Chapter 37: ?Last line of defense


Kai Uchiha frowned, something that could be called trouble at the entrance of Namikaze, I'm afraid it would really be a big trouble.

The strength of Namikaze Minato is placed there. The height he is at determines his vision. It is conceivable how troublesome the enemy will be this time.

Uchiha Qi swallowed. Could it be that the guy loess has successfully returned to the defense?

No, if it's loess, I'm afraid it won't be a problem in front of Namikaze Minato, could it be the three generations of soil shadows?

It is also impossible. The three generations of Tuying have to defend the surprise attack of the country of clouds, so it is impossible for him to come to the country of grass.

So what kind of guy would make Minato Namikaze feel trouble?

Uchiha Kai racked his brains and couldn't figure it out. He could only look at Minato Namikaze, hoping he could tell himself an answer.

"The specific number of the last defensive team is unknown, but I observed two people." Minato Namikaze didn't sell anything, he said in a deep voice: "But neither of these two is simple, one is hunting, the other. Han."

Hearing these two names, Imai Kenta was okay, because he didn't know who these two people were.

On the other hand, Kei Uchiha's face was not very good. Kei Uchiha couldn't remember who the guy named Hunter was, but he really remembered the guy named Han!

If there is no accident, this guy is the man of the five tails, although the plot is not very much, and he was swept away by Akatsuki at the beginning.

But this guy's strength is definitely not a simple thing. Kai Uchiha remembers that this guy can kick Naruto in the nine-tailed chakra mode with one kick.

Uchiha Kai didn't dare to think about the level of chakra and explosiveness of this intensity, but he couldn't understand why this guy appeared here.

Now the form of the land of the earth is already like this, and the three generations of earth shadows also brought down the five-tailed man Zhuli to the land of grass. It can only be said that the ambitions of the three generations of earth shadows are really big.

As for the unknown person, this answer is too vague.

If you are lucky, there will be fewer people. If you are unlucky, you will be really unlucky.

Kei Uchiha and Kenta Imai looked at each other, both of them knew that it was the last moment, they were not as lucky as Aya Hyuga, but they also had opportunities that Aya Hyuga didn't have.

Although this opportunity may have no practical value in their eyes, but they have come this far, they can only bite the bullet.

"I'll go deal with the hunter." Uchiha Qi thought for a while and said, "Kentai-kun went to set up the detonating talisman under the bridge, and I will give you all my detonating talisman. It's a pity, if Hyuga Aya is still there... ."

"I'll deal with Han." Minato Namikaze didn't care about Aya Hyuga, and then he looked at Kenta Imai: "Kenta-kun, you go and place the detonating talisman, but you have to be careful, if you go under the bridge If there are too many enemies, try to hold back as much as possible, and wait for my support from Qijun, understand?"

"Yes." Kenta Imai nodded, and he accepted the task honestly.

Although this mission is indeed too uncertain, Imai Kenta knows that this is definitely better than letting him deal with the five tails and the guy named Kari.

One is not a dimension that he can deal with at all, and the other is a guy who has no information at all—it is not necessarily that he has no information, but it is not easy to be together with the five-tailed person Zhuri.

If there is no one under the bridge, Kenta Imai can be considered the safest, but he also knows that this kind of thing is absolutely impossible.

"Ki-kun, Kentai-kun, take this thing for you." At this moment, Minato Namikaze seemed to remember something, took out two pills from the ninja bag and gave them to Uchiha Kai.

"This is a drug developed by Qiu Dao's family. Its chakra recovery speed is very good, and the side effects are very small, but you may feel abnormal fatigue after the time is over."

Kei Uchiha nodded, took the yellow pill and swallowed it, while Kenta Imai shook his head and rejected it.

Imai Kenta's chakra recovers very quickly, God knows what happened to his physical fitness, but Uchiha Kai is different.

Since the battle with the loess until now, Uchiha Kei has not really recovered, even if he has already eaten the military ration pills, the effect is very mediocre.

Now has come to the most critical time, it may be that he has taken it so many times, and Uchiha Kai doesn't care about taking a medicine from Qiu Dao's family.

Qiu Daoist's medicine, Uchiha Kai, still has a little impression, as long as you don't take the red medicine.

None of the medicines Minato Minato took out were red, which made Qi Uchiha feel a lot more at ease. He soon felt that his chakra had recovered at an unimaginable speed.

"Now I'll talk about the situation of Hunter." Seeing Uchiha Qi begin to recover, Minato Namifeng nodded and said, "Kari is a member of the demolition team. I heard that he also has the limit of blood, although he is very young. Strength cannot be underestimated.”

"Is it the Xueji boundary?" Uchiha Ki nodded: "It seems that I have picked a suitable opponent, and the Xueji boundary really needs the Xueji boundary to deal with."

Iwanin's demolition team Kei Uchiha still knows that the future kid named Deidara seems to be subordinate to this team before he defected.

However, Deidara's luck is much better than others. He is the companion of the next four generations of Tuying, and he is also the disciple of the third generation of Tuying. It's a pity that this guy has a weird personality.

However, regardless of this guy's character, if he just looks at his abilities, he's still pretty good. Anyway, he's someone who can defeat or even kill Wudai Kazekage and the Rock Ninja Demolition Team is a very famous unit, but Imagine that this hunt is definitely not an ordinary person.

If it is really weak, I am afraid that the three generations of Tukage will not let him enter this team, and it is even more impossible for him to guard the Kamubi Bridge with the five tails.

Kei Uchiha touched his chin. Could this hunter open his mouth like Deidara, and also a guy who plays with clay?

If that's the case, Uchiha Keizhen needs to be careful.

"I remember that Deidara was knocked down by Uchiha Itachi's illusion, and I don't know if I can give it a try." Uchiha Kai felt his recovered Chakra, and thought silently.

His illusions are still ok, otherwise he would never be able to figure out how to use illusions on himself, and then force himself to turn on the wheel eye.

Suddenly, Uchiha Kai's face became a little weird. He found that he really didn't seem to use illusions very much. It was inconvenient to use without turning on the writing wheel before, but now Uchiha Kai can use it in a fair and open manner.

However, Uchiha Kai's expression soon became normal, and he was not afraid of his illusions when he "opened" Sharonyan's first opponent, Loess, not to mention that he easily looked at himself.

After the battle with the loess, Uchiha Kai came to a "half-life", and in order to save Chakra, Uchiha Kai would not use ninjutsu indiscriminately, not to mention his opponents are not worthy of him to use.

But Uchiha Qi also saw his weakness. Although he got the treasure now, he didn't develop it well, which made Uchiha Kai sigh.

"This war should be over soon. I really still have too many things to slowly polish."