Chapter 36: ?Clearance

Through the extreme dynamic vision of Sharinyan, Uchiha Qi dexterously avoided the last Iwanin's desperate attack, and then Uchiha ended this guy's life.

With a sigh, looking at the figure of the eight figures lying motionless on the ground, Kai Uchiha's heart was still slightly fluctuated.

Especially the smell of blood spreading in this area made Uchiha Kai feel sick, but Uchiha Kai didn't have any sympathy for these Iwanin.

In the center of the war, either you die or I die, Uchiha has been silent for a long time, although he is not a psychopath and will not make fun of it, but he absolutely likes this feeling.

"Life is too fragile, so you can be relieved." Uchiha Ki murmured to himself, then sighed and took out another ration pill.

This was already the third pill he took within 24 hours. Although Kai Uchiha was unwilling, he had no choice.

Fortunately, this military pill has some side effects, but its side effects are as small as its effects, and there is nothing left. Uchiha Kai will never be picky now.

Inserting the ninja sword into the scabbard, Uchiha Kei didn't look at the dead Iwanin, turned around and ran towards Imai Kenta's position.

The battle of Namikaze Minato should be over soon, and he might even have already started to help Kai Uchiha and the others to clean up these ordinary Iwanin.

Imai Kenta's situation is somewhat unknown. Although Uchiha Qi doesn't care about Imai Kenta's life or death at all, one more person at this time can be regarded as more power.

In particular, Imai Kenta's recovery ability is very strong. His state is the best of the two of them. Uchiha Kei feels that he really needs this guy's strength.

Running about 500 meters to his left, Uchiha Kai began to notice corpses on the ground. After a little inspection, Uchiha Kai found that these corpses had one thing in common.

Similar to the Iwanin that he killed, they all had fatal stab wounds.

But unlike Uchiha Kai, almost every rock ninja was killed by a single blow, and the appearance of these corpses was different.

Some of them were killed by a single knife, but they were seen as sneak attacks, while others were mortally wounded after a battle.

Following these corpses, Uchiha Kei tracked them all the way, and it was a coincidence that he found that Imai Kenta suddenly appeared from behind a big tree and rushed straight towards a few Iwaninu not far away.

His speed was like a stream of light, but in an instant he had already come to the face of the rock ninja, and the thunderbolt instantly opened up no reflection space for the rock ninja at all.

That Iwanin didn't even have time to pick it up, so he said goodbye to this world completely.

"Be careful!" At this time, the other Iwanin's reminders sounded.

It's a pity that Imai Kenta didn't stop at all after the blow. This time, the ninja slashed and killed the Iwa Shinobi who reminded him aloud.

Killing two Iwanin at one time immediately woke them up. They immediately took out their weapons and began to guard against Imai Kenta, and Imai Kenta also temporarily stopped at this moment.

Kei Uchiha watched this scene, and it was obvious that a sneak attack was already impossible, and the next thing was Kenta Imai and the two Iwanin.

"You're lucky, I really didn't expect that since I took this mission, I'm still addicted to saving people."

Kei Uchiha laughed at himself. Since he entered the battlefield, Kei Uchiha has been an extremely selfish guy. He has never killed his teammates, which is considered a great kindness.

Of course, Uchiha Kei really did ask his teammates to block Ninjutsu for him. That time, Uchiha Kei didn't have a choice when he was almost certain to die.

As for saving people, Uchiha Kai has been forced to do nothing until now because of this **** mission.

I'm afraid Konoha Ninja will never believe that Kei Uchiha, who saved so many prisoners from behind the enemy, is actually such a guy, right?

Thinking of this, Uchiha Kei threw two kunai directly, facing Imai Kenta just like a frightened bird facing the enemy, Iwanin, without even looking at the four kunai and let go of his kunai.

Just now, Imai Kenta's sneak attack obviously cast a shadow on the opponent, and suddenly another guy appeared and they had to deal with it in a hurry. Obviously, they were afraid that Kuranosuke had attacked again when they were not paying attention.

But what they never expected was that the guy they were going to face was someone who was better at sneak attack than Kenta Imai!

Taking advantage of the moment when Iwa Shinobi was throwing Kunai, Uchiha Kai suddenly burst into flames, even if he didn't use the Shunjutsu, his speed was definitely not slow!

When Uchiha Kai's kunai and Iwanin's kunai collided in the air, Uchiha Kai had already come to this Iwanin side.

This Iwanin is not a fool either, he waved the kunai in his hand almost subconsciously, but his speed is not only slow in the face of Sharinyan, and even the trajectory of his attack is clearly seen by Uchiha Kai!


A scream came through, and the voice was a little distorted. This Iwanin was killed by Uchiha Kai!

This terrifying scene deeply stimulated the last Iwanin. Although it was slight, Uchiha Kai could clearly see it His hand holding Kunai had already started to tremble.

Kei Uchiha shook his head silently. He didn't need to read more about his end, because Kenta Imai also came behind this guy when Uchiha started the attack.

"Thank you for your rescue, Captain." Imai Kenta shook off the blood on the knife, with a harmless smile on his face that looked extremely sincere.

It's just that he looks really weird in this place that exudes a strong **** smell, like an Asura field.

"Of course I want to rescue you, otherwise who will block the ninjutsu for me?" Uchiha Kei also put away the knife: "Have it been cleaned up?"

"Basically." Imai Kenta didn't pay attention to what Kei Uchiha said, he still smiled sincerely: "Except I don't know how much Namikaze Joinin helped us solve, but I think it should be similar."

Obviously, this guy also noticed the movement that Minato Namikaze made before. Obviously, he should have dealt with the enemy.

And he solved his enemy but he hasn't appeared yet, so there is only one explanation - he went to solve some Iwanin that Uchiha Kai and the others were too late to deal with.

Even Namikaze Minato might have run to the front to check the situation with his excellent speed and flying thunder **** technique.

Uchiha Kei nodded, and suddenly he turned his head to look behind him, not knowing when Naikaze Minato was already standing there like a ghost!

The Flying Thunder God's Jutsu is indeed one of the most terrifying and bizarre ninjutsu in the Naruto world. This kind of ninjutsu is used for assassination and sneak attack.

"Ki-kun, I have found the target." Minato Namikaze didn't mean any nonsense at all: "But I'm afraid it's going to be troublesome..."