Chapter 45: ?The Last Battle (4)

Imai Kenta did have reservations from beginning to end. Whether it was before or after forming a team with Uchiha Kai, he always seemed to be the weakest and the most harmless.

But he is also aware of his reservations, Uchiha Kai and the others can see that after all, the 'chunin' is just a position. It is impossible to live on the battlefield for eight years without any reservations.

But Imai Kenta believes that they absolutely don't know the specific abilities they have retained, and now when there is no one to support him, he can't pretend to survive in order to survive.

After pretending to be, maybe this guy Uchiha Kai will even save himself the matter of collecting the body. According to that guy's style, he will definitely give his body a fire escape and leave happily.

"Is it interesting, kid." This Iwanin sneered, and at the same time he rushed up again.

"Water Escape, Water Dragon Bombing Technique." Imai Kenta suddenly became more calm, and while avoiding this Iwanin attack, he directly formed a seal with his hands, and the next moment a water dragon shot out from the water under the bridge!

Kenta Imai actually knows ninjutsu!

If Uchiha Kai finds out about this scene, he will definitely be surprised, especially since he is so proficient at using it, it doesn't look like he has just studied for a long time!

Obviously, this guy's escape technique has been studied and practiced for a long time, which is not in line with Uchiha's impression of Imai Kenta at all - a commoner ninja who has no chance to learn ninjutsu at all.

The faucet of the water dragon quickly moved towards Yannin, and that Yannin was not easy to mess with.

He didn't use any fancy moves, and he didn't use any ninjutsu. He just slightly changed the position of Kunai's holding with one hand, and then stabbed the water dragon's faucet fiercely.

The sharp kunai and terrifying power were superimposed together, and with one stab, the water dragon of Imai Kenta was directly stabbed in half!

And his offensive hadn't stopped yet, he took advantage of the situation and rushed towards Imai Kenta's position again.

Imai Kenta is very calm. Although this Iwanin's aura is very scary, it can't scare Imai Kenta.

Imai Kenta quickly formed a seal with his hands, and Iwa Shinobu, who was sprinting, suddenly had a strange expression on his face, and he who was sprinting suddenly jumped up.

And at some point in time, a large row of soil spears had stabbed on the ground. These soil spears were extremely sharp. If the rock couldn't bear to jump up, I would probably be stabbed into a plug by these soil spears.

Taking advantage of this Iwanin being forced into the air, Kenta Imai once again pulled out his ninja sword, his speed was as fast as lightning, and in an instant, this Iwanin was cut in half by him!

Imai Kenta didn't show any changes in his expression, he looked like he had done something very trivial, but the next second his body turned into a cloud of smoke.

Under the shroud of smoke, a looming figure was very hazy, but the figure's body seemed to freeze, stuck in place and motionless.

"Tick, tick..."

Drops of blood fell to the ground, and the smoke dispersed at this time. This Iwanin looked at the blade on his chest in disbelief, and he felt that his strength was slowly fading along with the falling blood.

"Shadow...Shadow clone?" Iwanin murmured weakly: "When? Can you see me?"

"When I released the 'Pillar Gun'."

An indifferent voice sounded behind Iwa Shinobu, it was Imai Kenta: "I can't see you, I'm not from the Uchiha clan. But I sense you, do you think your first sneak attack was rejected by me? Is it just luck? I have to say that you just pretended to be very similar, but I'm sorry I can sense your chakra!"

The smoke completely dissipated, and Imai Kenta was standing behind this Iwanin at this time, and his ninja knife pierced straight into the back of this Iwanin.

The ninja knife pierced from behind, stabbed out from his chest, blood flowed continuously along the blade, this knife was fast and ruthless!

Immediately, Kenta Imai ruthlessly pulled out the ninja sword, and the Iwanin also fell to the ground. The bridge pier was stained with scarlet blood, and Kenta Imai also sat on the ground.

"I'm really exhausted. I didn't expect to be so lucky to meet a ninja named Camouflage Hidden. I'm afraid that guy Uchiha Kai is going to die of anger."

Imai Kenta thought it was a little funny, if it was Uchiha Kei who came to solve this guy, I'm afraid he could kill this guy with just a play.

Don't say Uchiha Kai, even a woman like Aya Hyuga can easily handle it. The Hitomi family's advantage is still great.

Taking a deep breath, Imai Kenta calmed down his emotions. Although the battle just now wasn't too time-consuming, it also made Imai Kenta feel tired. It was mental fatigue.

However, Kenta Imai stood up very soon. He knew that his task was still going on. His task was much easier than that of Minato Minato and Kei Uchiha, but his task was also the most important!

Quickly set up the detonating talisman, and Imai Kenta was about to climb up. He was at the bottom of the bridge now, and he didn't know what was going on above the bridge, but he knew that there was probably still a fierce battle above.

When he was fighting against that rock ninja, he had already felt the huge vibration and the sound of explosions. One could imagine that this battle was not easy.

"I hope Namikaze Minato is all right, how can I go back without him."


Not only Imai Kenta expects that Minato Naikaze will be all right, but Kei Uchiha also expects Minato Naikaze to be all right.

However, compared to Imai Kenta's worries Uchiha Keizi has no other ideas at all. He knows how strong Namikaze Minato is.

There are very few ninjas who can perform in the four battles, and he is one of them.

Although Madara Uchiha and Obito taught me a lesson, I am afraid that the distance between the two Uchihas at that time was already at a higher level, right?

However, if Minato Namikaze hadn't died so early, his talent would probably make him no weaker than Naruto in the future, right?

At this time, Minato Namikaze really didn't feel any pressure. Although the five tails had already run out completely, Minato Namikaze was relatively easy to deal with when the absolute speed was suppressed.

In particular, Minato Namikaze, who let go of his hands and feet, did not stingy with his chakra, and the various names based on Spiral Pills made people scratch his head, but he kept blasting out moves that he thought was good.

In front of him, the five tails can be said to be one of the ones who were beaten so hard that they didn't fight back. Anyway, this is not the land of fire, nor is it so close to Konoha.

Wuwei is not a tailed beast in their Konoha Village. He does not need him to seal. Without any pressure, he will naturally not be tied. Wuwei has been beaten a little by him at this time. If there is no accident, this game The battle is almost over.

"I just don't know what's going on in other places." Minato Namikaze thought silently in his heart: "Just now, there were fluctuations in the battle under the bridge. It seems that there are indeed hidden enemies underneath. And what about Qi-jun now? One person to deal with four I'm afraid it's not easy for Iwa Shinobu, it seems that I have to move faster."

Thinking of this, the Spiral Pill appeared in Minato Namikaze's hands again, and this time the Spiral Pill was even bigger than the previous one, and the breath was even more terrifying...