Chapter 47: ?transfer order

Uchiha opened his eyes, and the scene in front of him gradually changed from blur to clear: the light here is very dark, the temperature is cool, the humidity in the air is also very high, the surrounding stone walls are not smooth, basically elliptical, here should be a cave.

Seeing all this, Uchiha Kai took a deep breath. Although he felt uncomfortable all over his body, a sense of relaxation still filled his body.

He has finally completed that **** mission now, and has returned to Konoha's position smoothly!

Rubbing his left eye, his left eye is still a little swollen, although Kai Uchiha's left eye line of sight doesn't seem to be affected.

Come to think of it, he would be blind after only a few uses, so how could Madara Uchiha fight against Senju for so long before attaining eternity?

As long as he is not like Uchiha Sasuke in order to quickly adapt to and familiarize himself with his eyes, he will not be so easily blinded by the indiscriminate use of various pupil techniques.

However, Uchiha Sasuke is well prepared, or Uchiha Obito is well prepared, so they are not afraid of Uchiha Sasuke going blind.

But I have to say that Uchiha Sasuke grew up fast enough in this way, and Susanoo's progress was unbelievably fast.

"It's these peaceful days that make me feel more at ease."

After feeling that the pain in his left eye gradually became less distended, Kei Uchiha let go of his hand. Although the surrounding environment was not good and it was still a cave.

But Uchiha Kai knew that he was safe. This sense of security made Uchiha Kai feel comfortable in his heart. This was the most comfortable half month after Uchiha Kai entered the battlefield.

It's really hard to believe that just yesterday, Uchiha Keito was still fighting crazy with Iwa Shinobi on the battlefield!

Just yesterday, Uchiha Kai used the power of his left eye 'The Leap of Time' to make his speed reach an unbelievable level, and relying on this power, Uchiha Kai killed the four Iwanin very easily. .

Kai Uchiha, who is in a time acceleration state, knows that this state separates his own time flow rate from other people's time flow rate, and those rock ninjas are still in a normal time flow rate.

This is why his speed is faster than the normal time flow rate, but at this speed Kai Uchiha doesn't dare to drive too fast.

He knew that if the speed was too fast, there would definitely be problems with his body and his eyes. If the chakra was consumed too fast and the pupil power consumed by the eyes was too fast, Uchiha Kai would lose his combat effectiveness completely.

Therefore, Uchiha's speed was not too fast, but even so, Uchiha's eyes were sore after the battle and his chakra consumption was severe.

"The effect of Qiu Dao's medicine has passed, and the speed of chakra use is also fast. In addition, the accumulation of fatigue during this period of time has completely exploded, so the body is so uncomfortable."

Uchiha Kai moved his body a little, and suddenly he felt that his whole body was sore and swollen, which made Uchiha Kai dare not move around.

The strength of the four Iwanin is really good, especially when the four of them work together, Kai Uchiha is even more difficult to deal with.

If it weren't for the Kaleidoscope Shaker, I'm afraid Uchiha Kai really could only find a way to escape according to the previous combat ideas. Although Sangouyu is powerful, it's really not enough to watch.

Fortunately, Uchiha Kai is no longer the one he used to be. Although the use of the kaleidoscope pupil technique has brought him some negative effects, these effects are nothing to Uchiha Kai, who has a strong desire to survive.

Moreover, this use has given Uchiha Kai some new understanding of the technique of 'Time Leap', especially the effect on his own state is very worthy of Uchiha's record and research.

Up to now, Uchiha Kai has used the two pupil techniques 'The Leap of Time' and the "Retrospect of Time". These two diametrically opposite pupil techniques have also given Uchiha a great feeling and inspiration.

"If the control can be more precise, and I use the 'Leap of Time' to act on the Kunai the moment I throw the Kunai, then this kind of sneak attack will be more difficult for others to guard against, right?"

Uchiha Qi thought silently: "Similarly, when someone sneaks up on me, if I use 'Retrospect of Time', then I can deal with the people who attacked me more easily, right? The most important thing is that doing this seems to make it easier for me to do so. It’s easier and more labor-saving.”

Ninja battles do need to save time and effort, because God knows what they will face next, and for Kai Uchiha, 'labor saving' may be more important.

This way of casting can better save the consumption of chakra and pupil power.

Covering a pupil on a person for a long time and covering an object or enemy for a very short time are two completely different concepts.

Experience needs to be practiced and summed up. Uchiha Kai has suffered a small loss. If he were to face the four Iwanin again, he would definitely not make himself so embarrassed.

Just thinking about this, suddenly Uchiha Kai heard crisp footsteps walking towards him. Almost subconsciously, he immediately took out the kunai and looked at the hole on alert But soon Uchiha Kai laughed. Sure enough, after staying on the battlefield for a long time, there will always be many sequelae, and overreaction is obviously one of them.

However, Uchiha Kaito doesn't think there is anything wrong with this. Always being vigilant is a necessary quality for a ninja, whether it's wartime...or peacetime!

"Ki-kun, are you awake?" Minato Minato Naikaze walked in, watching Uchiha Qi slowly put Kuwu into his pocket, he smiled: "No need to be nervous, we're safe, it looks like you're resting pretty well. ."

"Captain Minato, hello." Uchiha Kei shook his head after putting Kuwu away: "The whole body is still a little sore now, but fortunately it's not a big problem, but I'm afraid the battle won't help much."

"You don't need to fight anymore, Qi-jun." Minato Minato Namimo found a seat and sat down: "The order document has already been sent, Qi-jun, you are going back to the village."

"Go back to Konoha?" Uchiha Ki nodded, although he was a little surprised, it didn't go beyond his understanding.

He showed the three-goose jade writing wheel eye, even if the three generations of Hokage and his advisory group can sit still, the Uchiha family may not be able to sit still!

During the war, Uchiha and Konoha would be honest and peaceful even if there were many conflicts. Uchiha did not dare to go too far, and the village did not dare to embarrass Uchiha too much.

Therefore, Uchiha Kai, who has three gouyu, can't take it with him on the most dangerous battlefield. Even if a few Uchiha ninjas come over, he will take Uchiha back home!

Taking a deep breath, Uchiha Ki nodded, and Uchiha Ki was naturally willing to leave the battlefield, he really needed a good training.

Especially about his kaleidoscope, Uchiha Kei really needs to record his thoughts.