Chapter 40: ?When you face the writing wheel eye

The illusion of Sharinyan is different from other illusions. The essence of this illusion is that the eyes come with it. There is no need for seals at all, just look at the opponent!

In the original book, only two people have brought this ability to the extreme, one is Madara Uchiha, and the other is Itachi Uchiha.

Needless to say in Uchiha Itachi, his illusion skills are probably even more terrifying than Uchiha Shisui, whose kaleidoscope eyes ability is "Beitian God"!

Madara Uchiha, on the other hand, fully utilized the effect of Sharinyan to the extreme. During the Fourth World War, when he fought the allied ninja army by himself, he relied on physical skills and a pair of Sharinyan to beat the coalition so that he could not find the north. The people he looked at were basically unable to move, and he was slaughtered like a chicken!

Although Kai Uchiha can't reach the level of these two people, his illusion skills are really not bad.

As soon as his mental power moved, Uchiha Kai's illusion was fully activated, and just as Kuri was about to hit him, Kuri suddenly appeared in a fatal trance!

Of course, Uchiha Kei would not miss this opportunity. He grabbed his left arm forcefully, just like Uchiha Itachi dealt with Sasuke Chidori, firmly grasping Karna's hand full of chakra.

Then Uchiha Qi pulled his hand and pressed it towards the ground. At the same time, Uchiha Kai's ninja knife also slashed towards Hunter's head!

At this moment of extreme crisis, Hunter showed the necessary qualities of a powerful ninja, and within a very short period of time, Hunter recovered his sobriety.

Although his right hand was caught and his attack marks changed, he still has his left hand!

Almost instantly, a terrifying chakra light erupted from his left hand, and then he was not afraid to die and punched Kai Uchiha in the chest.

The profession of ninja has a great commonality, or human beings have a great commonality, that is, when they are forced to a desperate situation, they will choose the limit to change one by one.

Uchiha Kei was aware of this guy's thoughts, and he was so brave that Uchiha Kei had to let go of his left hand and jump back.

Uchiha Qi was very saddened by his life. He didn't want to and didn't want to overturn the car when he could go home.

But Uchiha Kei is not a good-natured person. Although he was forced to leave, Uchiha Kei also turned his blade at this moment.

The ninja sword that contained Uchiha Qichakra looked directly at the left hand that was reaching out to him, but Uchiha Kai quickly pulled away after slashing his hand and gave up control of the ninja sword.

This **** guy directly sent his left hand over, and his left hand also has his explosive escape!


The huge roar really made Uchiha Kai's ears feel a little uncomfortable. At this time, the dust filled the sky and the gravel splashed. Uchiha Kai could only pull the distance away a little again.

But at this moment, Uchiha Kai suddenly found that Karu suddenly got up, and then struggled to run back quickly.

Want to run?

Uchiha Kai sneered, and he immediately took out a kunai and followed him. For Uchiha Kai, there was no smoke at all.

His eyes could clearly see Chakra of Chakra, and even he could clearly see Chakra's little movements.

Hunter was very uncomfortable at this time. He had to admit that he really underestimated the Uchiha family, or the power of Sharknyan.

The Uchiha Kai in front of him is not very old, and he looks like he is thirteen or fourteen years old, but his intensity with the writing wheel also makes Karu's scalp numb.

He had heard that when fighting with Uchiha, he couldn't look into each other's eyes, and he had also heard that this kid's writing wheel eyes were very strong, and he seemed to have reached the level of Sangouyu.

But he didn't care until he witnessed it with his own eyes. It's not that he never met a member of Uchiha, whether he opened his eyes or not, he solved it.

Therefore, he feels more of the Uchiha clan as a guy who is mythical, but he is not careless. His fighting style and fighting rhythm are all based on his own ideas.

Moreover, he has avoided Uchiha Kai's eyes intentionally or unintentionally, but he never expected that when he caught the chance of that Uchiha kid, he also gave Uchiha's kid a chance.

Without any preparation at all, without any strange fluctuations in Chakra, he was directly hit by illusion!

Even if this illusion affected him for less than a second, it was just this less than a second that it brought him great danger.

Even though he had already made up his mind at the moment when he woke up, his actions were still seen through by Shaker!

By exchanging life for life, Shou recovered his life but he lost his left hand.

At this time, Hunter was thinking about how to deal with this kid while he was trying to stop the bleeding. If it didn't stop bleeding, he would definitely lose too much blood and die. If they didn't deal with this kid, they would have more trouble.

"Damn it! So fast?"

At this moment, Shou suddenly felt a terrifying aura appearing behind him.

It's just that Hunter looks a little slow at this time, he didn't have time to react at all, and the kunai was stabbed into his heart from his back!

Hunt looked pale, and then he slowly fell to the ground, looking like he was dead.

Uchiha Kai, who was standing behind him, tilted his head, and there seemed to be some sarcasm on his face.

"Is it only to this extent? The gap between you and the loess is really big." Uchiha Kai's voice sounded a little frivolous, more of a feeling of relaxation.

But at this moment, a figure suddenly broke through With a terrifying chakra in his hand, he fiercely hit the place where Kiha Uchiha was!


Kai Uchiha seemed a little flustered, as if he didn't expect such a situation to happen at all!

And Hunter didn't say a word, he concentrated all his chakra and released the ninjutsu very afraid.

Uchiha Kai seemed to be stupid and didn't make any evasive action at all. That panicked look immediately made Kori extremely alert. Sure enough, when his fist hit Uchiha Kai, the strange feeling told He is a clone!

But Kuri didn't give up, he forcibly turned around, Chakra continued to gather in his right hand, and Kuri threw a punch again.

But this time, he really couldn't touch Kai Uchiha. Forcibly turning around and bleeding from his severed left hand, it was unbelievable that he could deliver such a punch!

Half a meter, thirty centimeters, ten centimeters, just when his fist was about to focus on Uchiha Kai, Uchiha Kai suddenly turned around delicately, and at the same time his kunai also stabbed into Kuri's chest smoothly!

The ten-centimeter-long Kunai slanted obliquely into Kari's right chest. Uchiha's powerful force was so great that the sharp kunai pierced Kari's ribs, and everything except the handle had already submerged into Kari's chest.

Blood flowed continuously along the wound, dripping onto the ground, moistening the nearby land.

"Do you really think I can't see what you are doing? In these eyes, you don't have any secrets."

Uchiha Kai's voice was unusually indifferent, his scarlet eyes stared straight at Hunter, and then the kunai in Uchiha Kai's hand twisted hard.

In an instant, shrill screams resounded throughout the wilderness!