Chapter 44: ?The Last Battle (3)

Imai Kenta's journey was relatively smooth. With the restraints of Uchiha Kai and Namikaze Minato, his progress was relatively smooth.

Apart from the many traps he had set up on the road, everything else was pretty good.

It took some time to solve these traps, and Imai Kenta continued to move forward. Although it took him some time to solve these traps, it was still much better than being killed inexplicably.

Listening to the vibrations around him, Imai Kenta knew that the two captains, Kei Uchiha and Minato Namikaze, were both fighting the enemy, and he could only rely on himself now.

"Even if they don't fight, I'm afraid this guy Uchiha Kei won't come to help me, right?"

Imai Kenta thought silently, the innocent smile on his face that looked so normal now.

That kind of smile is his disguise. He has long been accustomed to wearing that kind of smile all the time, but now he really can't smile.

He knew the danger of this mission, but he couldn't avoid it. He knew very well that he might have already been hit by Minato Namimo's Flying Thunder God technique.

In contrast, Imai Kenta still prefers Minato Namikaze. Although Minato Namikaze is terrible, this guy is still a trustworthy guy.

And his teammate and current captain, Kei Uchiha, is a guy who is so cold-blooded that Kenta Imai frowns a little.

Imai Kenta felt extremely cold and gloomy on that guy. Although Uchiha Kei didn't seem to have done anything out of the ordinary so far, the other side Imai Kenta hidden under his calm surface could feel it.

It was the same emotion as his own, even more terrifying and persistent than himself, and this guy's intelligence made Kenta Imai stunned.

It can only be said that it is unfortunate to have such a person as a teammate. Every plan and every action of his has a strong purpose. Whether he seems to be doing good things or thinking about the team, in fact, his ultimate purpose is only himself. !

A cold, smart and calm guy, no matter what, it's hard to make people feel at ease, not to mention that now that he has opened the Sharinyan, his strength has become even stronger.

"Ki Uchiha, scary guy." Imai Kenta thought silently: "Aya Hyuga is not a simple woman, a woman full of scheming and ambition, why are my teammates these two this time."

Complaining is useless, Imai Kenta felt the vibration getting stronger and stronger, and he knew he had to speed up.

Although he doesn't care whether Konoha wins or not, what he cares about is whether he can go back safely. If this mission is successful, then they can return to Konoha safely, otherwise he may really have to leave Konoha Village. .

Imai Kenta has a lot of things on his back and is very heavy. There are too many things that he can't say, and even things that he doesn't want to carry at all.

Walking all the way, Imai Kenta soon came to the side of the Kamubi Bridge. After carefully checking the surrounding situation, he disarmed several traps, and then jumped off.

But Imai Kenta didn't dare to relax. Minato Namikaze said it very clearly before. On the bright side, he detected two enemies, but God knows if there are other enemies waiting for them under the bridge.

So Imai Kenta was very vigilant, even though the nearby vibrations were getting smaller and smaller, he still didn't dare to relax.

"Really no one?" Imai Kenta didn't place the detonator immediately after coming down, but looked around for a while while frowning.

After spending nearly a minute or so to check, his brows slowly stretched out, as if he was sure that there were no enemies around.

Imai Kenta quickly rushed out of his ninja tool bag and took out the detonating charm. Every ninja will have some of these common ninja tools in their hands more or less.

However, Kenta Imai doesn't have many detonating talismans on his body. Even if Kai Uchiha gave him his detonating talisman, it's a pity that Uchiha's own detonating talisman doesn't have many.

Imai Kenta had to plan exactly where to place these detonating charms to ensure that the bridge could collapse properly.

After some calculations and thinking, Imai Kenta chose the position to place the detonating charm, and began to pick up the detonating symbol and place it normally.

But at this moment, the sound of breaking the wind suddenly sounded behind Imai Kenta, and there was no sign that Imai Kenta suddenly widened, although he slowly fell to the ground.

"A kid is a kid." A voice rose from behind Imai Kenta, his voice sounded disdainful: "Is there no one in Konoha, why did you send a guy like you here?"

A figure slowly emerged. It was a 20 or 30-year-old Iwanin in a red ninja combat uniform. Obviously, this guy also mastered the secret technique, camouflage concealment.

It's just that he is also a member of the defensive ninja. After looking at Imai Kenta's body a little, he immediately noticed something strange, especially when the familiar sound of breaking wind suddenly came from behind him, and he suddenly knew that he might also be caught. Sneak attack!


This Iwanin reacted extremely fast, a kunai who turned around him accurately placed on Imai Kenta's sword, and he used his powerful strength to push Imai Kenta away!

Imai Kenta landed on the ground, holding a knife in both hands, staring at Iwa Ninja indifferently, and at this Iwa Ninja's feet, Imai Kenta's 'corpse' was also revealed at this moment - it was a soil clone, it was completely turned into a puddle of mud.

"Very good This Yan Ren showed a wicked smile: "How did you find me? "

"I've met a guy like you once along the way." Imai Ken said calmly, "I've found you since I came down, but it's a pity that the sneak attack didn't succeed. It seems that I have to work hard. "

It's hard to say who is the hunter and who is the prey, at least in the eyes of Imai Kenta and this **** Iwanin, both of them are hunters, and the other is the real prey.

The two of them were all silent for a while. Verbal attacks can indeed stir a ninja's heart, but in the face of a ninja whose heart is extremely cold and tenacious, verbal attacks are just a waste of their own saliva.

Not everyone has that kind of yin and yang ability to make people run wild, Imai Ken is too bad, and Uchiha Kei is not that powerful.

"Go to hell."

Silence is short-lived after all, Iwanin has always put himself in the hunter's point of view, he doesn't think he will lose to a kid who looks fourteen or fifteen years old!

Holding the Kunai in his hand, Iwanin burst out in a short period of time with a terrifying speed and slashed towards Imai Kenta, extremely fierce.

Imai Kenta snorted coldly in disdain, and a layer of blue chakra floated on the ninja sword in his hand.

Imai Kenta showed extremely fast speed. At the moment when he was about to make contact, he suddenly lowered his head to avoid the blow. Only a few messy strands of hair were cut off and scattered in the air.

But his ninja sword didn't stagnate, and with a wave of his hand, he immediately forced the Iwanin to make evasive moves.

As they crossed each other, the two also pulled away from each other. Imai Kenta felt a little numb in his right hand. He knew that this guy's strength was probably not something he could fight recklessly.

"It seems that I can't hold back."