Chapter 39: ? Illusion

The engrossed Uchiha Kai had already reacted the moment Haru appeared. If it were the other way around, Uchiha Kai would never have done such a risky thing.

Now Uchiha Keiwan is completely different. Although Uchiha still doesn't like to do such dangerous things, he also knows that if he doesn't give some "fraud", this guy named Hunter will not come out.

Not all rock ninjas are a group of ninjas with strong physical strength and good at earth escape, who like you very much.

They also have characters who like to use the earth to escape, and then launch various sneak attacks to cause fatal blows.

A ninja is a tool that is good at forbearance. This is the ninja's wartime principle, and Uchiha Kai still remembers it.

Obviously, this hunter is such a character. His speed is very fast, his concealment is silent, and his bloodstains are also terrifying. He is simply a poisonous snake.

At the moment when Hunter just started, Uchiha Kai's avatar technique was activated directly, and his writing wheel eyes were constantly watching the movements around him.

Although he looks very relaxed, he will never really relax, that's not a fool but tired of living!

This guy named Hunter is obviously very old-fashioned. When his fist hit the body of 'Uchiha Kai' and found that his hand was wrong, he immediately kicked the trunk hard.

With the recoil of the tree trunk and the huge explosion of his punch, he quickly left the place.

And not long after he was immediately, several kunai flew out of the smoke from his previous position.

Kai Uchiha won't let him hide, and if he just delays time, Kai Uchiha and the others have no choice but to die!

Although the front line is cooperating with them, the ghost knows how long it can drag on, and it took a lot of time for Uchiha Kai and the others to fight all the way.

It was really because of a 'poisonous snake' that dragged their time forward, or that idiot Imai Kenta was ambushed by accident, and Uchiha Kai and Namikaze Minato couldn't escape.

Then they are really finished!

You must know that even if the troops on the frontal battlefield can't make it back, there is still loess behind them.

Kari obviously wanted to drag him, but Uchiha Kaishen had already come behind him unwittingly.

Qiu Dao's medicine gave him enough chakra temporarily, and he directly attached the chakra to his ninja sword without hesitation!

There was a slight blue light on the silver blade, and Uchiha Kai slashed at Kuri without hesitation. At the same time, his writing wheel eyes were also staring at this guy.

He ran away once, but Uchiha Qi didn't want to meet him a second time!

"caught you!"

Sure enough, in the face of Uchiha Kai's sword, Hunter still chose to dodge instead of being tough. I'm afraid his tactic is to hold back these Konoha ninjas!

Only this time, what he never expected was that Uchiha Kai's knife, after cutting through his double, suddenly pulled the ninja knife and slashed at him again from a strange angle!

Feeling the extreme threat, Haru also knew that he could not escape, so he jumped back very simply, while not forgetting to throw a few kunai towards Uchiha Kai.

These kunai have no lethal power at all, but regardless of Uchiha Kai, he may have to win the prize.

With a few knives at hand, Uchiha Kai fended off these Kunai, and then went after them directly, but Uchiha Kai had missed the best reality of killing this guy, because he was already standing firmly on the ground.

Uchiha Kai also stopped temporarily when he saw this, but his eyes were still fixed on this guy.

"It's pretty good." Shou suddenly let out a chuckle: "I heard you say that you fought with the loess? You can still live to this day? Isn't it good?"

"Ah, it's really dangerous." Uchiha Kai smiled indifferently: "That's why I said, you will be much easier to deal with than him, after all, you are just a rat, and he is a real warrior."

"Hmph, low-level provocation." Shou smiled disdainfully, but he wasn't hiding: "I've always been curious about how powerful the legendary Sharonyan is, just let me try your level. , and see how you fought against the loess."

"It turns out that this is not some low-level provocation." Uchiha Qi would not miss this opportunity, but his chakra was already brewing.

Neither of them meant to speak, and for a while they both became silent.

However, the silence time was short, and it was only for a moment that Kai Uchiha's ninja sword was drawn out again.

The chakra erupted under his feet, which was a thrust forward, and the movement was quick, full of chakra blades that looked like a streamer under the reflection of the sun.

In the end, Hunter is a master of the blasting force in Iwatoshi. Hunter stepped back to avoid Uchiha Kai's thrust, and at the same time, he still had time to give Uchiha Kai an elbow.

Kai Uchiha took a quick step forward, letting the blow pass and at the same time Ninja swiped back with force.

Hunting's speed was very fast, one sideways dodged under Uchiha Kai's blade At the same time, his right hand once again appeared abnormally bright.

This strange light made Uchiha Kai frown. Uchiha Kai had seen this kind of power once, and Uchiha Kai dared not forget that violent explosion.

It's just that this kind of power also made Kei Uchiha seem somewhat impressed. He remembered that he had seen it in the original book, but he couldn't remember exactly where it was.

However, during the battle, Uchiha Kei couldn't even look through his notes, and he didn't bring anything out at all.

Uchiha Qi thinks that the biggest possibility is that this guy may be a trick in the original book, but even a trick is definitely not a simple thing, at least for the current Uchiha Kai, he is still very dangerous.

With this punch, Uchiha Kei felt that he could at least blow his opponent directly!

"Explosive Escape · Mine Fist!"

"Explosive escape?"

Uchiha Kai frowned slightly, this blood stain Uchiha Kai seems to remember, it seems to be the same thing as Deidara.

But Kai Uchiha didn't take it too seriously. The most important thing is that now is an excellent opportunity!

For Uchiha Kai, who has a Shaker, as long as the enemy attacks, he will definitely find some flaws.

Unless this person's strength has completely surpassed Uchiha Kei, for example, the loess guy Uchiha Kei can't do anything about it.

But this Iwanin named Hunter is not in this ranks. Although this technique makes Uchiha Qi feel the danger, but at this moment, Uchiha Qi does not want to miss this opportunity!

After just thinking for a moment, Uchiha Kai has made a decision. Hunter's fighting style is not as cautious as Loess's. He didn't avoid Uchiha Kai's eyes.

"That's the case, Illusion, Shaking Wheel Eye!"