakra strength is really average, and their strength performance is the same in the absence of special blood.

Uchiha Qi took a deep breath. He had already dealt with at least four such teams along the way. With Sharonyan and his superb telekinesis, these rock ninjas really had no ability to resist.

As for Imai Kenta and Namikaze Minato, Uchiha Kei is not very clear, because they fought separately, so they don't know each other's situation at all.

However, Uchiha Kei knew roughly where they were going, which made Uchiha Kei not worried that he would get lost.

"But there seems to be a lot of rock ninjas here, and why are these guys in the rear?"

Uchiha Kei didn't even look at Iwa Shinobu, who fell to the ground without closing his eyes, so he continued to look for the next target while thinking.

The qualities of these rock ninjas really make Uchiha Kai feel very ordinary. Most of them are Chunin and even some guys look the same as Genin.

But soon Uchiha Kai seemed to know why, that is, Iwa Shinobu, who stayed in the country of grass, was really at his limit!

The land of the land killed the three generations of Raikage himself, and the result was Yun Ren's crazy counterattack.

The group of Yun Ninjas are now biting Iwanin like a mad dog. I am afraid that Iwanin has already shifted its strategic center from 'offensive' to 'defense'.

Of course, the defense of the country requires elites, and Iwanin also underestimated Konoha's toughness, although they sent a thousand ninja army to fight, and they continued to send fighters after that.

It's just that the personnel they sent are really not enough to watch. Maybe they can deter Konoha on the frontal battlefield, but once they are raided behind the enemy, it's really not enough to watch.

Coupled with the previous operation of Uchiha Kai, it is very likely that most of the powerful garrison troops have been pulled out. If this is the case...

After thinking about these Uchiha Kai, he is also a little happy. If the absolute part of what they are facing now is this level of Iwanin, then it really isn't a near-death situation!

Sure enough, following Namikaze Minato was a correct decision, although he almost got killed by loess because of this mission.

But at least he avoided being cannon fodder, and let others be his cannon fodder instead.

Moreover, through this mission, he could have a good relationship with Minato Namikaze, and get his protection behind the enemy, and finally encountered such a situation.

"But you still have to be careful. Defending the most central area of ​​the bridge will never let such guys guard it."

Uchiha Qi didn't dare to be careless. Being cautious and adding some luck is the key to surviving on the battlefield.

Continuing to move forward silently, Uchiha Kai could even see the huge earth escape ninjutsu appearing dozens of meters away from him.

It seems that Namikaze Minato also encountered some slightly more difficult enemies this time, but those Tudun Ninjutsu didn't last for a minute before they fell apart.

However, none of this has much to do with Kai Uchiha. The enemies of Kai Uchiha are not those tough guys, but those who are quite large but relatively easy to deal with.

Taking advantage of the complexity of the jungle terrain, Uchiha Kai quickly locked some Iwanin.

This time, these rock ninjas are smarter. There are eight of them. Obviously, the two teams noticed that something was wrong and started to gather.

But that's fine. The provincial Uchiha Qi went to find them one by one. Uchiha Qi felt his current chakra. He was not optimistic, but he could continue to fight.

Taijutsu is definitely a fighting method that consumes the least chakra, and he can completely use all his chakra to maintain his own chakra.

Following the cover of the dense jungle in the Country of Grass, Uchiha Kei quietly approached the target, and soon he arrived less than 20 meters away from these rock ninjas, which still seemed to be undecided.

This made Kei Uchiha sigh with emotion. These guys are either setting traps, or they are really inexperienced.

No matter which type it is, they are all prey to Uchiha Kai, and Uchiha Kai, who is already very skilled in sneak attacks, is not stingy with his chakra at this moment.

"Fire escape, Phoenix Immortal Fire Technique!"

Like the seeds of the original fairy flower that flew out at the touch of a button, the flames that spewed out of Uchiha's mouth spread out in all directions, hitting these Iwanin!

The flames are controlled by Chakra, and it is not easy to avoid them all, but Uchiha Kai did not waste Chakra to control these flames.

The moment he finished the fire escape, he had already rushed out, the scarlet eyes reflected the shadows of these rock ninjas, as if they were already dead.

Iwanin, who was suddenly attacked, immediately dispersed. Although they had some psychological preparations, the directions of their dispersion were particularly scattered.

The shortcomings of inexperience and inability to cooperate immediately surfaced in Uchiha's mind. Uchiha didn't take these too seriously. Although his team was not inexperienced, there was absolutely no cooperation at all!

Ninja pulled out of the sheath, and a stream of light flashed.

A rock ninja didn't have any time to react at all, and was killed by Uchiha Kai, even if he was already on guard, but his vigilance was full of loopholes in Uchiha's eyes!

"Enemy attack!"

Killing one Iwanin with one blow immediately caused panic among the other Iwanin. One of them shouted immediately after dodging Fengxianhuo's attack, but what he ushered in was not the rescue of his teammates, but Uchiha Kai's. Ninja knife!

With the help of Sharinyan, Uchiha Qi came directly behind this rock ninja, and this rock ninja felt the pressure from behind him.

It's just that when he made the fastest evasive action in his life, Kai Uchiha's ninja sword still stabbed into his heart with a strange arc!

Pulling the knife, a standard evasive action, Uchiha Kai dodged the attacks of Iwanin who had reacted.

However, Uchiha Kai didn't plan to continue to hide. After using several telekinesis techniques in a row, Uchiha Kai felt uncomfortable. Eight Iwashin Uchiha Qi specially picked two relatively powerful guys to do it.

As for the remaining six Uchiha Kai, he doesn't plan to use other powers, and the combination of Sharinyan and Taishu is enough to solve them!